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- $ docker-dns --config $PWD/config.js
- [DD] info Loading config from /home/cristian/.docker-dns/config.js
- [DD] info debuging enabled
- [DD] debug public.dockerA new Dinspect for docker public.dockerA
- [DD] debug public.dockerA getting containers for docker public.dockerA
- [DD] debug public.dockerA inspecting 1 containers
- [DD] debug 7e20400c57a4 new containter object with uuid12: 7e20400c57a4
- [DD] debug ip { internal: '', exposed: null }
- [DD] debug 7e20400c57a4 imgname: ambari-singlenode
- [DD] debug 7e20400c57a4 hostname: amb0
- [DD] debug 7e20400c57a4 ports: 8080/tcp [ { HostIp: '', HostPort: '' } ]
- [DD] debug 7e20400c57a4 services: [ { port: '',
- boundip: '',
- portproto: '8080/tcp',
- lookup:
- { name: 'http-alt',
- port: 8080,
- proto: 'tcp',
- portproto: '8080/tcp' } } ]
- [DD] debug back from inspection, off to build
- [DD] debug 7e20400c57a4 starting _buildAnCNAMERecords
- [DD] debug 7e20400c57a4 done with A and CNAME records for local ip
- [DD] debug 7e20400c57a4 starting _buildAnCNAMERecords
- [DD] debug 7e20400c57a4 no ip, calling back
- [DD] debug 7e20400c57a4 done with A and CNAME records for exposed ip null
- [DD] debug service port or bound ip missing: { port: '',
- boundip: '',
- portproto: '8080/tcp',
- lookup:
- { name: 'http-alt',
- port: 8080,
- proto: 'tcp',
- portproto: '8080/tcp' } }
- [DD] debug 7e20400c57a4 calling back from _buildSRVRecords
- [DD] debug 7e20400c57a4 done with SRVrecords
- [DD] debug 7e20400c57a4 all records built, calling back
- [DD] debug public.dockerA _.union of records finished
- [DD] info public.dockerA built records
- [DD] debug back from build, deliver recs to dns server
- [DD] info loading new dns records
- [DD] info docker-dns initialized
- events.js:85
- throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
- ^
- Error: bind EINVAL
- at exports._errnoException (util.js:742:11)
- at dgram.js:222:28
- at dns.js:82:18
- at process._tickCallback (node.js:372:11)
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