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- local Alphabet = {}
- local Indexes = {}
- local byte, char, sub, rep, format, gsub, gmatch = string.byte, string.char, string.sub, string.rep, string.format, string.gsub, string.gmatch
- local tconcat, tcreate, tunpack, tpack, tinsert = table.concat, table.create, table.unpack, table.pack, table.unpack
- local floor, min, max, sqrt, abs, modf, sin, ceil = math.floor, math.min, math.max, math.sqrt, math.abs, math.modf, math.sin, math.ceil
- -- A-Z
- for Index = 65, 90 do
- tinsert(Alphabet, Index)
- end
- -- a-z
- for Index = 97, 122 do
- tinsert(Alphabet, Index)
- end
- -- 0-9
- for Index = 48, 57 do
- tinsert(Alphabet, Index)
- end
- tinsert(Alphabet, 43) -- +
- tinsert(Alphabet, 47) -- /
- for Index, Character in ipairs(Alphabet) do
- Indexes[Character] = Index
- end
- local Base64 = {}
- local bit32_rshift = bit32.rshift
- local bit32_lshift = bit32.lshift
- local bit32_band =
- --[[**
- Encodes a string in Base64.
- @param [t:string] Input The input string to encode.
- @returns [t:string] The string encoded in Base64.
- **--]]
- function Base64.Encode(Input)
- local Output = {}
- local Length = 0
- for Index = 1, #Input, 3 do
- local C1, C2, C3 = byte(Input, Index, Index + 2)
- local A = bit32_rshift(C1, 2)
- local B = bit32_lshift(bit32_band(C1, 3), 4) + bit32_rshift(C2 or 0, 4)
- local C = bit32_lshift(bit32_band(C2 or 0, 15), 2) + bit32_rshift(C3 or 0, 6)
- local D = bit32_band(C3 or 0, 63)
- Length = Length + 1
- Output[Length] = Alphabet[A + 1]
- Length = Length + 1
- Output[Length] = Alphabet[B + 1]
- Length = Length + 1
- Output[Length] = C2 and Alphabet[C + 1] or 61
- Length = Length + 1
- Output[Length] = C3 and Alphabet[D + 1] or 61
- end
- local NewOutput = {}
- local NewLength = 0
- local IndexAdd4096Sub1
- for Index = 1, Length, 4096 do
- NewLength = NewLength + 1
- IndexAdd4096Sub1 = Index + 4096 - 1
- NewOutput[NewLength] = char(tunpack(
- Output,
- Index,
- IndexAdd4096Sub1 > Length and Length or IndexAdd4096Sub1
- ))
- end
- return tconcat(NewOutput)
- end
- --[[**
- Decodes a string from Base64.
- @param [t:string] Input The input string to decode.
- @returns [t:string] The newly decoded string.
- **--]]
- function Base64.Decode(Input)
- local Output = {}
- local Length = 0
- for Index = 1, #Input, 4 do
- local C1, C2, C3, C4 = byte(Input, Index, Index + 3)
- local I1 = Indexes[C1] - 1
- local I2 = Indexes[C2] - 1
- local I3 = (Indexes[C3] or 1) - 1
- local I4 = (Indexes[C4] or 1) - 1
- local A = bit32_lshift(I1, 2) + bit32_rshift(I2, 4)
- local B = bit32_lshift(bit32_band(I2, 15), 4) + bit32_rshift(I3, 2)
- local C = bit32_lshift(bit32_band(I3, 3), 6) + I4
- Length = Length + 1
- Output[Length] = A
- if C3 ~= 61 then
- Length = Length + 1
- Output[Length] = B
- end
- if C4 ~= 61 then
- Length = Length + 1
- Output[Length] = C
- end
- end
- local NewOutput = {}
- local NewLength = 0
- local IndexAdd4096Sub1
- for Index = 1, Length, 4096 do
- NewLength = NewLength + 1
- IndexAdd4096Sub1 = Index + 4096 - 1
- NewOutput[NewLength] = char(tunpack(
- Output,
- Index,
- IndexAdd4096Sub1 > Length and Length or IndexAdd4096Sub1
- ))
- end
- return tconcat(NewOutput)
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local ipairs = ipairs
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Only low 32 bits of function arguments matter, high bits are ignored
- -- The result of all functions (except HEX) is an integer inside "correct range":
- -- for "bit" library: (-TWO_POW_31)..(TWO_POW_31-1)
- -- for "bit32" library: 0..(TWO_POW_32-1)
- local bit32_bor = bit32.bor -- 2 arguments
- local bit32_bxor = bit32.bxor -- 2..5 arguments
- local bit32_lrotate = bit32.lrotate -- second argument is integer 0..31
- local bit32_rrotate = bit32.rrotate -- second argument is integer 0..31
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Arrays of SHA2 "magic numbers" (in "INT64" and "FFI" branches "*_lo" arrays contain 64-bit values)
- local sha2_K_lo, sha2_K_hi, sha2_H_lo, sha2_H_hi, sha3_RC_lo, sha3_RC_hi = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
- local sha2_H_ext256 = {
- [224] = {};
- [256] = sha2_H_hi;
- }
- local sha2_H_ext512_lo, sha2_H_ext512_hi = {
- [384] = {};
- [512] = sha2_H_lo;
- }, {
- [384] = {};
- [512] = sha2_H_hi;
- }
- local md5_K, md5_sha1_H = {}, {0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0}
- local md5_next_shift = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 25, 26, 27, 0, 0, 10, 9, 11, 12, 0, 15, 16, 17, 18, 0, 20, 22, 23, 21}
- local HEX64, XOR64A5, lanes_index_base -- defined only for branches that internally use 64-bit integers: "INT64" and "FFI"
- local common_W = {} -- temporary table shared between all calculations (to avoid creating new temporary table every time)
- local K_lo_modulo, hi_factor, hi_factor_keccak = 4294967296, 0, 0
- local TWO_POW_NEG_56 = 2 ^ -56
- local TWO_POW_NEG_17 = 2 ^ -17
- local TWO_POW_2 = 2 ^ 2
- local TWO_POW_3 = 2 ^ 3
- local TWO_POW_4 = 2 ^ 4
- local TWO_POW_5 = 2 ^ 5
- local TWO_POW_6 = 2 ^ 6
- local TWO_POW_7 = 2 ^ 7
- local TWO_POW_8 = 2 ^ 8
- local TWO_POW_9 = 2 ^ 9
- local TWO_POW_10 = 2 ^ 10
- local TWO_POW_11 = 2 ^ 11
- local TWO_POW_12 = 2 ^ 12
- local TWO_POW_13 = 2 ^ 13
- local TWO_POW_14 = 2 ^ 14
- local TWO_POW_15 = 2 ^ 15
- local TWO_POW_16 = 2 ^ 16
- local TWO_POW_17 = 2 ^ 17
- local TWO_POW_18 = 2 ^ 18
- local TWO_POW_19 = 2 ^ 19
- local TWO_POW_20 = 2 ^ 20
- local TWO_POW_21 = 2 ^ 21
- local TWO_POW_22 = 2 ^ 22
- local TWO_POW_23 = 2 ^ 23
- local TWO_POW_24 = 2 ^ 24
- local TWO_POW_25 = 2 ^ 25
- local TWO_POW_26 = 2 ^ 26
- local TWO_POW_27 = 2 ^ 27
- local TWO_POW_28 = 2 ^ 28
- local TWO_POW_29 = 2 ^ 29
- local TWO_POW_30 = 2 ^ 30
- local TWO_POW_31 = 2 ^ 31
- local TWO_POW_32 = 2 ^ 32
- local TWO_POW_40 = 2 ^ 40
- local TWO56_POW_7 = 256 ^ 7
- -- Implementation for Lua 5.1/5.2 (with or without bitwise library available)
- local function sha256_feed_64(H, str, offs, size)
- -- offs >= 0, size >= 0, size is multiple of 64
- local W, K = common_W, sha2_K_hi
- local h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8 = H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4], H[5], H[6], H[7], H[8]
- for pos = offs, offs + size - 1, 64 do
- for j = 1, 16 do
- pos = pos + 4
- local a, b, c, d = byte(str, pos - 3, pos)
- W[j] = ((a * 256 + b) * 256 + c) * 256 + d
- end
- for j = 17, 64 do
- local a, b = W[j - 15], W[j - 2]
- W[j] = bit32_bxor(bit32_rrotate(a, 7), bit32_lrotate(a, 14), bit32_rshift(a, 3)) + bit32_bxor(bit32_lrotate(b, 15), bit32_lrotate(b, 13), bit32_rshift(b, 10)) + W[j - 7] + W[j - 16]
- end
- local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8
- for j = 1, 64 do
- local z = bit32_bxor(bit32_rrotate(e, 6), bit32_rrotate(e, 11), bit32_lrotate(e, 7)) + bit32_band(e, f) + bit32_band(-1 - e, g) + h + K[j] + W[j]
- h = g
- g = f
- f = e
- e = z + d
- d = c
- c = b
- b = a
- a = z + bit32_band(d, c) + bit32_band(a, bit32_bxor(d, c)) + bit32_bxor(bit32_rrotate(a, 2), bit32_rrotate(a, 13), bit32_lrotate(a, 10))
- end
- h1, h2, h3, h4 = (a + h1) % 4294967296, (b + h2) % 4294967296, (c + h3) % 4294967296, (d + h4) % 4294967296
- h5, h6, h7, h8 = (e + h5) % 4294967296, (f + h6) % 4294967296, (g + h7) % 4294967296, (h + h8) % 4294967296
- end
- H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4], H[5], H[6], H[7], H[8] = h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8
- end
- local function sha512_feed_128(H_lo, H_hi, str, offs, size)
- -- offs >= 0, size >= 0, size is multiple of 128
- -- W1_hi, W1_lo, W2_hi, W2_lo, ... Wk_hi = W[2*k-1], Wk_lo = W[2*k]
- local W, K_lo, K_hi = common_W, sha2_K_lo, sha2_K_hi
- local h1_lo, h2_lo, h3_lo, h4_lo, h5_lo, h6_lo, h7_lo, h8_lo = H_lo[1], H_lo[2], H_lo[3], H_lo[4], H_lo[5], H_lo[6], H_lo[7], H_lo[8]
- local h1_hi, h2_hi, h3_hi, h4_hi, h5_hi, h6_hi, h7_hi, h8_hi = H_hi[1], H_hi[2], H_hi[3], H_hi[4], H_hi[5], H_hi[6], H_hi[7], H_hi[8]
- for pos = offs, offs + size - 1, 128 do
- for j = 1, 16 * 2 do
- pos = pos + 4
- local a, b, c, d = byte(str, pos - 3, pos)
- W[j] = ((a * 256 + b) * 256 + c) * 256 + d
- end
- for jj = 34, 160, 2 do
- local a_lo, a_hi, b_lo, b_hi = W[jj - 30], W[jj - 31], W[jj - 4], W[jj - 5]
- local tmp1 = bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(a_lo, 1) + bit32_lshift(a_hi, 31), bit32_rshift(a_lo, 8) + bit32_lshift(a_hi, 24), bit32_rshift(a_lo, 7) + bit32_lshift(a_hi, 25)) % 4294967296 +
- bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(b_lo, 19) + bit32_lshift(b_hi, 13), bit32_lshift(b_lo, 3) + bit32_rshift(b_hi, 29), bit32_rshift(b_lo, 6) + bit32_lshift(b_hi, 26)) % 4294967296 +
- W[jj - 14] + W[jj - 32]
- local tmp2 = tmp1 % 4294967296
- W[jj - 1] = bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(a_hi, 1) + bit32_lshift(a_lo, 31), bit32_rshift(a_hi, 8) + bit32_lshift(a_lo, 24), bit32_rshift(a_hi, 7)) +
- bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(b_hi, 19) + bit32_lshift(b_lo, 13), bit32_lshift(b_hi, 3) + bit32_rshift(b_lo, 29), bit32_rshift(b_hi, 6)) +
- W[jj - 15] + W[jj - 33] + (tmp1 - tmp2) / 4294967296
- W[jj] = tmp2
- end
- local a_lo, b_lo, c_lo, d_lo, e_lo, f_lo, g_lo, h_lo = h1_lo, h2_lo, h3_lo, h4_lo, h5_lo, h6_lo, h7_lo, h8_lo
- local a_hi, b_hi, c_hi, d_hi, e_hi, f_hi, g_hi, h_hi = h1_hi, h2_hi, h3_hi, h4_hi, h5_hi, h6_hi, h7_hi, h8_hi
- for j = 1, 80 do
- local jj = 2 * j
- local tmp1 = bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(e_lo, 14) + bit32_lshift(e_hi, 18), bit32_rshift(e_lo, 18) + bit32_lshift(e_hi, 14), bit32_lshift(e_lo, 23) + bit32_rshift(e_hi, 9)) % 4294967296 +
- (bit32_band(e_lo, f_lo) + bit32_band(-1 - e_lo, g_lo)) % 4294967296 +
- h_lo + K_lo[j] + W[jj]
- local z_lo = tmp1 % 4294967296
- local z_hi = bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(e_hi, 14) + bit32_lshift(e_lo, 18), bit32_rshift(e_hi, 18) + bit32_lshift(e_lo, 14), bit32_lshift(e_hi, 23) + bit32_rshift(e_lo, 9)) +
- bit32_band(e_hi, f_hi) + bit32_band(-1 - e_hi, g_hi) +
- h_hi + K_hi[j] + W[jj - 1] +
- (tmp1 - z_lo) / 4294967296
- h_lo = g_lo
- h_hi = g_hi
- g_lo = f_lo
- g_hi = f_hi
- f_lo = e_lo
- f_hi = e_hi
- tmp1 = z_lo + d_lo
- e_lo = tmp1 % 4294967296
- e_hi = z_hi + d_hi + (tmp1 - e_lo) / 4294967296
- d_lo = c_lo
- d_hi = c_hi
- c_lo = b_lo
- c_hi = b_hi
- b_lo = a_lo
- b_hi = a_hi
- tmp1 = z_lo + (bit32_band(d_lo, c_lo) + bit32_band(b_lo, bit32_bxor(d_lo, c_lo))) % 4294967296 + bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(b_lo, 28) + bit32_lshift(b_hi, 4), bit32_lshift(b_lo, 30) + bit32_rshift(b_hi, 2), bit32_lshift(b_lo, 25) + bit32_rshift(b_hi, 7)) % 4294967296
- a_lo = tmp1 % 4294967296
- a_hi = z_hi + (bit32_band(d_hi, c_hi) + bit32_band(b_hi, bit32_bxor(d_hi, c_hi))) + bit32_bxor(bit32_rshift(b_hi, 28) + bit32_lshift(b_lo, 4), bit32_lshift(b_hi, 30) + bit32_rshift(b_lo, 2), bit32_lshift(b_hi, 25) + bit32_rshift(b_lo, 7)) + (tmp1 - a_lo) / 4294967296
- end
- a_lo = h1_lo + a_lo
- h1_lo = a_lo % 4294967296
- h1_hi = (h1_hi + a_hi + (a_lo - h1_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
- a_lo = h2_lo + b_lo
- h2_lo = a_lo % 4294967296
- h2_hi = (h2_hi + b_hi + (a_lo - h2_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
- a_lo = h3_lo + c_lo
- h3_lo = a_lo % 4294967296
- h3_hi = (h3_hi + c_hi + (a_lo - h3_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
- a_lo = h4_lo + d_lo
- h4_lo = a_lo % 4294967296
- h4_hi = (h4_hi + d_hi + (a_lo - h4_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
- a_lo = h5_lo + e_lo
- h5_lo = a_lo % 4294967296
- h5_hi = (h5_hi + e_hi + (a_lo - h5_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
- a_lo = h6_lo + f_lo
- h6_lo = a_lo % 4294967296
- h6_hi = (h6_hi + f_hi + (a_lo - h6_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
- a_lo = h7_lo + g_lo
- h7_lo = a_lo % 4294967296
- h7_hi = (h7_hi + g_hi + (a_lo - h7_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
- a_lo = h8_lo + h_lo
- h8_lo = a_lo % 4294967296
- h8_hi = (h8_hi + h_hi + (a_lo - h8_lo) / 4294967296) % 4294967296
- end
- H_lo[1], H_lo[2], H_lo[3], H_lo[4], H_lo[5], H_lo[6], H_lo[7], H_lo[8] = h1_lo, h2_lo, h3_lo, h4_lo, h5_lo, h6_lo, h7_lo, h8_lo
- H_hi[1], H_hi[2], H_hi[3], H_hi[4], H_hi[5], H_hi[6], H_hi[7], H_hi[8] = h1_hi, h2_hi, h3_hi, h4_hi, h5_hi, h6_hi, h7_hi, h8_hi
- end
- local function md5_feed_64(H, str, offs, size)
- -- offs >= 0, size >= 0, size is multiple of 64
- local W, K, md5_next_shift = common_W, md5_K, md5_next_shift
- local h1, h2, h3, h4 = H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4]
- for pos = offs, offs + size - 1, 64 do
- for j = 1, 16 do
- pos = pos + 4
- local a, b, c, d = byte(str, pos - 3, pos)
- W[j] = ((d * 256 + c) * 256 + b) * 256 + a
- end
- local a, b, c, d = h1, h2, h3, h4
- local s = 25
- for j = 1, 16 do
- local F = bit32_rrotate(bit32_band(b, c) + bit32_band(-1 - b, d) + a + K[j] + W[j], s) + b
- s = md5_next_shift[s]
- a = d
- d = c
- c = b
- b = F
- end
- s = 27
- for j = 17, 32 do
- local F = bit32_rrotate(bit32_band(d, b) + bit32_band(-1 - d, c) + a + K[j] + W[(5 * j - 4) % 16 + 1], s) + b
- s = md5_next_shift[s]
- a = d
- d = c
- c = b
- b = F
- end
- s = 28
- for j = 33, 48 do
- local F = bit32_rrotate(bit32_bxor(bit32_bxor(b, c), d) + a + K[j] + W[(3 * j + 2) % 16 + 1], s) + b
- s = md5_next_shift[s]
- a = d
- d = c
- c = b
- b = F
- end
- s = 26
- for j = 49, 64 do
- local F = bit32_rrotate(bit32_bxor(c, bit32_bor(b, -1 - d)) + a + K[j] + W[(j * 7 - 7) % 16 + 1], s) + b
- s = md5_next_shift[s]
- a = d
- d = c
- c = b
- b = F
- end
- h1 = (a + h1) % 4294967296
- h2 = (b + h2) % 4294967296
- h3 = (c + h3) % 4294967296
- h4 = (d + h4) % 4294967296
- end
- H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4] = h1, h2, h3, h4
- end
- local function sha1_feed_64(H, str, offs, size)
- -- offs >= 0, size >= 0, size is multiple of 64
- local W = common_W
- local h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 = H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4], H[5]
- for pos = offs, offs + size - 1, 64 do
- for j = 1, 16 do
- pos = pos + 4
- local a, b, c, d = byte(str, pos - 3, pos)
- W[j] = ((a * 256 + b) * 256 + c) * 256 + d
- end
- for j = 17, 80 do
- W[j] = bit32_lrotate(bit32_bxor(W[j - 3], W[j - 8], W[j - 14], W[j - 16]), 1)
- end
- local a, b, c, d, e = h1, h2, h3, h4, h5
- for j = 1, 20 do
- local z = bit32_lrotate(a, 5) + bit32_band(b, c) + bit32_band(-1 - b, d) + 0x5A827999 + W[j] + e -- constant = floor(TWO_POW_30 * sqrt(2))
- e = d
- d = c
- c = bit32_rrotate(b, 2)
- b = a
- a = z
- end
- for j = 21, 40 do
- local z = bit32_lrotate(a, 5) + bit32_bxor(b, c, d) + 0x6ED9EBA1 + W[j] + e -- TWO_POW_30 * sqrt(3)
- e = d
- d = c
- c = bit32_rrotate(b, 2)
- b = a
- a = z
- end
- for j = 41, 60 do
- local z = bit32_lrotate(a, 5) + bit32_band(d, c) + bit32_band(b, bit32_bxor(d, c)) + 0x8F1BBCDC + W[j] + e -- TWO_POW_30 * sqrt(5)
- e = d
- d = c
- c = bit32_rrotate(b, 2)
- b = a
- a = z
- end
- for j = 61, 80 do
- local z = bit32_lrotate(a, 5) + bit32_bxor(b, c, d) + 0xCA62C1D6 + W[j] + e -- TWO_POW_30 * sqrt(10)
- e = d
- d = c
- c = bit32_rrotate(b, 2)
- b = a
- a = z
- end
- h1 = (a + h1) % 4294967296
- h2 = (b + h2) % 4294967296
- h3 = (c + h3) % 4294967296
- h4 = (d + h4) % 4294967296
- h5 = (e + h5) % 4294967296
- end
- H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4], H[5] = h1, h2, h3, h4, h5
- end
- local function keccak_feed(lanes_lo, lanes_hi, str, offs, size, block_size_in_bytes)
- -- This is an example of a Lua function having 79 local variables :-)
- -- offs >= 0, size >= 0, size is multiple of block_size_in_bytes, block_size_in_bytes is positive multiple of 8
- local RC_lo, RC_hi = sha3_RC_lo, sha3_RC_hi
- local qwords_qty = block_size_in_bytes / 8
- for pos = offs, offs + size - 1, block_size_in_bytes do
- for j = 1, qwords_qty do
- local a, b, c, d = byte(str, pos + 1, pos + 4)
- lanes_lo[j] = bit32_bxor(lanes_lo[j], ((d * 256 + c) * 256 + b) * 256 + a)
- pos = pos + 8
- a, b, c, d = byte(str, pos - 3, pos)
- lanes_hi[j] = bit32_bxor(lanes_hi[j], ((d * 256 + c) * 256 + b) * 256 + a)
- end
- local L01_lo, L01_hi, L02_lo, L02_hi, L03_lo, L03_hi, L04_lo, L04_hi, L05_lo, L05_hi, L06_lo, L06_hi, L07_lo, L07_hi, L08_lo, L08_hi, L09_lo, L09_hi, L10_lo, L10_hi, L11_lo, L11_hi, L12_lo, L12_hi, L13_lo, L13_hi, L14_lo, L14_hi, L15_lo, L15_hi, L16_lo, L16_hi, L17_lo, L17_hi, L18_lo, L18_hi, L19_lo, L19_hi, L20_lo, L20_hi, L21_lo, L21_hi, L22_lo, L22_hi, L23_lo, L23_hi, L24_lo, L24_hi, L25_lo, L25_hi = lanes_lo[1], lanes_hi[1], lanes_lo[2], lanes_hi[2], lanes_lo[3], lanes_hi[3], lanes_lo[4], lanes_hi[4], lanes_lo[5], lanes_hi[5], lanes_lo[6], lanes_hi[6], lanes_lo[7], lanes_hi[7], lanes_lo[8], lanes_hi[8], lanes_lo[9], lanes_hi[9], lanes_lo[10], lanes_hi[10], lanes_lo[11], lanes_hi[11], lanes_lo[12], lanes_hi[12], lanes_lo[13], lanes_hi[13], lanes_lo[14], lanes_hi[14], lanes_lo[15], lanes_hi[15], lanes_lo[16], lanes_hi[16], lanes_lo[17], lanes_hi[17], lanes_lo[18], lanes_hi[18], lanes_lo[19], lanes_hi[19], lanes_lo[20], lanes_hi[20], lanes_lo[21], lanes_hi[21], lanes_lo[22], lanes_hi[22], lanes_lo[23], lanes_hi[23], lanes_lo[24], lanes_hi[24], lanes_lo[25], lanes_hi[25]
- for round_idx = 1, 24 do
- local C1_lo = bit32_bxor(L01_lo, L06_lo, L11_lo, L16_lo, L21_lo)
- local C1_hi = bit32_bxor(L01_hi, L06_hi, L11_hi, L16_hi, L21_hi)
- local C2_lo = bit32_bxor(L02_lo, L07_lo, L12_lo, L17_lo, L22_lo)
- local C2_hi = bit32_bxor(L02_hi, L07_hi, L12_hi, L17_hi, L22_hi)
- local C3_lo = bit32_bxor(L03_lo, L08_lo, L13_lo, L18_lo, L23_lo)
- local C3_hi = bit32_bxor(L03_hi, L08_hi, L13_hi, L18_hi, L23_hi)
- local C4_lo = bit32_bxor(L04_lo, L09_lo, L14_lo, L19_lo, L24_lo)
- local C4_hi = bit32_bxor(L04_hi, L09_hi, L14_hi, L19_hi, L24_hi)
- local C5_lo = bit32_bxor(L05_lo, L10_lo, L15_lo, L20_lo, L25_lo)
- local C5_hi = bit32_bxor(L05_hi, L10_hi, L15_hi, L20_hi, L25_hi)
- local D_lo = bit32_bxor(C1_lo, C3_lo * 2 + (C3_hi % TWO_POW_32 - C3_hi % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31)
- local D_hi = bit32_bxor(C1_hi, C3_hi * 2 + (C3_lo % TWO_POW_32 - C3_lo % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31)
- local T0_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L02_lo)
- local T0_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L02_hi)
- local T1_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L07_lo)
- local T1_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L07_hi)
- local T2_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L12_lo)
- local T2_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L12_hi)
- local T3_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L17_lo)
- local T3_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L17_hi)
- local T4_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L22_lo)
- local T4_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L22_hi)
- L02_lo = (T1_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T1_lo % TWO_POW_20) / TWO_POW_20 + T1_hi * TWO_POW_12
- L02_hi = (T1_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T1_hi % TWO_POW_20) / TWO_POW_20 + T1_lo * TWO_POW_12
- L07_lo = (T3_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T3_lo % TWO_POW_19) / TWO_POW_19 + T3_hi * TWO_POW_13
- L07_hi = (T3_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T3_hi % TWO_POW_19) / TWO_POW_19 + T3_lo * TWO_POW_13
- L12_lo = T0_lo * 2 + (T0_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T0_hi % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31
- L12_hi = T0_hi * 2 + (T0_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T0_lo % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31
- L17_lo = T2_lo * TWO_POW_10 + (T2_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T2_hi % TWO_POW_22) / TWO_POW_22
- L17_hi = T2_hi * TWO_POW_10 + (T2_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T2_lo % TWO_POW_22) / TWO_POW_22
- L22_lo = T4_lo * TWO_POW_2 + (T4_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T4_hi % TWO_POW_30) / TWO_POW_30
- L22_hi = T4_hi * TWO_POW_2 + (T4_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T4_lo % TWO_POW_30) / TWO_POW_30
- D_lo = bit32_bxor(C2_lo, C4_lo * 2 + (C4_hi % TWO_POW_32 - C4_hi % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31)
- D_hi = bit32_bxor(C2_hi, C4_hi * 2 + (C4_lo % TWO_POW_32 - C4_lo % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31)
- T0_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L03_lo)
- T0_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L03_hi)
- T1_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L08_lo)
- T1_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L08_hi)
- T2_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L13_lo)
- T2_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L13_hi)
- T3_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L18_lo)
- T3_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L18_hi)
- T4_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L23_lo)
- T4_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L23_hi)
- L03_lo = (T2_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T2_lo % TWO_POW_21) / TWO_POW_21 + T2_hi * TWO_POW_11
- L03_hi = (T2_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T2_hi % TWO_POW_21) / TWO_POW_21 + T2_lo * TWO_POW_11
- L08_lo = (T4_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T4_lo % TWO_POW_3) / TWO_POW_3 + T4_hi * TWO_POW_29 % TWO_POW_32
- L08_hi = (T4_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T4_hi % TWO_POW_3) / TWO_POW_3 + T4_lo * TWO_POW_29 % TWO_POW_32
- L13_lo = T1_lo * TWO_POW_6 + (T1_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T1_hi % TWO_POW_26) / TWO_POW_26
- L13_hi = T1_hi * TWO_POW_6 + (T1_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T1_lo % TWO_POW_26) / TWO_POW_26
- L18_lo = T3_lo * TWO_POW_15 + (T3_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T3_hi % TWO_POW_17) / TWO_POW_17
- L18_hi = T3_hi * TWO_POW_15 + (T3_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T3_lo % TWO_POW_17) / TWO_POW_17
- L23_lo = (T0_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T0_lo % TWO_POW_2) / TWO_POW_2 + T0_hi * TWO_POW_30 % TWO_POW_32
- L23_hi = (T0_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T0_hi % TWO_POW_2) / TWO_POW_2 + T0_lo * TWO_POW_30 % TWO_POW_32
- D_lo = bit32_bxor(C3_lo, C5_lo * 2 + (C5_hi % TWO_POW_32 - C5_hi % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31)
- D_hi = bit32_bxor(C3_hi, C5_hi * 2 + (C5_lo % TWO_POW_32 - C5_lo % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31)
- T0_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L04_lo)
- T0_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L04_hi)
- T1_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L09_lo)
- T1_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L09_hi)
- T2_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L14_lo)
- T2_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L14_hi)
- T3_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L19_lo)
- T3_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L19_hi)
- T4_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L24_lo)
- T4_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L24_hi)
- L04_lo = T3_lo * TWO_POW_21 % TWO_POW_32 + (T3_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T3_hi % TWO_POW_11) / TWO_POW_11
- L04_hi = T3_hi * TWO_POW_21 % TWO_POW_32 + (T3_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T3_lo % TWO_POW_11) / TWO_POW_11
- L09_lo = T0_lo * TWO_POW_28 % TWO_POW_32 + (T0_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T0_hi % TWO_POW_4) / TWO_POW_4
- L09_hi = T0_hi * TWO_POW_28 % TWO_POW_32 + (T0_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T0_lo % TWO_POW_4) / TWO_POW_4
- L14_lo = T2_lo * TWO_POW_25 % TWO_POW_32 + (T2_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T2_hi % TWO_POW_7) / TWO_POW_7
- L14_hi = T2_hi * TWO_POW_25 % TWO_POW_32 + (T2_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T2_lo % TWO_POW_7) / TWO_POW_7
- L19_lo = (T4_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T4_lo % TWO_POW_8) / TWO_POW_8 + T4_hi * TWO_POW_24 % TWO_POW_32
- L19_hi = (T4_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T4_hi % TWO_POW_8) / TWO_POW_8 + T4_lo * TWO_POW_24 % TWO_POW_32
- L24_lo = (T1_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T1_lo % TWO_POW_9) / TWO_POW_9 + T1_hi * TWO_POW_23 % TWO_POW_32
- L24_hi = (T1_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T1_hi % TWO_POW_9) / TWO_POW_9 + T1_lo * TWO_POW_23 % TWO_POW_32
- D_lo = bit32_bxor(C4_lo, C1_lo * 2 + (C1_hi % TWO_POW_32 - C1_hi % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31)
- D_hi = bit32_bxor(C4_hi, C1_hi * 2 + (C1_lo % TWO_POW_32 - C1_lo % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31)
- T0_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L05_lo)
- T0_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L05_hi)
- T1_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L10_lo)
- T1_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L10_hi)
- T2_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L15_lo)
- T2_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L15_hi)
- T3_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L20_lo)
- T3_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L20_hi)
- T4_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L25_lo)
- T4_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L25_hi)
- L05_lo = T4_lo * TWO_POW_14 + (T4_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T4_hi % TWO_POW_18) / TWO_POW_18
- L05_hi = T4_hi * TWO_POW_14 + (T4_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T4_lo % TWO_POW_18) / TWO_POW_18
- L10_lo = T1_lo * TWO_POW_20 % TWO_POW_32 + (T1_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T1_hi % TWO_POW_12) / TWO_POW_12
- L10_hi = T1_hi * TWO_POW_20 % TWO_POW_32 + (T1_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T1_lo % TWO_POW_12) / TWO_POW_12
- L15_lo = T3_lo * TWO_POW_8 + (T3_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T3_hi % TWO_POW_24) / TWO_POW_24
- L15_hi = T3_hi * TWO_POW_8 + (T3_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T3_lo % TWO_POW_24) / TWO_POW_24
- L20_lo = T0_lo * TWO_POW_27 % TWO_POW_32 + (T0_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T0_hi % TWO_POW_5) / TWO_POW_5
- L20_hi = T0_hi * TWO_POW_27 % TWO_POW_32 + (T0_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T0_lo % TWO_POW_5) / TWO_POW_5
- L25_lo = (T2_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T2_lo % TWO_POW_25) / TWO_POW_25 + T2_hi * TWO_POW_7
- L25_hi = (T2_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T2_hi % TWO_POW_25) / TWO_POW_25 + T2_lo * TWO_POW_7
- D_lo = bit32_bxor(C5_lo, C2_lo * 2 + (C2_hi % TWO_POW_32 - C2_hi % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31)
- D_hi = bit32_bxor(C5_hi, C2_hi * 2 + (C2_lo % TWO_POW_32 - C2_lo % TWO_POW_31) / TWO_POW_31)
- T1_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L06_lo)
- T1_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L06_hi)
- T2_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L11_lo)
- T2_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L11_hi)
- T3_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L16_lo)
- T3_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L16_hi)
- T4_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L21_lo)
- T4_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L21_hi)
- L06_lo = T2_lo * TWO_POW_3 + (T2_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T2_hi % TWO_POW_29) / TWO_POW_29
- L06_hi = T2_hi * TWO_POW_3 + (T2_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T2_lo % TWO_POW_29) / TWO_POW_29
- L11_lo = T4_lo * TWO_POW_18 + (T4_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T4_hi % TWO_POW_14) / TWO_POW_14
- L11_hi = T4_hi * TWO_POW_18 + (T4_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T4_lo % TWO_POW_14) / TWO_POW_14
- L16_lo = (T1_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T1_lo % TWO_POW_28) / TWO_POW_28 + T1_hi * TWO_POW_4
- L16_hi = (T1_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T1_hi % TWO_POW_28) / TWO_POW_28 + T1_lo * TWO_POW_4
- L21_lo = (T3_lo % TWO_POW_32 - T3_lo % TWO_POW_23) / TWO_POW_23 + T3_hi * TWO_POW_9
- L21_hi = (T3_hi % TWO_POW_32 - T3_hi % TWO_POW_23) / TWO_POW_23 + T3_lo * TWO_POW_9
- L01_lo = bit32_bxor(D_lo, L01_lo)
- L01_hi = bit32_bxor(D_hi, L01_hi)
- L01_lo, L02_lo, L03_lo, L04_lo, L05_lo = bit32_bxor(L01_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L02_lo, L03_lo)), bit32_bxor(L02_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L03_lo, L04_lo)), bit32_bxor(L03_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L04_lo, L05_lo)), bit32_bxor(L04_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L05_lo, L01_lo)), bit32_bxor(L05_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L01_lo, L02_lo))
- L01_hi, L02_hi, L03_hi, L04_hi, L05_hi = bit32_bxor(L01_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L02_hi, L03_hi)), bit32_bxor(L02_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L03_hi, L04_hi)), bit32_bxor(L03_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L04_hi, L05_hi)), bit32_bxor(L04_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L05_hi, L01_hi)), bit32_bxor(L05_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L01_hi, L02_hi))
- L06_lo, L07_lo, L08_lo, L09_lo, L10_lo = bit32_bxor(L09_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L10_lo, L06_lo)), bit32_bxor(L10_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L06_lo, L07_lo)), bit32_bxor(L06_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L07_lo, L08_lo)), bit32_bxor(L07_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L08_lo, L09_lo)), bit32_bxor(L08_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L09_lo, L10_lo))
- L06_hi, L07_hi, L08_hi, L09_hi, L10_hi = bit32_bxor(L09_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L10_hi, L06_hi)), bit32_bxor(L10_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L06_hi, L07_hi)), bit32_bxor(L06_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L07_hi, L08_hi)), bit32_bxor(L07_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L08_hi, L09_hi)), bit32_bxor(L08_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L09_hi, L10_hi))
- L11_lo, L12_lo, L13_lo, L14_lo, L15_lo = bit32_bxor(L12_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L13_lo, L14_lo)), bit32_bxor(L13_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L14_lo, L15_lo)), bit32_bxor(L14_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L15_lo, L11_lo)), bit32_bxor(L15_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L11_lo, L12_lo)), bit32_bxor(L11_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L12_lo, L13_lo))
- L11_hi, L12_hi, L13_hi, L14_hi, L15_hi = bit32_bxor(L12_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L13_hi, L14_hi)), bit32_bxor(L13_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L14_hi, L15_hi)), bit32_bxor(L14_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L15_hi, L11_hi)), bit32_bxor(L15_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L11_hi, L12_hi)), bit32_bxor(L11_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L12_hi, L13_hi))
- L16_lo, L17_lo, L18_lo, L19_lo, L20_lo = bit32_bxor(L20_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L16_lo, L17_lo)), bit32_bxor(L16_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L17_lo, L18_lo)), bit32_bxor(L17_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L18_lo, L19_lo)), bit32_bxor(L18_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L19_lo, L20_lo)), bit32_bxor(L19_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L20_lo, L16_lo))
- L16_hi, L17_hi, L18_hi, L19_hi, L20_hi = bit32_bxor(L20_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L16_hi, L17_hi)), bit32_bxor(L16_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L17_hi, L18_hi)), bit32_bxor(L17_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L18_hi, L19_hi)), bit32_bxor(L18_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L19_hi, L20_hi)), bit32_bxor(L19_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L20_hi, L16_hi))
- L21_lo, L22_lo, L23_lo, L24_lo, L25_lo = bit32_bxor(L23_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L24_lo, L25_lo)), bit32_bxor(L24_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L25_lo, L21_lo)), bit32_bxor(L25_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L21_lo, L22_lo)), bit32_bxor(L21_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L22_lo, L23_lo)), bit32_bxor(L22_lo, bit32_band(-1 - L23_lo, L24_lo))
- L21_hi, L22_hi, L23_hi, L24_hi, L25_hi = bit32_bxor(L23_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L24_hi, L25_hi)), bit32_bxor(L24_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L25_hi, L21_hi)), bit32_bxor(L25_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L21_hi, L22_hi)), bit32_bxor(L21_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L22_hi, L23_hi)), bit32_bxor(L22_hi, bit32_band(-1 - L23_hi, L24_hi))
- L01_lo = bit32_bxor(L01_lo, RC_lo[round_idx])
- L01_hi = L01_hi + RC_hi[round_idx] -- RC_hi[] is either 0 or 0x80000000, so we could use fast addition instead of slow XOR
- end
- lanes_lo[1] = L01_lo
- lanes_hi[1] = L01_hi
- lanes_lo[2] = L02_lo
- lanes_hi[2] = L02_hi
- lanes_lo[3] = L03_lo
- lanes_hi[3] = L03_hi
- lanes_lo[4] = L04_lo
- lanes_hi[4] = L04_hi
- lanes_lo[5] = L05_lo
- lanes_hi[5] = L05_hi
- lanes_lo[6] = L06_lo
- lanes_hi[6] = L06_hi
- lanes_lo[7] = L07_lo
- lanes_hi[7] = L07_hi
- lanes_lo[8] = L08_lo
- lanes_hi[8] = L08_hi
- lanes_lo[9] = L09_lo
- lanes_hi[9] = L09_hi
- lanes_lo[10] = L10_lo
- lanes_hi[10] = L10_hi
- lanes_lo[11] = L11_lo
- lanes_hi[11] = L11_hi
- lanes_lo[12] = L12_lo
- lanes_hi[12] = L12_hi
- lanes_lo[13] = L13_lo
- lanes_hi[13] = L13_hi
- lanes_lo[14] = L14_lo
- lanes_hi[14] = L14_hi
- lanes_lo[15] = L15_lo
- lanes_hi[15] = L15_hi
- lanes_lo[16] = L16_lo
- lanes_hi[16] = L16_hi
- lanes_lo[17] = L17_lo
- lanes_hi[17] = L17_hi
- lanes_lo[18] = L18_lo
- lanes_hi[18] = L18_hi
- lanes_lo[19] = L19_lo
- lanes_hi[19] = L19_hi
- lanes_lo[20] = L20_lo
- lanes_hi[20] = L20_hi
- lanes_lo[21] = L21_lo
- lanes_hi[21] = L21_hi
- lanes_lo[22] = L22_lo
- lanes_hi[22] = L22_hi
- lanes_lo[23] = L23_lo
- lanes_hi[23] = L23_hi
- lanes_lo[24] = L24_lo
- lanes_hi[24] = L24_hi
- lanes_lo[25] = L25_lo
- lanes_hi[25] = L25_hi
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Q:
- -- Is 53-bit "double" math enough to calculate square roots and cube roots of primes with 64 correct bits after decimal point?
- -- A:
- -- Yes, 53-bit "double" arithmetic is enough.
- -- We could obtain first 40 bits by direct calculation of p^(1/3) and next 40 bits by one step of Newton's method.
- do
- local function mul(src1, src2, factor, result_length)
- -- src1, src2 - long integers (arrays of digits in base TWO_POW_24)
- -- factor - small integer
- -- returns long integer result (src1 * src2 * factor) and its floating point approximation
- local result, carry, value, weight = tcreate(result_length), 0, 0, 1
- for j = 1, result_length do
- for k = max(1, j + 1 - #src2), min(j, #src1) do
- carry = carry + factor * src1[k] * src2[j + 1 - k] -- "int32" is not enough for multiplication result, that's why "factor" must be of type "double"
- end
- local digit = carry % TWO_POW_24
- result[j] = floor(digit)
- carry = (carry - digit) / TWO_POW_24
- value = value + digit * weight
- weight = weight * TWO_POW_24
- end
- return result, value
- end
- local idx, step, p, one, sqrt_hi, sqrt_lo = 0, {4, 1, 2, -2, 2}, 4, {1}, sha2_H_hi, sha2_H_lo
- repeat
- p = p + step[p % 6]
- local d = 1
- repeat
- d = d + step[d % 6]
- if d * d > p then
- -- next prime number is found
- local root = p ^ (1 / 3)
- local R = root * TWO_POW_40
- R = mul(tcreate(1, floor(R)), one, 1, 2)
- local _, delta = mul(R, mul(R, R, 1, 4), -1, 4)
- local hi = R[2] % 65536 * 65536 + floor(R[1] / 256)
- local lo = R[1] % 256 * 16777216 + floor(delta * (TWO_POW_NEG_56 / 3) * root / p)
- if idx < 16 then
- root = sqrt(p)
- R = root * TWO_POW_40
- R = mul(tcreate(1, floor(R)), one, 1, 2)
- _, delta = mul(R, R, -1, 2)
- local hi = R[2] % 65536 * 65536 + floor(R[1] / 256)
- local lo = R[1] % 256 * 16777216 + floor(delta * TWO_POW_NEG_17 / root)
- local idx = idx % 8 + 1
- sha2_H_ext256[224][idx] = lo
- sqrt_hi[idx], sqrt_lo[idx] = hi, lo + hi * hi_factor
- if idx > 7 then
- sqrt_hi, sqrt_lo = sha2_H_ext512_hi[384], sha2_H_ext512_lo[384]
- end
- end
- idx = idx + 1
- sha2_K_hi[idx], sha2_K_lo[idx] = hi, lo % K_lo_modulo + hi * hi_factor
- break
- end
- until p % d == 0
- until idx > 79
- end
- -- Calculating IVs for SHA512/224 and SHA512/256
- for width = 224, 256, 32 do
- local H_lo, H_hi = {}, nil
- if XOR64A5 then
- for j = 1, 8 do
- H_lo[j] = XOR64A5(sha2_H_lo[j])
- end
- else
- H_hi = {}
- for j = 1, 8 do
- H_lo[j] = bit32_bxor(sha2_H_lo[j], 0xA5A5A5A5) % 4294967296
- H_hi[j] = bit32_bxor(sha2_H_hi[j], 0xA5A5A5A5) % 4294967296
- end
- end
- sha512_feed_128(H_lo, H_hi, "SHA-512/" .. tostring(width) .. "\128" .. rep("\0", 115) .. "\88", 0, 128)
- sha2_H_ext512_lo[width] = H_lo
- sha2_H_ext512_hi[width] = H_hi
- end
- -- Constants for MD5
- do
- for idx = 1, 64 do
- -- we can't use formula floor(abs(sin(idx))*TWO_POW_32) because its result may be beyond integer range on Lua built with 32-bit integers
- local hi, lo = modf(abs(sin(idx)) * TWO_POW_16)
- md5_K[idx] = hi * 65536 + floor(lo * TWO_POW_16)
- end
- end
- -- Constants for SHA3
- do
- local sh_reg = 29
- local function next_bit()
- local r = sh_reg % 2
- sh_reg = bit32_bxor((sh_reg - r) / 2, 142 * r)
- return r
- end
- for idx = 1, 24 do
- local lo, m = 0, nil
- for _ = 1, 6 do
- m = m and m * m * 2 or 1
- lo = lo + next_bit() * m
- end
- local hi = next_bit() * m
- sha3_RC_hi[idx], sha3_RC_lo[idx] = hi, lo + hi * hi_factor_keccak
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function sha256ext(width, message)
- -- Create an instance (private objects for current calculation)
- local Array256 = sha2_H_ext256[width] -- # == 8
- local length, tail = 0, ""
- local H = tcreate(8)
- H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4], H[5], H[6], H[7], H[8] = Array256[1], Array256[2], Array256[3], Array256[4], Array256[5], Array256[6], Array256[7], Array256[8]
- local function partial(message_part)
- if message_part then
- local partLength = #message_part
- if tail then
- length = length + partLength
- local offs = 0
- local tailLength = #tail
- if tail ~= "" and tailLength + partLength >= 64 then
- offs = 64 - tailLength
- sha256_feed_64(H, tail .. sub(message_part, 1, offs), 0, 64)
- tail = ""
- end
- local size = partLength - offs
- local size_tail = size % 64
- sha256_feed_64(H, message_part, offs, size - size_tail)
- tail = tail .. sub(message_part, partLength + 1 - size_tail)
- return partial
- else
- error("Adding more chunks is not allowed after receiving the result", 2)
- end
- else
- if tail then
- local final_blocks = tcreate(10) --{tail, "\128", rep("\0", (-9 - length) % 64 + 1)}
- final_blocks[1] = tail
- final_blocks[2] = "\128"
- final_blocks[3] = rep("\0", (-9 - length) % 64 + 1)
- tail = nil
- -- Assuming user data length is shorter than (TWO_POW_53)-9 bytes
- -- Anyway, it looks very unrealistic that someone would spend more than a year of calculations to process TWO_POW_53 bytes of data by using this Lua script :-)
- -- TWO_POW_53 bytes = TWO_POW_56 bits, so "bit-counter" fits in 7 bytes
- length = length * (8 / TWO56_POW_7) -- convert "byte-counter" to "bit-counter" and move decimal point to the left
- for j = 4, 10 do
- length = length % 1 * 256
- final_blocks[j] = char(floor(length))
- end
- final_blocks = tconcat(final_blocks)
- sha256_feed_64(H, final_blocks, 0, #final_blocks)
- local max_reg = width / 32
- for j = 1, max_reg do
- H[j] = format("%08x", H[j] % 4294967296)
- end
- H = tconcat(H, "", 1, max_reg)
- end
- return H
- end
- end
- if message then
- -- Actually perform calculations and return the SHA256 digest of a message
- return partial(message)()
- else
- -- Return function for chunk-by-chunk loading
- -- User should feed every chunk of input data as single argument to this function and finally get SHA256 digest by invoking this function without an argument
- return partial
- end
- end
- local function sha512ext(width, message)
- -- Create an instance (private objects for current calculation)
- local length, tail, H_lo, H_hi = 0, "", tpack(tunpack(sha2_H_ext512_lo[width])), not HEX64 and tpack(tunpack(sha2_H_ext512_hi[width]))
- local function partial(message_part)
- if message_part then
- local partLength = #message_part
- if tail then
- length = length + partLength
- local offs = 0
- if tail ~= "" and #tail + partLength >= 128 then
- offs = 128 - #tail
- sha512_feed_128(H_lo, H_hi, tail .. sub(message_part, 1, offs), 0, 128)
- tail = ""
- end
- local size = partLength - offs
- local size_tail = size % 128
- sha512_feed_128(H_lo, H_hi, message_part, offs, size - size_tail)
- tail = tail .. sub(message_part, partLength + 1 - size_tail)
- return partial
- else
- error("Adding more chunks is not allowed after receiving the result", 2)
- end
- else
- if tail then
- local final_blocks = tcreate(3) --{tail, "\128", rep("\0", (-17-length) % 128 + 9)}
- final_blocks[1] = tail
- final_blocks[2] = "\128"
- final_blocks[3] = rep("\0", (-17 - length) % 128 + 9)
- tail = nil
- -- Assuming user data length is shorter than (TWO_POW_53)-17 bytes
- -- TWO_POW_53 bytes = TWO_POW_56 bits, so "bit-counter" fits in 7 bytes
- length = length * (8 / TWO56_POW_7) -- convert "byte-counter" to "bit-counter" and move floating point to the left
- for j = 4, 10 do
- length = length % 1 * 256
- final_blocks[j] = char(floor(length))
- end
- final_blocks = tconcat(final_blocks)
- sha512_feed_128(H_lo, H_hi, final_blocks, 0, #final_blocks)
- local max_reg = ceil(width / 64)
- if HEX64 then
- for j = 1, max_reg do
- H_lo[j] = HEX64(H_lo[j])
- end
- else
- for j = 1, max_reg do
- H_lo[j] = format("%08x", H_hi[j] % 4294967296) .. format("%08x", H_lo[j] % 4294967296)
- end
- H_hi = nil
- end
- H_lo = sub(tconcat(H_lo, "", 1, max_reg), 1, width / 4)
- end
- return H_lo
- end
- end
- if message then
- -- Actually perform calculations and return the SHA512 digest of a message
- return partial(message)()
- else
- -- Return function for chunk-by-chunk loading
- -- User should feed every chunk of input data as single argument to this function and finally get SHA512 digest by invoking this function without an argument
- return partial
- end
- end
- local function md5(message)
- -- Create an instance (private objects for current calculation)
- local H, length, tail = tcreate(4), 0, ""
- H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4] = md5_sha1_H[1], md5_sha1_H[2], md5_sha1_H[3], md5_sha1_H[4]
- local function partial(message_part)
- if message_part then
- local partLength = #message_part
- if tail then
- length = length + partLength
- local offs = 0
- if tail ~= "" and #tail + partLength >= 64 then
- offs = 64 - #tail
- md5_feed_64(H, tail .. sub(message_part, 1, offs), 0, 64)
- tail = ""
- end
- local size = partLength - offs
- local size_tail = size % 64
- md5_feed_64(H, message_part, offs, size - size_tail)
- tail = tail .. sub(message_part, partLength + 1 - size_tail)
- return partial
- else
- error("Adding more chunks is not allowed after receiving the result", 2)
- end
- else
- if tail then
- local final_blocks = tcreate(3) --{tail, "\128", rep("\0", (-9 - length) % 64)}
- final_blocks[1] = tail
- final_blocks[2] = "\128"
- final_blocks[3] = rep("\0", (-9 - length) % 64)
- tail = nil
- length = length * 8 -- convert "byte-counter" to "bit-counter"
- for j = 4, 11 do
- local low_byte = length % 256
- final_blocks[j] = char(low_byte)
- length = (length - low_byte) / 256
- end
- final_blocks = tconcat(final_blocks)
- md5_feed_64(H, final_blocks, 0, #final_blocks)
- for j = 1, 4 do
- H[j] = format("%08x", H[j] % 4294967296)
- end
- H = gsub(tconcat(H), "(..)(..)(..)(..)", "%4%3%2%1")
- end
- return H
- end
- end
- if message then
- -- Actually perform calculations and return the MD5 digest of a message
- return partial(message)()
- else
- -- Return function for chunk-by-chunk loading
- -- User should feed every chunk of input data as single argument to this function and finally get MD5 digest by invoking this function without an argument
- return partial
- end
- end
- local function sha1(message)
- -- Create an instance (private objects for current calculation)
- local H, length, tail = tpack(tunpack(md5_sha1_H)), 0, ""
- local function partial(message_part)
- if message_part then
- local partLength = #message_part
- if tail then
- length = length + partLength
- local offs = 0
- if tail ~= "" and #tail + partLength >= 64 then
- offs = 64 - #tail
- sha1_feed_64(H, tail .. sub(message_part, 1, offs), 0, 64)
- tail = ""
- end
- local size = partLength - offs
- local size_tail = size % 64
- sha1_feed_64(H, message_part, offs, size - size_tail)
- tail = tail .. sub(message_part, partLength + 1 - size_tail)
- return partial
- else
- error("Adding more chunks is not allowed after receiving the result", 2)
- end
- else
- if tail then
- local final_blocks = tcreate(10) --{tail, "\128", rep("\0", (-9 - length) % 64 + 1)}
- final_blocks[1] = tail
- final_blocks[2] = "\128"
- final_blocks[3] = rep("\0", (-9 - length) % 64 + 1)
- tail = nil
- -- Assuming user data length is shorter than (TWO_POW_53)-9 bytes
- -- TWO_POW_53 bytes = TWO_POW_56 bits, so "bit-counter" fits in 7 bytes
- length = length * (8 / TWO56_POW_7) -- convert "byte-counter" to "bit-counter" and move decimal point to the left
- for j = 4, 10 do
- length = length % 1 * 256
- final_blocks[j] = char(floor(length))
- end
- final_blocks = tconcat(final_blocks)
- sha1_feed_64(H, final_blocks, 0, #final_blocks)
- for j = 1, 5 do
- H[j] = format("%08x", H[j] % 4294967296)
- end
- H = tconcat(H)
- end
- return H
- end
- end
- if message then
- -- Actually perform calculations and return the SHA-1 digest of a message
- return partial(message)()
- else
- -- Return function for chunk-by-chunk loading
- -- User should feed every chunk of input data as single argument to this function and finally get SHA-1 digest by invoking this function without an argument
- return partial
- end
- end
- local function keccak(block_size_in_bytes, digest_size_in_bytes, is_SHAKE, message)
- -- "block_size_in_bytes" is multiple of 8
- if type(digest_size_in_bytes) ~= "number" then
- -- arguments in SHAKE are swapped:
- -- NIST FIPS 202 defines SHAKE(message,num_bits)
- -- this module defines SHAKE(num_bytes,message)
- -- it's easy to forget about this swap, hence the check
- error("Argument 'digest_size_in_bytes' must be a number", 2)
- end
- -- Create an instance (private objects for current calculation)
- local tail, lanes_lo, lanes_hi = "", tcreate(25, 0), hi_factor_keccak == 0 and tcreate(25, 0)
- local result
- --~ pad the input N using the pad function, yielding a padded bit string P with a length divisible by r (such that n = len(P)/r is integer),
- --~ break P into n consecutive r-bit pieces P0, ..., Pn-1 (last is zero-padded)
- --~ initialize the state S to a string of b 0 bits.
- --~ absorb the input into the state: For each block Pi,
- --~ extend Pi at the end by a string of c 0 bits, yielding one of length b,
- --~ XOR that with S and
- --~ apply the block permutation f to the result, yielding a new state S
- --~ initialize Z to be the empty string
- --~ while the length of Z is less than d:
- --~ append the first r bits of S to Z
- --~ if Z is still less than d bits long, apply f to S, yielding a new state S.
- --~ truncate Z to d bits
- local function partial(message_part)
- if message_part then
- local partLength = #message_part
- if tail then
- local offs = 0
- if tail ~= "" and #tail + partLength >= block_size_in_bytes then
- offs = block_size_in_bytes - #tail
- keccak_feed(lanes_lo, lanes_hi, tail .. sub(message_part, 1, offs), 0, block_size_in_bytes, block_size_in_bytes)
- tail = ""
- end
- local size = partLength - offs
- local size_tail = size % block_size_in_bytes
- keccak_feed(lanes_lo, lanes_hi, message_part, offs, size - size_tail, block_size_in_bytes)
- tail = tail .. sub(message_part, partLength + 1 - size_tail)
- return partial
- else
- error("Adding more chunks is not allowed after receiving the result", 2)
- end
- else
- if tail then
- -- append the following bits to the message: for usual SHA3: 011(0*)1, for SHAKE: 11111(0*)1
- local gap_start = is_SHAKE and 31 or 6
- tail = tail .. (#tail + 1 == block_size_in_bytes and char(gap_start + 128) or char(gap_start) .. rep("\0", (-2 - #tail) % block_size_in_bytes) .. "\128")
- keccak_feed(lanes_lo, lanes_hi, tail, 0, #tail, block_size_in_bytes)
- tail = nil
- local lanes_used = 0
- local total_lanes = floor(block_size_in_bytes / 8)
- local qwords = {}
- local function get_next_qwords_of_digest(qwords_qty)
- -- returns not more than 'qwords_qty' qwords ('qwords_qty' might be non-integer)
- -- doesn't go across keccak-buffer boundary
- -- block_size_in_bytes is a multiple of 8, so, keccak-buffer contains integer number of qwords
- if lanes_used >= total_lanes then
- keccak_feed(lanes_lo, lanes_hi, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 0, 8, 8)
- lanes_used = 0
- end
- qwords_qty = floor(min(qwords_qty, total_lanes - lanes_used))
- if hi_factor_keccak ~= 0 then
- for j = 1, qwords_qty do
- qwords[j] = HEX64(lanes_lo[lanes_used + j - 1 + lanes_index_base])
- end
- else
- for j = 1, qwords_qty do
- qwords[j] = format("%08x", lanes_hi[lanes_used + j] % 4294967296) .. format("%08x", lanes_lo[lanes_used + j] % 4294967296)
- end
- end
- lanes_used = lanes_used + qwords_qty
- return gsub(tconcat(qwords, "", 1, qwords_qty), "(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)", "%8%7%6%5%4%3%2%1"), qwords_qty * 8
- end
- local parts = {} -- digest parts
- local last_part, last_part_size = "", 0
- local function get_next_part_of_digest(bytes_needed)
- -- returns 'bytes_needed' bytes, for arbitrary integer 'bytes_needed'
- bytes_needed = bytes_needed or 1
- if bytes_needed <= last_part_size then
- last_part_size = last_part_size - bytes_needed
- local part_size_in_nibbles = bytes_needed * 2
- local result = sub(last_part, 1, part_size_in_nibbles)
- last_part = sub(last_part, part_size_in_nibbles + 1)
- return result
- end
- local parts_qty = 0
- if last_part_size > 0 then
- parts_qty = 1
- parts[parts_qty] = last_part
- bytes_needed = bytes_needed - last_part_size
- end
- -- repeats until the length is enough
- while bytes_needed >= 8 do
- local next_part, next_part_size = get_next_qwords_of_digest(bytes_needed / 8)
- parts_qty = parts_qty + 1
- parts[parts_qty] = next_part
- bytes_needed = bytes_needed - next_part_size
- end
- if bytes_needed > 0 then
- last_part, last_part_size = get_next_qwords_of_digest(1)
- parts_qty = parts_qty + 1
- parts[parts_qty] = get_next_part_of_digest(bytes_needed)
- else
- last_part, last_part_size = "", 0
- end
- return tconcat(parts, "", 1, parts_qty)
- end
- if digest_size_in_bytes < 0 then
- result = get_next_part_of_digest
- else
- result = get_next_part_of_digest(digest_size_in_bytes)
- end
- end
- return result
- end
- end
- if message then
- -- Actually perform calculations and return the SHA3 digest of a message
- return partial(message)()
- else
- -- Return function for chunk-by-chunk loading
- -- User should feed every chunk of input data as single argument to this function and finally get SHA3 digest by invoking this function without an argument
- return partial
- end
- end
- local function HexToBinFunction(hh)
- return char(tonumber(hh, 16))
- end
- local function hex2bin(hex_string)
- return (gsub(hex_string, "%x%x", HexToBinFunction))
- end
- local base64_symbols = {
- ["+"] = 62, ["-"] = 62, [62] = "+";
- ["/"] = 63, ["_"] = 63, [63] = "/";
- ["="] = -1, ["."] = -1, [-1] = "=";
- }
- local symbol_index = 0
- for j, pair in ipairs{"AZ", "az", "09"} do
- for ascii = byte(pair), byte(pair, 2) do
- local ch = char(ascii)
- base64_symbols[ch] = symbol_index
- base64_symbols[symbol_index] = ch
- symbol_index = symbol_index + 1
- end
- end
- local function bin2base64(binary_string)
- local stringLength = #binary_string
- local result = tcreate(ceil(stringLength / 3))
- local length = 0
- for pos = 1, #binary_string, 3 do
- local c1, c2, c3, c4 = byte(sub(binary_string, pos, pos + 2) .. '\0', 1, -1)
- length = length + 1
- result[length] =
- base64_symbols[floor(c1 / 4)] ..
- base64_symbols[c1 % 4 * 16 + floor(c2 / 16)] ..
- base64_symbols[c3 and c2 % 16 * 4 + floor(c3 / 64) or -1] ..
- base64_symbols[c4 and c3 % 64 or -1]
- end
- return tconcat(result)
- end
- local function base642bin(base64_string)
- local result, chars_qty = {}, 3
- for pos, ch in gmatch(gsub(base64_string, "%s+", ""), "()(.)") do
- local code = base64_symbols[ch]
- if code < 0 then
- chars_qty = chars_qty - 1
- code = 0
- end
- local idx = pos % 4
- if idx > 0 then
- result[-idx] = code
- else
- local c1 = result[-1] * 4 + floor(result[-2] / 16)
- local c2 = (result[-2] % 16) * 16 + floor(result[-3] / 4)
- local c3 = (result[-3] % 4) * 64 + code
- result[#result + 1] = sub(char(c1, c2, c3), 1, chars_qty)
- end
- end
- return tconcat(result)
- end
- local block_size_for_HMAC -- this table will be initialized at the end of the module
- --local function pad_and_xor(str, result_length, byte_for_xor)
- -- return gsub(str, ".", function(c)
- -- return char(bit32_bxor(byte(c), byte_for_xor))
- -- end) .. rep(char(byte_for_xor), result_length - #str)
- --end
- -- For the sake of speed of converting hexes to strings, there's a map of the conversions here
- local BinaryStringMap = {}
- for Index = 0, 255 do
- BinaryStringMap[format("%02x", Index)] = char(Index)
- end
- -- Update 02.14.20 - added AsBinary for easy GameAnalytics replacement.
- local function hmac(hash_func, key, message, AsBinary)
- -- Create an instance (private objects for current calculation)
- local block_size = block_size_for_HMAC[hash_func]
- if not block_size then
- error("Unknown hash function", 2)
- end
- local KeyLength = #key
- if KeyLength > block_size then
- key = gsub(hash_func(key), "%x%x", HexToBinFunction)
- KeyLength = #key
- end
- local append = hash_func()(gsub(key, ".", function(c)
- return char(bit32_bxor(byte(c), 0x36))
- end) .. rep("6", block_size - KeyLength)) -- 6 = char(0x36)
- local result
- local function partial(message_part)
- if not message_part then
- result = result or hash_func(
- gsub(key, ".", function(c)
- return char(bit32_bxor(byte(c), 0x5c))
- end) .. rep("\\", block_size - KeyLength) -- \ = char(0x5c)
- .. (gsub(append(), "%x%x", HexToBinFunction))
- )
- return result
- elseif result then
- error("Adding more chunks is not allowed after receiving the result", 2)
- else
- append(message_part)
- return partial
- end
- end
- if message then
- -- Actually perform calculations and return the HMAC of a message
- local FinalMessage = partial(message)()
- return AsBinary and (gsub(FinalMessage, "%x%x", BinaryStringMap)) or FinalMessage
- else
- -- Return function for chunk-by-chunk loading of a message
- -- User should feed every chunk of the message as single argument to this function and finally get HMAC by invoking this function without an argument
- return partial
- end
- end
- local sha = {
- md5 = md5,
- sha1 = sha1,
- -- SHA2 hash functions:
- sha224 = function(message)
- return sha256ext(224, message)
- end;
- sha256 = function(message)
- return sha256ext(256, message)
- end;
- sha512_224 = function(message)
- return sha512ext(224, message)
- end;
- sha512_256 = function(message)
- return sha512ext(256, message)
- end;
- sha384 = function(message)
- return sha512ext(384, message)
- end;
- sha512 = function(message)
- return sha512ext(512, message)
- end;
- -- SHA3 hash functions:
- sha3_224 = function(message)
- return keccak((1600 - 2 * 224) / 8, 224 / 8, false, message)
- end;
- sha3_256 = function(message)
- return keccak((1600 - 2 * 256) / 8, 256 / 8, false, message)
- end;
- sha3_384 = function(message)
- return keccak((1600 - 2 * 384) / 8, 384 / 8, false, message)
- end;
- sha3_512 = function(message)
- return keccak((1600 - 2 * 512) / 8, 512 / 8, false, message)
- end;
- shake128 = function(message, digest_size_in_bytes)
- return keccak((1600 - 2 * 128) / 8, digest_size_in_bytes, true, message)
- end;
- shake256 = function(message, digest_size_in_bytes)
- return keccak((1600 - 2 * 256) / 8, digest_size_in_bytes, true, message)
- end;
- -- misc utilities:
- hmac = hmac; -- HMAC(hash_func, key, message) is applicable to any hash function from this module except SHAKE*
- hex_to_bin = hex2bin; -- converts hexadecimal representation to binary string
- base64_to_bin = base642bin; -- converts base64 representation to binary string
- bin_to_base64 = bin2base64; -- converts binary string to base64 representation
- base64_encode = Base64.Encode;
- base64_decode = Base64.Decode;
- }
- block_size_for_HMAC = {
- [sha.md5] = 64;
- [sha.sha1] = 64;
- [sha.sha224] = 64;
- [sha.sha256] = 64;
- [sha.sha512_224] = 128;
- [sha.sha512_256] = 128;
- [sha.sha384] = 128;
- [sha.sha512] = 128;
- [sha.sha3_224] = (1600 - 2 * 224) / 8;
- [sha.sha3_256] = (1600 - 2 * 256) / 8;
- [sha.sha3_384] = (1600 - 2 * 384) / 8;
- [sha.sha3_512] = (1600 - 2 * 512) / 8;
- }
- return sha
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