
Advent of Madness (w.i.p)

Dec 4th, 2018
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  1. ======Custom move======
  2. Name: Advent of Madness (Stage One)
  4. Explanation: Because of a few things within his backstory(Of which I am still writing out) Madness has a slight control over his soul making it able to "possess" him in moments of Extreme emotion or when he is near death giving him Enhanced strength and speed, also a Healing Factor
  6. How does it look: A red aura slowly surrounds him (Lifting him up if he's on the ground) slowly building up into a thick aura before being absorbed into him leaving only a crimson red outline around him as the marks of what appears to be an Eye appears on his forehead, his wounds Crackling with red lighting before shutting close healing over but leaving scars behind.
  8. What move it looks similar to:
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ca0_GKPhyE 1:55 seconds
  11. Bio: (Don't know what you mean by this)
  13. Weakness: first has to roll a D12 for a sanity check (to see if he's actually in control of himself while in this form) if he succeeds his in control but with a lesser boost in strength and speed but with the same Healing factor, buuuut if he fails the check then he becomes an insane murderous Psychopath who tries to kill everyone in the area in the funniest way he can think of within that moment until either knocked unconscious or the boost runs out
  15. Strength: Enhanced strength and speed, with a healing factor that brings his injuries from critical to moderate
  17. Example of you using it:
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