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- --
- -- // Constants \\ --
- -- [ Services ] --
- local Services = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(Self, Index)
- local NewService = game.GetService(game, Index)
- if NewService then
- Self[Index] = NewService
- end
- return NewService
- end})
- -- [ Modules ] --
- local UserInterface = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
- local Drawing = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
- local ToolTip = require(Services.ReplicatedStorage.Modules_client.TooltipModule)
- -- [ LocalPlayer ] --
- local LocalPlayer = Services.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
- -- [ Raycast Parameters ] --
- local RaycastParameters =
- RaycastParameters.IgnoreWater = true
- RaycastParameters.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
- RaycastParameters.FilterDescendantsInstances = {LocalPlayer.Character}
- -- // Variables \\ --
- -- [ Info ] --
- local Info = {
- SilentAIMEnabled = false;
- TriggeredEnabled = false;
- ArmsCheckEnabled = true;
- TeamWhitelist = "";
- FieldOfView = 250;
- }
- local LastArrest = time()
- -- [ Interface ] --
- local FOVCircle ="Circle", {
- Thickness = 2.5,
- Color = Color3.fromRGB(200, 200, 200),
- NumSides = 25,
- Radius = _G.FOV
- })
- local Target ="Triangle", {
- Thickness = 5,
- Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 255)
- })
- -- [ Weapons ] --
- local Weapons = {
- "Remington 870";
- "AK-47";
- "M9";
- "M4A1";
- "Hammer";
- "Crude Knife";
- }
- -- [ Metatable ] --
- local RawMetatable = getrawmetatable(game)
- local __NameCall = RawMetatable.__namecall
- local __Index = RawMetatable.__index
- -- // Functions \\ --
- local function ValidCharacter(Character)
- return Character and (Character.FindFirstChildWhichIsA(Character, "Humanoid") and Character.FindFirstChildWhichIsA(Character, "Humanoid").Health ~= 0) or false
- end
- local function NotObstructing(Destination, Ancestor)
- -- [ Camera ] --
- local ObstructingParts = Camera.GetPartsObscuringTarget(Camera, {Destination}, {Ancestor, LocalPlayer.Character})
- for i,v in ipairs(ObstructingParts) do
- pcall(function()
- if v.Transparency >= 1 then
- table.remove(ObstructingParts, i)
- end
- end)
- end
- if #ObstructingParts <= 0 then
- return true
- end
- -- [ Raycast ] --
- RaycastParameters.FilterDescendantsInstances = {LocalPlayer.Character}
- local Origin = Camera.CFrame.Position
- local Direction = (Destination - Origin).Unit * 500
- local RayResult = workspace.Raycast(workspace, Origin, Direction, RaycastParameters) or {
- Instance = nil;
- Position = Origin + Direction;
- Material = Enum.Material.Air;
- }
- if RayResult.Instance and (RayResult.Instance.IsDescendantOf(RayResult.Instance, Ancestor) or RayResult.Instance == Ancestor) then
- return true
- end
- -- [ Obstructed ] --
- return false
- end
- local function IsArmed(Player)
- for i,v in ipairs(Weapons) do
- local Tool = Player.Backpack.FindFirstChild(Player.Backpack, v) or Player.Character.FindFirstChild(Player.Character, v)
- if Tool then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function ClosestPlayerToCursor(Distance)
- local Closest = nil
- local Position = nil
- local ShortestDistance = Distance or math.huge
- local MousePosition = Services.UserInputService.GetMouseLocation(Services.UserInputService)
- for i, v in ipairs(Services.Players.GetPlayers(Services.Players)) do
- if v ~= LocalPlayer and (v.Team ~= LocalPlayer.Team and tostring(v.Team) ~= Info.TeamWhitelist) and ValidCharacter(v.Character) then
- if Info.ArmsCheckEnabled and (v.Team == Services.Teams.Inmates and IsArmed(v) == false) then
- continue
- end
- local ViewportPosition, OnScreen = Camera.WorldToViewportPoint(Camera, v.Character.PrimaryPart.Position)
- local Magnitude = (, ViewportPosition.Y) - MousePosition).Magnitude
- if OnScreen == false or NotObstructing(v.Character.PrimaryPart.Position, v.Character) == false then
- continue
- end
- if Magnitude < ShortestDistance then
- Closest = v
- Position = ViewportPosition
- ShortestDistance = Magnitude
- end
- end
- end
- return Closest, Position
- end
- local function SwitchGuns()
- if LocalPlayer.Character.FindFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Character, "Remington 870") then
- local Tool = LocalPlayer.Backpack.FindFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Backpack, "M4A1") or LocalPlayer.Backpack.FindFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Backpack, "AK-47") or LocalPlayer.Backpack.FindFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Backpack, "M9")
- local Humanoid = LocalPlayer.Character.FindFirstChildWhichIsA(LocalPlayer.Character, "Humanoid")
- Humanoid.EquipTool(Humanoid, Tool)
- else
- local Tool = LocalPlayer.Backpack.FindFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Backpack, "Remington 870")
- local Humanoid = LocalPlayer.Character.FindFirstChildWhichIsA(LocalPlayer.Character, "Humanoid")
- Humanoid.EquipTool(Humanoid, Tool)
- end
- end
- local function Crash(Gun, BulletCount, ShotCount)
- local ShootEvent = Services.ReplicatedStorage.ShootEvent
- local StartTime = time()
- local BulletTable = {}
- for i = 1, BulletCount do
- BulletTable[i] = {
- Cframe =,
- Distance = math.huge
- }
- end
- for i = 1, ShotCount do
- ShootEvent:FireServer(BulletTable, Gun)
- if time() - StartTime > 5 then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- -- // User Interface \\ --
- -- [ Window ] --
- local Window ="Confinement X",, 420, 0, 420))
- -- [ Assists ] --
- Window:Divider("Assists")
- Window:Toggle("Silent Aim", "Shoots toward the nearest player to your cursor.", false, function(State)
- Info.SilentAIMEnabled = State
- end)
- Window:Toggle("Trigger Bot", "Press G to temporarily disable.", false, function(State)
- Info.TriggeredEnabled = State
- end)
- Window:Slider("Field Of View", "Recommended: 250", 50, 500, 250, function(Value)
- Info.FieldOfView = Value
- end)
- Window:Dropdown("Team Whitelist", "Team for Silent-Aim to ignore.", {"Guards", "Inmates", "Criminals"}, function(Value)
- Info.TeamWhitelist = Value
- end)
- Window:Toggle("Danger Check", "Checks if an Inmate has gun.", false, function(State)
- Info.ArmsCheckEnabled = State
- end)
- -- [ Rage ] --
- Window:Divider("Rage")
- Window:Button("Kill All", "Kills everyone in-game", function()
- local GunScript = (LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("GunInterface", true) or LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("GunInterface", true))
- if GunScript then
- for i,v in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= LocalPlayer then
- local BulletInfo = {
- [1] = {
- ["RayObject"] =, 101.429337, 2269.43945),, 8.65560055, -83.2166901)),
- ["Distance"] = 3.2524313926697,
- ["Cframe"] =, 101.334137, 2267.87988, 0.0636406094, 0.151434347, -0.986416459, 0, 0.988420188, 0.151741937, 0.997972965, -0.00965694897, 0.0629036576),
- ["Hit"] = v.Character.Head
- },
- [2] = {
- ["RayObject"] =, 101.429337, 2269.43945),, -8.44939327, -76.7261353)),
- ["Distance"] = 3.2699294090271,
- ["Cframe"] =, 101.184189, 2267.93506, 0.0964837447, 0.0589403138, -0.993587971, 4.65661287e-10, 0.998245299, 0.0592165813, 0.995334625, -0.00571343815, 0.0963144377),
- ["Hit"] = v.Character.Head
- },
- [3] = {
- ["RayObject"] =, 101.429337, 2269.43945),, -2.50536323, -92.2163162)),
- ["Distance"] = 3.1665518283844,
- ["Cframe"] =, 101.236496, 2267.80371, 0.0166504811, 0.0941716284, -0.995416701, 1.16415322e-10, 0.995554805, 0.0941846818, 0.999861419, -0.00156822044, 0.0165764652),
- ["Hit"] = v.Character.Head
- },
- [4] = {
- ["RayObject"] =, 101.429337, 2269.43945),, 3.13988972, -72.5452042)),
- ["Distance"] = 3.3218522071838,
- ["Cframe"] =, 101.285957, 2267.9707, 0.117109694, 0.118740402, -0.985994935, -1.86264515e-09, 0.992826641, 0.119563118, 0.993119001, -0.0140019981, 0.116269611),
- ["Hit"] = v.Character.Head
- },
- [5] = {
- ["RayObject"] =, 101.429337, 2269.43945),, 3.2097764, -85.5477524)),
- ["Distance"] = 3.222757101059,
- ["Cframe"] =, 101.286423, 2267.86035, 0.0517584644, 0.123365127, -0.991010666, 0, 0.992340803, 0.123530701, 0.99865967, -0.00639375951, 0.0513620302),
- ["Hit"] = v.Character.Head
- }
- }
- Services.ReplicatedStorage.ShootEvent:FireServer(BulletInfo, GunScript.Parent)
- Services.ReplicatedStorage.ShootEvent:FireServer(BulletInfo, GunScript.Parent)
- end
- end
- else
- ToolTip.update("No gun found!")
- end
- end)
- Window:Button("Gun Modification", "Modifies the current gun you are holding.", function()
- local GunStates = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("GunStates", true)
- if GunStates then
- local GunInfo = require(GunStates)
- GunInfo.ReloadTime = 0
- GunInfo.FireRate = 0
- GunInfo.AutoFire = true
- GunInfo.StoredAmmo = math.huge
- GunInfo.MaxAmmo = math.huge
- GunInfo.CurrentAmmo = math.huge
- end
- end)
- -- [ Miscellaneous ] --
- Window:Divider("Miscellaneous")
- Window:Button("Get Guns", "Grabs all", function()
- local HasSWAT = Services.MarketplaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(LocalPlayer.UserId, 96651)
- workspace.Remote.ItemHandler:InvokeServer(workspace.Prison_ITEMS.giver["Remington 870"].ITEMPICKUP)
- if HasSWAT then
- workspace.Remote.ItemHandler:InvokeServer(workspace.Prison_ITEMS.giver["M4A1"].ITEMPICKUP)
- end
- workspace.Remote.ItemHandler:InvokeServer(workspace.Prison_ITEMS.giver["AK-47"].ITEMPICKUP)
- workspace.Remote.ItemHandler:InvokeServer(workspace.Prison_ITEMS.giver["M9"].ITEMPICKUP)
- if HasSWAT then
- workspace.Remote.ItemHandler:InvokeServer(workspace.Prison_ITEMS.clothes["Riot Police"].ITEMPICKUP)
- end
- end)
- -- [ Credits ] --
- Window:Divider("Credits")
- Window:Button("OminousVibes#7259", "Script Creator", function()
- setclipboard("OminousVibes#7259")
- end)
- -- // Metatable \\ --
- setreadonly(RawMetatable, false)
- RawMetatable.__index = newcclosure(function(Self, Index)
- if Info.SilentAIMEnabled == true and checkcaller() == false then
- if typeof(Self) == "Instance" and (Self:IsA("PlayerMouse") or Self:IsA("Mouse")) then
- if Index == "Hit" then
- local Closest = ClosestPlayerToCursor(Info.FieldOfView)
- if Closest then
- local Velocity = Closest.Character.PrimaryPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity
- local Prediction = Velocity.Unit
- if Velocity.Magnitude == 0 then
- Prediction =, 0, 0)
- end
- return + Prediction)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return __Index(Self, Index)
- end)
- setreadonly(RawMetatable, true)
- -- // Event Listeners \\ --
- Services.RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- if Info.SilentAIMEnabled == true then
- -- FOV --
- FOVCircle.Visible = true
- FOVCircle.Radius = Info.FieldOfView
- FOVCircle.Position = Services.UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
- -- Target --
- local Closest, Position = ClosestPlayerToCursor(Info.FieldOfView)
- if Closest then
- Target.PointA = - 25, Position.Y + 25)
- Target.PointB = + 25, Position.Y + 25)
- Target.PointC =, Position.Y - 25)
- if Info.TriggeredEnabled and not Services.UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.G) then
- mouse1click()
- end
- end
- Target.Visible = Closest ~= nil
- else
- FOVCircle.Visible = false
- Target.Visible = false
- end
- end)
- LocalPlayer.Chatted:Connect(function(Message)
- if string.find(Message:lower(), "-lag") then
- local GunScript = (LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("GunInterface", true) or LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("GunInterface", true))
- if GunScript then
- ToolTip.update("Lagging...")
- Crash(GunScript.Parent, 100, 10)
- ToolTip.update("Lagged!")
- else
- ToolTip.update("Error: No gun found!")
- end
- end
- end)
- local LastShotDetected = time()
- for i,v in ipairs(getconnections(Services.ReplicatedStorage.ReplicateEvent.OnClientEvent)) do
- local OldFunction = v.Function
- v.Function = function(BulletStats, IsTaser)
- if #BulletStats > 25 or time() - LastShotDetected > 0.02 then
- ToolTip.update("Bullet Overload: Removing...")
- return
- end
- LastShotDetected = time()
- OldFunction(BulletStats, IsTaser)
- end
- end
- local LastSoundDetected = time()
- for i,v in ipairs(getconnections(Services.ReplicatedStorage.SoundEvent.OnClientEvent)) do
- local OldFunction = v.Function
- v.Function = function(Sound)
- if time() - LastSoundDetected > 0.02 then
- ToolTip.update("Audio Overload: Removing...")
- return
- end
- LastSoundDetected = time()
- OldFunction(Sound)
- end
- end
- -- // KeyBinds \\ --
- Services.UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, GameProcessed)
- if _G.ArrestAssist == false or GameProcessed or LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Handcuffs") == nil then
- return
- end
- local Delta = time() - LastArrest
- if Delta <= 15 then
- ToolTip.update("Wait " .. tostring(math.floor(Delta)) .. " seconds before arresting again!")
- end
- if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- local Closest = ClosestPlayerToCursor(_G.FOV)
- if Closest then
- local Result = workspace.Remote.arrest:InvokeServer(Closest.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
- ToolTip.update(Result == true and "Successfully arrested!" or Result)
- if Result == true then
- LastArrest = time()
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- Services.ContextActionService:BindAction("Switch Bind", function(actionName, InputState, inputObject)
- if InputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- return
- end
- pcall(SwitchGuns)
- end, false, Enum.KeyCode.Q)
- -- // Actions \\ --
- LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Home.fadeFrame.Visible = false
- return {};
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