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- type
- _tRBTNodeColor = (RBT_Red, RBT_Black);
- // Associative array. Based on red-black tree.
- generic gMap<_Key_, _Item_> = object(tRWObject)
- type
- tItemProc = procedure(var a: _Item_);
- private
- type
- _pRBTNode = ^_tRBTNode;
- _tRBTNode = record
- left, right, parent: _pRBTNode;
- color: _tRBTNodeColor;
- key: _Key_;
- data: _Item_;
- end;
- var
- _root: _pRBTNode;
- _count: sint;
- function _FindNode(const key: _Key_): _pRBTNode;
- procedure _RotateLeft(x: _pRBTNode);
- procedure _RotateRight(x: _pRBTNode);
- function _AddNode(const key: _Key_; const item: _Item_): _pRBTNode;
- procedure _DeleteNode(z: _pRBTNode);
- procedure _ForEach(x: _pRBTNode; proc: tItemProc);
- procedure _Free(x: _pRBTNode);
- protected
- function _NullItem: _Item_; virtual; abstract;
- procedure _Finalize(var key: _Key_; var item: _Item_); virtual;
- function _Compare(const a, b: _Key_): tValueRelationship; virtual; abstract;
- public
- constructor Init;
- destructor Done; virtual;
- procedure Add(const key: _Key_; const item: _Item_);
- function Find(const key: _Key_): _Item_;
- procedure Remove(const key: _Key_);
- procedure Clear;
- procedure ForEach(proc: tItemProc);
- property Count: sint read _count;
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function gMap._FindNode(const key: _Key_): _pRBTNode;
- var
- cn: _pRBTNode;
- begin
- cn := _root;
- while Assigned(cn) do
- case _Compare(key, cn^.key) of
- value_Equals: break;
- value_Greater: cn := cn^.right;
- value_Less: cn := cn^.left;
- end;
- result := cn;
- end;
- procedure gMap._RotateLeft(x: _pRBTNode);
- var
- y: _pRBTNode;
- begin
- y := x^.right;
- x^.right := y^.left;
- if Assigned(y^.left) then y^.left^.parent := x;
- y^.parent := x^.parent;
- if x = _root then _root := y else
- if x = x^.parent^.left then
- x^.parent^.left := y
- else
- x^.parent^.right := y;
- y^.left := x;
- x^.parent := y;
- end;
- procedure gMap._RotateRight(x: _pRBTNode);
- var
- y: _pRBTNode;
- begin
- y := x^.left;
- x^.left := y^.right;
- if Assigned(y^.right) then y^.right^.parent := x;
- y^.parent := x^.parent;
- if x = _root then _root := y else
- if x = x^.parent^.right then
- x^.parent^.right := y
- else
- x^.parent^.left := y;
- y^.right := x;
- x^.parent := y;
- end;
- function gMap._AddNode(const key: _Key_; const item: _Item_): _pRBTNode;
- var
- x, y, z, zpp: _pRBTNode;
- begin
- y := nil;
- x := _root;
- while Assigned(x) do
- begin
- y := x;
- case _Compare(key, x^.key) of
- value_Equals:
- begin
- _Finalize(x^.key, x^.data);
- x^.key := key;
- x^.data := item;
- exit(x); // already exists
- end;
- value_Less: x := x^.left;
- value_Greater: x := x^.right;
- end;
- end;
- inc(_count);
- new(z);
- z^.key := key;
- z^.data := item;
- z^.left := nil;
- z^.right := nil;
- z^.color := RBT_Red;
- z^.parent := y;
- result := z;
- if Assigned(y) then
- case _Compare(key, y^.key) of
- value_Less: y^.left := z;
- else
- y^.right := z;
- end
- else
- _root := z;
- // rebalance
- while (z <> _root) and (z^.parent^.color = RBT_Red) do
- begin
- zpp := z^.parent^.parent;
- if z^.parent = zpp^.left then
- begin
- y := zpp^.right;
- if Assigned(y) and (y^.color = RBT_Red) then
- begin
- z^.parent^.color := RBT_Black;
- y^.color := RBT_Black;
- zpp^.color := RBT_Red;
- z := zpp;
- end else
- begin
- if z = z^.parent^.right then
- begin
- z := z^.parent;
- _RotateLeft(z);
- end;
- z^.parent^.color := RBT_Black;
- zpp^.color := RBT_Red;
- _RotateRight(zpp);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- y := zpp^.left;
- if Assigned(y) and (y^.color = RBT_Red) then
- begin
- z^.parent^.color := RBT_Black;
- y^.color := RBT_Black;
- zpp^.color := RBT_Red;
- z := zpp;
- end else
- begin
- if z = z^.parent^.left then
- begin
- z := z^.parent;
- _RotateRight(z);
- end;
- z^.parent^.color := RBT_Black;
- zpp^.color := RBT_Red;
- _RotateLeft(zpp);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- _root^.color := RBT_Black;
- end;
- procedure gMap._DeleteNode(z: _pRBTNode);
- var
- w, x, y, x_parent: _pRBTNode;
- tmpcol: _tRBTNodeColor;
- begin
- y := z;
- x := nil;
- x_parent := nil;
- if Assigned(y^.left) then
- begin
- if Assigned(y^.right) then
- begin
- y := y^.right;
- while Assigned(y^.left) do y := y^.left;
- x := y^.right;
- end else
- x := y^.left;
- end else
- x := y^.right;
- if y <> z then
- begin
- // relink y in place of z. y is z's successor
- z^.left^.parent := y;
- y^.left := z^.left;
- if y <> z^.right then
- begin
- x_parent := y^.parent;
- if Assigned(x) then x^.parent := y^.parent;
- y^.parent^.left := x; // y must be a child of left
- y^.right := z^.right;
- z^.right^.parent := y;
- end else
- x_parent := y;
- if _root = z then
- _root := y
- else
- if z^.parent^.left = z then
- z^.parent^.left := y
- else
- z^.parent^.right := y;
- y^.parent := z^.parent;
- tmpcol := y^.color;
- y^.color := z^.color;
- z^.color := tmpcol;
- y := z;
- end else
- begin // y = z
- x_parent := y^.parent;
- if Assigned(x) then
- x^.parent := y^.parent;
- if _root = z then
- _root := x
- else
- if z^.parent^.left = z then
- z^.parent^.left := x
- else
- z^.parent^.right := x;
- end;
- // rebalance
- if y^.color = RBT_Black then
- begin
- while (x <> _root) and ((not Assigned(x)) or (x^.color = RBT_Black)) do
- begin
- if x = x_parent^.left then
- begin
- w := x_parent^.right;
- if w^.color = RBT_Red then
- begin
- w^.color := RBT_Black;
- x_parent^.color := RBT_Red;
- _RotateLeft(x_parent);
- w := x_parent^.right;
- end;
- if ((not Assigned(w^.left)) or (w^.left^.color = RBT_Black)) and
- ((not Assigned(w^.right)) or (w^.right^.color = RBT_Black)) then
- begin
- w^.color := RBT_Red;
- x := x_parent;
- x_parent := x_parent^.parent;
- end else
- begin
- if (not Assigned(w^.right)) or (w^.right^.color = RBT_Black) then
- begin
- w^.left^.color := RBT_Black;
- w^.color := RBT_Red;
- _RotateRight(w);
- w := x_parent^.right;
- end;
- w^.color := x_parent^.color;
- x_parent^.color := RBT_Black;
- if Assigned(w^.right) then w^.right^.color := RBT_Black;
- _RotateLeft(x_parent);
- x := _root; // break;
- end;
- end else
- begin
- // mirror of above code
- w := x_parent^.left;
- if (w^.color = RBT_Red) then
- begin
- w^.color := RBT_Black;
- x_parent^.color := RBT_Red;
- _RotateRight(x_parent);
- w := x_parent^.left;
- end;
- if ((not Assigned(w^.right)) or (w^.right^.color = RBT_Black)) and
- ((not Assigned(w^.left)) or (w^.left^.color = RBT_Black)) then
- begin
- w^.color := RBT_Red;
- x := x_parent;
- x_parent := x_parent^.parent;
- end else
- begin
- if (not Assigned(w^.left)) or (w^.left^.color = RBT_Black) then
- begin
- w^.right^.color := RBT_Black;
- w^.color := RBT_Red;
- _RotateLeft(w);
- w := x_parent^.left;
- end;
- w^.color := x_parent^.color;
- x_parent^.color := RBT_Black;
- if Assigned(w^.left) then w^.left^.color := RBT_Black;
- _RotateRight(x_parent);
- x := _root; // break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if Assigned(x) then x^.color := RBT_Black;
- end;
- _Finalize(y^.key, y^.data);
- dispose(y);
- dec(_count);
- end;
- procedure gMap._ForEach(x: _pRBTNode; proc: tItemProc);
- begin
- if Assigned(x) then
- begin
- _ForEach(x^.left, proc);
- _ForEach(x^.right, proc);
- proc(x^.data);
- end;
- end;
- procedure gMap._Free(x: _pRBTNode);
- begin
- if Assigned(x) then
- begin
- _Free(x^.left);
- _Free(x^.right);
- _Finalize(x^.key, x^.data);
- dispose(x);
- end;
- end;
- procedure gMap._Finalize(var key: _Key_; var item: _Item_);
- begin
- Assert((@key = @key) and (@item = @item));
- end;
- constructor gMap.Init;
- begin
- inherited Init;
- _count := 0;
- end;
- destructor gMap.Done;
- begin
- Clear;
- inherited Done;
- end;
- procedure gMap.Add(const key: _Key_; const item: _Item_);
- begin
- _AddNode(key, item);
- end;
- procedure gMap.Remove(const key: _Key_);
- var
- n: _pRBTNode;
- begin
- n := _FindNode(key);
- if Assigned(n) then _DeleteNode(n);
- end;
- procedure gMap.Clear;
- begin
- _Free(_root);
- _root := nil;
- end;
- function gMap.Find(const key: _Key_): _Item_;
- var
- n: _pRBTNode;
- begin
- n := _FindNode(key);
- if Assigned(n) then
- result := n^.data
- else
- result := _nullItem;
- end;
- procedure gMap.ForEach(proc: tItemProc);
- begin
- _ForEach(_root, proc);
- end;
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