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- -- Decompiled with Konstant V2.1, a fast Luau decompiler made in Luau by plusgiant5 (
- -- Decompiled on 2024-11-16 23:56:01
- -- Luau version 6, Types version 3
- -- Time taken: 0.102961 seconds
- print("Loading Main")
- local tbl_5_upvr = {"Size", "Transparency", "Color", "C0"}
- local module_upvr_3 = {}
- local tbl_2_upvr = {{
- Name = "HideLeftArm";
- ID = "rbxassetid://12507680861";
- LoadOn = "ViewModel";
- }, {
- Name = "WalkCycle";
- ID = "rbxassetid://11062771020";
- LoadOn = "ViewModel";
- }, {
- Name = "IdleCycle";
- ID = "rbxassetid://7391771083";
- LoadOn = "ViewModel";
- }, {
- Name = "Dizzy";
- ID = "rbxassetid://6903314235";
- LoadOn = "ViewModel";
- }, {
- Name = "DizzyAim";
- ID = "rbxassetid://6903439573";
- LoadOn = "ViewModel";
- }}
- local ReplicatedStorage_upvr = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
- local UserInputService_upvr = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local TweenService_upvr = game:GetService("TweenService")
- local Debris_upvr = game:GetService("Debris")
- local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
- repeat
- task.wait(0.1)
- until game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst"):GetAttribute("GameLoaded")
- local GunStorage_upvr = ReplicatedStorage_upvr:WaitForChild("GunStorage")
- local Events_upvr = GunStorage_upvr:WaitForChild("Events")
- local Mods = GunStorage_upvr:WaitForChild("Mods")
- local CurrentCamera_upvr = workspace.CurrentCamera
- local module = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- local module_upvr = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- local LocalPlayer_upvr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local mouse_upvr = LocalPlayer_upvr:GetMouse()
- local GunGui_upvr = LocalPlayer_upvr:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("GunGui", 999)
- local AmmoFrame = GunGui_upvr:WaitForChild("GunFrame"):WaitForChild("AmmoFrame")
- local GunMode_upvr = AmmoFrame:WaitForChild("GunMode")
- local ProjMode_upvr = AmmoFrame:WaitForChild("ProjMode")
- local UIStatus_upvr = GunGui_upvr:WaitForChild("UIStatus")
- local TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_3 =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
- local TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_4 =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
- module_upvr_3.WeaponStats = {}
- module_upvr_3.LerpValues = {}
- module_upvr_3.Springs = {}
- module_upvr_3.DeltaTime = 0
- module_upvr_3.CurrentTilt =
- module_upvr_3.LerpValues.Aim ="NumberValue")
- module_upvr_3.LerpValues.Crouch ="NumberValue")
- module_upvr_3.LerpValues.Equip ="NumberValue")
- module_upvr_3.JumpOffset ="CFrameValue")
- module_upvr_3.Springs.Sway = module.create(nil, 8, 50, 3, 6)
- module_upvr_3.Springs.Shake = module.create(nil, 5, 250, 3, 10)
- module_upvr_3.Springs.Recoil = module.create(nil, 5, 60, 3, 6)
- module_upvr_3.Springs.WeaponRecoil = module.create()
- module_upvr_3.Springs.WeaponKick = module.create(nil, 4, 1, 1, 20)
- local any_Create_result1_upvr_3 = TweenService_upvr:Create(module_upvr_3.JumpOffset,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {
- Value = CFrame.Angles(-0.08726646259971647, 0, 0);
- })
- local any_Create_result1_upvr = TweenService_upvr:Create(module_upvr_3.JumpOffset,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {
- Value =, 0, 0);
- })
- any_Create_result1_upvr_3.Completed:Connect(function() -- Line 119
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: any_Create_result1_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- any_Create_result1_upvr:Play()
- end)
- local any_Create_result1_upvr_4 = TweenService_upvr:Create(module_upvr_3.LerpValues.Equip,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {
- Value = 0.025;
- })
- local any_Create_result1_upvr_2 = TweenService_upvr:Create(module_upvr_3.LerpValues.Equip,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {
- Value = 0;
- })
- any_Create_result1_upvr_4.Completed:Connect(function() -- Line 124
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: any_Create_result1_upvr_2 (readonly)
- ]]
- any_Create_result1_upvr_2:Play()
- end)
- Events_upvr:WaitForChild("Shoot").OnClientEvent:Connect(function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) -- Line 129
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: module_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- module_upvr:Fire(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
- end)
- local function _(arg1, arg2, arg3) -- Line 136, Named "GetBobbing"
- return math.cos(tick() * arg1 * arg2) * arg3
- end
- local function LerpTween_upvr(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) -- Line 140, Named "LerpTween"
- --[[ Upvalues[2]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: TweenService_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- if not module_upvr_3.LerpValues[arg1] then
- warn("[FPS]: Lerp value not found! "..arg1)
- else
- local tbl_10 = {}
- tbl_10.Value = arg2
- TweenService_upvr:Create(module_upvr_3.LerpValues[arg1], or 0.5, Enum.EasingStyle[arg5 or "Quart"], Enum.EasingDirection[arg4 or "Out"]), tbl_10):Play()
- end
- end
- local function PlaySound_upvr(arg1) -- Line 146, Named "PlaySound"
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: GunStorage_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 1 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 1 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [1] 2. Error Block 2 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- do
- return
- end
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [1] 2. Error Block 2 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [2] 3. Error Block 3 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- local clone_2 = arg1:Clone()
- clone_2.Parent = GunStorage_upvr.Assets.Sounds
- clone_2:Play()
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [2] 3. Error Block 3 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- end
- local function _(arg1) -- Line 167, Named "SimplePlaySound"
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- ]]
- if not module_upvr_3.Sounds then return end
- local SOME = module_upvr_3.Sounds:FindFirstChild(arg1)
- if SOME then
- SOME:Stop()
- SOME:Play()
- end
- return SOME
- end
- local function UpdateGunVisuals_upvr() -- Line 178, Named "UpdateGunVisuals"
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- ]]
- local var51
- if not var51 then
- else
- local function INLINED() -- Internal function, doesn't exist in bytecode
- var51 = math.min(module_upvr_3.Ammo, module_upvr_3.MagazineCapacity - module_upvr_3.Magazine)
- return var51
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.Reloading or not INLINED() then
- var51 = module_upvr_3.Magazine
- end
- for i_10, v_10 in pairs(module_upvr_3.Rounds) do
- local tonumber_result1 = tonumber(i_10.Name)
- local var56
- if tonumber_result1 and tonumber_result1 <= var51 or not tonumber_result1 and (0 < module_upvr_3.Magazine or module_upvr_3.ShowMagazine) then
- var56 = 0
- else
- var56 = 1
- end
- for _, v_11 in pairs(v_10) do
- if v_11.Transparency ~= var56 then
- v_11.Transparency = var56
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function ChangeAnimationSpeed_upvr(arg1, arg2) -- Line 203, Named "ChangeAnimationSpeed"
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- ]]
- for _, v in pairs(module_upvr_3.LoadedAnimations) do
- if v.Name == arg1 and v.Speed ~= arg2 then
- v:AdjustSpeed(arg2)
- end
- end
- end
- local function _(arg1) -- Line 214, Named "GetAnimation"
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- ]]
- for _, v_2 in pairs(module_upvr_3.LoadedAnimations) do
- if v_2.Name == arg1 then
- return v_2
- end
- end
- end
- local function PlayAnimation_upvr(arg1, ...) -- Line 225, Named "PlayAnimation"
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- ]]
- for _, v_3 in pairs(module_upvr_3.LoadedAnimations) do
- if v_3.Name == arg1 then
- v_3:Play(...)
- end
- end
- end
- local function PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr(arg1, arg2, ...) -- Line 234, Named "PlayLoopingAnimation"
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 1 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- local pairs_result1_17, pairs_result2_14, pairs_result3_4 = pairs(module_upvr_3.LoadedAnimations)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 1 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [28] 21. Error Block 9 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [28] 21. Error Block 9 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [8] 7. Error Block 15 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTWARNING: Failed to evaluate expression, replaced with nil [28.7]
- if nil == arg1 then
- if arg2 then
- -- KONSTANTERROR: Expression was reused, decompilation is incorrect
- if not nil then
- end
- else
- -- KONSTANTERROR: Expression was reused, decompilation is incorrect
- if nil then
- end
- end
- end
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [8] 7. Error Block 15 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- end
- local module_2_upvr = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- local function UpdateAmmoType_upvr() -- Line 254, Named "UpdateAmmoType"
- --[[ Upvalues[4]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: ProjMode_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: module_2_upvr (readonly)
- [4]: UpdateAmmoType_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 1 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 1 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [4] 4. Error Block 2 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- do
- return
- end
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [4] 4. Error Block 2 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [5] 5. Error Block 3 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- ProjMode_upvr.Text = ""
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [5] 5. Error Block 3 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- end
- local TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr =, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
- local function UpdateTransformingObjects_upvr() -- Line 291, Named "UpdateTransformingObjects"
- --[[ Upvalues[4]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: tbl_5_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: TweenService_upvr (readonly)
- [4]: TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTWARNING: Variable analysis failed. Output will have some incorrect variable assignments
- local CurrentSight = module_upvr_3.GunStatus:GetAttribute("CurrentSight")
- local Aiming = module_upvr_3.Aiming
- for _, v_4 in pairs(module_upvr_3.TransformList) do
- local var101 = false
- if (v_4:GetAttribute("TargetSight") or CurrentSight) == CurrentSight then
- if (v_4:GetAttribute("TargetAiming") or Aiming) ~= Aiming then
- var101 = false
- else
- var101 = true
- end
- end
- local any_GetAttributes_result1 = v_4:GetAttributes()
- if any_GetAttributes_result1.Transformed ~= var101 then
- v_4:SetAttribute("Transformed", var101)
- for i_5, v_5 in pairs(any_GetAttributes_result1) do
- local var106
- if var106 then
- var106 = any_GetAttributes_result1["Original"..i_5]
- if not var106 then
- var106 = v_4[i_5]
- end
- if not any_GetAttributes_result1["Original"..i_5] then
- v_4:SetAttribute("Original"..i_5, v_4[i_5])
- end
- if not var101 or not v_5 then
- end
- ;({})[i_5] = var106
- end
- end
- -- KONSTANTERROR: Expression was reused, decompilation is incorrect
- TweenService_upvr:Create(v_4, TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr, {}):Play()
- end
- end
- end
- local function UpdateCurrentSight_upvr() -- Line 335, Named "UpdateCurrentSight"
- --[[ Upvalues[4]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: TweenService_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [4]: UpdateTransformingObjects_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTWARNING: Variable analysis failed. Output will have some incorrect variable assignments
- local var115
- if not module_upvr_3.Equipped then
- else
- var115 = module_upvr_3.ViewModel
- local Aim_3 = var115.Offsets.Aim
- var115 = #Aim_3:GetChildren()
- if var115 <= 0 then return end
- var115 = Aim_3:FindFirstChild(module_upvr_3.GunStatus:GetAttribute("CurrentSight"))
- if not var115 then
- var115 = Aim_3:FindFirstChild('1')
- end
- if var115 then
- for i_12, v_12 in pairs(var115:GetAttributes()) do
- Aim_3:SetAttribute(i_12, v_12)
- local var120
- end
- TweenService_upvr:Create(var120, TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_3, {
- Value = var115.Value;
- }):Play()
- UpdateTransformingObjects_upvr()
- module_upvr_3.Aim(module_upvr_3.Aiming, nil, true)
- return
- end
- warn("[FPS]: Incorrect aim point names!")
- end
- end
- local function ToggleExtraUI_upvr(arg1) -- Line 369, Named "ToggleExtraUI"
- for _, v_6 in pairs(workspace.Debris.Guis:GetChildren()) do
- v_6.Enabled = arg1
- end
- for _, v_7 in pairs(workspace.Debris.Nav:GetChildren()) do
- if v_7:FindFirstChild("Beam") then
- v_7.Beam.Enabled = arg1
- end
- if v_7:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui") then
- v_7.BillboardGui.Enabled = arg1
- end
- end
- end
- local function OnHit_upvr(arg1, arg2, arg3) -- Line 385, Named "OnHit"
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: Events_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- if arg1.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- Events_upvr.Hit:FireServer(arg1, arg3.BulletID)
- end
- end
- local function CanPierce_upvr(arg1, arg2) -- Line 392, Named "CanPierce"
- end
- local function OnPierce_upvr(arg1, arg2, arg3) -- Line 396, Named "OnPierce"
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: Events_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- if arg1.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- Events_upvr.Hit:FireServer(arg1, arg3.BulletID)
- end
- end
- local function FireBullet_upvr(arg1, arg2, arg3) -- Line 405, Named "FireBullet"
- --[[ Upvalues[9]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: CurrentCamera_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: LocalPlayer_upvr (readonly)
- [4]: mouse_upvr (readonly)
- [5]: Events_upvr (readonly)
- [6]: module_upvr (readonly)
- [7]: OnHit_upvr (readonly)
- [8]: CanPierce_upvr (readonly)
- [9]: OnPierce_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTWARNING: Variable analysis failed. Output will have some incorrect variable assignments
- local Character = module_upvr_3.Character
- if Character then
- Character = module_upvr_3.Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
- end
- if not Character then
- else
- if not module_upvr_3.IsFP or not CurrentCamera_upvr.CFrame.Position then
- local Position = Character.Position
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.IsFP or not CurrentCamera_upvr.CFrame then
- local MousePosition = LocalPlayer_upvr:GetAttribute("MousePosition")
- if not MousePosition then
- MousePosition = mouse_upvr.Hit.Position
- end
- end
- local maximum = math.max(module_upvr_3.WeaponStats.Spread, 0.1)
- local var136 =, MousePosition) * CFrame.Angles(math.random(-maximum, maximum) / 1000, math.random(-maximum, maximum) / 1000, 0)
- if not module_upvr_3.IsFP or not module_upvr_3.ViewModel then
- end
- local randint = math.random(1000, 9999)
- Events_upvr.Shoot:FireServer(Position, var136, arg2, arg3, arg1, randint)
- if module_upvr_3.Settings.Firing.ServerSide then return end
- module_upvr:Fire(Position, var136.LookVector, arg1, randint, {
- Tool = module_upvr_3.Tool;
- GunModel = module_upvr_3.ServerModel;
- Character = module_upvr_3.Character;
- Settings = module_upvr_3.Settings;
- Magazine = module_upvr_3.Magazine;
- Invisible = false;
- Events = {
- OnHit = OnHit_upvr;
- CanPierce = CanPierce_upvr;
- OnPierce = OnPierce_upvr;
- };
- })
- end
- end
- local tbl_6_upvr = {}
- local function EjectShell_upvr() -- Line 445, Named "EjectShell"
- --[[ Upvalues[4]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: tbl_6_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: GunStorage_upvr (readonly)
- [4]: Debris_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- local var145
- if not module_upvr_3.Equipped then
- else
- var145 = _G.Settings
- local Max_bullet_shells = var145.Video.Max_bullet_shells
- if Max_bullet_shells <= 0 then return end
- var145 = tbl_6_upvr
- if Max_bullet_shells <= #var145 then
- repeat
- var145 = tbl_6_upvr
- var145[1]:Destroy()
- var145 = tbl_6_upvr
- table.remove(var145, 1)
- var145 = tbl_6_upvr
- if #var145 < Max_bullet_shells then break end
- var145 = tbl_6_upvr
- var145 = 0
- until #var145 <= var145
- end
- var145 = GunStorage_upvr.Assets
- local SOME_2 = var145.Shells:FindFirstChild(module_upvr_3.Settings.Firing.Shell or "")
- if not SOME_2 then
- var145 = warn
- var145("[FPS]: Bullet shell not found! "..module_upvr_3.Settings.Firing.Shell)
- return
- end
- local function INLINED_2() -- Internal function, doesn't exist in bytecode
- var145 = module_upvr_3.ViewModel
- return var145
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.IsFP or not INLINED_2() then
- var145 = module_upvr_3.ServerModel
- end
- local Chamber = var145.WeaponRootPart:FindFirstChild("Chamber")
- if not Chamber then return end
- for _, v_13 in pairs(Chamber:GetChildren()) do
- v_13:Emit(v_13:GetAttribute("EmitCount"))
- end
- local clone_4_upvr = SOME_2:Clone()
- table.insert(tbl_6_upvr, clone_4_upvr)
- Debris_upvr:AddItem(clone_4_upvr, 30)
- clone_4_upvr.CollisionGroup = "DontCollideWithPlayers"
- clone_4_upvr.CFrame = Chamber.WorldCFrame *, 0.5, 0)
- clone_4_upvr.Parent = workspace.Debris.Guns
- clone_4_upvr.CanCollide = true
- clone_4_upvr.Anchored = false
- clone_4_upvr:ApplyImpulse((Chamber.WorldCFrame.UpVector) * (clone_4_upvr.Mass * 40))
- clone_4_upvr:ApplyAngularImpulse(, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50)) * 0.00005)
- task.delay(0.25, function() -- Line 485
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: clone_4_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- if clone_4_upvr and clone_4_upvr:FindFirstChild("Sound") then
- local Sound = clone_4_upvr.Sound
- Sound.PlaybackSpeed *= math.random(9, 11) / 10
- clone_4_upvr.Sound:Play()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- local tbl_3_upvr = {}
- local function DropMagazine_upvr() -- Line 494, Named "DropMagazine"
- --[[ Upvalues[3]:
- [1]: tbl_3_upvr (readonly)
- [2]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [3]: Debris_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- local var156
- if 3 <= var156 then
- repeat
- var156 = tbl_3_upvr[1]:Destroy()
- var156()
- var156 = table.remove
- var156(tbl_3_upvr, 1)
- var156 = #tbl_3_upvr
- if var156 < 3 then break end
- var156 = #tbl_3_upvr
- until var156 <= 0
- end
- local function INLINED_3() -- Internal function, doesn't exist in bytecode
- var156 = module_upvr_3.ViewModel
- return var156
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.IsFP or not INLINED_3() then
- var156 = module_upvr_3.ServerModel
- end
- local Mag = var156:FindFirstChild("Mag")
- local var158 = Mag
- if var158 then
- var158 = Mag.CFrame
- end
- if var158 then
- task.wait()
- local clone_3 = Mag:Clone()
- table.insert(tbl_3_upvr, clone_3)
- Debris_upvr:AddItem(clone_3, 30)
- clone_3.CanCollide = true
- clone_3.CollisionGroup = "DontCollideWithPlayers"
- clone_3.Parent = workspace.Debris.Guns
- clone_3:ApplyImpulse((Mag.CFrame.Position - var158.Position).Unit * 20 * clone_3.Mass)
- end
- end
- local function HandleSoundMarker_upvr(arg1, arg2) -- Line 521, Named "HandleSoundMarker"
- --[[ Upvalues[5]:
- [1]: PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr (readonly)
- [2]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [3]: UpdateAmmoType_upvr (readonly)
- [4]: DropMagazine_upvr (readonly)
- [5]: PlaySound_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- if arg1 == "SlideStart" or arg1 == "SlideBack" or arg1 == "SlideIn" then
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("Unchambered", false, 0)
- local var164
- end
- if arg1 == "SmokeBurst" then
- local function INLINED_4() -- Internal function, doesn't exist in bytecode
- var164 = module_upvr_3.ViewModel
- return var164
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.IsFP or not INLINED_4() then
- var164 = module_upvr_3.ServerModel
- end
- local Barrel = var164:FindFirstChild("Barrel")
- if Barrel then
- Barrel = var164.Barrel:FindFirstChild("SmokeBurst")
- end
- if Barrel then
- for _, v_8_upvr in pairs(Barrel:GetChildren()) do
- v_8_upvr.Enabled = true
- task.delay(v_8_upvr:GetAttribute("DisableDelay") or 0, function() -- Line 535
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: v_8_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- v_8_upvr.Enabled = false
- end)
- local EmitCount = v_8_upvr:GetAttribute("EmitCount")
- if EmitCount then
- v_8_upvr:Emit(EmitCount)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if arg1 == "Swap" then
- var164 = UpdateAmmoType_upvr
- var164()
- end
- if arg1 == "ShowMag" then
- var164 = module_upvr_3
- var164.ShowMagazine = true
- end
- if arg1 == "DropMag" then
- var164 = DropMagazine_upvr
- var164()
- end
- if arg2 then
- else
- PlaySound_upvr(module_upvr_3.Sounds:FindFirstChild(arg1))
- end
- end
- local TextLabel_upvr = AmmoFrame:WaitForChild("GunNameFrame"):WaitForChild("TextLabel")
- function module_upvr_3.Equip(arg1) -- Line 567
- --[[ Upvalues[12]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: LocalPlayer_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: Events_upvr (readonly)
- [4]: GunStorage_upvr (readonly)
- [5]: CurrentCamera_upvr (readonly)
- [6]: tbl_2_upvr (readonly)
- [7]: PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr (readonly)
- [8]: LerpTween_upvr (readonly)
- [9]: UpdateAmmoType_upvr (readonly)
- [10]: UpdateCurrentSight_upvr (readonly)
- [11]: TextLabel_upvr (readonly)
- [12]: GunMode_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTWARNING: Variable analysis failed. Output will have some incorrect variable assignments
- if module_upvr_3.Equipped or module_upvr_3.TryingToEquip then
- else
- if not LocalPlayer_upvr.Character then return end
- if not arg1 or not arg1:FindFirstChild("GunStatus") then return end
- local randint_2 = math.random(1000, 9999)
- local FastEquip = arg1:GetAttribute("FastEquip")
- module_upvr_3.TryingToEquip = true
- local any_InvokeServer_result1, any_InvokeServer_result2, any_InvokeServer_result3 = Events_upvr.Equip:InvokeServer()
- module_upvr_3.TryingToEquip = false
- if not any_InvokeServer_result1 then
- warn("[FPS]: Server rejected equip")
- return
- end
- module_upvr_3.ZoomRecoilModifier = 1
- module_upvr_3.LerpValues.Equip.Value = 1
- module_upvr_3.EquipID = randint_2
- module_upvr_3.CanFire = true
- module_upvr_3.CanAim = true
- module_upvr_3.Equipped = true
- module_upvr_3.Aiming = false
- module_upvr_3.Firing = false
- module_upvr_3.Disabled = true
- module_upvr_3.Equipping = true
- module_upvr_3.DisableRunningAnimation = true
- module_upvr_3.DisabledEffects = nil
- module_upvr_3.Lasers = {}
- module_upvr_3.Rounds = {}
- module_upvr_3.SightScreens = {}
- module_upvr_3.LoadedAnimations = {}
- module_upvr_3.EffectsToDisable = {}
- module_upvr_3.TransformList = {}
- module_upvr_3.LastCameraCF = nil
- module_upvr_3.Tool = arg1
- module_upvr_3.Settings = any_InvokeServer_result2
- module_upvr_3.Character = LocalPlayer_upvr.Character
- module_upvr_3.Humanoid = module_upvr_3.Character.Humanoid
- module_upvr_3.RootPart = module_upvr_3.Character.HumanoidRootPart
- module_upvr_3.ServerModel = any_InvokeServer_result1
- module_upvr_3.ViewModel = GunStorage_upvr.Assets.ViewModel:Clone()
- module_upvr_3.GunStatus = arg1:WaitForChild("GunStatus", 1)
- module_upvr_3.GunAttachments = arg1:FindFirstChild("Attachments", 1)
- module_upvr_3.ServerMuzzle = any_InvokeServer_result1:WaitForChild("WeaponRootPart", 1):FindFirstChild("Muzzle")
- module_upvr_3.Sounds = any_InvokeServer_result1:WaitForChild("Sounds", 1)
- module_upvr_3.Ammo = any_InvokeServer_result3.Ammo
- module_upvr_3.Magazine = any_InvokeServer_result3.Magazine
- module_upvr_3.MagazineCapacity = any_InvokeServer_result3.MagazineCapacity
- module_upvr_3.LastMagazine = any_InvokeServer_result3.Magazine
- module_upvr_3.MovementSpeed = module_upvr_3.RootPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude
- module_upvr_3.FireConditions = {}
- module_upvr_3.SprintPlaying = false
- module_upvr_3.WalkCyclePlaying = false
- module_upvr_3.LeftArmHidden = false
- module_upvr_3.RunningConnection = module_upvr_3.Humanoid.Running:Connect(function(arg1_2) -- Line 638
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (copied, readonly)
- ]]
- module_upvr_3.MovementSpeed = arg1_2
- end)
- if not module_upvr_3.GunStatus:GetAttribute("Mode") then
- module_upvr_3.GunStatus:SetAttribute("Mode", 1)
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.GunStatus:GetAttribute("CurrentSight") then
- module_upvr_3.GunStatus:SetAttribute("CurrentSight", 1)
- end
- local var258
- if not module_upvr_3.GunStatus:GetAttribute("AmmoType") and module_upvr_3.Settings.AmmoTypes then
- module_upvr_3.GunStatus:SetAttribute("AmmoType", 1)
- end
- local clone_5 = any_InvokeServer_result1:Clone()
- clone_5:WaitForChild("WeaponRootPart"):WaitForChild("Equip"):Destroy()
- clone_5:WaitForChild("WeaponRootPart"):WaitForChild("Weapon"):Destroy()
- for _, v_14 in pairs(CurrentCamera_upvr:GetChildren()) do
- if v_14.Name == "ViewModel" then
- v_14:Destroy()
- end
- end
- for i_15, v_15 in pairs(clone_5:GetChildren()) do
- v_15.Parent = module_upvr_3.ViewModel
- end
- local Shirt = module_upvr_3.Character:FindFirstChild("Shirt")
- if Shirt then
- i_15 = module_upvr_3
- i_15.ViewModel.Clothing:Destroy()
- i_15 = module_upvr_3
- Shirt:Clone().Parent = i_15.ViewModel
- end
- local Body_Colors = module_upvr_3.Character:FindFirstChild("Body Colors")
- if Body_Colors then
- Body_Colors:Clone().Parent = module_upvr_3.ViewModel
- end
- module_upvr_3.ViewModel.Torso.Weapon.Part1 = module_upvr_3.ViewModel.WeaponRootPart
- module_upvr_3.ViewModel.Parent = CurrentCamera_upvr
- for _, v_16 in pairs(tbl_2_upvr) do
- table.insert({}, v_16)
- local var272
- end
- for _, v_17 in pairs(module_upvr_3.Settings.Animations) do
- table.insert(var272, v_17)
- local var276
- end
- for _, v_18 in pairs(var276) do
- local Animation ="Animation")
- Animation.AnimationId = v_18.ID
- Animation.Name = v_18.Name
- if v_18.LoadOn == "ViewModel" then
- table.insert(module_upvr_3.LoadedAnimations, module_upvr_3.ViewModel.AnimationController.Animator:LoadAnimation(Animation))
- elseif v_18.LoadOn == "Character" then
- table.insert(module_upvr_3.LoadedAnimations, module_upvr_3.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(Animation))
- else
- table.insert(module_upvr_3.LoadedAnimations, module_upvr_3.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(Animation))
- table.insert(module_upvr_3.LoadedAnimations, module_upvr_3.ViewModel.AnimationController.Animator:LoadAnimation(Animation))
- end
- end
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("Idle", true, 0)
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("IdleCycle", true, 0.25)
- if FastEquip then
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("Run", true, 0.1)
- task.delay(0.1, function() -- Line 718
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (copied, readonly)
- ]]
- module_upvr_3.SprintPlaying = true
- end)
- else
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("Equip", true, 0.05)
- end
- LerpTween_upvr("Equip", 0, 0.5)
- if module_upvr_3.Settings.Unchambered.PlayOnEquip and module_upvr_3.Magazine <= 0 then
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("Unchambered", true, 0)
- end
- local children = GunStorage_upvr.Assets.Sounds.Equip:GetChildren()
- children[math.random(#children)]:Play()
- for _, v_19 in pairs(module_upvr_3.ViewModel.SightScreens:GetChildren()) do
- v_19.ReticleGui.Enabled = true
- table.insert(module_upvr_3.SightScreens, {
- Screen = v_19;
- Reticle = v_19.ReticleGui.ClipFrame.Reticle;
- Bar = v_19.ReticleGui.ClipFrame.Reticle:FindFirstChild("Bar");
- })
- end
- for _, v_20 in pairs(module_upvr_3.ServerModel:GetDescendants()) do
- if v_20:GetAttribute("ReplicatingSound") then
- v_20.Volume = 0
- end
- if v_20:GetAttribute("DisableInFP") then
- table.insert(module_upvr_3.EffectsToDisable, v_20)
- end
- end
- for _, v_21 in pairs(module_upvr_3.ViewModel:GetDescendants()) do
- if v_21:GetAttribute("ReplicatingSound") then
- v_21.Parent = module_upvr_3.Sounds
- end
- if v_21:IsA("BasePart") then
- v_21.Massless = true
- v_21.CanCollide = false
- v_21.CastShadow = false
- v_21.CollisionGroup = "ViewModel"
- end
- if v_21:GetAttribute("Transform") then
- v_21:SetAttribute("Transform", nil)
- table.insert(module_upvr_3.TransformList, v_21)
- end
- if v_21.Name == "ExtraSound" then
- v_21:Destroy()
- end
- if v_21:IsA("Attachment") and v_21.Name == "Laser" and v_21:FindFirstChild("Beam") then
- local clone = GunStorage_upvr.Assets.Attachments.Laser.Dot:Clone()
- clone.Parent = module_upvr_3.ViewModel
- clone.Trail.Color =
- clone.BillboardGui.Frame.BackgroundColor3 = _G.Settings.Attachments.Laser_color
- local Motor6D ="Motor6D")
- Motor6D.Parent = clone
- Motor6D.Part1 = clone
- Motor6D.Part0 = v_21.Parent
- local Beam = v_21.Beam
- table.insert(module_upvr_3.Lasers, {
- Origin = v_21;
- Target = Beam.Attachment1;
- Dot = clone;
- Motor = Motor6D;
- Beam = Beam;
- })
- end
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.ViewModel:FindFirstChild("Mag") or not module_upvr_3.ViewModel.Mag:FindFirstChild("Bullets") then
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.ServerModel:FindFirstChild("Mag") or not module_upvr_3.ServerModel.Mag:FindFirstChild("Bullets") then
- end
- if module_upvr_3.ViewModel:FindFirstChild("Bullets") then
- for _, v_22 in pairs(module_upvr_3.ViewModel:FindFirstChild("Bullets"):GetChildren()) do
- module_upvr_3.Rounds[v_22] = v_22:GetChildren()
- end
- for _, v_23 in pairs(module_upvr_3.ServerModel:FindFirstChild("Bullets"):GetChildren()) do
- module_upvr_3.Rounds[v_23] = v_23:GetChildren()
- end
- end
- UpdateAmmoType_upvr()
- UpdateCurrentSight_upvr()
- TextLabel_upvr.Text = arg1.Name:upper()
- GunMode_upvr.Text = "[ "..module_upvr_3.Settings.Modes[module_upvr_3.GunStatus:GetAttribute("Mode")].Name:upper().." ]"
- if FastEquip then
- else
- end
- task.wait(any_InvokeServer_result2.EquipDuration or 1)
- if module_upvr_3.EquipID ~= randint_2 then return end
- module_upvr_3.DisableRunningAnimation = false
- module_upvr_3.FireCooldown = false
- module_upvr_3.Chambering = false
- module_upvr_3.Equipping = false
- module_upvr_3.Disabled = false
- end
- end
- function module_upvr_3.Unequip() -- Line 848
- --[[ Upvalues[2]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: GunStorage_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- if module_upvr_3.TryingToEquip then
- repeat
- task.wait(0.025)
- until not module_upvr_3.TryingToEquip
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.Equipped then
- else
- if module_upvr_3.Firing then
- module_upvr_3.Fire(false)
- end
- if module_upvr_3.Aiming then
- module_upvr_3.Aim(false)
- end
- if module_upvr_3.Reloading then
- task.spawn(module_upvr_3.Reload, false)
- end
- if module_upvr_3.Inspecting then
- task.spawn(module_upvr_3.Inspect, false)
- end
- module_upvr_3.Equipped = false
- module_upvr_3.ConfirmProjectileType = "Cancel"
- GunStorage_upvr.Events.Unequip:FireServer()
- module_upvr_3.Character:SetAttribute("Reloading", false)
- module_upvr_3.Character:SetAttribute("Aiming", false)
- module_upvr_3.Character:SetAttribute("AimingMovementSpeed", nil)
- module_upvr_3.Character:SetAttribute("ReloadingMovementSpeed", nil)
- for _, v_24 in pairs(module_upvr_3.LoadedAnimations) do
- v_24:Stop()
- v_24:Destroy()
- end
- module_upvr_3.RunningConnection:Disconnect()
- if module_upvr_3.ViewModel then
- module_upvr_3.ViewModel:Destroy()
- end
- if module_upvr_3.ServerModel then
- module_upvr_3.ServerModel:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- function module_upvr_3.Fire(arg1) -- Line 885
- --[[ Upvalues[11]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: GunStorage_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr (readonly)
- [4]: LocalPlayer_upvr (readonly)
- [5]: ReplicatedStorage_upvr (readonly)
- [6]: Events_upvr (readonly)
- [7]: PlayAnimation_upvr (readonly)
- [8]: TweenService_upvr (readonly)
- [9]: TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_4 (readonly)
- [10]: EjectShell_upvr (readonly)
- [11]: FireBullet_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 1 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 1 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [2] 2. Error Block 2 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- module_upvr_3.HoldingFire = arg1
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [2] 2. Error Block 2 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [5] 4. Error Block 3 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [5] 4. Error Block 3 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- end
- local TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_5 =
- function module_upvr_3.Reload(arg1) -- Line 1094
- --[[ Upvalues[9]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: UIStatus_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr (readonly)
- [4]: TweenService_upvr (readonly)
- [5]: TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_5 (readonly)
- [6]: Events_upvr (readonly)
- [7]: LerpTween_upvr (readonly)
- [8]: HandleSoundMarker_upvr (readonly)
- [9]: PlayAnimation_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTWARNING: Variable analysis failed. Output will have some incorrect variable assignments
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 177 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- local var316
- if not module_upvr_3.Equipped then return end
- if not arg1 then
- if module_upvr_3.CancelReload or not module_upvr_3.Reloading then
- else
- module_upvr_3.DisableFiring = true
- module_upvr_3.CancelReload = true
- UIStatus_upvr.Reloading.Cancelled.Value = true
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("Reload", false, 0.1)
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("TacticalReload", false, 0.1)
- local tbl_4 = {}
- var316 = UIStatus_upvr.Reloading
- tbl_4.Value = var316.Progress.Value
- TweenService_upvr:Create(UIStatus_upvr.Reloading.Progress, TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_5, tbl_4):Play()
- Events_upvr.Reload:InvokeServer(true)
- task.wait(0.5)
- module_upvr_3.DisableFiring = false
- end
- end
- if arg1 then
- if module_upvr_3.Inspecting then
- module_upvr_3.Inspect(false)
- end
- end
- if module_upvr_3.Reloading then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Disabled then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Firing then return end
- if module_upvr_3.MagazineCapacity <= module_upvr_3.Magazine then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Ammo <= 0 then return end
- local var318 = false
- if 0 < module_upvr_3.Magazine then
- var318 = module_upvr_3.Settings.Reloading.TacticalLenght
- end
- if var318 then
- else
- end
- local pairs_result1_19, pairs_result2_11, pairs_result3_18 = pairs(module_upvr_3.LoadedAnimations)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 177 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [152] 114. Error Block 31 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [152] 114. Error Block 31 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [146] 110. Error Block 165 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: Expression was reused, decompilation is incorrect
- if UIStatus_upvr == "Reload" then
- end
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [146] 110. Error Block 165 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- end
- function module_upvr_3.Aim(arg1, arg2, arg3) -- Line 1286
- --[[ Upvalues[13]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: LocalPlayer_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: ReplicatedStorage_upvr (readonly)
- [4]: ToggleExtraUI_upvr (readonly)
- [5]: PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr (readonly)
- [6]: TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [7]: UpdateTransformingObjects_upvr (readonly)
- [8]: LerpTween_upvr (readonly)
- [9]: TweenService_upvr (readonly)
- [10]: GunGui_upvr (readonly)
- [11]: UserInputService_upvr (readonly)
- [12]: CurrentCamera_upvr (readonly)
- [13]: GunStorage_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 1 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 1 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [2] 2. Error Block 2 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- module_upvr_3.HoldingAim = arg2
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [2] 2. Error Block 2 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [5] 4. Error Block 3 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [5] 4. Error Block 3 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- end
- function module_upvr_3.Inspect(arg1) -- Line 1423
- --[[ Upvalues[4]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: GunStorage_upvr (readonly)
- [4]: HandleSoundMarker_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 62 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- if not arg1 or module_upvr_3.Inspecting then
- module_upvr_3.Inspecting = false
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("Inspect", false, 0.15)
- for _, v_9 in pairs(GunStorage_upvr.Assets.Sounds:GetChildren()) do
- if v_9:IsA("Sound") then
- v_9:Stop()
- end
- end
- return
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.Equipped then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Firing then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Aiming then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Disabled then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Reloading then return end
- if module_upvr_3.HoldingFire then return end
- if arg1 then
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("Equip", false, 0.25)
- end
- local pairs_result1_6, pairs_result2_15, pairs_result3_5 = pairs(module_upvr_3.LoadedAnimations)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 62 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [86] 68. Error Block 26 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [86] 68. Error Block 26 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [80] 64. Error Block 64 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTWARNING: Failed to evaluate expression, replaced with nil [86.7]
- if nil == "Inspect" then
- end
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [80] 64. Error Block 64 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- end
- function module_upvr_3.ChangeSight() -- Line 1500
- --[[ Upvalues[3]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: GunStorage_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: UpdateCurrentSight_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- if not module_upvr_3.Equipped then
- else
- if module_upvr_3.Disabled then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Reloading then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Inspecting then return end
- local CurrentSight_2 = module_upvr_3.GunStatus:GetAttribute("CurrentSight")
- local Aim_2 = module_upvr_3.ViewModel.Offsets.Aim
- if #Aim_2:GetChildren() <= 0 then return end
- if Aim_2:FindFirstChild(CurrentSight_2 + 1) then
- module_upvr_3.GunStatus:SetAttribute("CurrentSight", CurrentSight_2 + 1)
- else
- module_upvr_3.GunStatus:SetAttribute("CurrentSight", 1)
- end
- GunStorage_upvr.Assets.Sounds.GunState.ChangeSight:Play()
- UpdateCurrentSight_upvr()
- end
- end
- function module_upvr_3.ChangeMode() -- Line 1528
- --[[ Upvalues[4]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: GunStorage_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: any_Create_result1_upvr_4 (readonly)
- [4]: GunMode_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- if not module_upvr_3.Equipped then
- else
- if module_upvr_3.Firing then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Disabled then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Reloading then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Inspecting then return end
- if 1 < #module_upvr_3.Settings.Modes then
- module_upvr_3.Disabled = true
- local Mode = module_upvr_3.GunStatus:GetAttribute("Mode")
- GunStorage_upvr.Assets.Sounds.GunState.ChangeMode:Play()
- if #module_upvr_3.Settings.Modes < Mode + 1 then
- Mode = 1
- module_upvr_3.GunStatus:SetAttribute("Mode", 1)
- else
- Mode += 1
- module_upvr_3.GunStatus:SetAttribute("Mode", Mode)
- end
- any_Create_result1_upvr_4:Play()
- GunMode_upvr.Text = "[ "..module_upvr_3.Settings.Modes[Mode].Name:upper().." ]"
- task.wait(0.25)
- module_upvr_3.Disabled = false
- end
- end
- end
- function module_upvr_3.ChangeProjectileMode() -- Line 1566
- --[[ Upvalues[9]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: GunStorage_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: ProjMode_upvr (readonly)
- [4]: TweenService_upvr (readonly)
- [5]: TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_4 (readonly)
- [6]: ReplicatedStorage_upvr (readonly)
- [7]: PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr (readonly)
- [8]: UpdateAmmoType_upvr (readonly)
- [9]: HandleSoundMarker_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 61 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- if module_upvr_3.Disabled and not module_upvr_3.SelectingProjectileType then return end
- if not module_upvr_3.Equipped then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Firing then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Reloading then return end
- if module_upvr_3.Inspecting then return end
- if not module_upvr_3.Settings.AmmoTypes or #module_upvr_3.Settings.AmmoTypes < 1 then return end
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [0] 1. Error Block 61 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [53] 41. Error Block 17 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- do
- return
- end
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [53] 41. Error Block 17 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [54] 42. Error Block 82 start (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- module_upvr_3.Disabled = true
- local AmmoType = module_upvr_3.GunStatus:GetAttribute("AmmoType")
- GunStorage_upvr.Assets.Sounds.GunState.ChangeProjectileMode:Play()
- if #module_upvr_3.Settings.AmmoTypes < AmmoType + 1 then
- AmmoType = 1
- module_upvr_3.GunStatus:SetAttribute("AmmoType", AmmoType)
- else
- AmmoType += 1
- module_upvr_3.GunStatus:SetAttribute("AmmoType", AmmoType)
- end
- ProjMode_upvr.Text = "[ "..module_upvr_3.Settings.AmmoTypes[AmmoType].Name:upper().." ]"
- -- KONSTANTERROR: [54] 42. Error Block 82 end (CF ANALYSIS FAILED)
- end
- local module_upvr_2 = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- function module_upvr_3.SteppedUpdate(arg1) -- Line 1692
- --[[ Upvalues[3]:
- [1]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [2]: CurrentCamera_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: module_upvr_2 (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTWARNING: Variable analysis failed. Output will have some incorrect variable assignments
- local var353
- if not module_upvr_3.Equipped then
- else
- for _, v_25 in pairs(module_upvr_3.SightScreens) do
- local var357 = v_25.Screen.CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(CurrentCamera_upvr.CFrame.Position) / v_25.Screen.Size / (v_25.Screen:GetAttribute("Modifier") or 1.5)
- v_25.Reticle.Position = + var357.X, 0, 0.5 - var357.Y, 0)
- local _
- end
- for _, v_26 in pairs(module_upvr_3.Lasers) do
- local var362
- if module_upvr_3.IsFP then
- var362 = module_upvr_2
- var362 = v_26.Origin.WorldPosition
- local any_CastRay_result1 = var362.CastRay(var362, v_26.Origin.WorldCFrame.LookVector * 100, {
- Transparency = 1;
- })
- local function INLINED_5() -- Internal function, doesn't exist in bytecode
- var362 = (v_26.Origin.WorldPosition - any_CastRay_result1.Position).Magnitude
- return var362
- end
- if not any_CastRay_result1 or not INLINED_5() then
- var362 = 1000
- end
- v_26.Motor.Transform = * (var362 * 0.9))
- v_26.Target.CFrame = v_26.Origin.CFrame * * math.min(var362, 2))
- end
- end
- local MoveDirection = module_upvr_3.Humanoid.MoveDirection
- local Root_Hip = module_upvr_3.ViewModel.HumanoidRootPart["Root Hip"]
- if module_upvr_3.Aiming then
- else
- end
- local var367 = module_upvr_3.ViewModel.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame:VectorToObjectSpace(MoveDirection) * 0.5
- if 0.1 >= MoveDirection.Magnitude or not CFrame.Angles(-var367.Z * 0.1, -var367.X * 0.1, 0) then
- end
- module_upvr_3.CurrentTilt = module_upvr_3.CurrentTilt:Lerp(, 0.1)
- Root_Hip.Transform *= module_upvr_3.CurrentTilt
- end
- end
- local any_GetGuiInset_result1_upvr = game.GuiService:GetGuiInset()
- local TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_2 =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
- local DoF_upvr = Lighting:WaitForChild("DoF")
- local ScopeBlur_upvr = Lighting:WaitForChild("ScopeBlur")
- local AmmoText_upvr = AmmoFrame:WaitForChild("AmmoText")
- function module_upvr_3.RenderSteppedUpdate(arg1) -- Line 1726
- --[[ Upvalues[17]:
- [1]: GunGui_upvr (readonly)
- [2]: UserInputService_upvr (readonly)
- [3]: any_GetGuiInset_result1_upvr (readonly)
- [4]: mouse_upvr (readonly)
- [5]: UIStatus_upvr (readonly)
- [6]: module_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [7]: PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr (readonly)
- [8]: UpdateGunVisuals_upvr (readonly)
- [9]: TweenService_upvr (readonly)
- [10]: TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_2 (readonly)
- [11]: ChangeAnimationSpeed_upvr (readonly)
- [12]: CurrentCamera_upvr (readonly)
- [13]: DoF_upvr (readonly)
- [14]: ScopeBlur_upvr (readonly)
- [15]: AmmoText_upvr (readonly)
- [16]: any_Create_result1_upvr_3 (readonly)
- [17]: GunStorage_upvr (readonly)
- ]]
- -- KONSTANTWARNING: Variable analysis failed. Output will have some incorrect variable assignments
- local minimum = math.min(arg1, 1)
- local var431
- local function INLINED_9() -- Internal function, doesn't exist in bytecode
- var431 =, 0, 0.5, -any_GetGuiInset_result1_upvr.Y / 2)
- return var431
- end
- if UserInputService_upvr.MouseBehavior ~= Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter or _G.CurrentInputType ~= "Gamepad" or not INLINED_9() then
- var431 =, mouse_upvr.X, 0, mouse_upvr.Y)
- end
- GunGui_upvr.FollowMouse.Position = var431
- var431 = UIStatus_upvr.Crosshair
- var431 = module_upvr_3.Equipped
- if var431 then
- var431 = module_upvr_3.Settings.ShowCrosshair
- end
- var431.Active.Value = var431
- if not module_upvr_3.Disabled then
- end
- UIStatus_upvr.Crosshair.Disabled.Value = module_upvr_3.SprintPlaying
- UIStatus_upvr.General.GunEquipped.Value = module_upvr_3.Equipped
- if not module_upvr_3.Equipped then
- else
- if not module_upvr_3.Character.Parent or not module_upvr_3.Humanoid or module_upvr_3.Humanoid.Health <= 0 then
- module_upvr_3.Unequip()
- return
- end
- local tick_result1_2 = tick()
- local AssemblyLinearVelocity = module_upvr_3.RootPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity
- local Magnitude = AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude
- if module_upvr_3.Character then
- end
- module_upvr_3.IsFP = module_upvr_3.Character:GetAttribute("InFirstPerson")
- if not not module_upvr_3.Character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm") and not module_upvr_3.Character["Left Arm"]:GetAttribute("BrokenBone") then
- end
- module_upvr_3.OneHanded = module_upvr_3.Character:GetAttribute("ZL")
- module_upvr_3.HarderHandling = module_upvr_3.OneHanded
- module_upvr_3.DeltaTime = minimum
- local Magazine = module_upvr_3.GunStatus:GetAttribute("Magazine")
- if module_upvr_3.LastMagazine < Magazine then
- module_upvr_3.LastMagazine = Magazine
- module_upvr_3.Magazine = Magazine
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("Unchambered", false, 0.25)
- end
- module_upvr_3.LastMagazine = Magazine
- local Ammo_2 = module_upvr_3.GunStatus:GetAttribute("Ammo")
- if module_upvr_3.Ammo ~= Ammo_2 then
- module_upvr_3.Ammo = Ammo_2
- end
- UpdateGunVisuals_upvr()
- if _G.CharacterStates.Electrified and module_upvr_3.Reloading then
- module_upvr_3.Reload(false)
- end
- if module_upvr_3.Character:GetAttribute("Crouching") or module_upvr_3.Aiming or not module_upvr_3.Inspecting and not module_upvr_3.Reloading and not module_upvr_3.Equipping then
- if not module_upvr_3.CrouchTweened then
- module_upvr_3.CrouchTweened = true
- TweenService_upvr:Create(module_upvr_3.LerpValues.Crouch, TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_2, {
- Value = 1;
- }):Play()
- end
- elseif module_upvr_3.CrouchTweened then
- module_upvr_3.CrouchTweened = false
- local tbl_7 = {
- Value = 0;
- }
- TweenService_upvr:Create(module_upvr_3.LerpValues.Crouch, TweenInfo_new_result1_upvr_2, tbl_7):Play()
- end
- if module_upvr_3.Character:GetAttribute("Sprinting") and not module_upvr_3.DisableRunningAnimation and not module_upvr_3.Inspecting and not module_upvr_3.Reloading and not module_upvr_3.Swapping then
- if not module_upvr_3.SprintPlaying then
- module_upvr_3.SprintPlaying = true
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("Run", true, 0.2)
- end
- tbl_7 = module_upvr_3.MovementSpeed
- local var439 = tbl_7
- if module_upvr_3.Character:GetAttribute("Falling") then
- var439 = 0
- else
- var439 = 1
- end
- ChangeAnimationSpeed_upvr("Run", var439 / 25 * var439)
- elseif module_upvr_3.SprintPlaying then
- module_upvr_3.SprintPlaying = false
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("Run", false, 0.2)
- end
- local var440
- if 0 < module_upvr_3.MovementSpeed and not module_upvr_3.Aiming and not module_upvr_3.SprintPlaying then
- if not module_upvr_3.WalkCyclePlaying then
- module_upvr_3.WalkCyclePlaying = true
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("WalkCycle", true, 0.5)
- end
- var440 = module_upvr_3
- var439 = var440.MovementSpeed
- local var441 = var439
- -- KONSTANTERROR: Expression was reused, decompilation is incorrect
- if module_upvr_3.Character:GetAttribute("Falling") then
- var441 = 0
- else
- var441 = 1
- end
- ChangeAnimationSpeed_upvr("WalkCycle", var441 / 16 * var441)
- elseif module_upvr_3.WalkCyclePlaying then
- module_upvr_3.WalkCyclePlaying = false
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("WalkCycle", false, 0.25)
- end
- if module_upvr_3.OneHanded then
- if not module_upvr_3.LeftArmHidden then
- module_upvr_3.LeftArmHidden = true
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("HideLeftArm", true, 0.1)
- end
- elseif module_upvr_3.LeftArmHidden then
- module_upvr_3.LeftArmHidden = false
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("HideLeftArm", false, 0.1)
- end
- local var442
- if module_upvr_3.Settings.Unchambered.InvisibleMagazine then
- var442 = module_upvr_3.ViewModel
- if 0 < module_upvr_3.Magazine or module_upvr_3.ShowMagazine then
- var442 = 0
- else
- var442 = 1
- end
- var442.Mag.Transparency = var442
- if 0 < module_upvr_3.Magazine or module_upvr_3.ShowMagazine then
- else
- end
- module_upvr_3.ServerModel.Mag.Transparency = 1
- end
- local any_update_result1_4 = module_upvr_3.Springs.Sway:update(minimum)
- local any_update_result1_3 = module_upvr_3.Springs.Shake:update(minimum)
- local any_update_result1_8 = module_upvr_3.Springs.Recoil:update(minimum)
- var440 = module_upvr_3
- var440 = minimum
- local any_update_result1_6 = var440.Springs.WeaponKick:update(var440)
- var440 = module_upvr_3.Springs
- local function INLINED_10() -- Internal function, doesn't exist in bytecode
- var440 = module_upvr_3.Settings.Firing.AimedSpread
- return var440
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.Aiming or not module_upvr_3.FinishedAiming or not INLINED_10() then
- var440 = module_upvr_3.Settings.Firing.Spread
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.Aiming or not module_upvr_3.IsFP then
- var440 += any_update_result1_6.Z * 350
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.IsFP then
- var440 = (var440 + 15) * 1.5
- end
- var440 += Magnitude
- module_upvr_3.WeaponStats.Spread = var440
- local var447 = CurrentCamera_upvr
- var447.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(any_update_result1_8.x, any_update_result1_8.y, any_update_result1_8.z * 2) * CFrame.Angles(any_update_result1_3.X, any_update_result1_3.Y, any_update_result1_3.Z)
- if not module_upvr_3.IsFP or not (any_update_result1_6.Z * 3) then
- end
- DoF_upvr.NearIntensity = 0
- if not module_upvr_3.EnableScopeBlur or not module_upvr_3.FinishedAiming or not (Magnitude + (UserInputService_upvr:GetMouseDelta() * 0.5).Magnitude) then
- end
- ScopeBlur_upvr.Size = 0
- if 10000 < module_upvr_3.Magazine then
- local _ = "INF"
- else
- local var449
- if not module_upvr_3.Settings.Reloading.Disabled or not module_upvr_3.Magazine then
- if 10000 < module_upvr_3.Ammo then
- else
- end
- end
- end
- AmmoText_upvr.Text = module_upvr_3.Magazine.." / "..module_upvr_3.Ammo
- UIStatus_upvr.Crosshair.Gap.Value = var440
- if not module_upvr_3.IsFP then
- local _ = true
- elseif not module_upvr_3.AimWithCrosshair then
- end
- UIStatus_upvr.Crosshair.Visible.Value = not module_upvr_3.Aiming
- module_upvr_3.Aim(module_upvr_3.HoldingAim)
- if module_upvr_3.HoldingFire then
- task.spawn(module_upvr_3.Fire)
- end
- local var451
- if var451 then
- local function INLINED_11() -- Internal function, doesn't exist in bytecode
- var451 = module_upvr_3.ViewModel.WeaponRootPart
- return var451
- end
- if not module_upvr_3.IsFP or not INLINED_11() then
- var451 = module_upvr_3.ServerModel.WeaponRootPart
- end
- if module_upvr_3.ServerMuzzle.Parent ~= var451 then
- module_upvr_3.ServerMuzzle.Parent = var451
- end
- end
- if module_upvr_3.DisabledEffects ~= not module_upvr_3.IsFP then
- module_upvr_3.DisabledEffects = not module_upvr_3.IsFP
- for i_27, v_27 in pairs(module_upvr_3.EffectsToDisable) do
- v_27.Enabled = module_upvr_3.DisabledEffects
- end
- end
- local var455
- if module_upvr_3.IsFP then
- local var456
- if var456 then
- if module_upvr_3.Aiming then
- var456 = "Aiming"
- else
- var456 = "Normal"
- end
- if var456 ~= module_upvr_3.DizzyAnimationTarget then
- module_upvr_3.DizzyAnimationTarget = var456
- v_27 = module_upvr_3.Aiming
- i_27 = not v_27
- v_27 = 0.25
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("Dizzy", i_27, v_27)
- v_27 = module_upvr_3
- i_27 = v_27.Aiming
- v_27 = 0.25
- PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr("DizzyAim", i_27, v_27)
- end
- else
- var456 = module_upvr_3.DizzyAnimationTarget
- if var456 then
- var456 = module_upvr_3
- var456.DizzyAnimationTarget = false
- var456 = PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr
- i_27 = 0.25
- var456("Dizzy", false, i_27)
- var456 = PlayLoopingAnimation_upvr
- i_27 = 0.25
- var456("DizzyAim", false, i_27)
- end
- end
- if module_upvr_3.Aiming then
- if 0 < module_upvr_3.MovementSpeed then
- v_27 = module_upvr_3
- i_27 = v_27.MovementSpeed
- local var457 = math.cos(tick_result1_2 * i_27) * 0.005
- v_27 = module_upvr_3.MovementSpeed
- i_27 = tick_result1_2 * v_27
- v_27 = module_upvr_3
- i_27 = v_27.Springs
- v_27 =, -math.abs(math.sin(i_27) * 0.005 / 1.5), var457) * math.clamp(module_upvr_3.MovementSpeed, 0, 1)
- i_27.Sway:shove(v_27)
- end
- end
- -- KONSTANTERROR: Expression was reused, decompilation is incorrect
- if module_upvr_3.Character:GetAttribute("Falling") then
- local var458
- if not module_upvr_3.Character:GetAttribute("ZL") then
- module_upvr_3.Falling = true
- local var459 = tick_result1_2 * 3
- v_27 = module_upvr_3
- i_27 = v_27.Aiming
- if i_27 then
- var459 = 0.001
- else
- var459 = 0.0025
- end
- local var460 = math.cos(var459) * var459
- local Y = AssemblyLinearVelocity.Y
- v_27 = module_upvr_3
- i_27 = v_27.Springs
- var458 = Y
- if module_upvr_3.Aiming then
- var458 = 1
- else
- var458 = 1.5
- end
- var458 = Y
- v_27 =, math.clamp(var458, -0.0025, 0.001) * var458, var460) * math.min(math.abs(var458) * 0.25, 25)
- i_27.Sway:shove(v_27)
- -- KONSTANTWARNING: GOTO [1029] #750
- end
- end
- if module_upvr_3.Falling then
- module_upvr_3.Falling = false
- v_27 = module_upvr_3
- i_27 = v_27.RootPart
- module_upvr_3.MovementSpeed = i_27.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude
- any_Create_result1_upvr_3:Play()
- end
- if module_upvr_3.Aiming then
- else
- end
- if module_upvr_3.Aiming then
- else
- end
- if module_upvr_3.ReduceAimSway then
- local var462 = 0.05 * 0.25
- local var463 = 0.005 * 0.5
- end
- -- KONSTANTERROR: Expression was reused, decompilation is incorrect (x2)
- module_upvr_3.Springs.Sway:shove( * 0.5).x * var463, -var462, var462), math.clamp((UserInputService_upvr:GetMouseDelta() * 0.5).y * var463, -var462, var462)))
- if module_upvr_3.ReduceAimSway then
- local var464 = var440.WeaponRecoil:update(minimum) / 3
- end
- local var465 = module_upvr_3.ViewModel.Offsets.Aim:GetAttribute("Distance") or 3
- local Crouch_2 = module_upvr_3.ViewModel.Offsets:FindFirstChild("Crouch")
- if not Crouch_2 then
- Crouch_2 = GunStorage_upvr.Offsets.Crouch
- end
- local any_ToWorldSpace_result1 = (CurrentCamera_upvr.CFrame) * ( * var465, any_update_result1_4.y * var465, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-any_update_result1_4.y, -any_update_result1_4.x, 0)):ToWorldSpace(module_upvr_3.ViewModel.Offsets.Idle.Value:Lerp(Crouch_2.Value, module_upvr_3.LerpValues.Crouch.Value):Lerp(module_upvr_3.ViewModel.Offsets.Aim.Value, module_upvr_3.LerpValues.Aim.Value):Lerp(GunStorage_upvr.Offsets.Equip.Value, module_upvr_3.LerpValues.Equip.Value))
- if module_upvr_3.Aiming then
- any_ToWorldSpace_result1 *= * var465, -var464.x * var465, 0) * CFrame.Angles(var464.x, -var464.y, 0)
- else
- any_ToWorldSpace_result1 *=, -var464.x * 4, var464.x * 5) * CFrame.Angles(var464.x * 2, var464.y * 1.5, var464.z * 1.5) * * 2, 0, 0)
- end
- local Z_2 = any_update_result1_3.Z
- if module_upvr_3.Aiming then
- Z_2 = 0.5
- else
- Z_2 = 0
- end
- local any_ToObjectSpace_result1_2 = module_upvr_3.ViewModel.CamPart.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(module_upvr_3.ViewModel.CamRoot.CFrame)
- if module_upvr_3.LastCameraCF then
- local _, _, any_ToOrientation_result3 = any_ToObjectSpace_result1_2:ToOrientation()
- local any_ToEulerAnglesXYZ_result1, any_ToEulerAnglesXYZ_result2_2, _ = any_ToObjectSpace_result1_2:ToObjectSpace(module_upvr_3.LastCameraCF):ToEulerAnglesXYZ()
- CurrentCamera_upvr.CFrame = CurrentCamera_upvr.CFrame:Lerp(CurrentCamera_upvr.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(any_ToEulerAnglesXYZ_result1, any_ToEulerAnglesXYZ_result2_2, -any_ToOrientation_result3), _G.Settings.Gameplay.Camera_animations)
- end
- module_upvr_3.LastCameraCF = any_ToObjectSpace_result1_2
- module_upvr_3.ViewModel.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = any_ToWorldSpace_result1 * * 2, any_update_result1_6.Y * 2, any_update_result1_6.Z * 2) * CFrame.Angles(any_update_result1_3.X, any_update_result1_3.Y, Z_2) * module_upvr_3.JumpOffset.Value:Lerp(, Z_2) * any_ToObjectSpace_result1_2.Rotation
- return
- end
- module_upvr_3.ViewModel.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, -500, 0)
- end
- end
- print("Loaded Main")
- return module_upvr_3
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