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- @echo off
- REM Version 48
- title Cleanup
- color 02
- :CheckPermissions
- fltmc >nul 2>&1 || (
- echo Requesting administrative privileges...
- start cmd /c powershell.exe -Command "Start-Process cmd -Verb runas -ArgumentList '/c \"\"%~s0\"\" %*'"
- exit /b 0
- )
- REM This file is used to clean Windows, Steam, and various other programs.
- REM I use it almost daily and continue to improve it in my free time.
- REM If you found this useful then allow me to also share with you my donation link (one day someone will donate xD):
- REM¤cy_code=USD&source=url
- REM NOTE: Before using this script, you need to run this command at least once to configure what gets cleaned by Disk Cleanup when its called by the script:
- REM $ cleanmgr /sageset:1
- setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
- cd /d "%~dp0"
- if /i "%~1" == "nopause" (
- set NOPAUSE=1
- ) else (
- set NOPAUSE=0
- )
- if /i "%~2" == "simplecleaning" (
- ) else (
- )
- if /i "%~2" == "normalcleaning" (
- ) else (
- )
- if /i "%~2" == "fullcleaning" (
- ) else (
- )
- :Choice
- REM Disabled so i could move the code to DiskCleanup.bat.
- REM Didn't see a reason to delete it though.
- if /i "%SIMPLECLEANING%" equ "1" (
- goto :Work
- )
- if /i "%NORMALCLEANING%" equ "1" (
- REM Disabled so i could move the code to DiskCleanup.bat.
- REM Didn't see a reason to delete it though.
- goto :Work
- )
- if /i "%FULLCLEANING%" equ "1" (
- REM Disabled so i could move the code to DiskCleanup.bat.
- REM Didn't see a reason to delete it though.
- goto :Work
- )
- cls
- set /p CLEAN_UNIX_FILES=Clean macOS and Linux metadata [0^|1]:
- if /i "%CLEAN_UNIX_FILES%" equ "0" goto :PROMPT_TWO
- if /i "%CLEAN_UNIX_FILES%" equ "1" goto :PROMPT_TWO
- goto :PROMPT_ONE
- cls
- set /p CLEAN_EVENT_LOG=Clean Event Log [0^|1]:
- if /i "%CLEAN_EVENT_LOG%" equ "0" goto :PROMPT_THREE
- if /i "%CLEAN_EVENT_LOG%" equ "1" goto :PROMPT_THREE
- goto :PROMPT_TWO
- cls
- set /p RUN_SYSTEM_FILE_CHECKER_TOOL=Run System File Checker tool [0^|1]:
- cls
- set /p RUN_STEAM_REPAIR_TOOL=Run Steam Repair tool [0^|1]:
- if /i "%RUN_STEAM_REPAIR_TOOL%" equ "0" goto :Work
- if /i "%RUN_STEAM_REPAIR_TOOL%" equ "1" goto :Work
- :CleanUnixFiles
- setlocal
- REM macOS crap removal.
- if /i "%CLEAN_UNIX_FILES%" equ "1" (
- REM I took out C because why do Windows and AppData?
- for %%I in (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%I:\ (
- dir "%%I:\" > nul 2>&1
- if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
- echo.
- echo Removing macOS and Linux metadata from drive: %%I:\
- cd /d %%I:\
- del /f /s /q /a ._*
- del /f /s /q /a .DS_Store
- rd /s /q .fseventsd
- rd /s /q .Spotlight-V100
- rd /s /q .Trashes
- REM Linux specific.
- rd /s /q .Trash-1000
- )
- )
- )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanChkdskFiles
- setlocal
- REM When a boot-time Chkdsk runs it creates bootsqm.dat and bootTel.dat files on every scanned drive.
- REM NOTE: I removed the /s option so it doesn't delete from subdirectories (which was causing a slow down). I think these files are only created at the top level of the drives.
- for %%I in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do (
- if exist "%%I:\bootsqm.dat" (
- del /f /s /q /a "%%I:\bootsqm.dat"
- )
- if exist "%%I:\bootTel.dat" (
- del /f /s /q /a "%%I:\bootTel.dat"
- )
- )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanAdobe
- setlocal
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\Adobe\CCX Welcome\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Adobe\CCX Welcome\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\Adobe\Common\Peak Files\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Adobe\Common\Peak Files\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\Adobe\Common\Media Cache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Adobe\Common\Media Cache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\Adobe\Common\Media Cache Files\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Adobe\Common\Media Cache Files\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanOkular
- setlocal
- REM Delete the okular settings directory which contains recent-file data in the "\docdata" subdirectory.
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\okular"
- REM Delete the okular settings file which contains a recent-files list.
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\okularrc"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanOneNote
- setlocal
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\OneNote\16.0\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\OneNote\16.0\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanMirc
- setlocal
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\mIRC\logs\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\mIRC\logs\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanAtom
- setlocal
- REM Remove old versions.
- set directory=%LocalAppData%\atom
- set pathname="%directory%\app-*"
- set LatestVersionPath=""
- for /f %%d in ('dir %pathname% /b /a:d /o:d') do set LatestVersionPath="%directory%\%%d"
- if /i not %LatestVersionPath%=="" (
- REM echo Latest version detected: %LatestVersionPath%
- for /f %%d in ('dir %pathname% /b /a:d /o:d') do (
- if /i not "%directory%\%%d"==%LatestVersionPath% (
- echo Removing old version: "%directory%\%%d"
- rd /s /q "%directory%\%%d"
- )
- )
- )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanDiscord
- setlocal
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\Discord\Cache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Discord\Cache\*"
- REM Remove old versions.
- set directory=%LocalAppData%\Discord
- set pathname="%directory%\app-*"
- set LatestVersionPath=""
- for /f %%d in ('dir %pathname% /b /a:d /o:d') do set LatestVersionPath="%directory%\%%d"
- if /i not %LatestVersionPath%=="" (
- REM echo Latest version detected: %LatestVersionPath%
- for /f %%d in ('dir %pathname% /b /a:d /o:d') do (
- if /i not "%directory%\%%d"==%LatestVersionPath% (
- echo Removing old version: "%directory%\%%d"
- rd /s /q "%directory%\%%d"
- )
- )
- )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanVirtualBox
- setlocal
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\VirtualBox Dropped Files\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\VirtualBox Dropped Files\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanVMware
- setlocal
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\VMware\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\VMware\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanJetBrainsDotPeek
- setlocal
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\JetBrains\dotPeek\vAny\DecompilerCache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\JetBrains\dotPeek\vAny\DecompilerCache\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanVisualStudio
- setlocal
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%UserProfile%\.nuget\packages\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%UserProfile%\.nuget\packages\*"
- REM -----
- REM Scan for, and prompt for deletion of, "\TestResults" directories generated by unit-test projects.
- REM for /d /r "D:\Users\Wolf\Files\Archives\Projects\Visual Studio" %%D in (*TestResults) do rd /s "%%D"
- REM For all "TestResults" folders in my "Visual Studio" projects directory:
- REM Delete all Deploy_Wolf folders in the TestResults folders.
- REM Delete the parent folder if it is empty.
- REM echo. Searching to destroy Unit Test results in: D:\..\Visual Studio\..\..\TestResults
- REM for /d /r "D:\Users\Wolf\Files\Archives\Projects\Visual Studio" %%D in (*TestResults) do (
- REM echo.
- REM echo.Found: %%D
- REM for /f "tokens=*" %%I in ('dir /b /a "%%D\Deploy_Wolf*"') do (
- REM echo. Deleting TestResult: "%%D\%%I"
- REM rd /s /q "%%D\%%I"
- REM )
- REM dir /b /a "%%D\*" | >nul findstr . && (
- REM echo. * NOT deleting parent folder: Unknown files or folders found.
- REM ) || (
- REM echo. Deleting empty parent folder: "%%D"
- REM rd /s /q "%%D"
- REM )
- REM echo.-----
- REM )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanVSCode
- setlocal
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\Code\Cache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Code\Cache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\Code\CachedData\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Code\CachedData\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\Code\CachedExtensions\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Code\CachedExtensions\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\Code\User\History\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Code\User\History\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanNuGetCache
- setlocal
- REM Clear the 3.x+ cache (use either command)
- dotnet nuget locals http-cache --clear
- REM nuget locals http-cache -clear
- REM Clear the 2.x cache (NuGet CLI 3.5 and earlier only)
- REM nuget locals packages-cache -clear
- REM Clear the global packages folder (use either command)
- dotnet nuget locals global-packages --clear
- REM nuget locals global-packages -clear
- REM Clear the temporary cache (use either command)
- dotnet nuget locals temp --clear
- REM nuget locals temp -clear
- REM Clear the plugins cache (use either command)
- dotnet nuget locals plugins-cache --clear
- REM nuget locals plugins-cache -clear
- REM Clear all caches (use either command)
- dotnet nuget locals all --clear
- REM nuget locals all -clear
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\NuGet\Cache\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanSmartGit
- setlocal
- REM Remove old versions.
- set directory=%AppData%\syntevo\SmartGit
- REM findstr lacks regex '+' operator so '[.0-9]+' expands to '[.0-9][.0-9]*'.
- set pattern="[.0-9][.0-9]*$"
- set LatestVersionPath=""
- for /f %%d in ('dir "%directory%" /b /a:d /o:d ^| findstr %pattern%') do (
- if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
- set LatestVersionPath="%directory%\%%d"
- )
- )
- if /i not %LatestVersionPath%=="" (
- REM echo Latest version detected: %LatestVersionPath%
- for /f %%d in ('dir "%directory%" /b /a:d /o:d ^| findstr %pattern%') do (
- if /i not "%directory%\%%d"==%LatestVersionPath% (
- echo Removing old version: "%directory%\%%d"
- rd /s /q "%directory%\%%d"
- )
- )
- )
- REM -----
- REM Remove old versions.
- set directory=%ProgramData%\chocolatey\lib\smartgit\tools
- REM findstr lacks regex '+' operator so '[0-9]+' expands to '[0-9][0-9]*'.
- set pattern="[0-9][0-9_]*-setup\.exe$"
- set LatestVersionPath=""
- for /f %%f in ('dir "%directory%" /b /a:-d /o:d ^| findstr %pattern%') do (
- if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
- set LatestVersionPath="%directory%\%%f"
- )
- )
- if /i not %LatestVersionPath%=="" (
- REM echo Latest version detected: %LatestVersionPath%
- for /f %%f in ('dir "%directory%" /b /a:-d /o:d ^| findstr %pattern%') do (
- if /i not "%directory%\%%f"==%LatestVersionPath% (
- echo Removing old version: "%directory%\%%f"
- del /f /s /q /a "%directory%\%%f"
- )
- )
- )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanWindows
- setlocal
- REM -----
- if /i "%RUN_CLEANMGR%" equ "1" (
- REM NOTE: Run [$ Cleanmgr /sageset:1] to configure the set of items Cleanmgr will clean when started like this.
- start "" /wait Cleanmgr /sagerun:1
- )
- REM -----
- REM Run the System File Checker tool.
- if /i "%RUN_SYSTEM_FILE_CHECKER_TOOL%" equ "1" (
- Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /Scanhealth
- Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth
- sfc /scannow
- echo.
- )
- REM -----
- REM WinSxS cleanup.
- REM Displays information about the component store.
- Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore
- REM Cleanup service pack backup files
- Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /SpSuperseded
- REM Deletes previous versions of updated components.
- REM StartComponentCleanup also exists as a Task Scheduler task that runs every 30 days on startup, so instead of waiting 30 days for cleanup you can delete that crap now.
- REM "Using the /StartComponentCleanup parameter of Dism.exe on a running version of Windows 10 or later gives you similar results to running the StartComponentCleanup task in Task Scheduler,
- REM except previous versions of updated components will be immediately deleted (without a 30 day grace period) and you will not have a 1-hour timeout limitation.":
- Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
- REM Removes all superseded versions of every component in the component store.
- REM Using this option removes the ability to uninstall the latest update.
- REM This cleaned the 9000+ files i had in C:\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingRenames\
- Dism /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase
- REM -----
- REM M$ is slow to fix the MMC error in event viewer. This is a workaround.
- icacls "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Event Viewer\Views\view_*.xml" /grant administrators:RX
- icacls "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Event Viewer\Views\view_*.xml" /inheritance:r
- REM To revert the .xml file permissions to default, run this command:
- REM icacls "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Event Viewer\Views\view_*.xml" /reset
- REM -----
- REM Rebuild Windows Management Instrumentation service files.
- for /l %%x in (0,1,5) do (
- sc config winmgmt start= disabled
- net stop winmgmt /y
- sc query winmgmt | find /i "running"
- if !errorlevel! equ 1 (
- echo Windows Management Instrumentation service was successfully stopped...
- echo.
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\System32\wbem\Repository\*"
- goto :DoneDeletingWMIRepository
- )
- echo.
- echo Windows Management Instrumentation service still running...
- echo.
- timeout 1 > nul
- )
- :DoneDeletingWMIRepository
- set count=0
- for %%A in (%WinDir%\System32\wbem\Repository\*) do set /a count+=1
- if /i "%count%" GTR "0" (
- echo.
- echo ERROR: Windows Management Instrumentation service prevented deletion of repository files.
- echo %count% files were not deleted.
- echo.
- )
- sc query winmgmt | find /i "running"
- if !errorlevel! equ 1 (
- echo.
- echo Restarting Windows Management Instrumentation service...
- echo.
- sc config winmgmt start= auto
- net start winmgmt
- )
- REM -----
- REM Clean logs.
- attrib -r -s -h "%WinDir%\Debug\*" /s /d
- for /d %%D in ("%WinDir%\Debug\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\Debug\*"
- attrib -r -s -h "%WinDir%\Logs\*" /s /d
- for /d %%D in ("%WinDir%\Logs\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\Logs\*"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\inf\*.log"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\Microsoft.NET\*.log"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\Panther\*.log"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\security\logs\*.log"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\security\logs\*.old"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\*.log"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\*.log"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\SoftwareDistribution\*.log"
- REM NOTE: These lack /s so they are not recursive and only delete explicitly from safe-according-to-the-internet locations inside %WinDir%.
- REM With /s these could delete things from every subdirectory of %WinDir%\ which might be dangerous.
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\*.bak"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\*.log"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\*log.txt"
- REM Some files will give access-denied when you try to delete them but i found about 250 files that could be deleted.
- attrib -r -s -h "%ProgramData%\USOShared\Logs\*" /s /d
- for /d %%D in ("%ProgramData%\USOShared\Logs\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%ProgramData%\USOShared\Logs\*"
- REM -----
- REM Clean crash dumps and error reports.
- for /d %%D in ("%WinDir%\Minidump\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\Minidump\*"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\*.mdmp"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\*.dmp"
- del /f /s /q /a "%ProgramData%\*.mdmp"
- del /f /s /q /a "%ProgramData%\*.dmp"
- for /d %%D in ("%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\WER\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\WER\*"
- REM -----
- attrib -r -s -h "%WinDir%\Prefetch\*" /s /d
- for /d %%D in ("%WinDir%\Prefetch\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\Prefetch\*"
- REM -----
- REM Clean temp files.
- attrib -r -s -h "%WinDir%\Temp\*" /s /d
- for /d %%D in ("%WinDir%\Temp\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\Temp\*"
- attrib -r -s -h "%ProgramData%\Temp\*" /s /d
- for /d %%D in ("%ProgramData%\Temp\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%ProgramData%\Temp\*"
- REM -----
- REM Delete all files in %WinDir%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\ and C:\WUDownloadCache\
- net stop wuauserv /y
- net stop bits /y
- for /d %%D in ("%WinDir%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\*"
- for /d %%D in ("C:\WUDownloadCache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "C:\WUDownloadCache\*"
- net start wuauserv
- net start bits
- REM -----
- REM Clean Event Logs.
- REM SOURCE: based on
- if /i "%CLEAN_EVENT_LOG%" equ "1" (
- net stop NcdAutoSetup /y
- net stop netprofm /y
- net stop NlaSvc /y
- net stop EventLog /y
- del /f /s /q /a "%WinDir%\System32\winevt\Logs\*"
- net start EventLog
- net start NlaSvc
- net start netprofm
- net start NcdAutoSetup
- timeout /t 5
- for /f "tokens=*" %%g in ('wevtutil.exe el') do (
- echo clearing "%%g"
- wevtutil.exe cl "%%g"
- )
- echo.
- echo Event Logs have been cleared.
- echo.
- )
- REM -----
- REM Update Clock.
- net start w32time
- w32tm.exe /query /status /verbose
- w32tm.exe /config /manualpeerlist:"" /syncfromflags:manual /update
- w32tm.exe /resync
- w32tm.exe /query /status /verbose
- REM -----
- REM Clean ARP Cache.
- arp -a
- netsh interface ip delete arpcache
- arp -a
- REM -----
- REM Flush AppCompatCache
- rundll32.exe kernel32.dll,BaseFlushAppcompatCache
- REM -----
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanWindowsUserData
- setlocal
- REM taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
- REM timeout /t 5
- REM Clear File Explorer History in Windows 10
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\*"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\*"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\CustomDestinations\*"
- REM TODO: An all-users limitation here because it only cleans for the current user
- reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU" /va /f
- reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\TypedPaths" /va /f
- REM timeout /t 5
- REM start explorer.exe
- REM -----
- REM Clean logs (User Specific).
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\*.log"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\..\LocalLow\Microsoft\Windows\*.log"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\*.log"
- REM -----
- REM Clean crash dumps and error reports (User Specific).
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\CrashDumps\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\CrashDumps\*"
- REM Delete all .dmp files in app subdirectories
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Packages\*.dmp"
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\WER\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\WER\*"
- REM -----
- REM Clean temp files (User Specific).
- REM %Temp% is an alias for %LocalAppData%\Temp
- REM attrib -r -s -h "%Temp%\*" /s /d
- REM for /d %%D in ("%Temp%\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- REM del /f /s /q /a "%Temp%\*"
- REM NOTE: If running these commands manually in cmd then replace %%D with %D.
- attrib -r -s -h "%LocalAppData%\Temp\*" /s /d
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Temp\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Temp\*"
- attrib -r -s -h "%AppData%\..\LocalLow\Temp\*" /s /d
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\..\LocalLow\Temp\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\..\LocalLow\Temp\*"
- attrib -r -s -h "%AppData%\Temp\*" /s /d
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\Temp\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Temp\*"
- REM -----
- REM Stop Scheduledtask.
- schtasks /end /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\Wininet\CacheTask"
- net stop COMSysApp /y
- taskkill /f /im dllhost.exe
- taskkill /f /im taskhost.exe
- taskkill /f /im taskhostex.exe
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\*"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\*"
- net start COMSysApp
- REM -----
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanNVIDIA
- setlocal
- REM Remove Nvidia installer cache files left over by Nvidia after driver install.
- REM Deletion of the Installer2 folder will not affect any of your currently installed NVIDIA drivers or software.
- REM At most, it will prevent complete installs from occurring in the case of using an older driver from the OS driver store.
- REM Q: I've performed a "clean install" and then uninstalled the drivers from my system, but files remain in the Installer2 folder.
- REM A: It is likely that you have performed some combination of multiple install/over-install/uninstall cycles and files from older drivers
- REM are left in the folder. The "clean install" removes only the current driver files before installing the new driver.
- REM In this case, the simplest way to remove the files is to delete the Installer2 folder.
- attrib -r -s -h "%ProgramFiles%\NVIDIA Corporation\Installer2\*" /s /d
- for /d %%D in ("%ProgramFiles%\NVIDIA Corporation\Installer2\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%ProgramFiles%\NVIDIA Corporation\Installer2\*"
- REM Delete Nvidia crash dumps.
- attrib -r -s -h "%ProgramData%\NVIDIA Corporation\CrashDumps\*" /s /d
- for /d %%D in ("%ProgramData%\NVIDIA Corporation\CrashDumps\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%ProgramData%\NVIDIA Corporation\CrashDumps\*"
- REM Delete Nvidia driver downloads.
- for /d %%D in ("%ProgramData%\NVIDIA Corporation\Downloader\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%ProgramData%\NVIDIA Corporation\Downloader\*"
- REM -----
- REM Clean Nvidia caches (User Specific).
- REM Nvidia cache locations:
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\NVIDIA\ComputeCache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\NVIDIA\ComputeCache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\D3DSCache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\D3DSCache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\NVIDIA Corporation\NV_cache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\NVIDIA Corporation\NV_cache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\NVIDIA\DXCache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\NVIDIA\DXCache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\NVIDIA\GLCache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\NVIDIA\GLCache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%ProgramData%\NVIDIA Corporation\NV_Cache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%ProgramData%\NVIDIA Corporation\NV_Cache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache\*"
- REM -----
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanRazer
- setlocal
- REM According to Michelle from the Razer Cortex technical support team, to clean %WinDir%\Installer\Razer\Installer\, delete everything but the App\ folder and RazerInstaller.exe.
- cd /d %WinDir%\Installer\Razer\Installer\
- if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
- for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b') do (
- REM Delete %%i if its a folder.
- if exist "%%i\" (
- if /i not "%%i" == "App" rd /s /q "%%i\"
- )
- REM Delete %%i if its a file.
- if exist "%%i" (
- if not "%%i" == "RazerInstaller.exe" del /f /s /q /a "%%i"
- )
- )
- )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanFirefox
- setlocal
- REM Delete all .dmp and .extra files in firefox subdirectories
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\*.dmp"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\*.extra"
- cd /d %LocalAppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\**.default\
- if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
- for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir cache2 /b') do (
- REM Delete %%i if its a folder.
- if exist "cache2\%%i\" (
- rd /s /q "cache2\%%i\"
- )
- REM Delete %%i if its a file.
- if exist "cache2\%%i" (
- del /f /s /q /a "cache2\%%i"
- )
- )
- )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanWaterfox
- setlocal
- REM Delete all .dmp and .extra files in waterfox subdirectories
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Waterfox\*.dmp"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Waterfox\*.extra"
- cd /d %LocalAppData%\Waterfox\Profiles\**.default\
- if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
- for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir cache2 /b') do (
- REM Delete %%i if its a folder.
- if exist "cache2\%%i\" (
- rd /s /q "cache2\%%i\"
- )
- REM Delete %%i if its a file.
- if exist "cache2\%%i" (
- del /f /s /q /a "cache2\%%i"
- )
- )
- )
- cd /d %LocalAppData%\Waterfox\Profiles\**.68-edition-default\
- if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
- for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir cache2 /b') do (
- REM Delete %%i if its a folder.
- if exist "cache2\%%i\" (
- rd /s /q "cache2\%%i\"
- )
- REM Delete %%i if its a file.
- if exist "cache2\%%i" (
- del /f /s /q /a "cache2\%%i"
- )
- )
- )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanLibreWolf
- setlocal
- REM Delete all .dmp and .extra files in waterfox subdirectories
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\LibreWolf\*.dmp"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\LibreWolf\*.extra"
- cd /d %LocalAppData%\LibreWolf\Profiles\**.default\
- if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
- for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir cache2 /b') do (
- REM Delete %%i if its a folder.
- if exist "cache2\%%i\" (
- rd /s /q "cache2\%%i\"
- )
- REM Delete %%i if its a file.
- if exist "cache2\%%i" (
- del /f /s /q /a "cache2\%%i"
- )
- )
- )
- cd /d %LocalAppData%\LibreWolf\Profiles\**.dev-edition-default\
- if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
- for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir cache2 /b') do (
- REM Delete %%i if its a folder.
- if exist "cache2\%%i\" (
- rd /s /q "cache2\%%i\"
- )
- REM Delete %%i if its a file.
- if exist "cache2\%%i" (
- del /f /s /q /a "cache2\%%i"
- )
- )
- )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanEdge
- setlocal
- REM Delete Edge cache files.
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AC\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AC\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanGoogle
- setlocal
- REM Delete all .dmp files in google subdirectories
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Google\*.dmp"
- REM Delete GoogleChrome cache
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\*"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Media Cache\*"
- REM Delete GoogleChrome site data
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\File System\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\File System\*"
- REM Delete GoogleEarth Cache
- for /d %%D in ("%UserProfile%\AppData\locallow\Google\GoogleEarth\Cache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%UserProfile%\AppData\locallow\Google\GoogleEarth\Cache\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanDropbox
- setlocal
- REM Delete all Dropbox log files
- del /f /s /q /a "%ProgramData%\Dropbox\Update\Log"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanOBS
- setlocal
- REM Delete all OBS log files
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\obs-studio\logs"
- REM Delete all OBS crash files
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\obs-studio\crashes"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanVLC
- setlocal
- REM Delete VLC Cache
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\vlc\crashdump\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\vlc\crashdump\*"
- REM Delete VLC Art
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\vlc\art\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\vlc\art\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanLibreOffice
- setlocal
- REM Delete crash dumps
- for /d %%d in ("%AppData%\LibreOffice\*") do (
- if exist "%%d\crash\" (
- rd /s /q "%%d\crash\"
- )
- )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanSteam
- setlocal
- REM ----- Kill Steam -----
- REM echo Attempting to close steam.exe gently
- REM taskkill /im steam.exe >nul 2>&1
- REM timeout /t 32
- echo Attempting to kill steam.exe if its still alive
- taskkill /f /im steam.exe >nul 2>&1
- timeout /t 3
- REM ----- Determine Steam directory -----
- set RegKey="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Steam"
- set RegValue=SteamPath
- for /f "usebackq skip=2 tokens=1-2*" %%i in (`reg query !RegKey! /v !RegValue!`) do (
- set Name=%%i
- set Type=%%j
- set Data=%%k
- REM Get Steam's directory.
- set SteamPath=!Data!
- )
- REM Change forward slash to back slash.
- set SteamPath=%SteamPath:/=\%
- REM Clean all Steam folder.
- REM NOTE: Originally i had to manually do this first [call :CleanSteamLibrary "%SteamPath%"],
- REM but now Steam smartly lists "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam" as library 0 in libraryfolders.vdf (even if you never created an additional library folder).
- for /f usebackq^ delims^=^"^ tokens^=2^,4 %%i in ("%SteamPath%\steamapps\libraryfolders.vdf") do (
- call :CleanSteamLibrary "%%j"
- )
- REM ----- Repair Steam -----
- if /i "%RUN_STEAM_REPAIR_TOOL%" equ "1" (
- if exist "%SteamPath%\bin\steamservice.exe" (
- start "Steam" /wait "%SteamPath%\bin\steamservice.exe" /repair
- )
- )
- REM ----- Restart Steam -----
- if %NOPAUSE% equ 0 (
- if exist "%SteamPath%\Steam.exe" (
- start "Steam" "%SteamPath%\Steam.exe"
- )
- )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanSteamLibrary
- setlocal
- REM ~ removes the " ".
- set LibraryDirectory=%~1
- REM Change forward slash to back slash.
- set LibraryDirectory=%LibraryDirectory:/=\%
- REM Change double back slash to single back slash.
- set LibraryDirectory=%LibraryDirectory:\\=\%
- if not exist "%LibraryDirectory%" goto :eof
- echo.
- echo Clean Steam Library: %LibraryDirectory%
- REM Get game-drive letter.
- REM set GameDriveLetter=%LibraryDirectory:~0,2%
- REM echo Game-Drive Letter: %GameDriveLetter%
- REM ----- Steam cleaning -----
- REM Steam appcache
- REM WARNING: Deleting this causes "Steamworks Common Redistributables" to download when Steam is started.
- REM for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\appcache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- REM del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\appcache\*"
- REM Steam overlayhtmlcache
- for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\config\overlayhtmlcache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\config\overlayhtmlcache\*"
- REM Steam dump files
- for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\dumps\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\dumps\*"
- REM Steam log files
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\logs\*"
- REM ----- Steam Download Cache cleaning -----
- REM If you have any steam downloads then you will probably need to start them over because this will delete the download progress.
- REM for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\downloading\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- REM del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\downloading\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\temp\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\temp\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\downloads\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\downloads\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\temp\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\temp\*"
- REM -----------------------------------------
- REM Delete Steam shader cache.
- for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\shadercache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\shadercache\*"
- REM Delete all .mdmp files in the Steam directories.
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\*.mdmp"
- REM Delete all .mdmp files on game drive.
- REM del /f /s /q /a "%GameDriveLetter%\*.mdmp"
- REM ----- Game cleaning -----
- REM ----- Aim Lab -----
- REM ----- Apex Legends -----
- for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\Apex Legends\Crashpad\db\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\Apex Legends\Crashpad\db\*"
- REM ----- ARK -----
- for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Logs\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Logs\*"
- REM ----- ARMA 3 -----
- REM ----- Deep Rock Galactic -----
- for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\Deep Rock Galactic\FSD\Saved\Config\CrashReportClient\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\Deep Rock Galactic\FSD\Saved\Config\CrashReportClient\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\Deep Rock Galactic\FSD\Saved\Crashes\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\Deep Rock Galactic\FSD\Saved\Crashes\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\Deep Rock Galactic\FSD\Saved\Logs\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\Deep Rock Galactic\FSD\Saved\Logs\*"
- REM ----- Escape from Tarkov -----
- REM WARNING: Lots of hardcoded custom paths here.
- REM The launcher has a "Clean Temp Folder" button that deletes this directory.
- for /d %%D in ("K:\Battlestate Games\BsgLauncher\Temp\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "K:\Battlestate Games\BsgLauncher\Temp\*"
- REM I use this custom temp folder path.
- for /d %%D in ("E:\Tarkov\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "E:\Tarkov\*"
- REM The launcher has a "Clean Temp Folder" button that deletes the contents of this directory.
- REM The issue is this contains the icon cache and the game has to take longer to regenerate these if you delete them, which means more SSD writing.
- REM for /d %%D in ("%Temp%\Battlestate Games\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- REM del /f /s /q /a "%Temp%\Battlestate Games\*"
- REM Delete logs.
- for /d %%D in ("K:\Battlestate Games\Escape from Tarkov\Logs\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "K:\Battlestate Games\Escape from Tarkov\Logs\*"
- for /d %%D in ("K:\Battlestate Games\Escape from Tarkov Arena\Logs\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "K:\Battlestate Games\Escape from Tarkov Arena\Logs\*"
- REM ----- Natural Selection 2 -----
- REM ----- PAYDAY 2 -----
- for /d %%D in ("%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\mods\logs\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\mods\logs\*"
- REM mod-update downloads in "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\mods\downloads\*"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\mods\downloads\*.zip"
- REM ----- PUBG -----
- REM Disable PUBG loading screen by deleting loading screen videos
- REM del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\PUBG\TslGame\Content\Movies\*"
- REM Disable PUBG_Test loading screen by deleting loading screen videos
- REM del /f /s /q /a "%LibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\PUBG_Test\TslGame\Content\Movies\*"
- REM ----- Rising Storm 2 -----
- REM ----- SCUM -----
- REM ----- VRChat -----
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanSteamUserData
- setlocal
- REM ----- Kill Steam -----
- REM echo Attempting to close steam.exe gently
- REM taskkill /im steam.exe >nul 2>&1
- REM timeout /t 32
- echo Attempting to kill steam.exe if its still alive
- taskkill /f /im steam.exe >nul 2>&1
- timeout /t 3
- REM ----- Steam cleaning -----
- REM Chromium Embedded Framework
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\CEF\User Data\Crashpad\reports\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\CEF\User Data\Crashpad\reports\*"
- REM html5app htmlcache
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Steam\html5app\htmlcache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Steam\html5app\htmlcache\*"
- REM Steam htmlcache
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Steam\htmlcache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Steam\htmlcache\*"
- REM ----- Game cleaning -----
- REM ----- Aim Lab -----
- REM Delete crash reports.
- for /d %%D in ("%UserProfile%\AppData\locallow\Statespace\aimlab_tb\backtrace\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%UserProfile%\AppData\locallow\Statespace\aimlab_tb\backtrace\*"
- REM ----- Aliens Colonial Marines -----
- REM Delete Aliens Colonial Marines crashes.
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Endeavor\Saved\Config\CrashReportClient\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Endeavor\Saved\Config\CrashReportClient\*"
- REM ----- Apex Legends -----
- for /d %%D in ("D:\Users\Wolf\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\assets\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "D:\Users\Wolf\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\assets\*"
- REM ----- ARK -----
- REM ----- ARMA 3 -----
- REM Delete all .rpt, .bidmp, and .mdmp files in "%LocalAppData%\Arma 3\" and subdirectories
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Arma 3\*.rpt"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Arma 3\*.bidmp"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Arma 3\*.mdmp"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Arma 3\AnimDataCache\*"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Arma 3\MonetizedServersCache\*"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Arma 3\MPMissionsCache\*"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Arma 3\OfficialServersCache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Arma 3\squads\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Arma 3\squads\*"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Arma 3\SteamPreviewCache\*"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Arma 3 Launcher\Logs\*"
- REM ----- DOOM -----
- REM Delete all crash files in DOOM subdirectories
- del /f /s /q /a "D:\Users\Wolf\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM\base\Crash*.html"
- REM Delete all errorlog files in DOOM subdirectories
- del /f /s /q /a "D:\Users\Wolf\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM\base\ErrorLog*.txt"
- REM ----- DOOM Eternal -----
- REM Delete DOOM Eternal crashes.
- for /d %%D in ("D:\Users\Wolf\Saved Games\id Software\DOOMEternal\base\crashes\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "D:\Users\Wolf\Saved Games\id Software\DOOMEternal\base\crashes\*"
- REM ----- Escape from Tarkov -----
- REM Delete analytics.
- for /d %%D in ("%UserProfile%\AppData\locallow\Battlestate Games\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%UserProfile%\AppData\locallow\Battlestate Games\*"
- REM Delete logs.
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Battlestate Games\BsgLauncher\Logs\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Battlestate Games\BsgLauncher\Logs\*"
- REM Delete launcher CEF cache.
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Battlestate Games\BsgLauncher\CefCache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Battlestate Games\BsgLauncher\CefCache\*"
- REM ----- Natural Selection 2 -----
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\Natural Selection 2\cache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Natural Selection 2\cache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\Natural Selection 2\dumps\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Natural Selection 2\dumps\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%AppData%\Natural Selection 2\Workshop\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%AppData%\Natural Selection 2\Workshop\*"
- REM ----- PAYDAY 2 -----
- REM Crash logs.
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\PAYDAY 2\crash.txt"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\PAYDAY 2\crashlog.txt"
- REM ----- PUBG -----
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\TslGame\Saved\Config\CrashReportClient\"
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\TslGame\Saved\Crashes\"
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\TslGame\Saved\Demos\"
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\TslGame\Saved\ImGui\"
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\TslGame\Saved\Logs\"
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\TslGame\Saved\webcache\"
- REM ----- Rising Storm 2 -----
- del /f /s /q /a "%Documents%\My Games\Rising Storm 2\ROGame\Logs\*"
- REM ----- SCUM -----
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\SCUM\Saved\Config\CrashReportClient\"
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\SCUM\Saved\Crashes\"
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\SCUM\Saved\Logs\"
- REM ----- Squad -----
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\SquadGame\Saved\Config\CrashReportClient\"
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\SquadGame\Saved\Crashes\"
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\SquadGame\Saved\LicensedServerCache\"
- rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\SquadGame\Saved\Logs\"
- REM Apparently the map icon scale, and other settings?, are saved to the %LocalAppData%\SquadGame\Saved\SaveGames\SquadUI.sav file.
- REM rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\SquadGame\Saved\SaveGames\"
- REM ----- VRChat -----
- for /d %%D in ("%UserProfile%\AppData\locallow\VRChat\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%UserProfile%\AppData\locallow\VRChat\*"
- REM ----- XDefiant -----
- for /d %%D in ("%Documents%\My Games\XDefiant\avatarscache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%Documents%\My Games\XDefiant\avatarscache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%Documents%\My Games\XDefiant\imagecache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%Documents%\My Games\XDefiant\imagecache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%Documents%\My Games\XDefiant\perfdata\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%Documents%\My Games\XDefiant\perfdata\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%Documents%\My Games\XDefiant\profilepicturescache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%Documents%\My Games\XDefiant\profilepicturescache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%Documents%\My Games\XDefiant\PvPTrackingEvents\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%Documents%\My Games\XDefiant\PvPTrackingEvents\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%Documents%\My Games\XDefiant\ShaderCache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%Documents%\My Games\XDefiant\ShaderCache\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- REM TODO: Move whatever is useful to :CleanEAapp.
- REM :CleanOrigin
- REM setlocal
- REM REM ----- Kill Origin -----
- REM REM echo Attempting to close Origin.exe gently
- REM REM taskkill /im Origin.exe >nul 2>&1
- REM REM timeout /t 32
- REM echo Attempting to kill Origin.exe if its still alive
- REM taskkill /f /im Origin.exe >nul 2>&1
- REM timeout /t 3
- REM REM ----- Origin cleaning -----
- REM cd /d %ProgramData%
- REM if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
- REM REM Delete all the files and folders inside \Origin except for "LocalContent" because we're not supposed to for some reason:
- REM for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir Origin /a /b') do (
- REM if /i "%%i" NEQ "LocalContent" (
- REM REM Delete %%i if its a folder.
- REM if exist "Origin\%%i\" (
- REM rd /s /q "Origin\%%i\"
- REM )
- REM REM Delete %%i if its a file.
- REM if exist "Origin\%%i" (
- REM del /f /s /q /a "Origin\%%i"
- REM )
- REM )
- REM )
- REM )
- REM REM ----- Determine Origin directory -----
- REM REM ----- Repair Origin -----
- REM REM ----- Restart Origin -----
- REM if %NOPAUSE% equ 0 (
- REM REM if exist "%SteamPath%\Steam.exe" (
- REM REM start "Steam" "%SteamPath%\Steam.exe"
- REM if exist "G:\Origin\Origin.exe" (
- REM start "Origin" "G:\Origin\Origin.exe"
- REM )
- REM )
- REM endlocal & goto :eof
- REM :CleanOriginUserData
- REM setlocal
- REM REM ----- Kill Origin -----
- REM REM echo Attempting to close Origin.exe gently
- REM REM taskkill /im Origin.exe >nul 2>&1
- REM REM timeout /t 32
- REM echo Attempting to kill Origin.exe if its still alive
- REM taskkill /f /im Origin.exe >nul 2>&1
- REM timeout /t 3
- REM REM ----- Origin cleaning -----
- REM rd /s /q "%AppData%\Origin\"
- REM rd /s /q "%LocalAppData%\Origin\"
- REM endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanEAapp
- setlocal
- REM Remove old EA app clients.
- rd /s /q "%ProgramFiles%\Electronic Arts\EA Desktop\outdatedEADesktop\"
- rd /s /q "%ProgramFiles%\Electronic Arts\EA Desktop\StagedEADesktop\"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanCODWarzoneUserData
- setlocal
- REM Delete files named like this: "".
- del /f /s /q /a "%Documents%\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\archive\*"
- REM Delete files named like this: "~crash".
- del /f /s /q /a "%Documents%\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\report\*"
- REM Delete files named like this: "gpu_report-2020_08_25-22_38_19.txt".
- del /f /s /q /a "%Documents%\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\report\gpu\*"
- REM Delete all Activision crash report folders.
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\Activision\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\Activision\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanBattleNet
- setlocal
- REM Delete Blizzard Entertainment cache.
- for /d %%D in ("%ProgramData%\Blizzard Entertainment\\Cache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%ProgramData%\Blizzard Entertainment\\Cache\*"
- REM Delete caches.
- for /d %%D in ("%ProgramData%\\Agent\data\cache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%ProgramData%\\Agent\data\cache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\\BrowserCache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\\BrowserCache\*"
- for /d %%D in ("%LocalAppData%\\Cache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\\Cache\*"
- REM Delete all .log files in subdirectories.
- del /f /s /q /a "%ProgramData%\\*.log"
- del /f /s /q /a "%LocalAppData%\\*.log"
- REM Remove old clients.
- set directory=G:\\
- set pathname="%directory%\*"
- set LatestVersionPath=""
- for /f %%d in ('dir %pathname% /b /a:d /o:d') do set LatestVersionPath="%directory%\%%d"
- if /i not %LatestVersionPath%=="" (
- REM echo Latest version detected: %LatestVersionPath%
- for /f %%d in ('dir %pathname% /b /a:d /o:d') do (
- if /i not "%directory%\%%d"==%LatestVersionPath% (
- echo Removing old version: "%directory%\%%d"
- rd /s /q "%directory%\%%d"
- )
- )
- )
- REM Remove old agents.
- set directory=%ProgramData%\\Agent
- set pathname="%directory%\Agent.*"
- set LatestVersionPath=""
- for /f %%d in ('dir %pathname% /b /a:d /o:d') do set LatestVersionPath="%directory%\%%d"
- if /i not %LatestVersionPath%=="" (
- REM echo Latest version detected: %LatestVersionPath%
- for /f %%d in ('dir %pathname% /b /a:d /o:d') do (
- if /i not "%directory%\%%d"==%LatestVersionPath% (
- echo Removing old version: "%directory%\%%d"
- rd /s /q "%directory%\%%d"
- )
- )
- )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanBattlefield4UserData
- setlocal
- REM Delete folders containing 222.5 MB of in-game browser assets.
- for /d %%D in ("%Documents%\Battlefield 4\twinkle\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%Documents%\Battlefield 4\twinkle\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanBattlefield2042UserData
- setlocal
- REM Delete folders containing shader files named like this: "7040.md_veh_car__hdt_storm_01ob_veh_car__hdt_storm_04_base_bundle_3p\shaderdb.PcDx12". Supposedly this helps with performance but i question this?
- for /d %%D in ("%Documents%\Battlefield 2042\cache\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%Documents%\Battlefield 2042\cache\*"
- REM Delete crash dumps.
- for /d %%D in ("%Documents%\Battlefield 2042\CrashDumps\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "%Documents%\Battlefield 2042\CrashDumps\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanUbisoft
- setlocal
- REM Delete crash dumps.
- for /d %%D in ("G:\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\crashes\*") do rd /s /q "%%D"
- del /f /s /q /a "G:\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\crashes\*"
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanEpicGamesLauncher
- setlocal
- REM Remove web caches.
- set directory=%LocalAppData%\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved
- set pathname="%directory%\webcache_*"
- for /f %%d in ('dir %pathname% /b /a:d /o:d') do (
- echo Removing web caches: "%directory%\%%d"
- rd /s /q "%directory%\%%d"
- )
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :Clean7Zip
- setlocal
- REM Remove tracks. 7-Zip tracks every archive you ever open with it in View > Folder History.
- reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\7-Zip\FM" /v "FolderHistory" /f
- reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\7-Zip\FM" /v "FolderShortcuts" /f
- reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\7-Zip\FM" /v "PanelPath0" /f
- reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\7-Zip\FM" /v "PanelPath1" /f
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :CleanUser
- setlocal
- call :CleanAdobe
- call :CleanOkular
- call :CleanOneNote
- call :CleanMirc
- call :CleanAtom
- call :CleanDiscord
- call :CleanVirtualBox
- call :CleanVMware
- call :CleanJetBrainsDotPeek
- call :CleanVisualStudio
- call :CleanVSCode
- call :CleanNuGetCache
- call :CleanSmartGit
- call :CleanWindowsUserData
- call :CleanFirefox
- call :CleanWaterfox
- call :CleanLibreWolf
- call :CleanEdge
- call :CleanGoogle
- call :CleanOBS
- call :CleanVLC
- call :CleanLibreOffice
- call :CleanSteamUserData
- REM call :CleanOriginUserData
- call :CleanCODWarzoneUserData
- call :CleanBattleNet
- call :CleanBattlefield4UserData
- call :CleanBattlefield2042UserData
- call :Clean7Zip
- endlocal & goto :eof
- :Work
- setlocal
- REM ----- Cleaning user data -----
- REM Clean the current user's data.
- REM Determine Document-folder location. The rest of the variables don't need to be modified since they are already pointing at the current user.
- for /f "tokens=1,3" %%i in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v Personal') do set Documents=%%j
- if exist %Documents% (
- call :CleanUser
- )
- REM Clean "Stream" user data.
- if exist %UserProfile%\..\Stream (
- set Documents=D:\Users\Stream\Documents
- set AppData=%UserProfile%\..\Stream\AppData\Roaming
- set LocalAppData=%UserProfile%\..\Stream\AppData\Local
- set UserProfile=%UserProfile%\..\Stream
- call :CleanUser
- )
- REM If you have other user's you want to clean you can add them here like i did for the "Stream" user.
- REM TODO: Find an automatic way to clean all users.
- REM ----- Non-user-data cleaning -----
- REM These do not need to be repeated for each user.
- call :CleanUnixFiles
- call :CleanChkdskFiles
- call :CleanWindows
- call :CleanNVIDIA
- call :CleanRazer
- call :CleanDropbox
- call :CleanSteam
- REM call :CleanOrigin
- call :CleanUbisoft
- call :CleanEpicGamesLauncher
- call :CleanEAapp
- REM -----
- REM TODO: C:\Users\Wolf\MicrosoftEdgeBackups
- REM this might be something we can delete.
- REM People say closing edge deletes it but i didn't see that effect.
- REM Also ppl say its just a backup of your settings idk,
- REM TODO: I think some of the attrib -r -s -h calls are unnecessary.
- endlocal
- :End
- if %NOPAUSE% equ 0 pause
- goto :eof
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