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- {
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- "TransferConfigAndAuthOnUpdate": true,
- "UseWebsocket": false,
- "WebSocketPort": 14251,
- "UseTelegramAPI": false,
- "TelegramAPIKey": null,
- "TelegramPassword": "12345",
- "StartupWelcomeDelay": false,
- "AmountOfPokemonToDisplayOnStart": 10,
- "DetailedCountsBeforeRecycling": false,
- "CatchPokemon": false,
- "MaxBerriesToUsePerPokemon": 3,
- "AutomaticallyLevelUpPokemon": false,
- "OnlyUpgradeFavorites": true,
- "UseLevelUpList": true,
- "AmountOfTimesToUpgradeLoop": 5,
- "GetMinStarDustForLevelUp": 5000,
- "LevelUpByCPorIv": "iv",
- "UpgradePokemonCpMinimum": 1000.0,
- "UpgradePokemonIvMinimum": 95.0,
- "UpgradePokemonMinimumStatsOperator": "and",
- "DisableHumanWalking": false,
- "DefaultLatitude": 40.764887,
- "DefaultLongitude": -73.972709,
- "WalkingSpeedInKilometerPerHour": 50.0,
- "UseWalkingSpeedVariant": true,
- "RandomlyPauseAtStops": false,
- "MaxSpawnLocationOffset": 10,
- "FastSoftBanBypass": false,
- "DelayBetweenPlayerActions": 1000,
- "DelayBetweenPokemonCatch": 1000,
- "DumpPokemonStats": true,
- "EvolveAboveIvValue": 10.0,
- "EvolveAllPokemonAboveIv": true,
- "EvolveAllPokemonWithEnoughCandy": true,
- "EvolveKeptPokemonsAtStorageUsagePercentage": 50.0,
- "KeepPokemonsThatCanEvolve": true,
- "KeepMinCp": 1,
- "KeepMinIvPercentage": 100.0,
- "KeepMinLvl": 6,
- "KeepMinOperator": "and",
- "UseKeepMinLvl": false,
- "PrioritizeIvOverCp": false,
- "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
- "UseGpxPathing": false,
- "GpxFile": "GPXPath.GPX",
- "VerboseRecycling": true,
- "RecycleInventoryAtUsagePercentage": 90.0,
- "RandomizeRecycle": false,
- "RandomRecycleValue": 5,
- "DelayBetweenRecycleActions": false,
- "UseEggIncubators": true,
- "UseEggIncubatorMinKm": 2,
- "UseLuckyEggConstantly": false,
- "UseLuckyEggsMinPokemonAmount": 10,
- "UseLuckyEggsWhileEvolving": true,
- "UseIncenseConstantly": true,
- "UseBerriesMinCp": 0,
- "UseBerriesMinIv": 0.0,
- "UseBerriesBelowCatchProbability": 0.0,
- "UseBerriesOperator": "and",
- "UseSnipeLocationServer": false,
- "SnipeLocationServer": "localhost",
- "SnipeLocationServerPort": 16969,
- "GetSniperInfoFromPokezz": false,
- "GetOnlyVerifiedSniperInfoFromPokezz": false,
- "GetSniperInfoFromPokeSnipers": false,
- "GetSniperInfoFromPokeWatchers": false,
- "GetSniperInfoFromSkiplagged": true,
- "MinPokeballsToSnipe": 75,
- "MinPokeballsWhileSnipe": 0,
- "MinDelayBetweenSnipes": 2000,
- "SnipingScanOffset": 0.013,
- "SnipeAtPokestops": true,
- "SnipeIgnoreUnknownIv": false,
- "UseTransferIvForSnipe": false,
- "SnipePokemonNotInPokedex": false,
- "RenamePokemon": false,
- "RenameOnlyAboveIv": true,
- "RenameTemplate": "{1}_{0}",
- "MaxPokeballsPerPokemon": 6,
- "MaxTravelDistanceInMeters": 3000,
- "TotalAmountOfPokeballsToKeep": 120,
- "TotalAmountOfPotionsToKeep": 80,
- "TotalAmountOfRevivesToKeep": 60,
- "TotalAmountOfBerriesToKeep": 50,
- "UseGreatBallAboveCp": 750,
- "UseUltraBallAboveCp": 1000,
- "UseMasterBallAboveCp": 1500,
- "UseGreatBallAboveIv": 80.0,
- "UseUltraBallAboveIv": 90.0,
- "UseGreatBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.4,
- "UseUltraBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.2,
- "UseMasterBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.1,
- "EnableHumanizedThrows": false,
- "EnableMissedThrows": false,
- "ThrowMissPercentage": 25,
- "NiceThrowChance": 40,
- "GreatThrowChance": 60,
- "ExcellentThrowChance": 100,
- "CurveThrowChance": 20,
- "ForceGreatThrowOverIv": 50.0,
- "ForceExcellentThrowOverIv": 50.0,
- "ForceGreatThrowOverCp": 40,
- "ForceExcellentThrowOverCp": 1500,
- "TransferWeakPokemon": false,
- "TransferDuplicatePokemon": true,
- "TransferDuplicatePokemonOnCapture": false,
- "FavoriteMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
- "AutoFavoritePokemon": false,
- "UsePokemonToNotCatchFilter": false,
- "UsePokemonSniperFilterOnly": false,
- "ItemRecycleFilter": [
- {
- "Key": "itemUnknown",
- "Value": 0
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemLuckyEgg",
- "Value": 200
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemIncenseOrdinary",
- "Value": 100
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemIncenseSpicy",
- "Value": 100
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemIncenseCool",
- "Value": 100
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemIncenseFloral",
- "Value": 100
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemTroyDisk",
- "Value": 100
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemXAttack",
- "Value": 100
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemXDefense",
- "Value": 100
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemXMiracle",
- "Value": 100
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemRazzBerry",
- "Value": 50
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemBlukBerry",
- "Value": 10
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemNanabBerry",
- "Value": 10
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemWeparBerry",
- "Value": 30
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemPinapBerry",
- "Value": 30
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemSpecialCamera",
- "Value": 100
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemIncubatorBasicUnlimited",
- "Value": 100
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemIncubatorBasic",
- "Value": 100
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemPokemonStorageUpgrade",
- "Value": 1000
- },
- {
- "Key": "itemItemStorageUpgrade",
- "Value": 100
- }
- ],
- "PokemonsNotToTransfer": [
- "ditto",
- "articuno",
- "zapdos",
- "moltres",
- "mewtwo",
- "mew"
- ],
- "PokemonsToEvolve": [
- "caterpie",
- "weedle",
- "pidgey",
- "rattata",
- "zubat",
- "doduo",
- "spearow"
- ],
- "PokemonsToLevelUp": null,
- "PokemonsToIgnore": [
- "tauros",
- "farfetchd",
- "mrMime",
- "kangaskhan"
- ],
- "PokemonsTransferFilter": {},
- "PokemonToSnipe": {
- "Locations": [
- {
- "Latitude": 35.6328964,
- "Longitude": 139.8803943
- },
- {
- "Latitude": 40.712784,
- "Longitude": -74.005941
- },
- {
- "Latitude": 38.907192,
- "Longitude": -77.036871
- },
- {
- "Latitude": 37.77493,
- "Longitude": -122.419416
- },
- {
- "Latitude": 52.520007,
- "Longitude": 13.404954
- },
- {
- "Latitude": 51.507351,
- "Longitude": -0.127758
- }
- ],
- "Pokemon": [
- "caterpie",
- "bulbasaur",
- "ivysaur",
- "venusaur",
- "charmander",
- "charmeleon",
- "charizard",
- "squirtle",
- "wartortle",
- "blastoise",
- "caterpie",
- "metapod",
- "butterfree",
- "weedle",
- "kakuna",
- "beedrill",
- "pidgey",
- "pidgeotto",
- "pidgeot",
- "rattata",
- "raticate",
- "spearow",
- "fearow",
- "ekans",
- "arbok",
- "pikachu",
- "raichu",
- "sandshrew",
- "sandslash",
- "nidorina",
- "nidoqueen",
- "nidorino",
- "nidoking",
- "clefairy",
- "clefable",
- "vulpix",
- "ninetales",
- "jigglypuff",
- "wigglytuff",
- "zubat",
- "golbat",
- "oddish",
- "gloom",
- "vileplume",
- "paras",
- "parasect",
- "venonat",
- "venomoth",
- "diglett",
- "dugtrio",
- "meowth",
- "persian",
- "psyduck",
- "golduck",
- "mankey",
- "primeape",
- "growlithe",
- "arcanine",
- "poliwag",
- "poliwhirl",
- "poliwrath",
- "abra",
- "kadabra",
- "alakazam",
- "machop",
- "machoke",
- "machamp",
- "bellsprout",
- "weepinbell",
- "victreebel",
- "tentacool",
- "tentacruel",
- "geodude",
- "graveler",
- "golem",
- "ponyta",
- "rapidash",
- "slowpoke",
- "slowbro",
- "magnemite",
- "magneton",
- "doduo",
- "dodrio",
- "seel",
- "dewgong",
- "grimer",
- "muk",
- "shellder",
- "cloyster",
- "gastly",
- "haunter",
- "gengar",
- "onix",
- "drowzee",
- "hypno",
- "krabby",
- "kingler",
- "voltorb",
- "electrode",
- "exeggcute",
- "exeggutor",
- "cubone",
- "marowak",
- "hitmonlee",
- "hitmonchan",
- "lickitung",
- "koffing",
- "weezing",
- "rhyhorn",
- "rhydon",
- "chansey",
- "tangela",
- "kangaskhan",
- "horsea",
- "seadra",
- "goldeen",
- "seaking",
- "staryu",
- "starmie",
- "scyther",
- "jynx",
- "electabuzz",
- "magmar",
- "pinsir",
- "magikarp",
- "gyarados",
- "lapras",
- "ditto",
- "eevee",
- "vaporeon",
- "jolteon",
- "flareon",
- "porygon",
- "omanyte",
- "omastar",
- "kabuto",
- "kabutops",
- "aerodactyl",
- "snorlax",
- "articuno",
- "zapdos",
- "moltres",
- "dratini",
- "dragonair",
- "dragonite",
- "weedle",
- "pidgey"
- ]
- },
- "PokemonToUseMasterball": [
- "articuno",
- "zapdos",
- "moltres",
- "mew",
- "mewtwo"
- ]
- }
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