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- ubuntu@ip-172-31-31-23:~/dmm_strat/solutions/test$ ./test volume/volume_launch.config
- {"narrow_spread_trading": "1", "volume_sigma": "0.16", "sigma": "0.0025", "volume": "135", "time_frequency": "120000"}
- C++ 1ffd161f95a641469ef6fb6b7b5cbac3
- 2024/11/06 15:28:46 init Nonce: 96
- 2024/11/06 15:28:46 bind contract 0x6b965968fbc6ff0d2ed7cb1cb38c1c1bbe0327b4
- 2024/11/06 15:28:46 bind contract 0x1a9f5fd1b36f8d1e03f0ff6eabbbb268f053033e
- 2024/11/06 15:28:46 bind contract 0x6fcb55c09671bd0d28b5a0e9d303793ac005f19c
- 2024/11/06 15:28:46 bind contract 0x762d3d096b9a74f4d3adf2b0824456ef8fce5daa
- 2024/11/06 15:28:46 bind contract 0x8f3cf7ad23cd3cadbd9735aff958023239c6a063
- {"type": "FORCE_DEX", "txIndex": "0", "name": "HC/DAI", "baseAsset": "0x762d3d096b9a74f4d3adf2b0824456ef8fce5daa", "baseAssetDecimals": "18", "quoteAssetDecimals": "18", "chainId": "matic", "createdAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "deployedBlock": "59522571", "updatedAt": "2024-11-06T15:28:44.462Z", "txHash": "0x306571d8352b418b85a88243349ea726074e68360603982196c46eeff8dbc9e0", "address": "0x6b965968fbc6ff0d2ed7cb1cb38c1c1bbe0327b4", "lastSyncedBlock": "63959569", "id": "1100ce7d-7e16-4a40-9aba-1ecc883b1f7e", "quoteAsset": "0x8f3cf7ad23cd3cadbd9735aff958023239c6a063", "symbol": "HCDAI"}
- {"userId": "1245318", "error": "ok"}
- user_id: 1245318
- authentification was completed
- API 0x56501e176fe0
- run forever balance 0x56501e176fe0
- {"type": "DEX", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "HC", "free": 63.4407, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 1730906929227}, {"asset": "DAI", "free": 444.797, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 1730906929227}]}
- get balance indicator 0x56501e177180
- trader {"symbol": "HCDAI", "account": "MFS_2", "market": "MFS_DEX", "logger": {"severity_level": "DEBUG"}, "execution": {"print_ws_events": "1", "cancel_on_start": "0", "timeout": "30000"}, "data": {"print_ws_events": "0", "use_part_depth": "true", "events": ["ORDER_BOOK"]}}
- >:)
- auth token: eyJhbG
- {"asset": "HC", "free": 63.4407, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 1730906929839}
- {"asset": "DAI", "free": 444.797, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 1730906929839}
- get_open_orders_wrapper::request_filler
- auth token: eyJhbG
- _fill_order 7620000000000000000/7086600000000000000/BUY 3986861416427041506
- already opened {"symbol": "HCDAI", "coid": 3986861416427041506, {"dex_order_id": "907763", "order_id": "b8194f00-bc7e-473e-97b2-f98d80c57bbf", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 7.620000, "quantity": 7.086600, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1730906787000}
- Execution was constructed
- Trader was created
- order book {"ask_price": 7.64, "ask_quantity": 56.0242, "bid_price": 7.63, "bid_quantity": 205.938}
- [ 2024-11-06-15-28-50 ] MESSAGE: no volume price file
- subscription stream: ACCOUNT_BALANCE
- no account balance subscription
- subscription stream: PART_DEPTH
- subscription stream: ACCOUNT_ORDER
- subscription stream: ACCOUNT_TRADE
- {"payload": {"query": "subscription onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated($pairId: UUID!) { onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated(pairId: $pairId) { lines { direction quantity price __typename } __typename }}", "operationName": "onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated", "extensions": {}, "variables": {"pairId": "1100ce7d-7e16-4a40-9aba-1ecc883b1f7e"}}, "type": "subscribe", "id": "1730906930160001"}
-"type").s() != ping{"type": "connection_ack"}
- {"payload": {"query": "subscription onMyForceDexOrdersUpdated($userId: BigInt!, $pairId: UUID!) { onMyForceDexOrdersUpdated(userId: $userId, pairId: $pairId) { createdAt direction orderNumber id initialQuantity pairId price quantity status type userId }}", "operationName": "onMyForceDexOrdersUpdated", "extensions": {}, "variables": {"userId": "1245318", "pairId": "1100ce7d-7e16-4a40-9aba-1ecc883b1f7e"}}, "type": "subscribe", "id": "1730906930160002"}
-"type").s() != ping{"type": "connection_ack"}
- {"asset": "HC", "free": 63.4407, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 1730906940453}
- {"asset": "DAI", "free": 444.797, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 1730906940453}
- stream = onForceDexOrdersBookUpdated
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] MESSAGE: sleep time = 126606
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] MESSAGE: ask price 7.640000 bid price: 7.630000
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] MESSAGE: Narrow spread
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] MESSAGE: dealing with narrow spread
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] INFO dealing with narrow spread result: OrderEvent: delta=1.73077e+11, symbol="HCDAI", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(7.63, 8.50271); ], bids: [(7.64, 8.49158); ]
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] INFO portfolio: OrderEvent: delta=1.73077e+11, symbol="HCDAI", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(7.63, 8.50271); ], bids: [(7.64, 8.49158); ]
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "HC", "free": 63.4407, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 1730906940453}
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "DAI", "free": 444.797, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 1730906940453}
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] MESSAGE: balances_ratio: 1.088969
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] INFO execution order event process: OrderEvent: delta=1.73077e+11, symbol="HCDAI", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(7.63, 8.50271); ], bids: [(7.64, 8.49158); ]
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] MESSAGE: LIMIT GRID
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 7.63
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 8.50271
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 7.64
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 8.49158
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "HCDAI", "price": 7.640000, "quantity": 8.491600, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "HCDAI", "price": 7.630000, "quantity": 8.502700, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL"}
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] MESSAGE: csize: 1
- index_order_id 7640000000000000000/8491600000000000000/BUY 2601150339524544793
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "HCDAI", "coid": 3986861416427041506, {"dex_order_id": "907763index_order_id 7630000000000000000/8502700000000000000/SELL 8218355542216880708
- ", "order_id": "b8194f00-bc7e-473e-97b2-f98d80c57bbf", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 7.620000, "quantity": 7.086600, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1730906787000}
- cancel_order_wrapper::execute
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "HCDAI", "price": 7.640000, "quantity": 8.491600, "client_order_id": 2601150339524544793, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
- ! new api API 0x56501e176fe0
- order_request_t {"symbol": "HCDAI", "price": 7.640000, "quantity": 8.491600, "client_order_id": 2601150339524544793, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
- quantity 84916
- new_order_wrapper::execute
- [ 2024-11-06-15-29-03 ] DEBUG {"ext_params": {"timeout": "30000", "priority": "0"}, "params": {"quantity": "8491600000000000000", "price": "7640000000000000000", "orderType": "0", "isBid": "true"}, "function_name": "createOrder", "address": "0x6B965968FBc6ff0D2eD7CB1Cb38C1C1bbE0327B4"}
- ! new: {"symbol": "HCDAI", "price": 7.630000, "quantity": 8.502700, "client_order_id": 8218355542216880708, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL"}
- ! new api API 0x56501e176fe0
- 2024/11/06 15:29:03 extends args: {"timeout": "30000", "priority": "0"}
- 2024/11/06 15:29:03 args: {"quantity": "8491600000000000000", "price": "7640000000000000000", "orderType": "0", "isBid": "true"}
- order_request_t {"symbol": "HCDAI", "price": 7.630000, "quantity": 8.502700, "client_order_id": 8218355542216880708, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL"}
- 2024/11/06 15:29:03 extends args: {}
- 2024/11/06 15:29:03 args: {"orderId": "907763"}
- 2024/11/06 15:29:03 start cancelation
- 2024/11/06 15:29:03 finish cancelation
- quantity 85027
- new_order_wrapper::execute
- {"ext_params": {"timeout": "30000", "priority": "0"}, "params": {"quantity": "8502700000000000000", "price": "7630000000000000000", "orderType": "0", "isBid": "false"}, "function_name": "createOrder", "address": "0x6B965968FBc6ff0D2eD7CB1Cb38C1C1bbE0327B4"}
- 2024/11/06 15:29:03 start cancelation
- 2024/11/06 15:29:03 finish cancelation
- 2024/11/06 15:29:03 extends args: {"timeout": "30000", "priority": "0"}
- 2024/11/06 15:29:03 args: {"quantity": "8502700000000000000", "price": "7630000000000000000", "orderType": "0", "isBid": "false"}
- 2024/11/06 15:29:03 start cancelation
- 2024/11/06 15:29:03 finish cancelation
- 2024/11/06 15:29:04 gas price = 86635727429
- 2024/11/06 15:29:04 gas price = 86635727429
- 2024/11/06 15:29:04 gas price = 86635727429
- 2024/11/06 15:29:04 TX Hash: 0x4f995c5586bda84af88cb0eaa4593c0fa897db5a00b3bb5b598a10f2230042b2 ; Nonce: 97
- 2024/11/06 15:29:04 TX Hash: 0xd5560786b77726ac859d44e33bbaada5c3ff200419285523db26d865d840cf22 ; Nonce: 96
- 2024/11/06 15:29:04 Failed to call contract function: insufficient funds for gas * price + value: balance 422341430035244361, queued cost 259907182287000000, tx cost 259907182287000000, overshot 97472934538755639
- ubuntu@ip-172-31-31-23:~/dmm_strat/solutions/test$
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