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- module control_unit(
- input clk, //synchronization signal
- input reset_n, //asynchronous reset signal
- input begin_sig, //synchronous input; replaces the BEGIN signal due to begin being a reserved Verilog word
- output end_sig, //output; replaces signal END to avoid using the reserved Verilog word end
- input count_7, //synchronous input; marks the completion of the 7 iterations
- input q_0, //synchronous input; indicate the value of xi stored in Q[0]
- output [6:0] c //outputs; the control signals for the multiplier device
- );
- reg [7:0] state,state_next;
- always @ (*) begin
- state_next = {state[6],state[5],state[4]& count_7, state[2] & ~q_0 |state[3] | state[4] & ~count_7 & ~ q_0,state[2] & q_0 | state[4] &~ count_7 & q_0, state[1], begin_sig & state[0], state[0] & ~begin_sig | state[7] };
- end
- assign {c,end_sig} = state;
- always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n )
- if (!reset_n) state<= 8'd1;
- else state <= state_next;
- endmodule
- ==============================================================================================================
- module counter(clk, count_up, clear, count_7);
- input clk; //synchronization signal
- input clear; //synchronous input; clears counter's content
- input count_up; //synchronous input; increment counter's content
- output count_7; //active when counter's content is 111
- reg [2:0] state, state_next;
- always @(*) begin
- state_next = 3'd0;
- if (clear)
- state_next = 3'd0;
- else if (count_up)
- state_next = {state[2]^(state[1] & state[0]), state[1]^state[0], ~state[0] };
- else
- state_next = state;
- end
- always@(posedge clk or posedge clear)
- state <= state_next;
- assign count_7 = state[2] & state[1] & state[0]; // sau &state
- endmodule
- ==============================================================================================================
- module sm_multiplier(
- input clk, //synchronization signal
- input reset, //asynchronous reset signal
- input begin_sig, //synchronous input; external state signal triggering the start of the multiplication procedure
- output end_sig, //output; marks the completion of multiplication procedure
- input [7:0] inbus, //synchronous input; hold the operands to be read by the procedure
- output [7:0] outbus //output: outbus data lines; written only when load_outbus is active (high) and kept in high impedance otherwise
- );
- counter cnt (
- .clk(clk),
- .reset(~clear),
- .begin
- ==============================================================================================================
- module register_a(clk, clear, load_adder_result, adder_result, load_sign, sign, shift, shift_out, load_outbus, outbus, accumulator_value);
- input clk; //synchronization signal
- input clear; //synchronous input; clears register's content
- input load_adder_result; //synchronous input; enables the loading of adder's result into the register
- input [7:0] adder_result; //input: the adder's result on 8 bits having the cout concatenated as on the msb position
- input load_sign; //synchronous input; enables the loading of the register's msb value
- input sign; //input: the value of the msb to be loaded into register when load_sign is active (high)
- input shift; //synchronous input; activates right-shifting of register's content with 1 position; the value shifted into is 0.
- output shift_out; //alias for register's lsb (the value that is to be lost because of the right-shifting)
- input load_outbus; //synchronous input; enables uploading the content of the register onto the outbus
- output reg [7:0] outbus; //output: outbus data lines; written only when load_outbus is active (high) and kept in high impedance otherwise
- output [6:0] accumulator_value; //output: the magnitude field of the register's stored number
- reg [7:0] state, state_next;
- always @(*) begin
- state_next = 8'd0;
- if (clear)
- state_next = 8'd0;
- else if (load_adder_result)
- state_next = adder_result;
- else if (load_sign)
- state_next = {sign , state[6:0]};
- else if (shift)
- state_next = { 1'd0, state[7:1] };
- else state_next = state;
- end
- always @ (*) begin
- if (load_outbus)
- outbus = state;
- else
- outbus = 8'bz;
- end
- assign acumulator_value = outbus[6:0];
- assign shift_out = state[0];
- always @(posedge clk)
- state <= state_next;
- endmodule
- ==============================================================================================================
- module control_unit(
- input clk, //synchronization signal
- input reset_n, //asynchronous reset signal
- input begin_sig, //synchronous input; replaces the BEGIN signal due to begin being a reserved Verilog word
- output end_sig, //output; replaces signal END to avoid using the reserved Verilog word end
- input count_7, //synchronous input; marks the completion of the 7 iterations
- input q_0, //synchronous input; indicate the value of xi stored in Q[0]
- output [6:0] c //outputs; the control signals for the multiplier device
- );
- reg [7:0] state,state_next;
- always @ (*) begin
- state_next = {state[6],state[5],state[4]& count_7, state[2] & ~q_0 |state[3] | state[4] & ~count_7 & ~ q_0,state[2] & q_0 | state[4] &~ count_7 & q_0, state[1], begin_sig & state[0], state[0] & ~begin_sig | state[7] };
- end
- assign {c,end_sig} = state;
- always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_n )
- if (!reset_n) state<= 8'd1;
- else state <= state_next;
- endmodule
- ==============================================================================================================
- input clk;
- input clear_bit_0;
- input load_inbus;
- input [7:0] inbus;
- input load_outbus;
- output reg [7:0] outbus;
- input shift;
- input shift_in;
- output content_bit_0;
- reg [7:0] state,state_next;
- always @(*) begin
- state_next = 8'd0;
- if (clear_bit_0) state_next = { state[7:1],1'b0};
- if (load_inbus) state_next = inbus;
- else state_next = state;
- if (shift == 1)
- state_next = {shift_in,state[7:1]};
- else state_next = state;
- end
- assign content_bit_0 = state[0];
- always @ (posedge clk) begin
- state <= state_next;
- end
- always @ (*) begin
- outbus = 8'bz;
- if (load_outbus) outbus = state;
- else outbus = 8'bz;
- end
- endmodule
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