
Throws Gaw through building

Dec 23rd, 2024
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  1. Kong met the charge head-on, but the impetus toppled him backward. As he tumbled, he flung up the weapon he carried reflexively, thrusting it inside Gaw’s snapping jaws, keeping them from closing on his neck. For seconds they moved slowly, locked in a contest of strength. Gaw grabbed at the base of a tree with one hind claw and gripped the ground to gain traction with the other, trying to throw her opponent to the ground. Kong gave way, falling back, pressed to earth, but his muscles rippled as he gathered strength to attack again.
  2. Ishara could not look away. The hatred in the eyes of both huge combatants was ancient, powerful, unyielding. Kong’s fierce, expressive eyes offered stark contrast to the steel-cold glare of Gaw’s reptilian face. Ishara felt Gaw’s drive, her visceral need to kill Kong.
  3. And Ishara also sensed Kong’s deep-seated fear of this thing that had killed his parents. But beyond that, overpowering his fear, was a red rage. Kong, gathering a deep surge of energy, threw Gaw bodily back. Kublai had his spear at the ready, Magwich his pistol, but Ishara pulled both of them back. “No. There is hope.”
  4. Gaw had smashed into what seemed a tree, but it shattered, revealing one of the buildings wrought by the Tagatu in time unknown. The monster charged from the debris, and Kong splintered the bone he held against Gaw’s skull, making the saurian reel back, shrieking in pain.
  7. Kong: King of Skull Island, Chapter 13
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