
Alliance Dethroner's ULC 5 Speech

Mar 5th, 2017
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  1. Moderated chat was set to #!
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  3. [22:58:26] #Alliance*Dethroner: Everyone.
  4. [22:58:40] #Alliance*Dethroner: History has been made.
  5. [22:58:48] #Alliance*Dethroner: History, has been written
  6. [22:59:00] #Alliance*Dethroner: History, has been ENGRAVED
  7. [22:59:08] #Alliance*Dethroner: Lots of leagues tried!
  8. [22:59:21] #Alliance*Dethroner: But leagues like absolution got ass clapped so hard
  9. [22:59:24] #Alliance*Dethroner: they disbanded
  10. [22:59:39] #Alliance*Dethroner: People were turned into salt mines
  11. [22:59:56] #Alliance*Dethroner: and they did everything in their poke power, to put Alliance down
  12. [23:00:07] #Alliance*Dethroner: but Alliance came through,
  13. [23:00:10] #Alliance*Dethroner: defying all odds
  14. [23:00:12] #Alliance*Dethroner: over
  15. [23:00:15] #Alliance*Dethroner: and over again
  16. [23:00:20] #Alliance*Dethroner: Like a fucking OH
  17. [23:00:22] #Alliance*Dethroner: OG*
  18. [23:00:36] #Alliance*Dethroner: But yeah now this journey to where we are
  19. [23:00:38] #Alliance*Dethroner: It wasm
  20. [23:00:44] #Alliance*Dethroner: wasn't easy
  21. [23:00:57] #Alliance*Dethroner: Conquering monotype? Not easy.
  22. [23:01:09] #Alliance*Dethroner: It all started 3 years ago
  23. [23:01:17] #Alliance*Dethroner: When I was playing create a pokemon
  24. [23:01:24] #Alliance*Dethroner: I was checking some teams out
  25. [23:01:30] #Alliance*Dethroner: !dt syclant
  26. CAP
  27. SyclantIceBugCompound Eyes
  28. MountaineerHP
  29. 70Atk
  30. 116Def
  31. 70SpA
  32. 114SpD
  33. 64Spe
  34. 121BST
  35. 555
  36. Dex#: -51 |  Gen: 0 |  Height: 1.7 m |  Weight: 52 kg (80 BP) |  Dex Colour: Blue |  Egg Group(s): Bug |  Does Not Evolve
  37. [23:01:32] #Alliance*Dethroner: was my ace
  38. [23:01:42] #Alliance*Dethroner: and I thought, let's make a monotype team
  39. [23:01:46] #Alliance*Dethroner: I make a bug team
  40. [23:01:54] #Alliance*Dethroner: I enter the monotype room on main
  41. [23:02:02] #Alliance*Dethroner: it's a damn 128 player tour or something
  42. [23:02:07] #Alliance*Dethroner: and I win the whole damn thing
  43. [23:02:11] #Alliance*Dethroner: First ever mono tour
  44. [23:02:13] #Alliance*Dethroner: Winner.
  45. [23:02:29] #Alliance*Dethroner: Something was up, this couldn't be the cap
  46. [23:02:48] #Alliance*Dethroner: all of a sudden, my private message blinks
  47. [23:02:57] #Alliance*Dethroner: I get an offer from some league on a server
  48. [23:03:09] #Alliance*Dethroner: This server is turns out to be the greatest ever server ever made
  49. [23:03:18] #Alliance*Dethroner: The Legendary FROST
  50. [23:03:25] #Alliance*Dethroner: The champion invites me to his league
  51. [23:03:30] #Alliance*Dethroner: i don't accept just yet.
  52. [23:03:34] #Alliance*Dethroner: i play him first.
  53. [23:03:37] #Alliance*Dethroner: I destroy him.
  54. [23:03:40] #Alliance*Dethroner: I refuse.
  55. [23:03:49] #Alliance*Dethroner: That's not the path I wanted to take.
  56. [23:04:01] #Alliance*Dethroner: This path needed a beginning like none other.
  57. [23:04:08] #Alliance*Dethroner: I'm a loyal guy, I stick with 1, for good.
  58. [23:04:15] #Alliance*Dethroner: I make a place, known as Alliance.
  59. [23:04:29] #Alliance*Dethroner: As I'm in there, I just have a handful of people
  60. [23:04:43] #Alliance*Dethroner: One of them at that point, you can consider him the first mate of the ship
  61. [23:04:45] #Alliance*Dethroner: Soma.
  62. [23:04:57] #Alliance*Dethroner: !regdate alliance soma
  63. alliancesoma was registered on Thursday, July 17, 2014 23:31PM +0200
  64. [23:05:03] #Alliance*Dethroner: !regdate alliance haxnova
  65. alliancehaxnova was registered on Saturday, July 05, 2014 21:27PM +0200
  66. [23:05:12] #Alliance*Dethroner: This is where this game starts.
  67. [23:05:19] #Alliance*Dethroner: At that point, no one knew us.
  68. [23:05:29] #Alliance*Dethroner: But everyone started to wonder who are these guys
  69. [23:05:34] #Alliance*Dethroner: and the more they spoke to us
  70. [23:05:44] #Alliance*Dethroner: the more they realized, these people were magnetic
  71. [23:05:51] #Alliance*Dethroner: A lot of hate came too.
  72. [23:06:00] #Alliance*Dethroner: Mostly from jealous people, and insecure people
  73. [23:06:15] #Alliance*Dethroner: There were 2 leagues at that time which were dominant beyond recognition
  74. [23:06:21] #Alliance*Dethroner: Aftermath and Imperium
  75. [23:06:25] #Alliance*Dethroner: Nothing could touch them
  76. [23:06:37] #Alliance*Dethroner: any league who tried to defeat this dichotomy, was blown to ashes
  77. [23:06:40] #Alliance*Dethroner: players stolen
  78. [23:06:46] #Alliance*Dethroner: and victimized in the community
  79. [23:07:01] #Alliance*Dethroner: No player could grow outside the fold of imperium and aftermath
  80. [23:07:06] #Alliance*Dethroner: I took up that challenge.
  81. [23:07:16] #Alliance*Dethroner: I didn't know much about monotype back then
  82. [23:07:22] #Alliance*Dethroner: I was using flying
  83. [23:07:25] #Alliance*Dethroner: With a honchrow
  84. [23:07:28] #Alliance*Dethroner: and a noivern
  85. [23:07:33] #Alliance*Dethroner: But i broke top 10 ladder with it
  86. [23:07:39] #Alliance*Dethroner: Shit was cray
  87. [23:07:59] #Alliance*Dethroner: and then, soon we started to come into the lime light
  88. [23:08:05] #Alliance*Dethroner: Alliance was gaining massive popularity
  89. [23:08:14] #Alliance*Dethroner: When THE BETRAYAL Happened
  90. [23:08:20] #Alliance*Dethroner: We lost 95 percent of the entire league.
  91. [23:08:26] #Alliance*Dethroner: 5 percent left.
  92. [23:08:33] #Alliance*Dethroner: Just me, and soma.
  93. [23:08:38] #Alliance*Dethroner: And then, the ones who came after
  94. [23:08:44] #Alliance*Dethroner: truly became the core in this reality
  95. [23:08:49] #Alliance*Dethroner: This is the point where haxnova died
  96. [23:08:55] #Alliance*Dethroner: and Dethroner came into the game.
  97. [23:09:17] #Alliance*Dethroner: This is the point a new revolution occurred
  98. [23:09:29] #Alliance*Dethroner: There was change on the brink of the horizon
  99. [23:09:31] #Alliance*Dethroner: and legends like:
  100. [23:09:36] #Alliance*Dethroner: Erica (Aster)
  101. [23:09:38] #Alliance*Dethroner: Diag
  102. [23:09:51] #Alliance*Dethroner: Joined our ranks
  103. [23:10:05] #Alliance*Dethroner: Soon Dyla, Ghast (Kyzein), and Jere (Myth)
  104. [23:10:10] #Alliance*Dethroner: ALL OF THEM
  105. [23:10:12] #Alliance*Dethroner: ALL OF THEM.
  106. [23:10:19] #Alliance*Dethroner: ROOMOWNERS Today.
  107. [23:10:23] #Alliance*Dethroner: Except 1.
  108. [23:10:29] #Alliance*Dethroner: Maybe he would become roomowner too.
  109. [23:10:48] #Alliance*Dethroner: but understand that from there on, we went to make destiny
  110. [23:11:09] #Alliance*Dethroner: I am the kind of person, to stick up against bullshit
  111. [23:11:20] #Alliance*Dethroner: and I stood up against the authoritarian frost server like no one else.
  112. [23:11:47] #Alliance*Dethroner: Especially when one of the admins approved of a slandering trainer card made by an idiot against erica
  113. [23:11:53] #Alliance*Dethroner: I took a damn fight with the server
  114. [23:12:02] #Alliance*Dethroner: this was when we BECAME THE MOST POPULAR LEAGUE ON FROST
  115. [23:12:05] #Alliance*Dethroner: everyone knew us
  116. [23:12:07] #Alliance*Dethroner: and in one go
  117. [23:12:12] #Alliance*Dethroner: I said fuck you to the server
  118. [23:12:16] #Alliance*Dethroner: they banned me.
  119. [23:12:24] #Alliance*Dethroner: the league was still on frost
  120. [23:12:29] #Alliance*Dethroner: but they followed their leader.
  121. [23:12:36] #Alliance*Dethroner: We went from server to server
  122. [23:12:39] #Alliance*Dethroner: first gold
  123. [23:12:42] #Alliance*Dethroner: then poke community
  124. [23:12:45] #Alliance*Dethroner: then aqua
  125. [23:12:52] #Alliance*Dethroner: finally reaching infinite
  126. [23:13:00] #Alliance*Dethroner: Where we started a new revolution
  127. [23:13:09] #Alliance*Dethroner: a small league was growing there at that time
  128. [23:13:13] #Alliance*Dethroner: a league known as Lotus.
  129. [23:13:29] #Alliance*Dethroner: and Alliance through gathering a couple of other leagues too
  130. [23:13:36] #Alliance*Dethroner: turned that server into a DAMN COMPETITOR
  131. [23:13:40] #Alliance*Dethroner: 150 people on the server
  132. [23:13:45] #Alliance*Dethroner: shit was lit
  133. [23:13:48] #Alliance*Dethroner: frost was jealous
  134. [23:14:01] #Alliance*Dethroner: and soon, one of our members
  135. [23:14:03] #Alliance*Dethroner: Known as SHZ
  136. [23:14:05] #Alliance*Dethroner: Ravonne
  137. [23:14:11] #Alliance*Dethroner: through a notorious scandal
  138. [23:14:15] #Alliance*Dethroner: took FROST DOWN
  139. [23:14:28] #Alliance*Dethroner: into the ashes
  140. [23:14:37] #Alliance*Dethroner: never to successfully emerge again
  141. [23:14:49] #Alliance*Dethroner: This brought the beginning of a new era altogether
  142. [23:14:54] #Alliance*Dethroner: leagues were scattered
  143. [23:15:03] #Alliance*Dethroner: Frost who banned me was Dethroned
  144. [23:15:08] #Alliance*Dethroner: and we all searched for a new home
  145. [23:15:22] #Alliance*Dethroner: The league life was divided for the longest time
  146. [23:15:30] #Alliance*Dethroner: Until finally Alliance was called in.
  147. [23:15:35] #Alliance*Dethroner: and when Alliance came
  148. [23:15:44] #Alliance*Dethroner: We were treated like outcasts
  149. [23:15:53] #Alliance*Dethroner: but guess what was the first fucking thing we did
  150. [23:15:58] #Alliance*Dethroner: we won BOTL
  151. [23:16:00] #Alliance*Dethroner: right off the bat
  152. [23:16:05] #Alliance*Dethroner: BOOM, in with a bang
  153. [23:16:14] #Alliance*Dethroner: Most popular room
  154. [23:16:19] #Alliance*Dethroner: BOTL Champions
  155. [23:16:24] #Alliance*Dethroner: Pretty fucking hard to ignore
  156. [23:16:47] #Alliance*Dethroner: and people were on our backs 24/7 trying to make life absolutely hard for us. Soon I focused on alliance becoming the fucking best
  157. [23:16:58] #Alliance*Dethroner: and from alliance came some of the greatest players in this community
  158. [23:17:35] #Alliance*Dethroner: from alliance came an OST champion, SPL players, MPL players, Main OU roomowners and many top players
  159. [23:17:42] #Alliance*Dethroner: many many many fucking top players
  160. [23:17:51] #Alliance*Dethroner: people like sam crowe even call alliance, ...
  161. [23:17:58] #Alliance*Dethroner: The Factory of Monotype
  162. [23:18:09] #Alliance*Dethroner: and soon we were the fucking shit
  163. [23:18:12] #Alliance*Dethroner: the talk of the town
  164. [23:18:22] #Alliance*Dethroner: the first league to make OU cool, before it was cool in the community
  165. [23:18:27] #Alliance*Dethroner: With our own decima
  166. [23:18:34] #Alliance*Dethroner: who had SPL players like snou in it
  167. [23:18:42] #Alliance*Dethroner: before it was something special.
  168. [23:18:46] #Alliance*Dethroner: in this community
  169. [23:18:50] #Alliance*Dethroner: We've been there
  170. [23:18:52] #Alliance*Dethroner: we've seen it
  171. [23:18:55] #Alliance*Dethroner: we've done it.
  172. [23:19:12] #Alliance*Dethroner: The fact of the matter is that there was one thing that started after
  173. [23:19:26] #Alliance*Dethroner: which became a thorn in Alliance's path to greatness
  174. [23:19:38] #Alliance*Dethroner: Alliance could not call itself the Greatest ever league without winning it
  175. [23:19:51] #Alliance*Dethroner: being top of the ladder 100's of times meant nothing
  176. [23:20:06] #Alliance*Dethroner: multiple time botl championships meant nothing
  177. [23:20:13] #Alliance*Dethroner: alliance cup trophies not as much either
  178. [23:20:18] #Alliance*Dethroner: They all said
  179. [23:20:21] #Alliance*Dethroner: ULC matters.
  180. [23:20:24] #Alliance*Dethroner: ULC matters.
  181. [23:20:27] #Alliance*Dethroner: ULC matters.
  182. [23:20:42] #Alliance*Dethroner: ULC 1 went by. Alliance didn't make play offs, they withdrew.
  183. [23:20:48] #Alliance*Dethroner: during group stages
  184. [23:20:55] #Alliance*Dethroner: Refused to play ULC 2.
  185. [23:21:10] #Alliance*Dethroner: After that I left Pokemon
  186. [23:21:19] #Alliance*Dethroner: My heart was broken, and I was like
  187. [23:21:20] #Alliance*Dethroner: fuck it
  188. [23:21:26] #Alliance*Dethroner: i come back
  189. [23:21:34] #Alliance*Dethroner: and I see alliance a completely ruined case.
  190. [23:21:46] #Alliance*Dethroner: This was the real change in Alliance.
  191. [23:21:50] #Alliance*Dethroner: Everyone was gone
  192. [23:21:54] #Alliance*Dethroner: no one was around.
  193. [23:22:05] #Alliance*Dethroner: and I was about to dip too, seeing such a great league
  194. [23:22:08] #Alliance*Dethroner: now in ashes
  195. [23:22:12] #Alliance*Dethroner: but then I get a message
  196. [23:22:18] #Alliance*Dethroner: Mythical messages me
  197. [23:22:27] #Alliance*Dethroner: He says, I don't know ... but
  198. [23:22:33] #Alliance*Dethroner: If you wanna bring Alliance back
  199. [23:22:38] #Alliance*Dethroner: I'm here with you.
  200. [23:22:45] #Alliance*Dethroner: That moved my heart.
  201. [23:22:57] #Alliance*Dethroner: Yeah... let's do this I said
  202. [23:23:36] #Alliance*Dethroner: erica was cross with me at that time
  203. [23:23:36] #Alliance*Dethroner: soma thought I betrayed him
  204. [23:23:37] #Alliance*Dethroner: ghast thought I was a traitor
  205. [23:23:38] #Alliance*Dethroner: dyla was considered dead because he hadn't been around for a year
  206. [23:23:38] #Alliance*Dethroner: no one had seen diag
  207. [23:23:47] #Alliance*Dethroner: and one by one
  208. [23:23:55] #Alliance*Dethroner: First I convinced soma to return
  209. [23:24:00] #Alliance*Dethroner: Then ghast
  210. [23:24:14] #Alliance*Dethroner: the legendary soulace! how could I forget about him
  211. [23:24:17] #Alliance*Dethroner: he was recalled
  212. [23:24:24] #Alliance*Dethroner: diag was found
  213. [23:24:26] #Alliance*Dethroner: erica returned
  214. [23:24:28] #Alliance*Dethroner: and finally!
  215. [23:24:35] #Alliance*Dethroner: Dyla was seen one day strolling on main
  216. [23:24:45] #Alliance*Dethroner: i called him, and said don't worry... just chill with us
  217. [23:24:54] #Alliance*Dethroner: and soon... his heart fell in love with this very same place
  218. [23:24:56] #Alliance*Dethroner: all over again
  219. [23:25:07] #Alliance*Dethroner: we met some amazing people on the way
  220. [23:25:08] #Alliance*Dethroner: maliega
  221. [23:25:10] #Alliance*Dethroner: tanya
  222. [23:25:12] #Alliance*Dethroner: church
  223. [23:25:14] #Alliance*Dethroner: healer
  224. [23:25:14] #Alliance*Dethroner: azumi
  225. [23:25:20] #Alliance*Dethroner: celes
  226. [23:25:30] #Alliance*Dethroner: and the list goes on and on and on
  227. [23:25:37] #Alliance*Dethroner: but this time, unlike last time
  228. [23:25:42] #Alliance*Dethroner: it wasn't about quantity
  229. [23:25:45] #Alliance*Dethroner: numbers
  230. [23:25:50] #Alliance*Dethroner: it was about QUALITY
  231. [23:25:56] #Alliance*Dethroner: it was about BEING FAMILY
  232. [23:26:10] #Alliance*Dethroner: and soon we found other amazing people
  233. [23:26:12] #Alliance*Dethroner: like purga
  234. [23:26:13] #Alliance*Dethroner: and howbowdah
  235. [23:26:37] #Alliance*Dethroner: and recently seraphin and melo, nara, etc
  236. [23:26:47] #Alliance*Dethroner: but the thing is that when I returned
  237. [23:26:52] #Alliance*Dethroner: Alliance was not in my control
  238. [23:26:59] #Alliance*Dethroner: it belonged to some asshat called fila
  239. [23:27:04] #Alliance*Dethroner: who ironically made hat league
  240. [23:27:11] #Alliance*Dethroner: maybe cause of how big of an asshat he was
  241. [23:27:20] #Alliance*Dethroner: but that's another story
  242. [23:27:30] #Alliance*Dethroner: Alliance was free at last
  243. [23:27:39] #Alliance*Dethroner: they were fucked by his incompetence during ulc 3
  244. [23:27:44] #Alliance*Dethroner: but ulc 4 is where it began for us
  245. [23:27:50] #Alliance*Dethroner: We finally made playoffs.
  246. [23:27:53] #Alliance*Dethroner: FINALLY.
  247. [23:27:58] #Alliance*Dethroner: but were knocked out
  248. [23:28:01] #Alliance*Dethroner: By LOTUS.
  249. [23:28:10] #Alliance*Dethroner: Lotus knocked us out, round 1.
  250. [23:28:15] #Alliance*Dethroner: It was a defeat
  251. [23:28:18] #Alliance*Dethroner: we were hurt.
  252. [23:28:25] #Alliance*Dethroner: I paused our chat right after the defeat
  253. [23:28:33] #Alliance*Dethroner: it was a crippling blow, many of us couldn't believe it
  254. [23:28:37] #Alliance*Dethroner: many of us lost hope
  255. [23:28:42] #Alliance*Dethroner: many of us were angry and mad.
  256. [23:28:58] #Alliance*Dethroner: I gathered this very same roomowner core
  257. [23:29:05] #Alliance*Dethroner: many of the roomleaders you see today
  258. [23:29:09] #Alliance*Dethroner: and some of the roommods
  259. [23:29:13] #Alliance*Dethroner: and I told them
  260. [23:29:17] #Alliance*Dethroner: That what's done is done.
  261. [23:29:23] #Alliance*Dethroner: From today, we rise.
  262. [23:29:29] #Alliance*Dethroner: We innovate in the meta even more.
  263. [23:29:37] #Alliance*Dethroner: We look at replays and play smart.
  264. [23:29:42] #Alliance*Dethroner: We play competitive.
  265. [23:29:50] #Alliance*Dethroner: no more sticking to one type and getting c teamed.
  266. [23:29:56] #Alliance*Dethroner: we will NOW play, TO WIN.
  267. [23:30:04] #Alliance*Dethroner: and this was the new drive
  268. [23:30:09] #Alliance*Dethroner: in this entire passage
  269. [23:30:14] #Alliance*Dethroner: from ULC 4 -> ULC 5
  270. [23:30:21] #Alliance*Dethroner: there were many egos that rose
  271. [23:30:30] #Alliance*Dethroner: many people even started calling themselves mono gods
  272. [23:30:35] #Alliance*Dethroner: what a fucking joke
  273. [23:30:44] #Alliance*Dethroner: and it was me, who took it upon himself
  274. [23:30:50] #Alliance*Dethroner: to make them realize their mortality.
  275. [23:31:03] #Alliance*Dethroner: As ULC started... we won our first 2 games
  276. [23:31:08] #Alliance*Dethroner: but then... something happened
  277. [23:31:12] #Alliance*Dethroner: something drastic
  278. [23:31:29] #Alliance*Dethroner: something so crippling that leagues forfeit out of tours right after because of such setbacks
  279. [23:31:36] #Alliance*Dethroner: We lost 4 of our main ULC members
  280. [23:31:47] #Alliance*Dethroner: and we only had 6-7 active members
  281. [23:31:50] #Alliance*Dethroner: for ULC
  282. [23:31:54] #Alliance*Dethroner: Wando
  283. [23:31:56] #Alliance*Dethroner: Dandy
  284. [23:32:10] #Alliance*Dethroner: Lycan
  285. [23:32:21] #Alliance*Dethroner: and later titania
  286. [23:32:35] #Alliance*Dethroner: if they thought we couldn't do it without them
  287. [23:32:40] #Alliance*Dethroner: they were dead. fucking. wrong.
  288. [23:32:44] #Alliance*Dethroner: Wando said,
  289. [23:32:47] #Alliance*Dethroner: we're trash
  290. [23:32:52] #Alliance*Dethroner: he's leaving trash
  291. [23:32:58] #Alliance*Dethroner: and we'll be knocked out pretty much.
  292. [23:33:05] #Alliance*Dethroner: We were against the fucking ropes
  293. [23:33:19] #Alliance*Dethroner: we played our next game against lotus
  294. [23:33:25] #Alliance*Dethroner: with barely a squad
  295. [23:33:31] #Alliance*Dethroner: right after the game
  296. [23:33:34] #Alliance*Dethroner: another roomowner left
  297. [23:33:35] #Alliance*Dethroner: Bush.
  298. [23:33:39] #Alliance*Dethroner: we lost that game, and a player
  299. [23:33:47] #Alliance*Dethroner: Yeah, this is the story.
  300. [23:33:51] #Alliance*Dethroner: Of the come back of come backs
  301. [23:33:56] #Alliance*Dethroner: When the world writes you down
  302. [23:34:20] #Alliance*Dethroner: You rise to the occassion
  303. [23:34:28] #Alliance*Dethroner: occasion*
  304. [23:34:47] #Alliance*Dethroner: From there I said fuck putting big names in tours
  305. [23:34:55] #Alliance*Dethroner: i'm going to put our gym leaders in
  306. [23:34:59] #Alliance*Dethroner: I'm going to win it with them.
  307. [23:35:04] #Alliance*Dethroner: I'm going to win it with family.
  308. [23:35:10] #Alliance*Dethroner: Win or Lose, together it is.
  309. [23:35:28] #Alliance*Dethroner: Many of those gym leaders, are today elite 4's, professors or royal guards
  310. [23:35:56] #Alliance*Dethroner: we face our long surviving rivals imperium
  311. [23:36:00] #Alliance*Dethroner: We defeat them.
  312. [23:36:07] #Alliance*Dethroner: We move to Play Offs.
  313. [23:36:17] #Alliance*Dethroner: What they said about our group was that our group was trash/.
  314. [23:36:28] #Alliance*Dethroner: Alliance, Lotus, Imperium
  315. [23:36:31] #Alliance*Dethroner: and 5 others
  316. [23:36:36] #Alliance*Dethroner: they called it complete trash
  317. [23:36:41] #Alliance*Dethroner: but the IRONY OF IT ALL
  318. [23:36:47] #Alliance*Dethroner: is that the 2 leagues, Alliance and Lotus
  319. [23:36:51] #Alliance*Dethroner: were the FINALISTS
  320. [23:37:19] #Alliance*Dethroner: the biggest in your face slap to all those poke pundits who sit back munching doritos riding each other like some yeeha cow boys
  321. [23:37:47] #Alliance*Dethroner: and so the first play off game begins
  322. [23:37:50] #Alliance*Dethroner: quarter finals.
  323. The Arbiter League has challenged you to a LvL!
  324. Each side will use 9 players.
  326. Simply /lvl roster [players], [players] to accept, or decline
  327. Format: monotype
  328. Mode: Quick
  329. The Empire has declined the LvL challenge.
  330. [23:37:58] #Alliance*Dethroner: Alliance vs Arbiter
  331. [23:38:02] #Alliance*Dethroner: Do it again and I'll ban you
  332. [23:38:10] #Alliance*Dethroner: -
  333. [23:38:19] #Alliance*Dethroner: Now arbiter were talking a lot of shit about us
  334. The Omega League has challenged you to a LvL!
  335. Each side will use 9 players.
  337. Simply /lvl roster [players], [players] to accept, or decline
  338. Format: gen7monotype
  339. Mode: Normal
  340. [23:38:22] #Alliance*Dethroner: before this lvl
  341. LvL is now disabled in this room.
  342. The Empire has declined the LvL challenge.
  343. [23:38:46] #Alliance*Dethroner: -
  344. [23:38:53] #Alliance*Dethroner: So so much shit talking arbiter was doing
  345. [23:38:59] #Alliance*Dethroner: it all came down to a close
  346. [23:39:03] #Alliance*Dethroner: when we beat their ass 3-1
  347. [23:39:08] #Alliance*Dethroner: in the quarter finals
  348. [23:39:17] #Alliance*Dethroner: Like a little mouse, they just wiggled outa here
  349. [23:39:23] #Alliance*Dethroner: that chapter was closed
  350. [23:39:27] #Alliance*Dethroner: Then came X League
  351. [23:39:31] #Alliance*Dethroner: in the semi finals
  352. [23:39:33] #Alliance*Dethroner: Oh boy.
  353. [23:39:44] #Alliance*Dethroner: This was said by some to be the game of games.
  354. [23:40:00] #Alliance*Dethroner: They played us, they were considered to be the best at that point
  355. [23:40:05] #Alliance*Dethroner: but we even beat them
  356. [23:40:09] #Alliance*Dethroner: the defeat was so hard
  357. [23:40:14] #Alliance*Dethroner: that the disbanded off azure
  358. [23:40:18] #Alliance*Dethroner: tail between legs
  359. [23:40:23] Bushtush was banned from The Empire by Alliance*Dethroner.
  360. [23:40:31] #Alliance*Dethroner: and left azure
  361. [23:40:44] #Alliance*Dethroner: so that chapter was closed too. Alliance ended their rivalry with X
  362. [23:40:47] #Alliance*Dethroner: with X Dethroned.
  363. [23:40:51] #Alliance*Dethroner: Now...
  364. [23:40:56] #Alliance*Dethroner: come the hard part.
  365. [23:40:59] #Alliance*Dethroner: The one league...
  366. [23:41:05] #Alliance*Dethroner: which has been the THORN in Alliance's path
  367. [23:41:09] #Alliance*Dethroner: since ULC 4.
  368. [23:41:20] #Alliance*Dethroner: A league which has risen from no where to get to where they are
  369. [23:41:26] #Alliance*Dethroner: Knocking us out ULC 4
  370. [23:41:34] #Alliance*Dethroner: beating us in group stages ULC 5
  371. [23:41:39] #Alliance*Dethroner: UNDEFEATED IN ULC 5
  372. [23:41:45] #Alliance*Dethroner: one of their players calls himself
  373. [23:41:49] #Alliance*Dethroner: mono balance "god"
  374. [23:41:54] #Alliance*Dethroner: mono stall "god"
  375. [23:41:58] #Alliance*Dethroner: mono HO "god"
  376. [23:42:02] #Alliance*Dethroner: yeah
  377. [23:42:05] #Alliance*Dethroner: That needed to change.
  378. [23:42:13] #Alliance*Dethroner: Our emblem, throughout this tournament was one.
  379. [23:42:15] #Alliance*Dethroner: !roomdesc
  380. The room description is: One Day... We all realize our MORTALITY
  381. [23:42:23] #Alliance*Dethroner: One Day we all realize our mortality.
  382. [23:42:32] #Alliance*Dethroner: it was time for those who thought they couldn't bleed
  383. [23:42:38] #Alliance*Dethroner: to bleed.
  384. [23:42:46] #Alliance*Dethroner: and wincon, this player
  385. [23:42:52] #Alliance*Dethroner: who calls himself god
  386. [23:42:56] #Alliance*Dethroner: was 6-0'd in the finals.
  387. [23:43:14] #Alliance*Dethroner: These finals were such that we came in to prove a point
  388. [23:43:20] #Alliance*Dethroner: To prove, that well and truly
  389. [23:43:40] #Alliance*Dethroner: Alliance are here to prove the entire perception incorrect
  390. [23:43:49] #Alliance*Dethroner: That THEY, don't decide who is good, and who is bad.
  391. [23:44:00] #Alliance*Dethroner: MPL circle jerk selection doesn't decide.
  392. [23:44:03] #Alliance*Dethroner: Fuck elections.
  393. [23:44:06] #Alliance*Dethroner: You wanna prove it?
  394. [23:44:09] #Alliance*Dethroner: Prove it by battling.
  395. [23:44:16] #Alliance*Dethroner: and 2 leagues
  396. [23:44:22] #Alliance*Dethroner: which they never thought could get up there
  397. [23:44:33] #Alliance*Dethroner: proved to be the ones who infact DID get up there.
  398. [23:44:38] #Alliance*Dethroner: The finals were on
  399. [23:44:40] #Alliance*Dethroner: 7 vs 7
  400. [23:44:47] #Alliance*Dethroner: Their BEST vs Our BEST
  401. [23:44:53] #Alliance*Dethroner: and so the final match happens.
  402. [23:45:01] #Alliance*Dethroner: I play for Alliance
  403. [23:45:05] #Alliance*Dethroner: Torpid play for Lotus
  404. [23:45:09] #Alliance*Dethroner: Champion vs Champion
  405. [23:45:14] #Alliance*Dethroner: well Dyla is our champion
  406. [23:45:18] #Alliance*Dethroner: I'm just the Dethroner
  407. [23:45:23] #Alliance*Dethroner: Dethroner vs Champion
  408. [23:45:33] #Alliance*Dethroner: so we face off, he uses ground
  409. [23:45:35] #Alliance*Dethroner: I use steel
  410. [23:45:38] #Alliance*Dethroner: it has a nidoking
  411. [23:45:49] #Alliance*Dethroner: my team can't beat ground, wasn't designed to
  412. [23:45:53] #Alliance*Dethroner: I somehow
  413. [23:45:57] #Alliance*Dethroner: through a miracle
  414. [23:45:59] #Alliance*Dethroner: some fucking way
  415. [23:46:02] #Alliance*Dethroner: end up winning.
  416. [23:46:39] #Alliance*Dethroner: Yes I could have won if I had gotten a 66.6 percent roll
  417. [23:46:45] #Alliance*Dethroner: which i was favored to
  418. [23:46:48] #Alliance*Dethroner: but the way it ended
  419. [23:46:51] #Alliance*Dethroner: was much more dramatic
  420. [23:46:58] #Alliance*Dethroner: and it really showed me what mortality meant
  421. [23:47:04] #Alliance*Dethroner: to be up against the wall
  422. [23:47:13] #Alliance*Dethroner: pondering if I should quit PS after losing
  423. [23:47:23] #Alliance*Dethroner: I was wondering what I'm going to say to everyone once I lose
  424. [23:47:26] #Alliance*Dethroner: I had no words.
  425. [23:47:30] #Alliance*Dethroner: Honestly no words.
  426. [23:47:56] #Alliance*Dethroner: Somehow, someway through a miracle of God, and I praise Him greatly for His help in this
  427. [23:48:06] #Alliance*Dethroner: that I can't do anything without Him
  428. [23:48:13] #Alliance*Dethroner: that He is on my side.
  429. [23:48:16] #Alliance*Dethroner: I win.
  430. [23:48:19] #Alliance*Dethroner: We Win.
  431. [23:48:23] #Alliance*Dethroner: We become ....
  432. [23:48:27] #Alliance*Dethroner: CHAMPIONS at last.
  433. [23:48:30] #Alliance*Dethroner: At last.
  434. [23:48:37] #Alliance*Dethroner: Finally Destiny has been achieved.
  435. [23:48:43] #Alliance*Dethroner: The dream has been accomplished
  436. [23:48:51] #Alliance*Dethroner: and Alliance have conquered.
  437. [23:49:01] #Alliance*Dethroner: Thank you everyone.
  438. [23:49:07] #Alliance*Dethroner: This was a great journey
  439. [23:49:13] #Alliance*Dethroner: This was a great adventure
  440. [23:50:37] #Alliance*Dethroner: We'll open this league with the Championship
  441. [23:50:44] #Alliance*Dethroner: I've heard crowe is retiring
  442. [23:50:47] #Alliance*Dethroner: Not sure.
  443. [23:50:51] #Alliance*Dethroner: This might be the last ULC
  444. [23:50:53] #Alliance*Dethroner: if it is.
  445. [23:50:58] #Alliance*Dethroner: This is where ULC ends.
  446. [23:51:01] #Alliance*Dethroner: Finally...
  447. [23:51:12] #Alliance*Dethroner: in the hands of the rightful Conquerors
  448. [23:51:18] #Alliance*Dethroner: Finally, in the hands of Alliance.
  449. [23:51:22] #Alliance*Dethroner: because,
  450. [23:51:23] #Alliance*Dethroner: it.
  451. [23:51:25] #Alliance*Dethroner: was.
  452. [23:51:27] #Alliance*Dethroner: DESTINY.
  453. Moderated chat was disabled!
  454. Anyone may talk now.
  455. [23:51:30] &alliance{Mali}ega: Put the gun down, Deth.
  457. [23:51:30] +Akamaru: First.
  458. [23:51:30] Sea Toytuhl: Shut the fuck up holy hell
  459. [23:51:27] Trafalgar Law: fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya fuckya
  460. [23:51:27] Lance Wannabe: ltrsall ltrsian ltrsce ltrssu ltrsuck
  461. [23:51:30] Omega Wobz: kmean norna mneak yk chetd toukdeak borsa leamok!
  462. [23:51:30] Trafalgar Law was muted by Afterlife Guardian for 7 minutes. (Automated response: your message contained a banned phrase)
  463. [23:51:27] Who'm'st've'nst: ltrsall ltrsian ltrsce ltrssu ltrsuck
  464. [23:51:31] OmegaΩOgengar: who cares
  465. [23:51:28] Lance Wannabe: ltrsall ltrsian ltrsce ltrssu ltrsuck
  466. [23:51:31] Chance of Showers: inb4 cancer chat
  467. [23:51:28] Lance Wannabe: ltrsall ltrsian ltrsce ltrssu ltrsuck
  468. [23:51:28] Lance Wannabe: ltrsall ltrsian ltrsce ltrssu ltrsuck
  469. [23:51:29] SPLBot: ltrsall ltrsian ltrsce ltrssu ltrsuck
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