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- const
- init_force = 100; // Initial acceleration - ms^-2 (same as force in newtons assuming 1 kg projectile)
- init_angle = 40; // Initial angle in degrees, with horizontal being 0 and vertical being 90
- grav = 9.81; // Gravity, x ms^-2
- wind = -10; // Wind, x ms^-2 - positive increases distance and vice versa
- res = 10; // Resistance, x ms^-2
- fps = 64.0;
- var
- m, r_for, x_for, y_for, cur_ang, x_pos, y_pos: Extended; // resultant force; x and y components of resultant force; current angle of projectile
- i: Integer; // Timer
- arc: TPointArray;
- tb: TBox;
- begin
- r_for := init_force;
- x_pos := 0;
- y_pos := 0;
- cur_ang := Radians(init_angle);
- i := 0;
- repeat
- SetLength(arc, i + 1);
- arc[i] := Point(Round(x_pos), Round(y_pos));
- r_for := r_for - (res / fps);
- x_for := (r_for * Cos(cur_ang)) - (wind / fps);
- y_for := (r_for * Sin(cur_ang)) - (grav / fps);
- cur_ang := ArcTan(y_for / x_for);
- r_for := x_for / Cos(cur_ang);
- x_pos := x_pos + (x_for / fps);
- y_pos := y_pos + (y_for / fps);
- i := i + 1;
- until y_pos <= 0;
- Writeln('Flight took ~' + IntToStr(Round(i / fps)) + 's');
- SetLength(arc, i + 1);
- arc[i] := Point(Round(x_pos), Round(y_pos));
- if arc[i].y <> 0 then
- begin
- if arc[i].x = arc[i - 1].x then
- arc[i].y := 0
- else
- begin
- m := (arc[i].y - arc[i - 1].y) / (arc[i].x - arc[i - 1].x);
- arc[i].x := arc[i - 1].x + Round(arc[i - 1].y / -m);
- arc[i].y := 0;
- end;
- end;
- tb := GetTPABounds(arc);
- tb.y2 := tb.y2 + 5;
- tb.x2 := tb.x2 + 2;
- DisplayDebugImgWindow(tb.x2 + 2, tb.y2 + 5);
- Wait(50);
- GetDebugCanvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
- GetDebugCanvas.Rectangle(0, 0, tb.x2 + 2, tb.y2 + 5);
- GetDebugCanvas.MoveTo(2, tb.y2);
- GetDebugCanvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
- for i := 0 to High(arc) do
- GetDebugCanvas.LineTo(arc[i].x, tb.y2 - arc[i].y);
- end.
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