

Sep 28th, 2024
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  83. <div class="py-8 px-4 mx-auto max-w-6xl text-center lg:py-16 mt-8">
  84. <h1 class="blackText text-white mb-4 tracking-tight leading-none">Discord Sunucun için geliştirilmiş Türkçe
  85. <span class="gradientColor">#1 Numaralı</span> Kayıt Botu.
  86. </h1>
  87. <p class="regularText text-white opacity-90 mt-8 mb-8 sm:px-16 lg:px-48">Nors, sunucun için ayarlanabilen en
  88. iyi kayıt sistemlerine sahiptir.</p>
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  90. <a href="/invite" target="_blank"
  91. class="normalTextBold text-black gradientBg inline-flex justify-center items-center py-3 px-6 text-center rounded-full">
  92. Sunucuna ekle
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  102. Özellikler
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  105. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-90 mt-8 mb-8 sm:px-16 lg:px-48"><span class="mr-2"><i
  106. class="fa-regular fa-check mr-1 opacity-90"></i> <span class="opacity-60">Tamamiyle
  107. ayarlanabilir</span></span> <span class="mr-2"><i
  108. class="fa-regular fa-check mr-1 opacity-90"></i>
  109. <span class="opacity-60">Tamamen ücretsiz</span></span></p>
  110. <img class="mt-8" src="/assets/img/TYPE1.png" draggable="false" alt="IMG">
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  118. <p class="boldText text-white opacity-90 mt-8 mb-2 sm:px-16 lg:px-48">Tamamen <span
  119. class="gradientColor"><b>senin sunucun</b></span> için tasarlandı.</p>
  120. <p class="regularTextIta text-white opacity-60 mb-8 sm:px-16 lg:px-48">100 binden fazla Discord sunucusu
  121. tarafından kullanılıyor – 7/24</p>
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  129. <p class="extraBoldText text-white opacity-90 mt-8 mb-2 sm:px-16 lg:px-48"><span
  130. class="gradientColor"><b>Kurulumu</b></span> son derece basit</p>
  131. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mb-8 sm:px-16 lg:px-48">1 dakikadan kısa bir süre içinde Discord
  132. Sunucun için kurulumu tamamla!</p>
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  138. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-5">Adım 1</p>
  139. <p class="boldText text-white opacity-90 mt-3"><span class="gradientColor"><b>Sunucuna
  140. ekle</b></span></p>
  141. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-3">Nors'u sunucuna ekle.</p>
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  146. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-5">Adım 2</p>
  147. <p class="boldText text-white opacity-90 mt-3"><span class="gradientColor"><b>Komutu
  148. kullan</b></span></p>
  149. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-3">/:CMDNAME komutunu kullanarak kayıt
  150. sistemini
  151. hazır hale getir.</p>
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  153. </div>
  154. <div class="card h-full">
  155. <div class="items-center overflow-hidden">
  156. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-5">Adım 3</p>
  157. <p class="boldText text-white opacity-90 mt-3"><span class="gradientColor"><b>Her şey
  158. hazır!</b></span></p>
  159. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-3">İşte hazırsın! artık kayıt sistemine
  160. sahipsin.</p>
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  168. class="normalTextBold text-black gradientBg inline-flex justify-center items-center py-3 px-6 text-center rounded-full">
  169. Sunucuna ekle
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  178. <p class="smallText text-white text-center opacity-90 mt-8 mb-8 sm:px-16 lg:px-48"><span class="mr-2"><i
  179. class="fa-regular fa-check mr-1 opacity-90"></i> <span class="opacity-60">Tamamiyle
  180. ayarlanabilir</span></span> <span class="mr-2"><i
  181. class="fa-regular fa-check mr-1 opacity-90"></i>
  182. <span class="opacity-60">Tamamen ücretsiz</span></span></p>
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  202. <p class="extraBoldText text-white opacity-90">Sistemi kur</p>
  203. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-4">Tek komut ile sistemi aktif edebilir, aktif
  204. ettikten sonra dilediğin gibi özelleştirebilirsin.</p>
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  206. <p class="smallTextBold gradientColor gradientUnderline mt-3">Sunucuna ekle <i
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  215. <p class="extraBoldText text-white opacity-90">Giriş Mesajını özelleştir</p>
  216. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-4">GIF, emoji ve
  217. sana verilen parametreleri ekleyerek mesajı kendi sunucunu özel yap.</p>
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  219. <p class="smallTextBold gradientColor gradientUnderline mt-3">Sunucuna ekle <i
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  234. <p class="extraBoldText text-white opacity-90">Sistemi Özelleştir</p>
  235. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-4">Kayıt sistemini aktif ettikten sonra
  236. ayarlarını özelleştirebilir, dilersen kayıt sayılarında oynama yapabilirsin.</p>
  237. <a href="/invite" target="_blank">
  238. <p class="smallTextBold gradientColor gradientUnderline mt-3">Sunucuna ekle <i
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  248. <p class="extraBoldText text-white opacity-90">Üyeleri Karşıla</p>
  249. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-4">Sunucuya üye katıldığında otomatik
  250. etiketler ve
  251. mesaj atarak sunucuya giriş yaptığını haberdar eder.</p>
  252. <a href="/invite" target="_blank">
  253. <p class="smallTextBold gradientColor gradientUnderline mt-3">Sunucuna ekle <i
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  276. <p class="extraBoldText text-white opacity-90 mt-8 mb-2 sm:px-16 lg:px-48">Kullanıcı Yorumları
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  286. class="fa-solid fa-star gradientColor"></i> <i
  287. class="fa-solid fa-star gradientColor"></i></p>
  288. <p class="boldText text-white opacity-90 mt-3"><b>Sevdim</b></p>
  289. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
  290. adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
  291. enim ad minim veniam.</p>
  292. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-8">Emir K. 🇹🇷</p>
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  302. <p class="boldText text-white opacity-90 mt-3"><b>Muhteşem!</b></p>
  303. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
  304. adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
  305. enim ad minim veniam.</p>
  306. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-8">Mustafa A. 🇹🇷</p>
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  316. <p class="boldText text-white opacity-90 mt-3"><b>Altın kadar iyi</b></p>
  317. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
  318. adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
  319. enim ad minim veniam.</p>
  320. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-8">Burak C. M. 🇹🇷</p>
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  330. <p class="boldText text-white opacity-90 mt-3"><b>Olağanüstü!</b></p>
  331. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
  332. adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
  333. enim ad minim veniam.</p>
  334. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-8">Sude M. 🇹🇷</p>
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  342. class="fa-solid fa-star gradientColor"></i> <i
  343. class="fa-solid fa-star gradientColor"></i></p>
  344. <p class="boldText text-white opacity-90 mt-3"><b>Easy Peasy!!</b></p>
  345. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
  346. adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
  347. enim ad minim veniam.</p>
  348. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-8">Bayraktar S. 🇹🇷</p>
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  356. class="fa-solid fa-star gradientColor"></i> <i
  357. class="fa-solid fa-star gradientColor"></i></p>
  358. <p class="boldText text-white opacity-90 mt-3"><b>Çok iyi</b></p>
  359. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
  360. adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
  361. enim ad minim veniam.</p>
  362. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-80 mt-8">Buse Y. 🇹🇷</p>
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  369. <a href="/invite" target="_blank"
  370. class="normalTextBold text-black gradientBg inline-flex justify-center items-center py-3 px-6 text-center rounded-full">
  371. Sunucuna ekle
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  380. <p class="smallText text-white opacity-90 mt-8 mb-8 sm:px-16 lg:px-48"><span class="mr-2"><i
  381. class="fa-regular fa-check mr-1 opacity-90"></i> <span class="opacity-60">Tamamiyle
  382. ayarlanabilir</span></span> <span class="mr-2"><i
  383. class="fa-regular fa-check mr-1 opacity-90"></i>
  384. <span class="opacity-60">Tamamen ücretsiz</span></span></p>
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  399. <p class="extraBoldText text-white opacity-90 mt-8 mb-2 sm:px-16 lg:px-48"><span class="gradientColor"><b>Ürünler</b></span></p>
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