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- param(
- [parameter(helpMessage ="Convert - DDS to TIF")]
- [bool]$loopScript =0,
- [parameter(helpMessage ="Convert - DDS to TIF")]
- [bool]$DDStoTIF =0,
- [parameter(helpMessage ="Import - Bitmaps")]
- [bool]$Bitmaps =0,
- [parameter(helpMessage ="Import - Models")]
- [bool]$Models =1,
- [parameter(helpMessage ="Import - Models(First Person)")]
- [bool]$ModelsFP =1,
- [parameter(helpMessage ="Import - Models(Projectiles)")]
- [bool]$ModelsProjectiles=0,
- [parameter(helpMessage ="Import - Animations(First Person)")]
- [bool]$FPModelAnimations=0,
- [parameter(helpMessage ="Import - Sounds")]
- [bool]$Sounds =0,
- [parameter(helpMessage ="Extract - Tags to Data")]
- [bool]$StealTags =0,
- [parameter(helpMessage ="Extract - Tags to Data")]
- [bool]$stealBitmaps =0
- )
- <# INCLUDES #>
- . "P:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\H3EK\init.ps1" -windowName "UT2k4" -outputFile "ut2k4_output"
- $weaponList=[System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
- $weaponList.Add("Assault_Rifle")
- $weaponList.Add("Assault_Rifle_2k3")
- #$weaponList.Add("AVRiL")
- #$weaponList.Add("Ball_Launcher")
- #$weaponList.Add("Bio_Rifle")
- #$weaponList.Add("Flak_Cannon")
- #$weaponList.Add("Grenade_Launcher")
- #$weaponList.Add("Ion_Painter")
- #$weaponList.Add("Lightning_Gun")
- #$weaponList.Add("Link_Gun")
- #$weaponList.Add("Link_Gun_2k3")
- #$weaponList.Add("Mine_Layer")
- #$weaponList.Add("Minigun")
- #$weaponList.Add("Redeemer")
- #$weaponList.Add("Rocket_Launcher")
- #$weaponList.Add("Shield_Gun")
- #$weaponList.Add("Shock_Rifle")
- #$weaponList.Add("Shock_Rifle_2k3")
- #$weaponList.Add("Sniper_Rifle")
- #$weaponList.Add("Target_Painter")
- #$weaponList.Add("Translocator")
- #$weaponList.Add("Translocator2k3")
- [string]$dirRoot =("P:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\H3EK")
- [string]$dirFMod =("$dirRoot"+"\fmod\PC")
- [string]$dirProject =("m00kz\Objects\Weapons\ut2k4")
- [string]$dirTags =("$dirRoot"+"\tags\"+"$dirProject")
- [string]$dirData =("$dirRoot"+"\data\"+"$dirProject")
- [string]$dirTagsSound =("$dirTags"+"\SOUND")
- [string]$dirDataSound =("$dirData"+"\SOUND")
- [string]$dirDataSoundRaw =("$dirData"+"\SOUND_RAW")
- [string]$dirDataSoundFixed=("$dirData"+"\SOUND_FIXES")
- function convertDDStoTIF{#Convert Unreal-extracted *.DDS files to Halo-compatible *.TIFF
- printActionName -actionName "BITMAPS - DDS TO TIF"
- $ddsFiles=Get-ChildItem $dirData -File -recurse -include *.dds
- forEach($ddsFile in $ddsFiles){
- Push-Location $ddsFile.PSParentPath
- & "$dirData\texconv.exe" $ddsFile.fullname -y -ft tif -f R8G8B8A8_UNORM
- Pop-Location
- }
- return
- }
- function importBitmaps{#Import *.TIFF files to .bitmap tags
- printActionName -actionName "BITMAPS - TIF TO TAGS"
- foreach($w in $weaponList){
- .\tool.exe bitmaps $dirProject\$w\bitmaps
- }
- return
- }
- function importModels{#Import third person *.JMS models to *.model tags
- printActionName -actionName "MODELS - JMS TO TAGS"
- foreach($w in $weaponList){
- .\tool.exe bulk-import-model-folder $dirProject\$w\models final
- }
- return
- }
- function importModelsFP{#Import first person *.JMS models to *.model tags
- printActionName -actionName "MODELS(FP)- JMS TO TAGS"
- foreach($w in $weaponList){
- .\tool.exe bulk-import-model-folder $dirProject\$w\fp\models final
- }
- return
- }
- function importModelsProjectiles{#Import projectile *.JMS models to *.model tags
- printActionName -actionName "MODELS - JMS TO TAGS"
- foreach($w in $weaponList){
- $projectileFolders=get-childitem -Force -Recurse("$dirData\$w\projectiles")
- foreach ($projectileFolder in ($projectileFolders).Name){
- .\tool.exe bulk-import-model-folder $dirProject\$w\projectiles\$projectileFolder\models final
- }
- }
- return
- }
- function importFPModelAnimations{#Import *.JMA / *.JMM / etc animation files to *.model_animation_graph tags
- printActionName -actionName "ANIMATIONS(FP)- JMA TO TAGS"
- foreach($w in $weaponList){
- write-host (".\tool.exe fp-model-animations-uncompressed $dirProject\$w\fp objects\characters\masterchief\fp $dirProject\$w\fp\models")
- .\tool.exe fp-model-animations "$dirProject\$w\fp" "objects\characters\masterchief\fp" "$dirProject\$w\fp\models"}
- return
- }
- function runSounds{#Audio pipeline
- restoreSoundDefaults
- convertWAVtoH3
- importSound
- return
- }
- function restoreSoundDefaults{#Restore our audio setup to default so we're not risking breaking references
- remove-item -Force -Recurse("$dirDataSound"+"\")
- remove-item -Force -Recurse("$dirTagsSound"+"\")
- Copy-Item -Force ("$dirFMod"+"\BACKUP\") -Destination("$dirFMod"+"\")
- Copy-Item -Force ("$dirFMod"+"\BACKUP\sfx.fsb") -Destination("$dirFMod"+"\sfx.fsb")
- Copy-Item -Force -Recurse("$dirDataSoundRaw"+"\") -Destination("$dirDataSound"+"\")
- get-childitem -Force -Recurse("$dirDataSound"+"\") -include *.wav
- | foreach-object{remove-item -Force -path $_.fullname}
- return
- }
- function convertWAVtoH3{#Convert unreal-exported .WAV files to 16-bit PCM format
- $wavFiles=Get-ChildItem "$dirDataSoundRaw" -File -recurse -include *.wav
- forEach($wav in $wavFiles){
- $wavStructure=$wav -replace ".*RAW"
- $wavSource =("$dirDataSoundRaw"+"$wavStructure")
- $wavDest =("$dirDataSound" +"$wavStructure")
- & "$dirData\ffmpeg.exe" -y -acodec pcm_s16le -i $wavSource $wavDest
- }
- foreach($item in Get-ChildItem $dirDataSoundFixed){
- Copy-Item -Force -Recurse $item -Destination $dirDataSound
- }#Manually-converted *.wav files in case ffmpeg breaks any of them
- return
- }
- function importSound{#Import 16-bit PCM .wavs(Stored in sfx.fsb, indexed in, refrenced by *.sound tags)
- foreach($subFolder in Get-ChildItem $dirDataSound){
- foreach($soundFolder in Get-ChildItem $subFolder){
- $parsedFolder=$soundFolder -replace ".*data\\"
- .\tool.exe sounds-single-layer $parsedFolder test sfx
- }
- }
- return
- }
- function stealTags{# LITERALLY STEAL BUNGIE'S TAGS
- $RIPDIR = "fx\"
- $RIPFROM = ("$dirRoot"+"\tags\"+"$RIPDIR")
- foreach($tag in Get-ChildItem($RIPFROM) *.* -recurse
- | Where-Object{! $_.PSIsContainer}){
- $parsedTag=($tag).fullname -replace ".*h3ek\\"
- .\tool.exe extract-import-info $parsedTag
- }
- return
- }
- function mainRoutine(){
- setWindow
- Push-Location $dirRoot
- if($DDStoTIF) {convertDDStoTIF}
- if($Bitmaps) {importBitmaps}
- if($Models) {importModels}
- if($ModelsFP) {importModelsFP}
- if($ModelsProjectiles){importModelsProjectiles}
- if($FPModelAnimations){importFPModelAnimations}
- if($Sounds) {runSounds}
- if($StealTags) {stealTags}
- }
- while ($loopScript){
- mainRoutine
- promptForRestart
- }
- if (!$loopScript){
- mainRoutine
- endScript
- exit
- }
- <# you're gay #>
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