
BC2 - Nuva Levitation

Jan 6th, 2023
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  1. Each of them was still recognizable — but they had all changed. Instead of his golden Kanohi mask, Tahu’s face was now covered in a larger mask of gleaming red, while his body shimmered in metallic tones of silver and bronze. The others had undergone similar transformations.
  3. “What has happened?” Gali voiced the question at last. “What have we become?”
  5. “More than we were,” Kopaka answered, his cool voice tinged with the warmth of amazement. “More than anyone has ever been.”
  7. Sure enough, Tahu could feel power surging through him. But he glanced upward with concern. “Let us worry about why it happened later,” he said. “There are more important questions to answer now. What happened to Cahdok and Gahdok? And how are we going to get out of here?”
  9. The last question turned out to be the easiest to answer. Lewa’s power of levitation carried them aloft, and soon they were bursting out of the darkness of the tunnels onto the surface. They flew high up into the air until they could see the island from end to end. While there were enormous areas of bare earth, charred rock, and other damage, the Bohrok swarms were nowhere to be seen.
  11. “We did it!” Gali cried as the Toa settled back toward the ground. “The threat of the swarms is ended! But at what price?”
  13. Tahu couldn’t help wondering the same thing as he glanced at Lewa. But he shook off the nagging distrust of the Air Toa’s mind.
  15. “Nothing has been lost,” the Fire Toa said firmly. “The protodermis has given us the power to protect our people from any danger and to heal the land. Once we were Toa — but now we are far, far more.” He raised his magma sword, reveling in the power surging through him. “Now and forevermore, we are — the Toa Nuva!”
  17. The cheers of the other Toa Nuva rose into the air. Mata Nui had been injured — but soon it would heal. The Toa Nuva would see to that.
  20. - BIONICLE Chronicles 2: Beware the Bohrok, Chapter 16
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