

Jul 28th, 2015
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  1. var doc = document;
  2. var forums = "http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=";
  3. var board = 18;
  4. var floodcheck = 32000;
  5. var reply = "http://www.roblox.com/Forum/AddPost.aspx?PostID=";
  6. var frame = document.createElement('iframe');
  7. var threadview = "ctl00_cphRoblox_ThreadView1_ctl00_ThreadList";
  8. var body = "ctl00_cphRoblox_Createeditpost1_PostForm_PostBody";
  9. var postbutton = "ctl00_cphRoblox_Createeditpost1_PostForm_PostButton";
  10. var keywords = new Array("sup dog ","Sup dog ","sup dawg ","Sup dawg ","hellO! ","hey there! ","hello! ","Hello! ","Hey! ","hey! ","hi! ","Hi! ","hey ","Lol lolo ","lol! ","LOL! ","Lulz ","Lululul ","LOLOLOL!!! ","LOL ","Lol ","lol ","whats poppin homie ","whats popping ","Whats popping ","mate how are you ","Mate how are ya ","Hi There ","Hey there my man ","hey there my man ","Yo dog whats crackin ","yo dog whats crackin ","Yo dog ","yo dog ","Whats up dog ","whats up dog ","dog how are ya ","Dog how are ya ","how are you? ","How are you? ","No ","no ","Yes ","yes ","Hello there friend ","hello there friend ","hello there ","Hey there ","hey there ","Hello there ","Hello dur ","Hei ","hei ","Yo man ","yo man ","yooo hows it going? ","Heyo ","Hey ","Hello ","Hi ","Yo Dawg ","Yo ","Wassup ","Wazzup Homie G ","Whats cracking? ","Wazzup ","Sup ","Whats up? ","Hows it going? ","Greetings ","Hows it rollin? ","Hows it rolling? ","Wazzup dawg? ","Hello my friend ","hello my friend ","hi ","hello ","greetings ","yo ","Yo bro ","yo bro","hey there mate ","Hey there mate ","sup ","wazzzzzzup ","wassup ");
  11. var keywords2 = new Array(" "," "," "," "," "," ");
  13. var added = String.fromCharCode(1) + " "+ String.fromCharCode(1);
  14. var subject = "ctl00_cphRoblox_Createeditpost1_PostForm_PostSubject";
  15. var posts = 0;
  16. function Add(str){
  17. keywords.push(str);
  18. }
  19. function FindPost(){
  20. var doc = frame.contentDocument;
  21. var threds = doc.getElementById(threadview).firstElementChild;
  22. var post = threds.children[Math.floor(Math.random()*20)+5];
  23. var postlink = post.children[1].firstElementChild;
  24. var postid = postlink.href.substring(postlink.href.indexOf("=")+1);
  25. return postid;
  26. }
  27. function load() {
  28. var loc = frame.contentWindow.location;
  29. var url = loc.hostname+loc.pathname;
  30. if (loc.href == forums + board) {
  31. var postid = FindPost();
  32. frame.contentWindow.location = reply+postid;
  33. } else if(url == "www.roblox.com/Forum/AddPost.aspx"){
  34. frame.contentDocument.getElementById(subject).value = "RE: ";
  35. frame.contentDocument.getElementById(body).value = keywords[Math.floor(Math.random()*keywords.length)]+keywords2[Math.floor(Math.random()*keywords2.length)]+keywords2[Math.floor(Math.random()*keywords2.length)]+keywords2[Math.floor(Math.random()*keywords2.length)]+added;
  36. frame.contentDocument.getElementById(postbutton).click();
  37. posts++;
  38. document.title = posts+" posts";
  39. } else {
  40. setTimeout("frame.contentWindow.location = forums+board;",floodcheck);
  41. }
  42. }
  44. frame.onload = load;
  45. frame.src = forums+board;
  46. frame.height = 600;
  47. frame.width = 900;
  48. frame.style.position = "absolute";
  49. frame.sandbox = "allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms";
  50. document.body.innerHTML = "";
  51. document.body.appendChild(frame);
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