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it unlocks many cool features!
- version = 5.2
- wait(.1)
- script.Parent=nil
- local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local pt = {}
- local pt2 = {}
- local pt3 = {}
- local rad = math.rad
- local pi = math.pi
- local cf =
- local ca = CFrame.Angles
- local mr = math.random
- local count = 0
- local bcount = 0
- local mode = "origin"
- local bc =
- local slct = 0
- local speed = 1
- local guit = {}
- local send = cf()
- local as = 4
- local events = {}
- local fragdeb = false
- local ignore = {}
- local armloop = false
- local grab = nil
- local gdist = -5
- local tim = 0
- local c2timer = 0
- local banned = {}
- local cmds = {}
- local clogs = {}
- local bet = "!"
- --[["The best ever!"]]--
- local lerp = function(a,b,c)
- return a+(b-a)*c
- end
- local clerp = function(c1,c2,t)
- return c1:lerp(c2,t)
- end
- local ClrLerp = function(Mesh,Clr2,Step)
- Clr1 = Mesh.VertexColor
- Mesh.VertexColor =,Clr2.X,Step),lerp(Clr1.Y,Clr2.Y,Step),lerp(Clr1.Z,Clr2.Z,Step))
- end
- local GetDiscoColor = function(hue)
- local section = hue % 1 * 3
- local secondary = 0.5 * math.pi * (section % 1)
- if section < 1 then
- return, 1 - math.cos(secondary), 1 - math.sin(secondary))
- elseif section < 2 then
- return - math.sin(secondary), 1, 1 - math.cos(secondary))
- else
- return - math.cos(secondary), 1 - math.sin(secondary), 1)
- end
- end
- local new = function(Object, Parent, Data)
- local Object =
- for Index, Value in pairs(Data or {}) do
- Object[Index] = Value
- end
- Object.Parent = Parent
- return Object
- end
- local intable = function(tab, obj)
- for _, v in ipairs(tab) do
- if v == obj then
- return _
- end
- end
- return 0
- end
- local so = function(id,par,lo,pi,tm)
- Spawn(function()
- local s = new("Sound",par,{Looped=lo;Pitch=pi;SoundId = ""})
- wait() -- tnx anti
- s:play()
- s.Volume=.8
- game.Debris:AddItem(s,tm)
- end)
- return s
- end
- local Lightning = function(Start,End,Times,Offset,Color,Thickness)
- local magz = (Start - End).magnitude
- local curpos = Start
- local trz = {-Offset,Offset}
- for i=1,Times do
- local li = new("Part",workspace,{,Thickness,magz/Times);BrickColor=bc('White');CanCollide=false;Anchored=true})
- local m = new("SpecialMesh",li,{MeshId='rbxassetid://9856898';*2,Thickness*2,magz/Times*2);TextureId='';VertexColor = Color})
- local ofz =[math.random(1,2)],trz[math.random(1,2)],trz[math.random(1,2)])
- local trolpos = cf(curpos,End)*cf(0,0,magz/Times).p+ofz
- if Times == i then
- local magz2 = (curpos - End).magnitude li.Size =,Thickness,magz2)
- li.CFrame = cf(curpos,End)*cf(0,0,-magz2/2)
- else
- li.CFrame = cf(curpos,trolpos)*cf(0,0,magz/Times/2)
- end
- curpos = li.CFrame*cf(0,0,magz/Times/2).p
- game.Debris:AddItem(li,.3)
- Spawn(function()
- for i=1,10 do
- game:service"RunService".RenderStepped:wait()
- li.Transparency = li.Transparency+.1
- end
- li:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- end
- local explosion = function(col1,col2,cfr,sz,rng)
- local a = new("Part",workspace,{,1,1);CanCollide=false;Anchored=true})
- local a2 = new("Part",workspace,{,1,1);CanCollide=false;Anchored=true})
- local a3 = new("Part",workspace,{,1,1);CanCollide=false;Anchored=true})
- v1,v2,v3=sz.x,sz.y,sz.z
- local m = new("SpecialMesh",a,{MeshId='rbxassetid://1185246';,v2,v3);TextureId='';VertexColor = col1})
- local m2 = new("SpecialMesh",a2,{MeshId='rbxassetid://9856898';*2,v2/3*2,v3/3*2);TextureId='';VertexColor = col2})
- local m3 = new("SpecialMesh",a3,{MeshId='rbxassetid://9856898';*2,v2/3*2,v3/3*2);TextureId='';VertexColor = col2})
- a.CFrame=cfr
- a2.CFrame=cfr*CFrame.Angles(math.random(),math.random(),math.random())
- a3.CFrame=cfr*CFrame.Angles(math.random(),math.random(),math.random())
- for i,v in pairs(workspace:children()) do
- if v:IsA("Model") and v:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- if v:findFirstChild("Head") and v:findFirstChild("Torso") then
- if (v:findFirstChild("Torso").Position - a.Position).magnitude < rng and v.Name ~= lp.Character.Name then
- v:BreakJoints()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- game.Debris:AddItem(a,.6)
- game.Debris:AddItem(a2,.6)
- game.Debris:AddItem(a3,.6)
- Spawn(function()
- while true do
- game:service"RunService".RenderStepped:wait()
- if a.Transparency >= 1 then a:Destroy() a2:Destroy() a3:Destroy() break end
- a2.CFrame=a2.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(2),math.rad(2),math.rad(2))
- a3.CFrame=a3.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(2),-math.rad(2),-math.rad(2))
- a.Transparency=a.Transparency+0.05
- a2.Transparency=a2.Transparency+0.05
- a3.Transparency=a3.Transparency+0.05
- end
- end)
- end
- local frag = function(hit)
- local t = {}
- local A = {-1, 1}
- if hit.Name ~= "Base" and hit.Name ~= "adpart" and hit.Parent ~= lp.Character and hit.Parent.Parent ~= lp.Character and fragdeb ~= true then
- so("201858024",ch.Torso,false,math.random(7,11)/10,4)
- fragdeb = true
- hit:BreakJoints()
- local X, Y, Z = 0, 0, 0
- for x = 1, 2 do
- if hit.Size.X > 1 then
- X = hit.Size.X/2
- end
- for y = 1, 2 do
- if hit.Size.Y > 1 then
- Y = hit.Size.Y/2
- end
- for z = 1, 2 do
- if hit.Size.Z > 1 then
- Z = hit.Size.Z/2
- end
- local obj =*A[x],Y*A[y],Z*A[z])
- if intable(t, obj) == 0 and (X ~= 0 or Y ~= 0) and (X ~= 0 or Z ~= 0) and (Y ~= 0 or Z ~= 0) then
- table.insert(t, obj)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if #t > 0 then
- local h = hit:clone()
- local par = hit.Parent
- hit:Destroy()
- hit = h:clone()
- for _, v in ipairs(t) do
- local n = hit:clone()
- --n.FormFactor = "Custom"
- n.Size = hit.Size/2
- local x,y,z = hit.CFrame:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- n.CFrame =*CFrame.Angles(x,y,z) +hit.Position
- n.Rotation = hit.Rotation
- n.Velocity =,0,0)
- n.RotVelocity =,0,0)
- n.Parent = par
- if n.Size.X <= 1 or n.Size.Z <= 1 then n.Anchored = false;n:BreakJoints();,10),math.random(-10,10),math.random(-10,10)) spawn(function() for i=1,10 do wait() n.Transparency=n.Transparency+.1 end n:Destroy() end) end
- n:BreakJoints()
- end
- end
- end
- wait()
- fragdeb = false
- end
- local notif = function(txt)
- for i,v in pairs(guit) do
- v.Position = v.Position -,0,0.03,0)
- end
- local notif = new("TextLabel",notificationbin,{TextWrapped = true;TextStrokeTransparency = 0;BorderSizePixel = 2;TextScaled = true;BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0);BackgroundTransparency = 0.5;Size =, 0, 0.02, 0);TextColor3 =, 1, 1);BorderColor3 =, 1, 1);Text = "{Notification}:"..txt;Position =, 0, 0.942, 0);TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left})
- so("205318910",lp.PlayerGui,false,1)
- table.insert(guit,notif)
- spawn(function() wait(5)
- for i=1,20 do wait()
- notif.BackgroundTransparency = notif.BackgroundTransparency +.05
- notif.TextTransparency = notif.TextTransparency +.05
- notif.TextStrokeTransparency = notif.TextStrokeTransparency +.05
- end
- notif:Destroy()
- table.remove(guit,1)
- end)
- end
- local makeg = function()
- local jlgui = new("ScreenGui",lp.PlayerGui,{Name="JL_gui"})
- local frame = new("Frame",jlgui,{Size =, 0, 0.025, 0);BorderColor3 =, 1, 1);Position =, 0, 0.97, 0);BorderSizePixel = 2;BackgroundTransparency = 0.5;BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)})
- local textlabel = new("TextLabel",frame,{TextStrokeTransparency = 0;BorderSizePixel = 0;BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0);BackgroundTransparency = 0.9;Size =, 0, 1, 0);TextColor3 =, 1, 1);Text = "Execute >";TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Right})
- textbox = new("TextBox",frame,{TextStrokeTransparency = 0;BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0);Position =, 0, 0, 0);Size =, 0, 1, 0);BackgroundTransparency = 0.9;Text = "Press [R-CTRL] to focus";TextColor3 =, 1, 1);TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left})
- local frame_2 = new("Frame",frame,{Size =, 0, 1, 0);BorderColor3 =, 1, 1);Position =, 0, 0, 0);BorderSizePixel = 2;BackgroundTransparency = 0.5;BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)})
- textlabel_2 = new("TextLabel",frame_2,{TextStrokeTransparency = 0;BorderSizePixel = 0;BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0);BackgroundTransparency = 0.9;Size =, 0, 1, 0);TextColor3 =, 1, 1);BorderColor3 =, 0, 0);Text = "FPS:n/a"})
- local frame_3 = new("Frame",frame,{Size =, 0, 1, 0);BorderColor3 =, 1, 1);Position =, 0, 0, 0);BorderSizePixel = 2;BackgroundTransparency = 0.5;BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)})
- local textlabel_3 = new("TextLabel",frame_3,{TextStrokeTransparency = 0;BorderSizePixel = 0;BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0);BackgroundTransparency = 0.9;Size =, 0, 1, 0);TextColor3 =, 1, 1);BorderColor3 =, 0, 0);Text = "JarLore V"..version})
- notificationbin ="Folder", jlgui,{Name="Notification_bin"})
- listbin ="Folder", jlgui,{Name="List_bin"})
- textbox.FocusLost:connect(function()
- local msg = textbox.Text
- local usedACommand=false
- for i,v in pairs(cmds) do
- if msg:lower():match(bet..v.Usage:lower()..'% ?') and usedACommand==false then
- usedACommand=true
- local Run, Error = ypcall(function()
- spawn(function()
- v.Function(lp.Name,msg:lower():match(bet..v.Usage:lower()..'%>?(.+)')or'')
- end)
- end)
- if Error then
- notif(Error)
- end
- end
- end
- textbox.Text = "Press [R-CTRL] to focus"
- end)
- end
- local makelist = function(na,list)
- local pos = -7
- local frame = new("Frame", listbin,{Size =, 0, 0.25, 0);BorderColor3 =, 1, 1);Position =, 0, 0.745, 0);BorderSizePixel = 2;BackgroundTransparency = 0.5;BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)})
- local textlabel = new("TextBox", frame,{TextStrokeTransparency = 0;BorderSizePixel = 2;BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0);Position =, 0, 0.005, 0);Size =, 0, 0.1, 0);BackgroundTransparency = 0.9;BorderColor3 =, 1, 1);TextColor3 =, 1, 1);Text=na})
- local scrollingframe = new("ScrollingFrame", frame,{Size =, 0, 0.87, 0);,0,0,0);MidImage = "rbxassetid://65372937";BorderColor3 =, 1, 1);ScrollBarThickness = 7;TopImage = "rbxassetid://65372937";Position =, 0, 0.125, 0);BottomImage = "rbxassetid://65372937";BackgroundTransparency = 0.9;BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)})
- local textbutton = new("TextButton", frame,{TextStrokeTransparency = 0;BorderSizePixel = 2;BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0);BackgroundTransparency = 0.9;Size =, 0, 0.1, 0);Position =, 0, 0.005, 0);BorderColor3 =, 1, 1);Text = "X";TextColor3 =, 1, 1)})
- for i,v in pairs(list) do
- local textlabel2 = new("TextLabel", scrollingframe,{TextStrokeTransparency = 0;BorderSizePixel = 0;BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0);BackgroundTransparency = 0.9;Size =, 0, 0, 20);TextColor3 =, 1, 1);TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left;Text=v})
- textlabel2.Position =,0,0,pos+7)
- pos = pos + 25
- scrollingframe.CanvasSize =,0,0,pos+15)
- end
- textbutton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- frame:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- local efx = function(part)
- if not part then return end
- local Num = 0
- local efxs = {}
- for i = 1,6 do
- local p = new("Part",workspace,{,1,1);CanCollide=false;Anchored=true;CFrame=part.CFrame})
- local msh = new("SpecialMesh",p,{,.5,.5);MeshId='rbxassetid://9756362';TextureId='rbxassetid://25701026';VertexColor=GetDiscoColor(i/10)})
- table.insert(efxs,p)
- local p=new("Part",workspace,{,1,1);CanCollide=false;Anchored=true;CFrame=part.CFrame})
- msh=new("SpecialMesh",p,{,.5,.5);MeshId='rbxassetid://9756362';TextureId='rbxassetid://25701026';VertexColor=GetDiscoColor(i/10+1.2)})
- table.insert(efxs,p)
- end
- for i=1,50 do wait()
- Num=Num+.1
- for i,v in pairs(efxs)do
- if(i<7)then
- v.CFrame = clerp(v.CFrame,cf(part.CFrame.p)*cf(0,-math.sin(Num)*3,0)*ca(0,1.55+Num+math.rad(360/6)*i,0)*cf(3,0,0),.1)
- else
- v.CFrame = clerp(v.CFrame,cf(part.CFrame.p)*cf(0,math.sin(Num)*3,0)*ca(0,-Num+math.rad(360/6)*i,0)*cf(3,0,0),.1)
- end
- end
- end
- for i=1,10 do wait()
- for i,v in pairs(efxs)do
- ClrLerp(v.Mesh,,0,0),.3)
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(efxs)do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- efxs={}
- end
- local GetPlrs = function(Msg)
- local R = {}
- if Msg:lower() == "all" then
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- table.insert(R, v)
- end
- else
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Name:lower():sub(1 ,#Msg)==Msg:lower() then
- table.insert(R, v)
- end
- end
- end
- return R
- end
- local AddCmd = function(Name, Usage, Description, Function)
- cmds[Name] = {Name = Name, Usage = Usage, Description = Description, Function = Function}
- end
- local fixcol = function()
- for i=1,#pt do pt[i].BrickColor = bc("White") end
- end
- local np = function(sz,col)
- local new = new("Part",workspace,{,sz,0);;CanCollide=false;Anchored=true;Locked=true;Name="adpart"})
- return new
- end
- local pointa = function(var)
- if var == true then
- if armloop == false then
- armloop=true
- end
- else
- armloop=false
- ch['Right Arm'].Anchored = false
- armw.Parent = ch.Torso
- end
- end
- local fixspeed = function(spd)
- repeat wait() speed = speed + .025 until speed >= spd
- end
- local make = function()
- for i=1,6 do
- local a = np(1.2,"White")
- table.insert(pt,a)
- local a1 = np(1.4,"Black")
- table.insert(pt2,a1)
- local a2 = np(1.4,"Black")
- table.insert(pt2,a2)
- table.insert(pt3,a)
- table.insert(pt3,a1)
- table.insert(pt3,a2)
- end
- end
- --cmds--
- AddCmd('Kill','kill','Kills <player>',function(Spkr,Msg)
- for _,player in next,GetPlrs(Msg)do
- spawn(function()
- notif(player.Name.." was killed.")
- efx(player.Character.Torso)
- player.Character:BreakJoints()
- end)
- end
- end)
- AddCmd('Kick','kick','Kicks <player>',function(Spkr,Msg)
- for _,player in next,GetPlrs(Msg)do
- spawn(function()
- notif(player.Name.." was kicked.")
- efx(player.Character.Torso)
- player:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- end)
- AddCmd('God','god','Gods <player>',function(Spkr,Msg)
- for _,player in next,GetPlrs(Msg)do
- spawn(function()
- notif(player.Name.." was godded.")
- efx(player.Character.Torso)
- player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth=1e1000
- end)
- end
- end)
- AddCmd('UnGod','ungod','UnGods <player>',function(Spkr,Msg)
- for _,player in next,GetPlrs(Msg)do
- spawn(function()
- notif(player.Name.." was ungodded.")
- efx(player.Character.Torso)
- player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth=100
- end)
- end
- end)
- AddCmd('ForceField','ff','ForceFields <player>',function(Spkr,Msg)
- for _,player in next,GetPlrs(Msg)do
- spawn(function()
- notif(player.Name.." was given a forcefield.")
- efx(player.Character.Torso)
- end)
- end
- end)
- AddCmd('ForceField','unff','UnForceFields <player>',function(Spkr,Msg)
- for _,player in next,GetPlrs(Msg)do
- spawn(function()
- notif(player.Name.."'s forcefield was removed.")
- efx(player.Character.Torso)
- player.Character:findFirstChild("j_ff"):Destroy()
- end)
- end
- end)
- AddCmd('Song','sng','Plays <song>',function(Spkr,Msg)
- notif(Msg.." was played.")
- spawn(function()
- if not game:service"Workspace":FindFirstChild("jbcv_sound") then
- local"Sound",game:service"Workspace")
- jbcv_sond.Name="jbcv_sound"
- jbcv_sond.Looped=true
- jbcv_sond.Volume=1
- end
- local sond=game:service"Workspace":FindFirstChild("jbcv_sound")
- sond.Volume=0
- sond.Pitch=0
- sond:Stop()
- wait()
- sond.SoundId="rbxassetid://"..Msg
- sond.Volume=1
- sond.Pitch=1
- sond:Play()
- end)
- end)
- AddCmd('Stop','stop','Stops <song>',function(Spkr,Msg)
- notif("Song was stopped.")
- local sond=game:service"Workspace":FindFirstChild("jbcv_sound")
- sond.Volume=0
- sond.Pitch=0
- sond:Stop()
- end)
- AddCmd('ShowLogs','clogs','Shows the chat logs for the server',function(Spkr,Msg)
- notif("Showing chatlogs.")
- makelist("ChatLogs",clogs)
- end)
- AddCmd('Commands','cmds','Shows a list of admin commands.',function(Spkr,Msg)
- notif("Showing commands.")
- local cmdtab = {}
- for i,v in pairs(cmds) do
- table.insert(cmdtab," "..v.Name.." Usage:"..v.Usage)
- end
- makelist("Commands",cmdtab)
- end)
- lp:GetMouse().Button1Down:connect(function()
- fixcol()
- if mode == "select" then
- so('233091183',ch.Torso,false,.8)
- if slct == 1 then
- pointa(false)
- mode = "origin"
- speed = .1
- fixspeed(1)
- return
- elseif slct == 2 then
- pointa(false)
- mode = "ghost"
- speed = .1
- fixspeed(1)
- return
- elseif slct == 3 then
- pointa(false)
- mode = "float"
- speed = .1
- fixspeed(1)
- return
- elseif slct == 4 then
- mode = "kenisis"
- speed = .1
- fixspeed(1)
- return
- elseif slct == 5 then
- pointa(false)
- mode = "saw"
- speed = .1
- fixspeed(1)
- return
- elseif slct == 6 then
- pointa(false)
- mode = "lightning"
- speed = .1
- fixspeed(1)
- return
- end
- elseif mode == "ghost" then
- so('200633455',ch.Torso,false,1)
- mode = "light"
- speed = .1
- fixspeed(1)
- elseif mode == "lightning" then
- so('228343249',ch.Torso,false,.9)
- color=GetDiscoColor(tick()*.5)
- Lightning(guide.CFrame.p,lp:GetMouse().hit.p,math.random(5,10),math.random(-2.5,2.5),color,1.5)
- explosion(color,GetDiscoColor(tick()*.3),,,30,30),20)
- elseif mode == "kenisis" then
- if lp:GetMouse().Target~=nil and grab == nil then
- if lp:GetMouse().Target.ClassName=="Part" and lp:GetMouse().Target.Name~="Base" then
- gdist = -(ch:findFirstChild("Right Arm").Position - lp:GetMouse().Target.CFrame.p).magnitude
- grab=lp:GetMouse().Target
- local dis = (ch:findFirstChild("Head").Position - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude
- lp.CameraMaxZoomDistance = dis
- lp.CameraMinZoomDistance = dis
- end
- end
- elseif mode == "float" then
- so('233856106',ch.Torso,false,.9)
- mode = "fly"
- bg.maxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
- bv.maxForce =,99e3,99e3)
- if(ch.Humanoid.Sit ~= true)then ch.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true end
- speed = .1
- fixspeed(1)
- elseif mode == "origin" then
- tim = game:service'RunService'.Stepped:wait()
- if (tim - c2timer < .2) then
- c2timer = tim
- speed = .15
- send = lp:GetMouse().Hit.p
- mode = "tele"
- wait(.2)
- so('161006033',ch.Torso,false,.9)
- ch.Torso.CFrame = cf(send)*cf(0,3,0)*ca(0,ch.Torso.Rotation.Y,0)
- speed = .05
- mode="origin"
- fixspeed(1)
- else
- wait(.15)
- end
- c2timer = tim
- end
- end)
- lp:GetMouse().Button2Down:connect(function()
- if mode == "kenisis" and grab then
- tim = game:service'RunService'.Stepped:wait()
- if (tim - c2timer < .2) then
- so('235097661',ch.Torso,false,1)
- local shot = grab
- grab=nil
- shot.Velocity=(lp:GetMouse().Hit.p-ch["Right Arm"].Position).unit*375
- else
- wait(.15)
- end
- c2timer = tim
- end
- end)
- lp:GetMouse().Button1Up:connect(function()
- if mode == "fly" then
- mode = "float"
- so('233856106',ch.Torso,false,.8)
- bg:Destroy()
- bv:Destroy()
- ch.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
- ch.Torso.CFrame = cf(ch.Torso.CFrame.X,ch.Torso.CFrame.Y,ch.Torso.CFrame.Z)*ca(0,ch.Torso.Rotation.Y,0)
- speed = .1
- fixspeed(1)
- elseif mode == "light" then
- so('200633455',ch.Torso,false,.9)
- mode = "ghost"
- speed = .1
- fixspeed(1)
- elseif mode == "kenisis" then
- grab = nil
- lp.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 400
- lp.CameraMinZoomDistance = 0.5
- end
- end)
- lp:GetMouse().KeyDown:connect(function(k)
- k = k:lower()
- if k == "e" and mode ~= "select" and mode ~= "fly" and mode ~= "light" then
- so('233091183',ch.Torso,false,.9)
- pointa(true)
- mode = "select"
- slct = 1
- speed = .1
- fixspeed(1)
- elseif string.byte(k) == 49 then
- textbox:CaptureFocus()
- end
- end)
- lp:GetMouse().WheelForward:connect(function()
- if mode =="kenisis" then
- gdist = gdist - 10
- end
- end)
- lp:GetMouse().WheelBackward:connect(function()
- if mode =="kenisis" then
- if gdist < -5 then
- gdist = gdist + 10
- end
- end
- end)
- guide = new("Part",workspace,{,0,2);"");CanCollide=false;Anchored=true;Locked=true;Transparency=1})
- pl = new("PointLight",guide,{"Bright orange").Color;Range=0})
- light = new("Fire",guide,{Size=3;Heat=0;Enabled=false})
- BP=new("BodyPosition",nil,{, 9990000, 9990000);,0,0)})
- make()
- local curplrs = game.Players:GetPlayers()
- for i,v in pairs(curplrs) do
- v.Chatted:connect(function(m)
- table.insert(clogs,"["..v.Name.."]: "..m)
- end)
- end
- game:service"Players".ChildAdded:connect(function(p)
- if p.ClassName == "Player" then
- notif(p.Name.." has joined the server.")
- p.Chatted:connect(function(m)
- table.insert(clogs,"["..p.Name.."]: "..m)
- end)
- end
- end)
- game:service"Players".ChildRemoved:connect(function(p)
- if p.ClassName == "Player" then
- notif(p.Name.." has left the server.")
- end
- end)
- game:service("RunService").Stepped:connect(function()
- ch = lp.Character
- bcount = 0
- for i=1,#pt do
- bcount = bcount + 2
- if mode == "origin" then
- count = count + .0025
- if i <= 3 then
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,cf(ch.Torso.CFrame.p)*ca(0,count+rad(360/3)*i,0)*cf(2,-3,0)*ca(-pi/2,0,0),speed)
- else
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,cf(ch.Torso.CFrame.p)*ca(0,-count-rad(360/3)*i,0)*cf(2.3,-3,0)*ca(pi/2,pi,0),speed)
- end
- elseif mode == "tele" then
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,cf(send)*ca(0,0,pi/2)*ca(-count-rad(360/6)*i,0,0)*cf(0,3,0)*ca(pi/2,-pi/2,0),speed)
- elseif mode == "select" then
- guide.CanCollide=false
- ch.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100
- ch.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=16
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,ch.Torso.CFrame*ca(0,rad(-15)+rad(360/12)*i,0)*cf(5,0,0)*ca(pi/2,pi,0),speed)
- if lp:GetMouse().Target == pt[i] then
- if i == 1 then
- pt[i].BrickColor = bc("")
- slct = i
- elseif i == 2 then
- pt[i].BrickColor = bc("Royal purple")
- slct = i
- elseif i == 3 then
- pt[i].BrickColor = bc("Lapis")
- slct = i
- elseif i == 4 then
- pt[i].BrickColor = bc("Lime green")
- slct = i
- elseif i == 5 then
- pt[i].BrickColor = bc("Really red")
- slct = i
- elseif i == 6 then
- pt[i].BrickColor = bc("New Yeller")
- slct = i
- end
- else
- pt[i].BrickColor = bc("White")
- end
- elseif mode == "float" then
- guide.CanCollide=true
- count = count + .02
- local goto = ch.Torso.CFrame*,-3,0)
- if, ch.Torso.Velocity.y, 0).magnitude > 5 then
- else
- end
- if i <= 3 then
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,cf(ch.Torso.CFrame.p)*ca(0,count+rad(360/3)*i,0)*cf(4,-3,0)*ca(pi/2,pi-rad(30),0),speed)
- else
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,cf(ch.Torso.CFrame.p)*ca(0,-count-rad(360/3)*i,0)*cf(4.3,-3,0)*ca(pi/2,pi+rad(30),0),speed)
- end
- elseif mode == "kenisis" then
- count = count + .02
- if grab ~= nil then
- light.Enabled=true
- BP.Parent=grab
- a= ch["Right Arm"].CFrame*,gdist,0)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,-math.rad(180))
- BP.position=a.p
- else
- BP.Parent=nil
- light.Enabled=false
- end
- light.Color = bc("Lime green").Color
- guide.CFrame=ch['Right Arm'].CFrame*cf(0,-1.5,0)
- local goto = ch.Torso.CFrame*,-3,0)
- if i <= 3 then
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,ch['Right Arm'].CFrame*ca(0,count+rad(360/3)*i,0)*cf(.5,-1,0)*ca(pi/2,pi-rad(130),0),speed)
- else
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,ch['Right Arm'].CFrame*ca(0,-count-rad(360/3)*i,0)*cf(.7,-1,0)*ca(pi/2,pi-rad(130),0),speed)
- end
- elseif mode == "ghost" then
- local ff = new("ForceField",ch)
- ch.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100000
- ch.Humanoid.Health = 100000
- game.Debris:AddItem(ff,.001)
- light.Enabled=false
- ch.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=35
- pl.Range=0
- count = count + .005
- if i <= 3 then
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,cf(ch.Torso.CFrame.p)*cf(0,-math.sin(count)*3,0)*ca(0,1.55+count+math.rad(360/3)*i,0)*cf(3,0,0)*ca(0,pi,0),speed)
- else
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,cf(ch.Torso.CFrame.p)*cf(0,math.sin(count)*3,0)*ca(0,-count+math.rad(360/3)*i,0)*cf(3,0,0)*ca(0,pi,0),speed)
- end
- ypcall(function()
- ch.Torso.CanCollide = false
- ch.Head.CanCollide = false
- end)
- elseif mode == "light" then
- ch.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100
- ch.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=16
- guide.CFrame =*,7,0)
- light.Enabled=true
- light.Color = bc("Bright orange").Color
- pl.Range=60
- count = count + .005
- if i <= 3 then
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,cf(ch.Torso.CFrame.p)*cf(0,7,0)*ca(count,count,count+math.rad(360/3)*i)*cf(1.5,0,0),speed)
- else
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,cf(ch.Torso.CFrame.p)*cf(0,7,0)*ca(count+1.1,count,count+math.rad(360/3)*i)*cf(2.25,0,0)*ca(0,0,0),speed)
- end
- ypcall(function()
- ch.Torso.CanCollide = false
- ch.Head.CanCollide = false
- end)
- elseif mode == "fly" then
- guide.CanCollide=false
- Direction =,lp:GetMouse().Hit.p)
- bg.cframe = Direction*CFrame.Angles(-1.55,0,0)
- bv.velocity = lp:GetMouse().Hit.lookVector*50
- count = count + .01
- if i <= 3 then
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,ch.Torso.CFrame*ca(0,count+rad(360/3)*i,0)*cf(2,-3,0)*ca(pi/2,rad(30),0),speed)
- else
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,ch.Torso.CFrame*ca(0,-count-rad(360/3)*i,0)*cf(2,3,0)*ca(pi/2,-rad(30),0),speed)
- end
- elseif mode == "saw" then
- count = count + .015
- local part = pt[i]
- part.CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,ch.Torso.CFrame*ca(-count-rad(360/6)*i,0,0)*cf(0,3,0)*ca(pi/2,-pi/2,0),speed)
- local shootpos = pt[i].CFrame*cf(-2,0,0)
- local startpos = pt[i].CFrame*cf(-1.2,0,0)
- local ray =,(shootpos.p - startpos.p).unit*2)
- local hit,position = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray,ignore)
- if hit then
- frag(hit)
- end
- elseif mode == "lightning" then
- count = count + .015
- guide.CFrame = cf(ch.Torso.CFrame.p)*,7,0)
- guide.CFrame =,lp:GetMouse().Hit.p)
- if i <= 3 then
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,guide.CFrame*ca(-pi/2,count+rad(360/3)*i,0)*cf(1.7,0,0)*ca(pi/2,0,0),speed)
- else
- pt[i].CFrame = clerp(pt[i].CFrame,guide.CFrame*ca(-pi/2,-count-rad(360/3)*i,0)*cf(2,0,0)*ca(pi/2,-rad(30),0),speed)
- end
- end
- ignore = {}
- if bcount < 13 then
- pt2[bcount-1].CFrame = pt[i].CFrame *cf(-0.8,-0.5,0)*ca(0,0,rad(60))
- pt2[bcount].CFrame = pt[i].CFrame *cf(-0.8,0.5,0)*ca(0,0,-rad(60))
- end
- table.insert(ignore,pt2[bcount-1])
- table.insert(ignore,pt2[bcount])
- end
- if armloop then
- if ch.Torso:findFirstChild("Right Shoulder") then
- armw = ch.Torso:findFirstChild("Right Shoulder")
- armw.Parent = nil
- end
- ch['Right Arm'].Anchored = true
- local p0 = ch.Torso.CFrame
- p0 = p0 + ((p0 * ca(pi/-2,0,0)).lookVector * -0.5) + (p0 * ca(0,pi/-2,0)).lookVector
- local p1 = p0 + ((p0.p-lp:GetMouse().Hit.p).unit * -2)
- ch['Right Arm'].CFrame = cf((p0.p + p1.p)/2,p0.p) * ca(-math.pi/2,0,0)
- end
- for i,v in pairs(pt3) do
- if v.Parent ~= workspace then
- for i=1,#pt3 do game.Debris:AddItem(pt3[i],.1) end
- pt3 = {}
- pt2 = {}
- pt = {}
- make()
- end
- end
- if not lp.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("JL_gui") then
- makeg()
- end
- if guide.Parent ~= workspace then
- guide = new("Part",workspace,{,0,2);"");CanCollide=false;Anchored=true;Locked=true;Transparency=1})
- pl = new("PointLight",guide,{"Bright orange").Color;Range=0})
- light = new("Fire",guide,{Size=3;Heat=0;Enabled=false})
- end
- if textlabel_2 then
- textlabel_2.Text = "FPS: "..math.floor(1/wait()*2)
- end
- end)
- efx(lp.Character.Torso)
- wait(.1)
- notif("JarLore Version"..version.." has successfully loaded.")
- wait(2)
- notif("You may start by pressing [L-CTRL] to focus.")
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