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- --SimSoft Yellow - Copyright by Simlor (
- --AppStore
- AppLink = nil
- AppName = nil
- seite = 1
- AppStoreEXIT = false
- AppStoreAnzeigeC = 2
- MaximaleAppSeitenC = 3
- IsPastebin = false
- function IsPastebinANZEIGE()
- if IsPastebin == true then
- CP(13,10)
- BC(SystemColor)
- write(" ")
- BC(128)
- print(" ")
- elseif IsPastebin == false then
- CP(13,10)
- BC(SystemColor)
- write(" ")
- BC(128)
- print(" ")
- end
- end
- function STD_GUI_ANZEIGE()
- BC(1)
- Clear()
- file ="SimSoft/Data/SystemColor","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- SystemColor = fileData[3]
- SystemColor = ((SystemColor-1)+1)
- w, h = term.getSize()
- wC = 0
- hC = 1
- while true do
- wC = (wC+1)
- CP(wC, hC)
- BC(SystemColor)
- write(" ")
- if wC == w then
- if hC == 3 then
- break
- else
- hC = (hC+1)
- wC = 0
- end
- end
- end
- anzeige = "App Store - STD-GUI"
- TC(1)
- CP(((w/2)-((#anzeige)/2)),2)
- print(anzeige)
- CP(2,2)
- BC(SystemColor)
- TC(1)
- write("<")
- CP((w-1),2)
- BC(SystemColor)
- TC(1)
- write(">")
- CP(1,1)
- BC(SystemColor)
- TC(1)
- CP((w-11), (h-3))
- print(" ")
- CP((w-11), (h-2))
- print(" Desktop ")
- CP((w-11), (h-1))
- print(" ")
- BC(SystemColor)
- TC(1)
- anzeige = " STD-GUI "
- CP(((w/2)-((#anzeige)/2)),7)
- print(" ")
- CP(((w/2)-((#anzeige)/2)),8)
- print(anzeige)
- CP(((w/2)-((#anzeige)/2)),9)
- print(" ")
- BC(1)
- TC(128)
- anzeige = "STD-GUI Ist Ein Fuer SimSoft Optimierter"
- CP((((w/2)-((#anzeige)/2))+2),12)
- print(anzeige)
- anzeige = "App Store."
- CP((((w/2)-((#anzeige)/2))+2),13)
- print(anzeige)
- anzeige = "Store by LDDestroier"
- TC(128)
- CP((((w/2)-((#anzeige)/2))+1),15)
- write("Store By ")
- TC(SystemColor)
- print("LDDestroier")
- end
- function AppListe_ANZEIGE()
- BC(1)
- Clear()
- file ="SimSoft/Data/SystemColor","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- SystemColor = fileData[3]
- SystemColor = ((SystemColor-1)+1)
- w, h = term.getSize()
- wC = 0
- hC = 1
- while true do
- wC = (wC+1)
- CP(wC, hC)
- BC(SystemColor)
- write(" ")
- if wC == w then
- if hC == 3 then
- break
- else
- hC = (hC+1)
- wC = 0
- end
- end
- end
- anzeige = "App Store - App List"
- TC(1)
- CP(((w/2)-((#anzeige)/2)),2)
- print(anzeige)
- CP(2,2)
- BC(SystemColor)
- TC(1)
- write("<")
- CP((w-1),2)
- BC(SystemColor)
- TC(1)
- write(">")
- CP(1,1)
- BC(SystemColor)
- TC(1)
- CP((w-11), (h-3))
- print(" ")
- CP((w-11), (h-2))
- print(" Desktop ")
- CP((w-11), (h-1))
- print(" ")
- AppListLoader()
- AppListANZEIGE(seite)
- end
- function SelfMadeApp_ANZEIGE()
- BC(1)
- Clear()
- file ="SimSoft/Data/SystemColor","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- SystemColor = fileData[3]
- SystemColor = ((SystemColor-1)+1)
- w, h = term.getSize()
- wC = 0
- hC = 1
- while true do
- wC = (wC+1)
- CP(wC, hC)
- BC(SystemColor)
- write(" ")
- if wC == w then
- if hC == 3 then
- break
- else
- hC = (hC+1)
- wC = 0
- end
- end
- end
- anzeige = "App Store - App-Creator"
- TC(1)
- CP(((w/2)-((#anzeige)/2)),2)
- print(anzeige)
- CP(2,2)
- BC(SystemColor)
- TC(1)
- write("<")
- CP((w-1),2)
- BC(SystemColor)
- TC(1)
- write(">")
- CP(1,1)
- BC(SystemColor)
- TC(1)
- CP((w-11), (h-3))
- print(" ")
- CP((w-11), (h-2))
- print(" Desktop ")
- CP((w-11), (h-1))
- print(" ")
- BC(1)
- if (AppName == nil) then
- TC(SystemColor)
- CP(4,6)
- write("Programm Name ")
- TC(128)
- print("(9 Zeichen)")
- else
- TC(SystemColor)
- CP(4,6)
- print(" ")
- CP(4,6)
- print(AppName)
- end
- if (AppLink == nil) then
- TC(SystemColor)
- CP(4,8)
- write("Programm Pfad Oder Pastebin-Code")
- else
- TC(SystemColor)
- CP(4,8)
- print(" ")
- CP(4,8)
- print(AppLink)
- end
- if not (AppName == nil) and not (AppLink == nil) then
- TC(32)
- CP(4,(h-2))
- write("Erstellen")
- write("Erstellen")
- else
- TC(128)
- CP(4,(h-2))
- write("Erstellen")
- end
- TC(128)
- CP(4,10)
- write("Pastebin")
- TC(256)
- CP(4,12)
- write("Aktiviere Pastebin Zuerst,")
- CP(4,13)
- write("Wenn Du Es Nutzen Willst")
- TC(128)
- IsPastebinANZEIGE()
- end
- function AnzeigeLoader()
- if AppStoreAnzeigeC == 1 and AppStoreEXIT == false then
- AppListe_ANZEIGE()
- elseif AppStoreAnzeigeC == 2 and AppStoreEXIT == false then
- SelfMadeApp_ANZEIGE()
- elseif AppStoreAnzeigeC == 3 and AppStoreEXIT == false then
- end
- end
- function AppListLoader()
- fs.delete("SimSoft/Data/StoreTemp")
- local cacheBuster = ("%x"):format(math.random(0, 2 ^ 30))
- local datei = http.get("" .. "?cb=" .. cacheBuster)
- datei = datei.readAll()
- local file ="SimSoft/Data/StoreTemp", "w")
- file.write(datei)
- file.close()
- file ="SimSoft/Data/StoreTemp","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- C = 0
- StoreTempData = nil
- StoreTempData = {}
- while true do
- C = (C+1)
- if fileData[C] == nil or fileData[C] == "" then
- MaxStoreApp = ((C-1)/3)
- break
- else
- table.insert(StoreTempData, (fileData[C]))
- end
- end
- end
- function AppListANZEIGE(seite)
- w, h = term.getSize()
- BC(1)
- CP(4,(h-2))
- TC(SystemColor)
- print("< >")
- CP(6,6)
- print(" ")
- TC(SystemColor)
- CP(4,6)
- print((StoreTempData[((seite*3)-2)]))
- CP(6,9)
- print(" ")
- TC(128)
- CP(6,9)
- write("App by ")
- TC(SystemColor)
- print((StoreTempData[((seite*3)-1)]))
- CP(6,11)
- print(" ")
- TC(128)
- CP(6,11)
- write("Copy ")
- TC(SystemColor)
- print("("..(StoreTempData[((seite*3)-0)])..")")
- TC(256)
- CP(6,13)
- print("Klick Auf 'Copy' Um Den Code In")
- CP(6,14)
- print("Den App-Creator Zu Verschieben.")
- end
- w, h = term.getSize()
- AnzeigeLoader()
- while true do
- event, side, x, y = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "mouse_click" then
- --Anzeige 1
- if x >= (w-11) and x <= (w-1) and y >= (h-3) and y <= (h-1) and AppStoreEXIT == false then
- AppStoreEXIT = true
- end
- if AppStoreEXIT == false and AppStoreAnzeigeC == 1 and x >= 1 and x <= w and y >= 3 and y <= h and not (x >= (w-11) and x <= (w-1) and y >= (h-3) and y <= (h-1)) then
- if x == 4 and y == (h-2) then
- if seite == 1 then
- seite = MaxStoreApp
- else
- seite = (seite-1)
- end
- AppListANZEIGE(seite)
- end
- if x == 7 and y == (h-2) then
- if seite == MaxStoreApp then
- seite = 1
- else
- seite = (seite+1)
- end
- AppListANZEIGE(seite)
- end
- if x >= 6 and x <= 20 and y == 11 then
- IsPastebin = true
- AppLink = (StoreTempData[((seite*3)-0)])
- AppName = nil
- TC(256)
- CP(6,11)
- write("Copy ")
- TC(256)
- print("("..(StoreTempData[((seite*3)-0)])..")")
- sleep(0.2)
- TC(128)
- CP(6,11)
- write("Copy ")
- TC(SystemColor)
- print("("..(StoreTempData[((seite*3)-0)])..")")
- end
- end
- --Anzeige 2
- if AppStoreEXIT == false and AppStoreAnzeigeC == 2 and x >= 1 and x <= w and y >= 3 and y <= h and not (x >= (w-11) and x <= (w-1) and y >= (h-3) and y <= (h-1)) then
- if x >= 4 and x <= (w-1) and y == 6 then
- BC(1)
- CP(4,6)
- print(" ")
- CP(4,6)
- TC(SystemColor)
- AppName = read()
- if AppName == "" then
- CP(4,6)
- print(" ")
- CP(4,6)
- TC(SystemColor)
- print("Gebe einen Namen ein.")
- AppName = nil
- sleep(1)
- SelfMadeApp_ANZEIGE()
- end
- end
- if x >= 4 and x <= (w-1) and y == 8 then
- BC(1)
- CP(4,8)
- print(" ")
- CP(4,8)
- TC(SystemColor)
- AppLink = read()
- AppLinkA = fs.exists(AppLink)
- if IsPastebin == false and (AppLink == "" or AppLinkA == false) then
- CP(4,8)
- print(" ")
- CP(4,8)
- TC(SystemColor)
- print("Der Pfad wurde nicht gefunden.")
- AppLink = nil
- sleep(1)
- SelfMadeApp_ANZEIGE()
- end
- if IsPastebin == true and AppLink == "" then
- CP(4,8)
- print(" ")
- CP(4,8)
- TC(SystemColor)
- print("Bitte gebe irgendwas ein.")
- AppLink = nil
- sleep(1)
- SelfMadeApp_ANZEIGE()
- end
- end
- if x >= 13 and x <= 15 and y == 10 then
- if IsPastebin == true then
- IsPastebin = false
- elseif IsPastebin == false then
- IsPastebin = true
- end
- IsPastebinANZEIGE()
- end
- if not (AppName == nil) and not (AppLink == nil) then
- TC(32)
- CP(4,(h-2))
- BC(1)
- write("Erstellen")
- end
- if x >= 4 and x <= 12 and y == (h-2) and not (AppName == nil) and not (AppLink == nil) and not (AppName == "") and not (AppLink == "") then
- fs.makeDir("SimSoft/SappS/"..AppName)
- if IsPastebin == true then
- local file ="SimSoft/SappS/"..AppName.."/SappS", "w")
- file.writeLine("SimSoft App System (SappS)")
- file.writeLine("SimSoft/SappS/"..AppName.."/"..AppLink)
- file.writeLine(AppName)
- file.close()
- local cacheBuster = ("%x"):format(math.random(0, 2 ^ 30))
- local datei = http.get("" .. textutils.urlEncode(AppLink) .. "?cb=" .. cacheBuster)
- datei = datei.readAll()
- local file ="SimSoft/SappS/"..AppName.."/"..AppLink, "w")
- file.writeLine(datei)
- file.close()
- else
- local file ="SimSoft/SappS/"..AppName.."/SappS", "w")
- file.writeLine("SimSoft App System (SappS)")
- file.writeLine(AppLink)
- file.writeLine(AppName)
- file.close()
- end
- AppStoreEXIT = true
- end
- end
- --Anzeige 3
- if AppStoreEXIT == false and AppStoreAnzeigeC == 3 and x >= 1 and x <= w and y >= 3 and y <= h and not (x >= (w-11) and x <= (w-1) and y >= (h-3) and y <= (h-1)) then
- anzeige = " STD-GUI "
- if x >= ((w/2)-((#anzeige)/2)) and x <= (((w/2)-((#anzeige)/2))+((#anzeige)-1)) and y >= 7 and y <= 9 then
- fs.delete("SimSoft/Data/STDGUI_Temp")
- local cacheBuster = ("%x"):format(math.random(0, 2 ^ 30))
- local datei = http.get("".. "?cb=" .. cacheBuster)
- datei = datei.readAll()
- local file ="SimSoft/Data/STDGUI_Temp", "w")
- file.write(datei)
- file.close()
- end
- end
- if x == 2 and y == 2 then
- if AppStoreAnzeigeC == 1 then
- AppStoreAnzeigeC = MaximaleAppSeitenC
- else
- AppStoreAnzeigeC = (AppStoreAnzeigeC-1)
- end
- AnzeigeLoader()
- end
- if x == (w-1) and y == 2 then
- if AppStoreAnzeigeC == MaximaleAppSeitenC then
- AppStoreAnzeigeC = 1
- else
- AppStoreAnzeigeC = (AppStoreAnzeigeC+1)
- end
- AnzeigeLoader()
- end
- if AppStoreEXIT == true then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --end
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