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- <?php
- class InequalitySystem{
- var $variables; // Переменные
- var $equations; // Уравнения
- var $warnings_list;// Список warning
- var $changed_variables;// Список изменённый переменных
- function __construct($inequalities, $equations){
- $this->warnings_list=array();
- // Закидываем переменные
- $this->variables=array();
- foreach ($inequalities as $key => $ineq){
- $tmp =(object)$ineq;
- if (!isset($tmp->min)){ $tmp->min=null;}
- if (!isset($tmp->value)){$tmp->value=null;}
- if (!isset($tmp->max)){ $tmp->max=null;}
- $ineq=(object)array(
- 'min' =>$tmp->min,
- 'value'=>$tmp->value,
- 'max' =>$tmp->max,
- );
- $t=(($ineq->min!=null) ? 1 : 0) + (($ineq->max!=null) ? 2 : 0);
- switch ($t){
- case 0:if ($ineq->value==null){
- return false;
- }else{
- $ineq->min=$ineq->value;
- $ineq->max=$ineq->value;
- }
- break;
- case 1:$ineq->value=($ineq->value==null) ? $ineq->min : $ineq->value;
- break;
- case 2:$ineq->value=($ineq->value==null) ? $ineq->max : $ineq->value;
- break;
- case 3:$ineq->value=($ineq->value==null) ? (int)round(0.5*$ineq->min+0.5*$ineq->max) : $ineq->value;
- break;
- }
- $ineq->min=($ineq->min==null) ? 0 : $ineq->min;
- $this->variables[$key]=$ineq;
- }
- if (count($this->variables)==0){return false;}
- // Закидываем Уравнения
- $this->equations =array();
- foreach ($equations as $equation){
- $equation_variables=array();
- foreach (array('key1','key2') as $key){
- $compiled =$equation->{$key};
- $key_variables =array();
- while (preg_match('_(\\+|\\-|\\/|\\*)?{([a-z0-9-]+)}_i', $compiled, $a)){
- // Ниже проводится анализ переменных
- $key_variables[$a[2]]=(object)array();
- $equation_variables[]=$a[2];
- $compiled =str_replace('{'.$a[2].'}', '$this->variables["'.$a[2].'"]->value', $compiled);
- }
- $equation->{$key}=(object)array(
- 'compiled' =>$compiled,
- 'raw' =>$equation->{$key},
- 'variables'=>$key_variables
- );
- unset($a, $key_variables);
- foreach ($equation->{$key}->variables as $key_name => &$key_value){
- // @todo Провести анализ функции. Кроме направления считать ещё и влияние (линейное, геометрическое, сложное)
- $old_value=(int)floor(eval('return '.$compiled.';'));
- $this->variables[$key_name]->value++;
- $new_value=(int)floor(eval('return '.$compiled.';'));
- $key_value->direction=$new_value>$old_value;
- $this->variables[$key_name]->value--;
- }
- // echo '<pre style="color: orange;">';var_dump($equation->{$key});echo '</pre>';
- unset($compiled, $key_name, $key_value, $new_value, $old_value);
- } // foreach as $key
- $equation->variables=$equation_variables;
- unset($equation_variables, $key);
- $this->equations[]=$equation;
- }
- if (count($this->equations)==0){return false;}
- unset($equation);
- }
- // Решаем систему
- function solve(){
- $this->changed_variables=array();
- // Первый проход
- for ($eq_num=0;$eq_num<count($this->equations);$eq_num++){
- $equation=&$this->equations[$eq_num];
- if ($this->is_equation_true($equation)){continue;}
- // echo '<br>debug: '.__FILE__.' '.__LINE__;
- if (!$this->try_solve_equation($equation)){return false;}
- }
- echo '<br/><span style="color: red;">line '.__LINE__.'=';var_dump($this->variables);echo '</span>';flush();
- unset($eq_num, $equation);
- // Последующие проходы
- file_put_contents('/home/bise/www/', '');
- for ($iteration_num=0;($this->is_there_unsolved_equation())and($iteration_num<1000);$iteration_num++){
- ob_start();var_dump($iteration_num, $this->changed_variables, $this->variables);
- $buf=ob_get_contents();
- ob_end_clean();
- $buf=file_get_contents('/home/bise/www/')."\r\n==================\r\n".$buf;
- file_put_contents('/home/bise/www/', $buf);
- unset($buf);
- $a=array();
- foreach ($this->changed_variables as $variable){
- if ($variable!=null){$a[]=$variable;}
- }
- $this->changed_variables=array_unique(array_shuffle($a));
- echo '<br>iteration '.$iteration_num.', changed keys: ';flush();$s ='';
- foreach($this->changed_variables as $variable){
- $s.=','.$variable.'='.$this->variables[$variable]->value;
- }
- echo substr($s,1).' | ';$s='';
- foreach($this->equations as $equation){
- $s.=','.($this->is_equation_true($equation) ? 'true' : 'false='.$this->get_offset($equation));// ['.$equation->key1->raw.']=
- }
- echo substr($s,1);
- // */
- if (count($this->changed_variables)==0){
- echo '<br>changed_variables count=0, but there is unsolved equation!';
- for ($eq_num=0;$eq_num<count($this->equations);$eq_num++){
- $equation=&$this->equations[$eq_num];
- if ($this->is_equation_true($equation)){continue;}
- if (!$this->try_solve_equation($equation)){return false;}
- break;
- }
- continue;
- }
- unset($a, $variable, $equation, $s);
- // Перебор переменных
- $temp_changed_variables=$this->changed_variables;
- for($i=0;$i<count($temp_changed_variables);$i++){
- $variable =$temp_changed_variables[$i];
- $equation_changed=false;
- // Находим первый eque, в котором упомнена переменная
- for ($eq_num=0;$eq_num<count($this->equations);$eq_num++){
- $equation=&$this->equations[$eq_num];
- if (!in_array($variable, $equation->variables)){continue;}
- if ($this->is_equation_true($equation)){continue;}
- if (!$this->try_solve_equation($equation)){return false;}
- $equation_changed=true;
- } //for $eq_num
- if ($equation_changed){break;}
- for ($j=0;$j<count($this->changed_variables);$j++){
- if ($this->changed_variables[$j]==$variable){$this->changed_variables[$j]=null;}
- }
- } // for $i
- unset($variable, $temp_changed_variables, $i, $j);
- } // for $iteration_num
- return !($this->is_there_unsolved_equation());
- }
- // Смещение между ключами
- protected function get_offset($equation){
- // This is how eval works, bitch!
- $key1=(int)floor(eval('return '.$equation->key1->compiled.';'));
- $key2=(int)floor(eval('return '.$equation->key2->compiled.';'));
- return $key1-$key2;
- }
- protected function is_equation_true($equation){
- $offset=$this->get_offset($equation);
- // var_dump($equation, $key1, $key2, $offset);
- // a >= b
- // a < b
- // a = b
- switch ($equation->compare){
- case '==':case '=': return $offset==0; break;
- case '>' :return $offset>0;break;
- case '<' :return $offset<0;break;
- case '>=':case '=>':return $offset>=0; break;
- case '<=':case '=<':return $offset<=0; break;
- default: return null;
- }
- }
- protected function is_there_unsolved_equation(){
- for ($eq_num=0;$eq_num<count($this->equations);$eq_num++){
- $equation=$this->equations[$eq_num];
- if (!$this->is_equation_true($equation)){return true;}
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Пытаемся привести уравнение в порядок
- protected function try_solve_equation($equation){
- // Мы считаем, что try_solve_equation вызван не зря, поэтому можно не проверять, что неравенство сходится
- $offset=$this->get_offset($equation);
- // Шаг 1: находим направления
- $u =($offset<=0); // Направление движения
- $direction=array(
- -1=>array(),
- 1=>array()
- );
- foreach (array('key1','key2') as $key_num){
- foreach ($equation->{$key_num}->variables as $key => $value){
- $num=($u ? 1 : -1)*(($key_num=='key1') ? 1 : -1)*($value->direction ? 1 : -1);
- $direction[$num][]=$key;
- }
- }
- $direction[-1]=array_unique(array_shuffle($direction[-1]));
- $direction[1] =array_unique(array_shuffle($direction[1]));
- unset($key_num, $num, $key, $value, $offset);
- //echo '<br>equation '.$equation->key1->raw.' '.$equation->compare.' '.$equation->key2->raw;
- // Шаг 2: Исправляем
- foreach(array_shuffle(array(-1,1)) as $direction_key){
- switch($direction_key){
- case -1:
- foreach ($direction[-1] as $key){
- $variable =&$this->variables[$key];
- //echo '<br>direction [-1]{'.$key.'}('.$variable->value.'): line '.__LINE__;flush();
- $this->changed_variables[]=$key;
- for($variable->value=$variable->value;
- ($variable->min==null) ? true : ($variable->value>$variable->min);){
- if ($this->is_equation_true($equation)){return true;}
- $variable->value--;
- //if ($variable->max!=null){$variable->max--;}
- //echo '<br> line '.__LINE__.', value='.$variable->value.', max='.$variable->max;
- if ($this->is_equation_true($equation)){return true;}
- //$offset=$this->get_offset($equation);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- foreach ($direction[1] as $key){
- $variable =&$this->variables[$key];
- //echo '<br>direction [ 1]{'.$key.'}('.$variable->value.'): line '.__LINE__;flush();
- $this->changed_variables[]=$key;
- for($variable->value=$variable->value;
- ($variable->max==null) ? true : ($variable->value<$variable->max);){
- if ($this->is_equation_true($equation)){return true;}
- $variable->value++;
- //if ($variable->min!=null){$variable->min++;}
- //echo '<br> line '.__LINE__.', value='.$variable->value.', min='.$variable->min;
- if ($this->is_equation_true($equation)){return true;}
- //$offset=$this->get_offset($equation);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- } // foreach(array_shuffle(array(-1,1))
- //echo '<br>This equation not solved';
- return $this->is_equation_true($equation);
- }
- } // class InequalitySystem
- function array_shuffle($a){
- $b=$a;
- shuffle($b);
- return $b;
- }
- // Описываем переменные
- $variables=array(
- 'effective-width' =>(object)array(
- 'min' =>100,
- 'value'=>1006,
- 'max' =>1006,
- ),
- 'effective-height' =>(object)array(
- 'min' =>500,
- 'value'=>534,
- 'max' =>534,
- ),
- 'screenshot-width'=>(object)array(
- 'min' =>100,
- 'value'=>250
- ),
- 'screenshot-height'=>(object)array(
- 'min' =>50,
- 'value'=>280,
- 'max' =>280
- ),
- 'margin-bottom' =>(object)array(
- 'min' =>1,
- 'value'=>10
- ),
- 'margin-right' =>(object)array(
- 'min' =>1,
- 'value'=>10
- ),
- 'screenshot-per-line'=>(object)array(
- 'min' =>3,
- 'value'=>8,
- 'max' =>20
- ),
- 'screenshot-lines' =>(object)array(
- 'min' =>1,
- 'max' =>10
- ),
- 'screenshot-count' =>(object)array(
- 'min' =>20,
- 'value'=>20
- ),
- );
- // Описываем систему взаимодействий
- $equations_array=array(
- (object)array(
- 'key1' =>'({effective-width}+{margin-right})-({screenshot-width}+{margin-right})*{screenshot-per-line}',
- 'key2' =>'0',
- 'compare'=>'>='
- ),
- (object)array(
- 'key1' =>'({effective-height}+{margin-bottom})-({screenshot-height}+{margin-bottom})*{screenshot-lines}',
- 'key2' =>'0',
- 'compare'=>'>='
- ),
- (object)array(
- 'key1' =>'{screenshot-count}',
- 'key2' =>'{screenshot-per-line}*{screenshot-lines}',
- 'compare'=>'=<'
- ),
- (object)array(
- 'key1' =>'{screenshot-count}',
- 'key2' =>'{screenshot-per-line}*{screenshot-lines}',
- 'compare'=>'=>'
- ),
- (object)array(
- 'key1' =>'{screenshot-width}*9/16-{screenshot-height}',
- 'key2' =>'-4',
- 'compare'=>'=>'
- ),
- (object)array(
- 'key1' =>'{screenshot-width}*9/16-{screenshot-height}',
- 'key2' =>'4',
- 'compare'=>'<='
- ),
- );
- function getmicrotime(){
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
- }
- error_reporting(E_ALL);
- echo '<pre>';
- $system=new InequalitySystem($variables, $equations_array);
- $a=getmicrotime();
- $u=$system->solve();
- $b=getmicrotime();
- echo "\r\n=====================\r\nsolve=";var_dump($u);
- echo "\r\n=============================================================================\r\n";
- var_dump($system);
- echo ($b-$a).'s';
- /*
- echo "\r\n";
- $a=getmicrotime();
- $system->check_speed();
- $b=getmicrotime();
- echo "\r\nspeed: ".($b-$a).'s';
- */
- ?>
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