

Nov 9th, 2017
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  1. --Created with PenguinAnonymous's compiler
  2. --PenguinAnonymous is not responsible for damages caused to your game
  3. --This plugin does not remove things
  4. --PenguinAnonymous cannot be held resonsible for manual deletion for the purpose of testing
  5. --Keep in mind, any items that cause errors in compilation will be skipped and documented within the last line of the disclaimer comments
  6. --Thank you for using my plugin and enjoy :)
  7. --It is free to use
  8. --If you use this plugin to create your own, please give me credit
  9. --Errors:
  10. local runDummyScript = function(f,scri)
  11. local oldenv = getfenv(f)
  12. local newenv = setmetatable({}, {
  13. __index = function(_, k)
  14. if k:lower() == 'script' then
  15. return scri
  16. else
  17. return oldenv[k]
  18. end
  19. end
  20. })
  21. setfenv(f, newenv)
  22. ypcall(function() f() end)
  23. end
  24. cors = {}
  25. mas = Instance.new("Model",game:GetService("Lighting"))
  26. mas.Name = "CompiledModel"
  27. o1 = Instance.new("Tool")
  28. o2 = Instance.new("Part")
  29. o3 = Instance.new("Sound")
  30. o4 = Instance.new("SpecialMesh")
  31. o5 = Instance.new("Sound")
  32. o6 = Instance.new("Sound")
  33. o7 = Instance.new("Fire")
  34. o8 = Instance.new("PointLight")
  35. o9 = Instance.new("Smoke")
  36. o10 = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter")
  37. o11 = Instance.new("PointLight")
  38. o12 = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter")
  39. o13 = Instance.new("LocalScript")
  40. o14 = Instance.new("Animation")
  41. o15 = Instance.new("Animation")
  42. o16 = Instance.new("Animation")
  43. o17 = Instance.new("Script")
  44. o18 = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter")
  45. o19 = Instance.new("PointLight")
  46. o20 = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter")
  47. o1.Name = "ChargedFireball"
  48. o1.Parent = mas
  49. o1.TextureId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=188445129"
  50. o1.GripRight = Vector3.new(0, -1, 0)
  51. o1.GripUp = Vector3.new(1, 0, 0)
  52. o1.ToolTip = "Fireball"
  53. o1.CanBeDropped = false
  54. o2.Name = "Handle"
  55. o2.Parent = o1
  56. o2.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Br. yellowish orange")
  57. o2.Transparency = 1
  58. o2.Position = Vector3.new(4.70000029, 2086, -3.10000014)
  59. o2.Rotation = Vector3.new(-90, 0, -90)
  60. o2.RotVelocity = Vector3.new(1, 1, 1)
  61. o2.Locked = true
  62. o2.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric
  63. o2.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
  64. o2.Size = Vector3.new(1, 1, 1)
  65. o2.CFrame = CFrame.new(4.70000029, 2086, -3.10000014, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
  66. o2.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  67. o2.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  68. o2.Color = Color3.new(0.886275, 0.607843, 0.25098)
  69. o2.Position = Vector3.new(4.70000029, 2086, -3.10000014)
  70. o2.Orientation = Vector3.new(-90, -90, 0)
  71. o2.Color = Color3.new(0.886275, 0.607843, 0.25098)
  72. o3.Name = "ExplodeSound"
  73. o3.Parent = o2
  74. o3.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=130792180"
  75. o3.Volume = 1
  76. o4.Parent = o2
  77. o4.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Sphere
  78. o5.Name = "ChargeSound"
  79. o5.Parent = o2
  80. o5.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=142472270"
  81. o5.Volume = 1
  82. o6.Name = "FireSound"
  83. o6.Parent = o2
  84. o6.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=75422951"
  85. o6.Volume = 1
  86. o7.Parent = o2
  87. o7.Size = 3
  88. o7.Color = Color3.new(1, 0.576471, 0.294118)
  89. o7.Enabled = false
  90. o7.Heat = 0
  91. o7.Color = Color3.new(1, 0.576471, 0.294118)
  92. o8.Parent = o2
  93. o8.Color = Color3.new(0.92549, 0.545098, 0.27451)
  94. o8.Enabled = false
  95. o8.Range = 3
  96. o8.Shadows = true
  97. o8.Color = Color3.new(0.92549, 0.545098, 0.27451)
  98. o9.Parent = o2
  99. o9.Size = 0.10000000149012
  100. o9.Color = Color3.new(0.27451, 0.27451, 0.27451)
  101. o9.Enabled = false
  102. o9.Opacity = 0.20000000298023
  103. o9.RiseVelocity = 0
  104. o9.Color = Color3.new(0.27451, 0.27451, 0.27451)
  105. o10.Name = "Fire"
  106. o10.Parent = o2
  107. o10.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(1,0.76875001192093,0.59375,0.41874998807907,0.28749996423721,0.28125,0.34999996423721,0.54999995231628,1)
  108. o10.Rotation = NumberRange.new(-180,180)
  109. o10.Size = NumberSequence.new(1.25,2)
  110. o10.Color = ColorSequence.new(Color3.new(1, 0.784314, 0.592157),Color3.new(0.976471, 0.52549, 0.129412))
  111. o10.LightEmission = 0.625
  112. o10.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=301811459"
  113. o10.ZOffset = 1
  114. o10.Acceleration = Vector3.new(0, 12.5, 0)
  115. o10.Lifetime = NumberRange.new(0.20000000298023,0.60000002384186)
  116. o10.Rate = 50
  117. o10.RotSpeed = NumberRange.new(-180,180)
  118. o10.Speed = NumberRange.new(0,0)
  119. o10.VelocitySpread = 180
  120. o10.Color = ColorSequence.new(Color3.new(1, 0.784314, 0.592157),Color3.new(0.976471, 0.52549, 0.129412))
  121. o11.Name = "Light"
  122. o11.Parent = o2
  123. o11.Color = Color3.new(1, 0.654902, 0.235294)
  124. o11.Shadows = true
  125. o11.Color = Color3.new(1, 0.654902, 0.235294)
  126. o12.Name = "Sparks"
  127. o12.Parent = o2
  128. o12.Size = NumberSequence.new(0.625,0)
  129. o12.Color = ColorSequence.new(Color3.new(1, 0.784314, 0.592157),Color3.new(0.976471, 0.52549, 0.129412))
  130. o12.LightEmission = 1
  131. o12.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=298984512"
  132. o12.ZOffset = 1
  133. o12.Acceleration = Vector3.new(0, 10, 0)
  134. o12.Lifetime = NumberRange.new(0.5,0.82499998807907)
  135. o12.Rate = 50
  136. o12.Speed = NumberRange.new(1,3)
  137. o12.VelocitySpread = 180
  138. o12.Color = ColorSequence.new(Color3.new(1, 0.784314, 0.592157),Color3.new(0.976471, 0.52549, 0.129412))
  139. o13.Parent = o1
  140. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  141. wait()
  142. runDummyScript(function()
  143. --Originally by Stickmasterluke, modified by BombHunter2000
  146. sp=script.Parent
  147. plr=game.Players.localPlayer
  149. --Bomb--
  150. damage={20,400}
  151. firerate=1.5
  152. bombvelocity=100
  153. chargetime=4
  154. extrasize=4
  155. --------
  157. rate=1/30
  158. debris=game:GetService("Debris")
  159. equipped=false
  160. check=true
  162. function waitfor(a,b)
  163. while a:FindFirstChild(b)==nil do
  164. a.ChildAdded:wait()
  165. end
  166. return a:FindFirstChild(b)
  167. end
  169. local anim2=waitfor(sp,"ChargeEnergyBall")
  170. local anim3=waitfor(sp,"RightSlash")
  172. function onEquipped(mouse)
  173. sp.Handle.Transparency=1
  174. equipped=true
  175. if chargeanim~=nil then
  176. chargeanim:Stop()
  177. end
  178. if mouse~=nil then
  179. mouse.Icon="rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png"
  180. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  181. down=true
  182. local he=sp.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head")
  183. local hu=sp.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  184. if check and he and hu and hu.Health>0 then
  185. check=false
  186. mouse.Icon="rbxasset://textures\\GunWaitCursor.png"
  187. starttime=tick()
  188. lv=he.CFrame.lookVector
  189. local mesh=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("Mesh")
  190. if mesh~=nil then
  191. mesh.Scale=Vector3.new(1,1,1)
  192. end
  193. local fire=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("Fire")
  194. if fire~=nil then
  195. fire.Size=0
  196. fire.Enabled=true
  197. end
  198. local light=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("PointLight")
  199. if light~=nil then
  200. light.Range=0
  201. light.Enabled=true
  202. end
  203. local smoke=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("Smoke")
  204. if smoke~=nil then
  205. smoke.Size=0
  206. smoke.Enabled=true
  207. end
  208. if chargeanim~=nil then
  209. chargeanim:Stop()
  210. end
  211. chargeanim=hu:LoadAnimation(anim2)
  212. if chargeanim then
  213. chargeanim:Play()
  214. end
  215. local lastchargesound=0
  216. while down and equipped and tick()-starttime<chargetime and hu~=nil and hu.Health>0 do
  217. local percent=(tick()-starttime)/chargetime
  218. sp.Handle.Transparency=1+(math.random()*.3)
  219. local mesh=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("Mesh")
  220. if mesh~=nil then
  221. mesh.Scale=Vector3.new(1,1,1)+(Vector3.new(1,1,1)*extrasize*percent)
  222. end
  223. local fire=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("Fire")
  224. if fire~=nil then
  225. fire.Size=percent*extrasize*2
  226. end
  227. local light=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("PointLight")
  228. if light~=nil then
  229. light.Range=percent*extrasize*4
  230. end
  231. local smoke=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("Smoke")
  232. if smoke~=nil then
  233. smoke.Size=percent*extrasize*.2
  234. end
  235. if tick()-lastchargesound>5 then
  236. lastchargesound=tick()
  237. local sound=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("ChargeSound")
  238. if sound~=nil then
  239. sound:Play()
  240. end
  241. end
  242. wait()
  243. end
  244. sp.GripPos=Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  245. sp.Handle.Transparency=1
  246. throwanim=hu:LoadAnimation(anim3)
  247. if throwanim then
  248. throwanim:Play(0,1,8)
  249. end
  250. local sound=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("ChargeSound")
  251. if sound~=nil then
  252. sound:Stop()
  253. end
  254. local sound=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("FireSound")
  255. if sound~=nil then
  256. sound:Play()
  257. end
  258. local fire=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("Fire")
  259. if fire~=nil then
  260. fire.Enabled=false
  261. end
  262. local smoke=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("Smoke")
  263. if smoke~=nil then
  264. smoke.Enabled=false
  265. end
  266. local light=sp.Handle:FindFirstChild("PointLight")
  267. if light~=nil then
  268. light.Enabled=false
  269. end
  270. local shot=sp.Handle:clone()
  271. if chargeanim~=nil then
  272. chargeanim:Stop()
  273. end
  274. local fire=shot:FindFirstChild("Fire")
  275. if fire~=nil then
  276. fire.Enabled=true
  277. end
  278. local smoke=shot:FindFirstChild("Smoke")
  279. if smoke~=nil then
  280. smoke.Enabled=true
  281. end
  282. local light=shot:FindFirstChild("PointLight")
  283. if light~=nil then
  284. light.Enabled=true
  285. end
  286. local percent=math.min(math.max((tick()-starttime)/chargetime,0),1)
  287. local size=(1+(extrasize*percent))
  288. shot.Size=Vector3.new(1,1,1)*size
  289. shot.Mesh.Scale=Vector3.new(1,1,1)*(size/shot.Size.Y)
  290. shot.Name="Effect"
  291. shot.CanCollide=false
  292. shot.Transparency=1
  293. if mouse~=nil then
  294. shot.Velocity=((mouse.Hit.p-shot.Position).unit)*bombvelocity
  295. else
  296. shot.Velocity=lv*bombvelocity
  297. end
  298. shot.RotVelocity=Vector3.new(math.random()-.5,math.random()-.5,math.random()-.5)*20
  299. local bf=Instance.new("BodyForce")
  300. bf.force=Vector3.new(0,shot:GetMass()*196.2,0)
  301. bf.Parent=shot
  302. shot.Touched:connect(function(hit)
  303. if shot~=nil and shot.Transparency~=10 and hit~=nil and string.lower(string.sub(hit.Name,1,6))~="effect" then
  304. if not hit:IsDescendantOf(sp.Parent) then
  305. local hum=hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  306. if hum~=nil then
  307. for _,v in pairs(hum:GetChildren()) do
  308. if v~=nil and v.Name=="creator" then
  309. v:remove()
  310. end
  311. end
  312. local ct=Instance.new("ObjectValue")
  313. ct.Name="creator"
  314. ct.Value=game.Players.LocalPlayer
  315. ct.Parent=hum
  316. hum:TakeDamage(damage[1]+(percent*(damage[2]-damage[1])))
  317. end
  318. local explosion = Instance.new('Explosion')
  319. explosion.BlastPressure = percent*extrasize*5
  320. explosion.BlastRadius = percent*extrasize*2
  321. explosion.Position = shot.Position
  322. explosion.Parent = game.Workspace
  323. local sound=shot:FindFirstChild("ExplodeSound")
  324. if sound~=nil then
  325. sound.Volume=.5+(.5*percent)
  326. sound:Play()
  327. end
  328. shot.Transparency=1
  329. shot.Anchored=true
  330. local fire=shot:FindFirstChild("Fire")
  331. if fire~=nil then
  332. fire.Enabled=false
  333. end
  334. local smoke=shot:FindFirstChild("Smoke")
  335. if smoke~=nil then
  336. smoke.Enabled=false
  337. end
  338. local light=shot:FindFirstChild("PointLight")
  339. if light~=nil then
  340. light.Enabled=false
  341. end
  342. wait(.1)
  343. if shot~=nil then
  344. shot:remove()
  345. end
  346. end
  347. end
  348. end)
  349. debris:AddItem(shot,14)
  350. shot.Parent=game.Workspace
  351. wait(firerate)
  352. mouse.Icon="rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png"
  353. check=true
  354. end
  355. end)
  356. mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
  357. down=false
  358. end)
  359. end
  360. end
  362. function onUnequipped()
  363. equipped=false
  364. end
  366. -- Waits for the child of the specified parent
  367. local function WaitForChild(parent, childName)
  368. while not parent:FindFirstChild(childName) do parent.ChildAdded:wait() end
  369. return parent[childName]
  370. end
  372. local Tool = script.Parent
  374. local Animations = {}
  375. local MyHumanoid
  376. local MyCharacter
  379. local function PlayAnimation(animationName)
  380. if Animations[animationName] then
  381. Animations[animationName]:Play()
  382. end
  383. end
  385. local function StopAnimation(animationName)
  386. if Animations[animationName] then
  387. Animations[animationName]:Stop()
  388. end
  389. end
  392. function OnEquipped(mouse)
  393. MyCharacter = Tool.Parent
  394. MyHumanoid = WaitForChild(MyCharacter, 'Humanoid')
  395. if MyHumanoid then
  397. Animations['IdleAnim'] = MyHumanoid:LoadAnimation(WaitForChild(Tool, 'IdleAnim3'))
  398. end
  399. PlayAnimation('IdleAnim')
  400. end
  402. function OnUnequipped()
  403. for animName, _ in pairs(Animations) do
  404. StopAnimation(animName)
  405. end
  406. end
  408. Tool.Equipped:connect(OnEquipped)
  409. Tool.Unequipped:connect(OnUnequipped)
  411. sp.Equipped:connect(onEquipped)
  412. sp.Unequipped:connect(onUnequipped)
  419. end,o13)
  420. end))
  421. o14.Name = "ChargeEnergyBall"
  422. o14.Parent = o1
  423. o14.AnimationId = "http://www.roblox.com/Asset?ID=77320917"
  424. o15.Name = "IdleAnim3"
  425. o15.Parent = o1
  426. o15.AnimationId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=69427262"
  427. o16.Name = "RightSlash"
  428. o16.Parent = o1
  429. o16.AnimationId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset?id=187564515"
  430. o17.Name = "FireTool"
  431. o17.Parent = o1
  432. table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function()
  433. wait()
  434. runDummyScript(function()
  435. -- Scripted by duncan778
  437. local Tool = script.Parent;
  438. enabled = true
  440. function fire(v)
  441. local vCharacter = Tool.Parent
  442. local vPlayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(vCharacter)
  444. local missile = Instance.new("Part")
  446. local spawnPos = Tool.Handle.Position
  447. spawnPos = spawnPos + (v * 4)
  449. missile.Position = spawnPos
  450. missile.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
  451. missile.Velocity = v * 85
  452. missile.Shape = 0
  453. missile.BottomSurface = 0
  454. missile.TopSurface = 0
  455. missile.Name = "Firebolt"
  456. missile.Transparency = 1
  457. missile.CanCollide = false
  459. local f = script.Fire:clone()
  460. f.Parent = missile
  461. f.Enabled = true
  462. local s = script.Sparks:clone()
  463. s.Parent = missile
  464. s.Enabled = true
  465. local l = script.Light:clone()
  466. l.Parent = missile
  467. l.Enabled = true
  469. local force = Instance.new("BodyForce")
  470. force.force = Vector3.new(0,100,0)
  471. force.Parent = missile
  473. local creator_tag = Instance.new("ObjectValue")
  474. creator_tag.Value = vPlayer
  475. creator_tag.Name = "creator"
  476. creator_tag.Parent = missile
  478. local new_script = Tool.BurnScript:clone()
  479. new_script.Parent = missile
  480. new_script.Disabled = false
  482. local CreatorTag = Instance.new("StringValue")
  483. CreatorTag.Name = "CreatorTag"
  484. CreatorTag.Value = Tool.Parent.Name
  485. CreatorTag.Parent = missile
  487. missile.Parent = game.Workspace
  488. end
  490. function gunUp()
  491. Tool.Handle.Fire.Enabled = false
  492. Tool.Handle.Sparks.Enabled = false
  493. Tool.Handle.Light.Enabled = false
  494. end
  496. function gunOut()
  497. Tool.Handle.Fire.Enabled = true
  498. Tool.Handle.Sparks.Enabled = true
  499. Tool.Handle.Light.Enabled = true
  500. end
  502. function onActivated()
  503. if not enabled then
  504. return
  505. end
  506. enabled = false
  507. local character = Tool.Parent;
  508. local humanoid = character.Humanoid
  509. if humanoid == nil then
  510. print("Humanoid not found")
  511. return
  512. end
  513. local targetPos = humanoid.TargetPoint
  514. local lookAt = (targetPos - character.Head.Position).unit
  516. local reload = 5
  518. gunUp()
  519. fire(lookAt)
  520. wait(reload)
  521. gunOut()
  522. wait()
  523. enabled = true
  524. end
  526. script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivated)
  528. end,o17)
  529. end))
  530. o18.Name = "Sparks"
  531. o18.Parent = o17
  532. o18.Size = NumberSequence.new(0.625,0)
  533. o18.Color = ColorSequence.new(Color3.new(1, 0.784314, 0.592157),Color3.new(0.976471, 0.52549, 0.129412))
  534. o18.Enabled = false
  535. o18.LightEmission = 1
  536. o18.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=298984512"
  537. o18.ZOffset = 1
  538. o18.Acceleration = Vector3.new(0, -5, 0)
  539. o18.Lifetime = NumberRange.new(1,2)
  540. o18.Rate = 75
  541. o18.Speed = NumberRange.new(6,8)
  542. o18.VelocitySpread = 65
  543. o18.Color = ColorSequence.new(Color3.new(1, 0.784314, 0.592157),Color3.new(0.976471, 0.52549, 0.129412))
  544. o19.Name = "Light"
  545. o19.Parent = o17
  546. o19.Color = Color3.new(1, 0.654902, 0.235294)
  547. o19.Brightness = 1.5
  548. o19.Range = 12
  549. o19.Shadows = true
  550. o19.Color = Color3.new(1, 0.654902, 0.235294)
  551. o20.Name = "Fire"
  552. o20.Parent = o17
  553. o20.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(1,0.76875001192093,0.59375,0.41874998807907,0.28749996423721,0.28125,0.34999996423721,0.54999995231628,1)
  554. o20.Rotation = NumberRange.new(-180,180)
  555. o20.Size = NumberSequence.new(2.5,3.75)
  556. o20.Color = ColorSequence.new(Color3.new(1, 0.784314, 0.592157),Color3.new(0.976471, 0.52549, 0.129412))
  557. o20.Enabled = false
  558. o20.LightEmission = 0.625
  559. o20.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=301811459"
  560. o20.ZOffset = 1
  561. o20.Acceleration = Vector3.new(0, 12.5, 0)
  562. o20.Lifetime = NumberRange.new(0.40000000596046,0.80000001192093)
  563. o20.Rate = 125
  564. o20.RotSpeed = NumberRange.new(-180,180)
  565. o20.Speed = NumberRange.new(0,0)
  566. o20.VelocitySpread = 180
  567. o20.Color = ColorSequence.new(Color3.new(1, 0.784314, 0.592157),Color3.new(0.976471, 0.52549, 0.129412))
  568. mas.Parent = workspace
  569. mas:MakeJoints()
  570. local mas1 = mas:GetChildren()
  571. for i=1,#mas1 do
  572. mas1[i].Parent = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Backpack
  573. ypcall(function() mas1[i]:MakeJoints() end)
  574. end
  575. mas:Destroy()
  576. for i=1,#cors do
  577. coroutine.resume(cors[i])
  578. end
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