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- clc
- clear all;
- close all;
- handles.fig=figure;
- handles.pb1=uicontrol('style','pushbutton','position',[150 10 80 40],'callback',@start_cb,'string','Start');
- handles.pb2=uicontrol('style','pushbutton','position',[250 10 80 40],'callback',@stop_cb,'string','Stop');
- handles.pb3=uicontrol('style','pushbutton','position',[350 10 80 40],'callback',@pause_cb,'string','pause');
- guidata(handles.fig,handles)
- function start_cb(hObj,~)
- cam=webcam(1);
- while true
- handles=guidata(hObj);
- if
- disp('running')
- e=cam.snapshot;
- FDetect=vision.CascadeObjectDetector('Mouth','MergeThreshold',100);
- I=e;
- BB_Mouth=step(FDetect,I);
- imshow(I);
- hold on;
- %%
- FDetect=vision.CascadeObjectDetector('Nose','MergeThreshold',16);
- I=e;
- BB_Nose=step(FDetect,I);
- imshow(I);
- hold on;
- if(sum(sum(BB_Nose))==0 && sum(sum(BB_Mouth))==0)
- FDetect=vision.CascadeObjectDetector('FrontalFaceLBP','MergeThreshold',10);
- BB_Mouth=step(FDetect,I);
- if(sum(sum(BB_Mouth))~=0)
- title('Remove Hand Please');
- defaultString = 'Remove Hand from face.';
- NET.addAssembly('System.Speech');
- obj = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer;
- obj.Volume = 100;
- Speak(obj, defaultString);
- else
- title('Mask Present');
- defaultString = 'Thank You for wearing Mask.';
- NET.addAssembly('System.Speech');
- obj = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer;
- obj.Volume = 100;
- Speak(obj, defaultString);
- end
- elseif((sum(sum(BB_Nose))~=0 && sum(sum(BB_Mouth))==0)||(sum(sum(BB_Nose))==0 && sum(sum(BB_Mouth))~=0))
- for i=1:size(BB_Nose,1)
- rectangle('Position',BB_Nose(i,:),'Linewidth',5,'LineStyle','-','EdgeColor','r');
- end
- for i=1:size(BB_Mouth,1)
- rectangle('Position',BB_Mouth(i,:),'Linewidth',5,'LineStyle','-','EdgeColor','r');
- end
- title('Please wear mask properly');
- defaultString = 'Please wear mask properly.';
- NET.addAssembly('System.Speech');
- obj = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer;
- obj.Volume = 100;
- Speak(obj, defaultString);
- else
- for i=1:size(BB_Nose,1)
- rectangle('Position',BB_Nose(i,:),'Linewidth',5,'LineStyle','-','EdgeColor','r');
- end
- for i=1:size(BB_Mouth,1)
- rectangle('Position',BB_Mouth(i,:),'Linewidth',5,'LineStyle','-','EdgeColor','r');
- end
- title('Please wear Mask');
- defaultString = 'Please wear Mask.';
- NET.addAssembly('System.Speech');
- obj = System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer;
- obj.Volume = 100;
- Speak(obj, defaultString);
- end
- pause(5)
- else
- guidata(hObj,handles)
- disp('paused')
- break
- end
- end
- end
- function stop_cb(hObj,~)
- guidata(hObj,handles)
- clc;
- close all;
- end
- function pause_cb(hObj,~)
- guidata(hObj,handles)
- title('Paused');
- end
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