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- #cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AutoIt Version:
- Author: Naker90 - 01-04-2015
- Script Function:
- Recupera las contraseñas guardadas en el navegador Safari
- El funcionamiento del script esta todo explicado en el post de SecurityExploded (Exposing the Password Secrets of Apple Safari) del cual esta basado mi codigo.
- La funcion retorna una cadena delimitada por "//" entre las distintas credenciales y "--" para delimitar el usuario y la contraseña
- Ejemplo de retorno:
- Web(Usuario)--Contraseña//Web2(Usuario2)--Contraseña2
- Saludos ;)
- #ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <String.au3>
- Func SafariRecoveryPasswords()
- Const $SALT = '0x1DACA8F8D3B8483E487D3E0A6207DD26E6678103E7B213A5B079EE4F0F4115ED7B148CE54B460DC18EFED6E72775068B4900DC0F30A09EFD0985F1C8AA75C108' & _
- '057901E297D8AF8038600B710E6853772F0F61F61D8E8F5CB23D2174404BB5066EAB7ABD8BA97E328F6E0624D929A4A5BE2623FDEEF14C0F745E58FB9174EF91' & _
- '636F6D2E6170706C652E536166617269'
- Const $DATA_BLOB = 'dword cbData;ptr pbData' ;cbData = Tamaño en bytes -- pbData = Puntero hacia los datos.
- Const $OS = @OSVersion
- Local $KeyPath
- If $OS = 'WIN_XP' Then
- $KeyPath = 'C:\Documents and Settings\' & @UserName & '\Application Data\Apple Computer\Preferences\keychain.plist'
- Else
- $KeyPath = 'C:\Users\' & @UserName & '\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Preferences\keychain.plist'
- EndIf
- If FileExists(@TempDir & '\Pass.xml') Then FileDelete(@TempDir & '\Pass.xml')
- ShellExecuteWait(@ProgramFilesDir & '\Safari\Apple Application Support\plutil.exe', '-convert xml1 -s -o ' & @TempDir & '\Pass.xml ' & Chr(34) & $KeyPath & Chr(34), '', '', 0)
- Local $XmlObject = ObjCreate('Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0')
- $XmlObject.async = 0
- $XmlObject.load(@TempDir & '\Pass.xml')
- Local $XmlElementString = $XmlObject.getElementsByTagName('string')
- If $XmlElementString.length <> 0 Then
- Local $Users = ''
- For $i = 3 To $XmlElementString.length - 1
- $Users &= $XmlElementString.item($i).text & '\\'
- $i += 5
- Next
- Local $XmlElementData = $XmlObject.getElementsByTagName('data')
- Local $PasswordList = ''
- For $i = 0 To $XmlElementData.length - 1
- Local $Base64Element = $XmlObject.createElement('Base64Decode')
- $Base64Element.dataType = 'bin.base64'
- $Base64Element.text = $XmlElementData.item($i).text
- Local $Base64Decode = $Base64Element.nodeTypedValue
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Estructuras para los datos de entrada -- DATA BLOB
- Local $DataInSize = BinaryLen($Base64Decode)
- Local $DataInStruct = DllStructCreate('byte[' & $DataInSize & ']')
- DllStructSetData($DataInStruct, 1, $Base64Decode)
- Local $DataInBlob = DllStructCreate($DATA_BLOB)
- DllStructSetData($DataInBlob, 1, $DataInSize)
- DllStructSetData($DataInBlob, 2, DllStructGetPtr($DataInStruct))
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Estructura para la contraseña -- DATA BLOB
- Local $PwdSize = BinaryLen($SALT)
- Local $PwdStruct = DllStructCreate('byte[' & $PwdSize & ']')
- DllStructSetData($PwdStruct, 1, $SALT)
- Local $PwdDataBlob = DllStructCreate($DATA_BLOB)
- DllStructSetData($PwdDataBlob, 1, $PwdSize)
- DllStructSetData($PwdDataBlob, 2, DllStructGetPtr($PwdStruct))
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Local $DataOutStruct = DllStructCreate($DATA_BLOB)
- Local $CryptDllOpen = DllOpen('Crypt32.dll')
- Local $UnprotectData = DllCall($CryptDllOpen, 'bool', 'CryptUnprotectData', _
- 'struct*', $DataInBlob, _
- 'ptr*', 0, _
- 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($PwdDataBlob), _
- 'ptr', 0, _
- 'ptr', 0, _
- 'dword', 0, _
- 'struct*', $DataOutStruct)
- If $UnprotectData[0] = False Then Return 0
- Local $PasswordStruct = DllStructCreate('byte[' & DllStructGetData($DataOutStruct, 1) & ']', DllStructGetData($DataOutStruct, 2))
- Local $PasswordHex = StringTrimLeft(Hex(DllStructGetData($PasswordStruct, 1)), 8)
- While StringRight($PasswordHex, 1) = '0'
- $PasswordHex = StringTrimRight($PasswordHex, 1)
- WEnd
- Local $Password = _HexToString($PasswordHex)
- $PasswordList &= $Password & '\\'
- Next
- Local $UserSplit = StringSplit($Users, '\\')
- Local $PassSplit = StringSplit($PasswordList, '\\')
- Local $Return
- For $i = 1 To UBound($UserSplit) - 1
- $Return &= $UserSplit[$i] & '--' & $PassSplit[$i] & '//'
- Next
- Return $Return
- Else
- Return 0
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>SafariRecoveryPasswords
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