

Aug 23rd, 2013
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  1.     stock BindKey(key[]) {
  2.         if(!strcmp("action", key, true)) return KEY_ACTION;
  3.         else if(!strcmp("crouch", key, true)) return KEY_CROUCH;
  4.         else if(!strcmp("fire", key, true)) return KEY_FIRE;
  5.         else if(!strcmp("sprint", key, true)) return KEY_SPRINT;
  6.         else if(!strcmp("attack", key, true)) return KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK;
  7.         else if(!strcmp("jump", key, true)) return KEY_JUMP;
  8.         else if(!strcmp("lookr", key, true)) return KEY_LOOK_RIGHT;
  9.         else if(!strcmp("lookl", key, true)) return KEY_LOOK_LEFT;
  10.         else if(!strcmp("lookb", key, true)) return KEY_LOOK_BEHIND;
  11.         else if(!strcmp("handbrake", key, true)) return KEY_HANDBRAKE;
  12.         else if(!strcmp("submission", key, true)) return KEY_SUBMISSION;
  13.         else if(!strcmp("walk", key, true)) return KEY_WALK;
  14.         else if(!strcmp("aup", key, true)) return KEY_ANALOG_UP;
  15.         else if(!strcmp("adown", key, true)) return KEY_ANALOG_DOWN;
  16.         else if(!strcmp("aleft", key, true)) return KEY_ANALOG_LEFT;
  17.         else if(!strcmp("aright", key, true)) return KEY_ANALOG_RIGHT;
  18.         else if(!strcmp("yes", key, true)) return KEY_YES;
  19.         else if(!strcmp("no", key, true)) return KEY_NO;
  20.         else if(!strcmp("ctrlback", key, true)) return KEY_NO;
  21.         else if(!strcmp("up", key, true)) return KEY_UP;
  22.         else if(!strcmp("down", key, true)) return KEY_DOWN;
  23.         else if(!strcmp("left", key, true)) return KEY_LEFT;
  24.         else if(!strcmp("right", key, true)) return KEY_RIGHT;
  25.     }
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