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- module ALU4Bit(y,o,a,b,ci,c);
- input [3:0]a;
- input [3:0]b;
- input [1:0]c;
- input ci;
- output [3:0]y;
- output o;
- wire [3:0]z;
- wire zor;
- reg x;
- ALU1Bit alu0(y[0],z[0],a[0],b[0],ci,c);
- ALU1Bit alu1(y[1],z[1],a[1],b[1],z[0],c);
- ALU1Bit alu2(y[2],z[2],a[2],b[2],z[1],c);
- ALU1Bit alu3(y[3],z[3],a[3],b[3],z[2],c);
- or or1(zor,z);
- Mux4to1 mux1(o,zor,x,x,z[3],c);
- endmodule
- module ALU1Bit(y,z,a,b,ci,c);
- input a,b,ci;
- input [1:0]c;
- output y,z;
- wire s,co; //y0,0
- wire anda; //y0,1
- wire nota; //y1,0
- wire xorab; //z1,1
- reg x;
- FullAdder fa1(s,co,a,b,ci); //y0,0
- and and1(anda,a,b); //y0,1
- not not1(nota,a); //y1,0
- xor xor1(xorab,a,b); //z1,1
- Mux4to1 mux1(y,s,anda,nota,1'b0,c);
- Mux4to1 mux2(z,co,x,x,xorab,c);
- endmodule
- module FullAdder(s,co,a,b,ci);
- input a,b,ci;
- output s,co;
- wire xorab,andaci,andbci;
- xor xor1(xorab,a,b);
- xor xor2(s,xorab,ci);
- and and1(andaci,xorab,ci);
- and and2(andbci,b,a);
- or or1(co,andaci,andbci);
- endmodule
- module Mux4to1(o,i1,i2,i3,i4,c);
- input i1,i2,i3,i4;
- input [1:0]c;
- output o;
- wire andi1,andi2,andi3,andi4;
- input [1:0]nc;
- not not1(nc[0],c[0]);
- not not2(nc[1],c[1]);
- and and1(andi1,i1,nc[1],nc[0]);
- and and2(andi2,i2,nc[1],c[0]);
- and and3(andi3,i3,c[1],nc[0]);
- and and4(andi4,i4,c[1],c[0]);
- or or1(o,andi1,andi2,andi3,andi4);
- endmodule
- module stimulus;
- reg ci;
- reg [3:0]a;
- reg [3:0]b;
- reg [1:0]c;
- wire [3:0]y;
- wire o;
- ALU4Bit alu4bit(y,o,a,b,ci,c);
- initial
- begin
- a = 1'b0;
- b = 1'b0;
- ci = 1'b0;
- c = 1'b0;
- end
- always #1 ci = ~ci;
- always #2 a[0] = ~a[0];
- always #4 a[1] = ~a[1];
- always #8 a[2] = ~a[2];
- always #16 a[3] = ~a[3];
- always #32 b[0] = ~b[0];
- always #64 b[1] = ~b[1];
- always #128 b[2] = ~b[2];
- always #256 b[3] = ~b[3];
- always #512 c[0] = ~c[0];
- always #1024 c[1] = ~c[1];
- initial #2047 $finish;
- initial
- $monitor($time,"\tc = %b\ta = %b\tb = %b\tci = %d\ty = %b\tz = %d",c,a,b,ci,y,o);
- endmodule
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