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- This game makes it so easy to exploit your stands, all you need to know is debug.setupvalue and you're able to make a script for any stand on this game, I've made a script for GER and TWOH to spam literally everything and fun as fuck. The Local Scripts are in your backpack, have a look through the functions and have fun! :)
- If your game freezes while using a move, reset and re-execute.
- Here's the unlimited health script:
- Quote:
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Stand:FireServer("GoldExperienceRequiemStand", math.huge, math.huge) -- This works for any stand.
- Here's an unlimited barrage script:
- Quote:
- for i,v in pairs(game.Lighting:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("LocalScript") then warn(v.Name) end end
- local StandName = "" -- Check the output, filter only warning, and find your stand's localscript, then put the name here.
- local env = getsenv(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack[StandName])
- while wait() do
- debug.setupvalue(env.barrage, 'barragecooldown', false)
- debug.setupvalue(env.barrage, 'EHMMM', 0)
- debug.setupvalue(env.barrage, 'activu', false)
- end
- Here's a script to get Gold Experience (Can take a while, just wait until it stops respawning you.):
- Quote:
- repeat
- game.ReplicatedStorage.Roka:FireServer()
- game.ReplicatedStorage.Arrow:FireServer()
- wait(1)
- until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Gold Experience")
- Here's a script to have a requiem arrow (Only works with stands that have Requiem):
- Quote:
- game.ReplicatedStorage.RequiemArrow:FireServer()
- Here's my custom GER script (Basically makes your GER OP as shit):
- Quote:
- local env = getsenv(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.GoldExperienceRequiem)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Stand:FireServer("GoldExperienceRequiemStand", math.huge, math.huge)
- while wait() do
- debug.setupvalue(env.barrage, 'barragecooldown', false)
- debug.setupvalue(env.barrage, 'EHMMM', 0)
- debug.setupvalue(env.barrage, 'activu', false)
- debug.setupvalue(env.movement, 'movementcooldown', false)
- debug.setupvalue(env.resettozero, 'zerocooldown', false)
- debug.setupvalue(env.resettozero, 'rtzcooldown', false)
- debug.setupvalue(env.scorpionshot, 'scorpioncooldown', false)
- debug.setupvalue(env.healothers, 'healcooldown', false)
- debug.setupvalue(env.selfheal, 'selfhealcooldown', false)
- local oldhito = env.hito
- local oldhito2 = env.hito2
- local oldhito3 = env.hito3
- local oldhealo = env.healo
- local oldheals = env.heal
- env.hito = function(partoz, partcfr, magn, dmg, ...) dmg = math.huge return oldhito(partoz, partcfr, magn, dmg, ...) end
- env.hito2 = function(partoz, partcfr, magn, dmg, ...) dmg = math.huge return oldhito2(partoz, partcfr, magn, dmg, ...) end
- env.hito3 = function(partoz, partcfr, magn, dmg, ...) dmg = math.huge return oldhito3(partoz, partcfr, magn, dmg, ...) end
- env.heal = function(pcfr,heal,...) heal = math.huge return oldheals(pcfr,heal,...) end
- env.healo = function(partoz, partcfr, magn, dmg, ...) dmg = math.huge return oldhealo(partoz,partcfr,magn,dmg,...) end
- end
- This and many other Jojo games are so easy to exploit it's not funny.
- Vouch if you used and enjoyed! :)
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