
Predator Big Game 7

Jun 29th, 2024
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  1. Killed by Chaney's gun. The creature had done that on purpose, toying with them, letting them know that it knew that they were nearby. Corales gagged, but held his dinner. Lee moved slowly to the top of the ridge, scanning the area. From the looks of it, the creature had headed straight off into the desert, toward the volcanic ridgeline ten miles away. If it got into those rocks, not even Nakai could track it.
  3. If it didn't, it was planning something. Lee gripped his gun tightly and searched the darkness, but saw nothing. For the first time he understood their disadvantage. The creature, in using the M-16, had told them that it understood their weapons. It had weapons of its own, which it used with impunity. But by taking one of their weapons and turning it against their own man, it was sending a message. It knew how they thought. And they knew nothing about it. The idea sent a chill through Lee. He took a deep breath to calm himself.-pg.612 chpt.20
Tags: Predator
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