
Bagan absorption

Mar 19th, 2023
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  1. The twisting, pulsing mass held an orbit over the mountains in northern China, though it steadily began to move south. The Chinese government was quick to throw everything they had at it short of nuclear weapons (outlawed after Godzilla’s resurrection in 2054) and had even began to call it “BAGAN,” after a mythical dragon-god who defended a forest from man’s encroachment (despite the fact that THIS dragon was no protector!). The People’s Republic of China was very keen to try and destroy a monster without any outside help, but obviously to no avail. Even more horrifically, the Bagan orb began to eat tanks and jets, absorbing the pilots, along with forests and animals in the near area! It was a terrifying sight, and Ozaki knew that only the worst of the worst could be born from such an abomination…what could they do?!?!
  4. - In larval form, able to absorb any and all organic material
  5. - Can shoot fireballs from larval form’s pulsing mass
  6. - Blade of Light: derived from Balkzardan’s DNA
  7. - Darkness Cannons – derived from Jyarumu’s DNA
  8. - Super-regeneration from G-Cells
  9. - Solar-powered from Ghidorah’s DNA
  10. - Able to fire Atomic Graviton Smasher from maw
  11. - Can levitate/fly
  14. Bagan Bio
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