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- ': Stone': 10
- -> MinimalPricePerUnit for ': Iron': 100
- -> MinimalPricePerUnit for ': Nickel': 100
- -> MinimalPricePerUnit for ': Cobalt': 300
- -> MinimalPricePerUnit for ': Magnesium': 200
- -> MinimalPricePerUnit for ': Silicon': 100
- -> MinimalPricePerUnit for ': Silver': 200
- -> MinimalPricePerUnit for ': Gold': 200
- -> MinimalPricePerUnit for ': Platinum': 400
- -> MinimalPricePerUnit for ': Uranium': 500
- -> MinimalPricePerUnit for ': Ice': 50
- -> MinimalPricePerUnit for ': Deuterium': 1200
- WeatherParameters:
- -> LightningGridHit: False
- -> LightningCharacterHit: False
- -> LightningDamage: 0
- AudioParameters:
- -> ArcToolPlayWeldMetal: 0.15
- -> ArcToolPlayWeldIdle: 0.15
- -> ArcToolPlayGrindMetal: 0.1
- -> ArcToolPlayGrindIdle: 0.1
- -> ArcToolPlayDrillMetal: 0.08
- -> ArcToolPlayDrillIdle: 0.08
- -> ArcToolPlayDrillRock: 0.08
- -> ArcToolPlayDrillGrass: 0.08
- -> ArcToolPlayDrillSoil: 0.08
- -> ArcToolPlayDrillSand: 0.08
- -> ArcToolPlayDrillSnow: 0.08
- -> ArcToolPlayDrillIce: 0.08
- -> ArcToolLrgWeldMetal: 0.1
- -> ArcToolLrgWeldIdle: 0.15
- -> ArcToolLrgGrindMetal: 0.15
- -> ArcToolLrgGrindIdle: 0.15
- -> ArcToolShipDrillMetal: 0.3
- -> ArcToolShipDrillIdle: 0.15
- -> ArcToolShipDrillRock: 0.3
- -> ArcToolShipDrillSoil: 0.3
- -> ArcToolShipDrillSoilDist1: 0.3
- -> ArcToolShipDrillSoilDist2: 0.3
- -> ArcBlockRafinery: 0.5
- -> ArcBlockRafineryProcess: 0.4
- -> ArcBlockAssembler: 0.5
- -> ArcBlockAssemblerProcess: 0.8
- -> BlockOxyGenIdle: 0.3
- -> ArcBlockOxyGenProcess: 0.3
- -> ArcBlockHydrogenEngine: 1
- -> ArcBlockWindTurbine: 1.5
- -> ShipSmallWheelsRun: 0.5
- -> ShipSmallWheelsGround: 0.5
- -> ShipLargeWheelsRun: 0.5
- -> ShipLargeWheelsGround: 0.5
- -> ShipSmallThrusterAtmosphericIdle: 1
- -> ShipSmallThrusterAtmosphericSlow: 1
- -> ShipSmallThrusterAtmosphericMedium: 1
- -> ShipSmallThrusterAtmosphericFast: 1
- -> ShipLargeThrusterAtmosphericIdle: 0.5
- -> ShipLargeThrusterAtmosphericSlow: 0.5
- -> ShipLargeThrusterAtmosphericMedium: 0.5
- -> ShipLargeThrusterAtmosphericFast: 0.5
- -> ShipThrusterHydrogenPush: 0.4
- -> ShipSmallThrusterHydrogen: 0.5
- -> ShipSmallThrusterHydrogenIdle: 0.5
- -> ShipLargeThrusterHydrogen: 0.5
- -> ShipLargeThrusterHydrogenIdle: 0.5
- -> ArcHudPlaceBlock: 0.06
- -> ArcHudDeleteBlock: 0.06
- -> ArcPrgConstrPh01Start: 0.1
- -> ArcPrgConstrPh02Proc: 0.1
- -> ArcPrgConstrPh03Fin: 0.15
- -> ArcPrgDeconstrPh01Start: 0.1
- -> ArcPrgDeconstrPh02Proc: 0.1
- -> ArcPrgDeconstrPh03Fin: 0.1
- -> ArcShipSmCockpitIn: 0.1
- -> ArcShipSmCockpitOut: 0.1
- -> ShipLrgCockpitIn: 0.2
- -> ShipLrgCockpitOut: 0.2
- -> ArcBlockDoorHangar: 0.2
- -> ArcBlockDoorSmallOpen: 0.3
- -> ArcBlockDoorSmallClose: 0.3
- -> ArcBlockDoorSlidingOpen: 0.3
- -> ArcBlockDoorSlidingClose: 0.4
- -> BlockCryoIn: 0.31
- -> ArcBlockCryoOut: 0.9
- -> ArcBlockMedical: 0.2
- -> ArcBlockMedicalProgress: 0.5
- -> ArcHudVocEnergyLow: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocSuitEnergyLow: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocStationFuelLow: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocShipFuelLow: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocFuelLow: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocHealthLow: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocEnergyCrit: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocSuitEnergyCrit: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocStationFuelCrit: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocShipFuelCrit: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocFuelCrit: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocHealthCritical: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocEnergyNo: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocSuitEnergyNo: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocStationFuelNo: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocShipFuelNo: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocInventoryFull: 0.75
- -> ArcHudVocMeteorInbound: 0.75
- MESParameters:
- -> MES_Creatures_WeaponReplacement_BasicHandHeldLauncherItem: False
- -> MES_Creatures_WeaponReplacement_AdvancedHandHeldLauncherItem: False
- -> MES_Creatures_WeaponReplacement_UltimateAutomaticRifleItem: False
- -> MES_Creatures_WeaponReplacement_ElitePistolItem: False
- -> MES_Creatures_WeaponReplacement_AngleGrinder4Item: False
- -> MES_Creatures_MinimumSpawnDistance: -1
- -> MES_Creatures_MaximumSpawnDistance: -1
- -> MES_Grids_RemoveIgnoreGlobalBlockReplacer: False
- -> MES_Grids_UseProprietaryO2H2Generators: False
- 2025-03-16 15:15:39.246 - Thread: 1 -> MES Spawner / Startup: Active Debug Not Found
- 2025-03-16 15:15:39.249 - Thread: 1 -> MES / Startup: Active Debug Not Found
- 2025-03-16 15:15:39.289 - Thread: 1 -> No definition 'MyObjectBuilder_RadioAntenna/SmallDefensiveCombat'. Maybe a mistake in XML?
- 2025-03-16 15:15:39.289 - Thread: 1 -> No definition 'MyObjectBuilder_RadioAntenna/SmallFlightMovement'. Maybe a mistake in XML?
- 2025-03-16 15:15:39.289 - Thread: 1 -> No definition 'MyObjectBuilder_RadioAntenna/LargeDefensiveCombat'. Maybe a mistake in XML?
- 2025-03-16 15:15:39.289 - Thread: 1 -> No definition 'MyObjectBuilder_RadioAntenna/LargeFlightMovement'. Maybe a mistake in XML?
- 2025-03-16 15:15:39.756 - Thread: 1 -> [ARSTRAEA] DefinitionManipulation - Assembler Component Tab
- 2025-03-16 15:15:40.471 - Thread: 1 -> MyLights.LoadData() - START
- 2025-03-16 15:15:40.476 - Thread: 1 -> Info: MyLights preallocated lights cache created.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:40.476 - Thread: 1 -> MyLights.LoadData() - END
- 2025-03-16 15:15:40.476 - Thread: 1 -> Info: MyLights initialized.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:40.476 - Thread: 1 -> MyExplosions.LoadData() - START
- 2025-03-16 15:15:40.479 - Thread: 1 -> MyExplosions.LoadData() - END
- 2025-03-16 15:15:40.497 - Thread: 1 -> Pre-loading neutral ship spawn groups...
- 2025-03-16 15:15:40.497 - Thread: 1 -> End pre-loading neutral ship spawn groups.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:40.506 - Thread: 1 -> Loading Procedural World Generator
- 2025-03-16 15:15:40.506 - Thread: 1 -> Loading Procedural World Generator: Seed = '0' = 0, AsteroidDensity = 0.55 EncounterDensity=0.35
- 2025-03-16 15:15:41.644 - Thread: 1 -> [Build Info] [RHF] Successfully registered with Rich HUD Master.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:41.644 - Thread: 1 -> [Rich HUD Master] [RHF] Successfully registered Build Info with the API.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:41.858 - Thread: 1 -> [BuildColors] [RHF] Successfully registered with Rich HUD Master.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:41.858 - Thread: 1 -> [Rich HUD Master] [RHF] Successfully registered BuildColors with the API.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:42.181 - Thread: 1 -> [Build Vision] [RHF] Successfully registered with Rich HUD Master.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:42.181 - Thread: 1 -> [Rich HUD Master] [RHF] Successfully registered Build Vision with the API.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:42.347 - Thread: 1 -> [Configurable Parameters] [RHF] Successfully registered with Rich HUD Master.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:42.347 - Thread: 1 -> [Rich HUD Master] [RHF] Successfully registered Configurable Parameters with the API.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:42.350 - Thread: 1 -> Warning: Missing definition MyObjectBuilder_DemoComponentDefinition/Default : for session component DemoComponent
- 2025-03-16 15:15:44.647 - Thread: 1 -> Planet init info - MutableStorage:True StorageName:Cronos-53746d300000 storage?:True
- 2025-03-16 15:15:44.647 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet generator name: Cronos
- 2025-03-16 15:15:44.647 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet storage name: Cronos-53746d300000
- 2025-03-16 15:15:45.124 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Cannot build prunning tree for heightmap face Steam:2759048529.sbm:Silona_front!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:45.124 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Heightmap resolution must be divisible by 8, and after that a power of 4. Failing to achieve so will disable several important optimizations!!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:45.124 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Cannot build prunning tree for heightmap face Steam:2759048529.sbm:Silona_back!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:45.124 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Heightmap resolution must be divisible by 8, and after that a power of 4. Failing to achieve so will disable several important optimizations!!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:45.124 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Cannot build prunning tree for heightmap face Steam:2759048529.sbm:Silona_left!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:45.124 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Heightmap resolution must be divisible by 8, and after that a power of 4. Failing to achieve so will disable several important optimizations!!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:45.125 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Cannot build prunning tree for heightmap face Steam:2759048529.sbm:Silona_right!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:45.125 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Heightmap resolution must be divisible by 8, and after that a power of 4. Failing to achieve so will disable several important optimizations!!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:45.125 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Cannot build prunning tree for heightmap face Steam:2759048529.sbm:Silona_up!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:45.125 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Heightmap resolution must be divisible by 8, and after that a power of 4. Failing to achieve so will disable several important optimizations!!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:45.125 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Cannot build prunning tree for heightmap face Steam:2759048529.sbm:Silona_down!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:45.125 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Heightmap resolution must be divisible by 8, and after that a power of 4. Failing to achieve so will disable several important optimizations!!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:46.685 - Thread: 1 -> Planet init info - MutableStorage:True StorageName:Silona-21039d40000 storage?:True
- 2025-03-16 15:15:46.685 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet generator name: Silona
- 2025-03-16 15:15:46.685 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet storage name: Silona-21039d40000
- 2025-03-16 15:15:48.554 - Thread: 1 -> Planet init info - MutableStorage:True StorageName:Palomar142c-43251d10000 storage?:True
- 2025-03-16 15:15:48.554 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet generator name: Palomar142c
- 2025-03-16 15:15:48.554 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet storage name: Palomar142c-43251d10000
- 2025-03-16 15:15:49.160 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Cannot build prunning tree for heightmap face Steam:2122361971.sbm:Rothis_front!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:49.160 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Heightmap resolution must be divisible by 8, and after that a power of 4. Failing to achieve so will disable several important optimizations!!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:49.160 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Cannot build prunning tree for heightmap face Steam:2122361971.sbm:Rothis_back!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:49.160 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Heightmap resolution must be divisible by 8, and after that a power of 4. Failing to achieve so will disable several important optimizations!!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:49.160 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Cannot build prunning tree for heightmap face Steam:2122361971.sbm:Rothis_left!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:49.160 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Heightmap resolution must be divisible by 8, and after that a power of 4. Failing to achieve so will disable several important optimizations!!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:49.160 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Cannot build prunning tree for heightmap face Steam:2122361971.sbm:Rothis_right!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:49.160 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Heightmap resolution must be divisible by 8, and after that a power of 4. Failing to achieve so will disable several important optimizations!!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:49.160 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Cannot build prunning tree for heightmap face Steam:2122361971.sbm:Rothis_up!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:49.160 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Heightmap resolution must be divisible by 8, and after that a power of 4. Failing to achieve so will disable several important optimizations!!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:49.160 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Cannot build prunning tree for heightmap face Steam:2122361971.sbm:Rothis_down!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:49.160 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Heightmap resolution must be divisible by 8, and after that a power of 4. Failing to achieve so will disable several important optimizations!!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:50.655 - Thread: 1 -> Planet init info - MutableStorage:True StorageName:Rothis-21673d22000 storage?:True
- 2025-03-16 15:15:50.655 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet generator name: Rothis
- 2025-03-16 15:15:50.655 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet storage name: Rothis-21673d22000
- 2025-03-16 15:15:52.884 - Thread: 1 -> Planet init info - MutableStorage:True StorageName:Helghan-12345d120040 storage?:True
- 2025-03-16 15:15:52.884 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet generator name: Helghan
- 2025-03-16 15:15:52.884 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet storage name: Helghan-12345d120040
- 2025-03-16 15:15:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> Planet init info - MutableStorage:True StorageName:Celaeno-23558d100000 storage?:True
- 2025-03-16 15:15:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet generator name: Celaeno
- 2025-03-16 15:15:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet storage name: Celaeno-23558d100000
- 2025-03-16 15:15:57.359 - Thread: 1 -> Planet init info - MutableStorage:True StorageName:Scylla-65027d27000 storage?:True
- 2025-03-16 15:15:57.360 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet generator name: Scylla
- 2025-03-16 15:15:57.360 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Planet storage name: Scylla-65027d27000
- 2025-03-16 15:15:57.372 - Thread: 1 -> Entities loaded & initialized
- 2025-03-16 15:15:57.502 - Thread: 1 -> Checkpoint.CameraAttachedTo: 0
- 2025-03-16 15:15:57.502 - Thread: 1 -> ERROR: Camera entity from checkpoint does not exists!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:58.465 - Thread: 1 ->
- ***
- [CoreSystems] Ignore log messages from keen stating 'Mod CoreSystems is accessing physics from parallel threads'
- CS is using a thread safe parallel.for, not a parallel task
- ***
- 2025-03-16 15:15:58.578 - Thread: 1 ->
- ##########
- [TFX] Version 1.6
- - Added:
- - EmissiveIntensity config
- - AdvMaterialSetup config
- Fixed:
- - Thruster staying emissive after being build
- - Configuration issues
- ##########
- 2025-03-16 15:15:58.581 - Thread: 1 -> Build Info mod: Checking mods list for duplicates... found none!
- 2025-03-16 15:15:58.846 - Thread: 1 -> Sending event to ElasticSearch: WorldStart
- 2025-03-16 15:15:58.856 - Thread: 1 -> RunLoadingAction - END
- 2025-03-16 15:15:58.856 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenGamePlay.LoadData - START
- 2025-03-16 15:15:58.857 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenGamePlay.LoadData - END
- 2025-03-16 15:15:58.857 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenGamePlay.LoadContent - START
- 2025-03-16 15:15:58.857 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenGamePlay MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent
- 2025-03-16 15:15:58.857 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenGamePlay.LoadContent - END
- 2025-03-16 15:15:58.908 - Thread: 1 -> Updating continues.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:59.086 - Thread: 1 -> Create Log instance Utils=True
- 2025-03-16 15:15:59.216 - Thread: 1 -> TORCH MOD: Registering mod communication.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:59.216 - Thread: 1 -> TORCH MOD: Mod communication registered successfully.
- 2025-03-16 15:15:59.223 - Thread: 1 -> GC Memory: 1837.433 / 1837.433 MB
- 2025-03-16 15:15:59.926 - Thread: 1 -> STATISTICS LEGEND,time,ReceivedPerSecond,SentPerSecond,PeakReceivedPerSecond,PeakSentPerSecond,OverallReceived,OverallSent,CPULoadSmooth,ThreadLoadSmooth,GetOnlinePlayerCount,Ping,GCMemoryUsed,ProcessMemory,PCUBuilt,PCU,GridsCount,RenderCPULoadSmooth,RenderGPULoadSmooth,HardwareCPULoad,HardwareAvailableMemory,FrameTime,LowSimQuality,FrameTimeLimit,FrameTimeCPU,FrameTimeGPU,CPULoadLimit,TrackedMemory,GCMemoryAllocated,PersistedEncounters,EncounterEntities, DRS
- 2025-03-16 15:15:59.947 - Thread: 1 -> STATISTICS,0,0.0156002,0.0003595352,0.06889439,0.0003595352,0.1071281,0.0007476807,28069.42,9904.257,5,0,1855.855,5728.137,45,0,2,7.398111,8.65171,0,5783,8.332891,0,16.66667,0.6164766,0.7209376,100,3859363644,1855.855,1,0,-1
- 2025-03-16 15:15:59.947 - Thread: 1 -> MEMORY LEGEND,Srv,Uav,Read,Debug,Index,Audio,SrvUav,Vertex,Buffers,Physics,Planets,Systems,Textures,Indirect,Constant,RwTextures,Dx11Render,MeshBuffers,FileTextures,DepthStencil,TileTextures,Voxels-Native,CustomTextures,HeightmapFaces,Mesh GPU Buffers,BitStreamBuffers,GeneratedTextures,FileArrayTextures,NativeDictionaries,CubemapDataBuffers,HeightDetailTexture,MyDeviceWriteBuffers,ShadowCascadesStatsBuffers,AI_PathFinding,EpicOnlineServices,EpicOnlineServicesWrapper
- 2025-03-16 15:15:59.947 - Thread: 1 -> MEMORY VALUES,2,1,0,1,10,933,91,6,123,56,633,3680,1173,0,0,66,1296,0,832,15,0,0,0,302,0,0,0,61,758,324,7,10,0,0,0,0
- 2025-03-16 15:16:00.056 - Thread: 1 -> RequestRespawn
- 2025-03-16 15:16:00.497 - Thread: 1 -> Warning: Server failed to update game inventory items.
- 2025-03-16 15:16:00.500 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMyGuiScreenMedicals MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent
- 2025-03-16 15:16:00.742 - Thread: 1 -> Build Info mod: Starting to generate tooltips...
- 2025-03-16 15:16:00.870 - Thread: 1 -> Build Info mod: Finished generating 1520 tooltips in 128.42 ms
- 2025-03-16 15:16:01.480 - Thread: 1 -> Loading duration: 95.3236871
- 2025-03-16 15:16:01.500 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenLoading MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START
- 2025-03-16 15:16:01.501 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenLoading MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END
- 2025-03-16 15:16:01.502 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenHudSpace MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.263 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {139CC05780CE2B4}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.476 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {172D138B5D277F3}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.524 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1A951139B0CFED7}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.534 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1913CBFD6F654A4}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.558 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {155905DD11FE58E}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.563 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {169840E359F1980}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.563 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1E0120263D5BEE1}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.606 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {15BEFE2336817AE}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.606 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {12E52DDBC78B615}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.607 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {15B0DE01FC1AB29}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.607 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1AFB917C6DE7F83}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.608 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1B6E60595137464}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.615 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {13E885A7A25287E}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.616 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1DD79AF663C14C9}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.659 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {10E2080531B9372}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.660 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {11DA12B5F949C1B}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.660 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1FC8CDFD883AA4A}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.671 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1FA8A5D1CF43AA3}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.690 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {14A20F6CB65ADAF}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.690 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1D5C73B9E8A37EC}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.690 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1B7389F2A860E17}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.691 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {11BDF58961D492D}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.691 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1207C7A9FDAAF32}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.708 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {148CE6308410F1E}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.708 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1AD7C05A8632538}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.709 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {196A9126ECCC89A}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.710 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {106F5B573B448B4}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.728 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1B323F5CAB92EC0}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.738 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1F0847457D6F548}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.739 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {10A519B8504C796}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.748 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {15E3E81639C3EA9}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.749 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {108320A64286A07}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.775 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1728708B38F06D8}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.779 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1E87BAF60EEF58E}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.787 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {13D48FD7D74401E}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.788 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {115129812259650}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.790 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {12E44B9B2D5B484}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.791 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1F3F6B51AF9936C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.825 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {130A2334D1AEBE2}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.826 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {187ADA443F763BE}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.826 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1309505D8A59468}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.826 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {15A5935C8BCE40C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.827 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1A2057886905C8D}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.827 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {139163A795C11AC}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.827 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {19F26444594AA54}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.828 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {141001C47B62709}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.829 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {11753C42CCB43BD}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.830 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1C9F1601370F896}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.852 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {19E1534D98A4F9B}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.855 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1330CCED304E8B4}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.856 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1C35BE40C00CE01}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.856 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1B0B246EF2DCC48}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.857 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {131F1EA977981C6}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.866 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1104750F73BA605}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.867 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1D7F66E4CB85EFA}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.873 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1716DF4C86047DE}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.926 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1A206C8EEA1CEF5}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:03.926 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {124B53D976D5E9F}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.308 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {11F52B8E04819A3}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.325 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1155051F2D03CAE}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.343 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {179D9E03B56C293}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.345 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1AB4D4123E83066}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.360 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {116064D4E0851CD}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.361 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {12391F3F2163086}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.361 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1089A0393210B39}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.362 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1F878E85B6F9949}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.365 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1D4A115AF5D58F2}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.365 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {164DBA24A7C3AC3}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.366 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1D8B33756FD80EE}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.366 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1A607F92EDAD0DE}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.377 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1EF1036032FF833}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.377 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1641BCA0DEC20C1}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.381 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {114D4833F235B08}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.382 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1DB32BA4CBD8104}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.383 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {185B58B3B6E7375}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.392 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {143D86610C99680}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.392 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1B147949236D1B4}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.393 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1544FCFB84F11C4}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.393 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {131EC80B0F773D1}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.393 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {145AB5A62EE2EDD}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.414 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1AB92E0F23FFE41}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.415 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1844F5966B4C69F}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.417 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {143536C5C20BC27}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.443 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1B07F0AE5E57DA6}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.444 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {166AB25690DCEE7}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.444 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1AA06C19172025D}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.445 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {17554225C8ED817}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.445 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {10BBE72639883D4}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.445 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {14BD539230C01AC}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.446 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {15BCB033D4DB403}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.446 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1E9C5CF94D7BB9C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.446 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {134476D3DBD0C8C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.446 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {16238076E593C8D}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.447 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1E30D172D970318}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.467 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1117C75962FB431}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.490 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {163C3AA202A1903}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.504 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {137938FFFA9196A}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.504 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {148914E43DDBC69}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.505 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {12BD0D1D039BED3}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.505 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {17AE235B1006734}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.507 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1C2B1606201A2EC}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.507 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {17BEABE08E677A1}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.514 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1BFCA596041013C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.514 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {16DEA30745707A3}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.533 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1F364003ADCBEDB}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.533 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1FEA232761F2097}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.552 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {145437619AD4C8C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.553 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1166A4CC93F96FE}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.553 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1F9B9B8DB7E74EF}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.558 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1948CBE77EFD0E4}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.559 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {163EE349E7F07D9}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.559 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {10648982B056EA1}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.561 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {18536B7E23A2B57}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.576 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1888BE3F94EC009}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.576 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {139B4DAF8180BB1}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.616 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1CBEDBC89BB5768}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.619 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {138D77128942B92}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.712 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1C1DAAB4BB476DA}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.713 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {16ECA1E3BD81D08}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.713 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {14E7287E86F6F86}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.713 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1B2F01440CC60BF}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.736 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1E09E55D86F09C8}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.741 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {11147E012E90650}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.742 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {18E3E4FF5FB0BB2}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.742 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {17627ECCA28236C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.744 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {191C1A72A559C2B}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.749 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1B443459868A52C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.749 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1F4E3564A2D9D67}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.750 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1A1F0E550DB4F13}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.750 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {196E712D0D4912B}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.750 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1A7A9AB880578DC}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.750 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1C804C335484486}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.752 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {166D5698EB6E7B0}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.752 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {15EC22404C0C0BB}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:04.773 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {15580C607D5115B} Gatling turret TBG101 "Hatal"
- 2025-03-16 15:16:05.922 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Primary AutoPilot Data Could Not Be Loaded: [Parallax-AutoPilot-Drone-A]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:05.923 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Secondary AutoPilot Data Could Not Be Loaded From Grid: : [Parallax-AutoPilot-Drone-B]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:05.924 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Target Profile Not Found in Profile Manager: [Parallax-Targeting-Drone]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:05.968 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Could Not Add Trigger Profile To Behavior: [Parallax-Trigger-UnStatic]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:05.968 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Could Not Add Trigger Profile To Behavior: [Parallax-Trigger-AggressionSwitchPatrol]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:05.968 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Could Not Add Trigger Profile To Behavior: [Parallax-Trigger-PassiveSwitchPatrol]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:06.098 - Thread: 1 -> ### Build Info :: CheckVSLP: CheckVSLP: Done checking VSLP events, all ok! (preAssigned=0; erased=0; total events=56)
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.786 - Thread: 65 -> Initialized large grid OSS Cheesy Puff Outpost 25233 PCU
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.799 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {12FC10875F2B6A7}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.800 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1A58FFE8B5208BB}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.837 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {182CA0B0DECD677}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.842 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {18F092A8C7E018C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.843 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {163276614BF8344}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.844 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1242DC6C2968316}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.861 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {11CA926E991B858}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.862 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {13E9FA2DC672FDD}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.862 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1B7E6256CB0A2C3}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.864 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {15ACBF41706C811}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.865 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {18EC3AD077B4F54}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.866 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1642873AF8F23C6}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.867 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {16A1C33D8802E3F}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.868 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1FC288E84453CBC}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.868 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {161726DAD43BC19}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.869 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {168F97D4B42039B}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.869 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {189ADD8A089DCE6}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.870 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1B3152F6A111979}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.871 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {164B03F7492CCE8}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.872 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {17E1F9BBF265FA2}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.881 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {16A806A1BB40DBA}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.906 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {17C682E5287BB67}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:07.907 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {197187B626073B3}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.056 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {16454601E9CD28C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.057 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1119361529E2C71}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.057 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {151FB77C13C5180}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.058 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {19243171061B7C4}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.058 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {15445FCBACB1DCE}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.058 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {143104688C3F38A}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.059 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1E30EE6DF7420C1}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.059 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1F1963EB9F3CD05}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.059 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1E7FFE58DF14C25}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.496 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeGatlingTurret {1E00EF724069A27} Gatling Turret camra
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.498 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {1C7F7980FA494C5} [SHELL.1]Railgun turret TBC101 "Thunderbolt"
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.498 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {13AD42D5BC1C7EA} [SHELL.1]Kinetic turret TBC102 "Samosek"
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.709 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {120E88BC851DADD}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.985 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Primary AutoPilot Data Could Not Be Loaded: [Imber-AutoPilot-Drone-A]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.985 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Secondary AutoPilot Data Could Not Be Loaded From Grid: : [Imber-AutoPilot-Drone-B]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.985 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Target Profile Not Found in Profile Manager: [Imber-Targeting-Drone]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.987 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Could Not Add Trigger Profile To Behavior: [Imber-Trigger-UnStatic]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.987 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Could Not Add Trigger Profile To Behavior: [Imber-Trigger-AggressionSwitchPatrol]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:08.987 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Could Not Add Trigger Profile To Behavior: [Imber-Trigger-PassiveSwitchPatrol]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:09.206 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1189780EA4AD5B2}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:09.617 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {12C2BA8B919CD84}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:09.684 - Thread: 65 -> Model Models\Cubes\Large\GratedCatwalkRailingHalfLeft.mwm - Found too many collision shapes, only the first 10 will be used
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.088 - Thread: 65 -> Initialized large grid dicey 21574 PCU
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.167 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {126BFDEF0E39035}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.167 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {126E825F59487B3}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.168 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1E55673A82FA4C7}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.168 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {104EA1CCBC1B206}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.283 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {105D949F82395B9}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.283 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {193EADF7AF8D79B}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.284 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1B1EAF0AFD87F39}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.284 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {16DD6E5116ED0C7}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.466 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {1DDB084930395C0} Discoball Laser AMS
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.467 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {17F5EF76E38D293} Telion Anti-Fighter Turret 3
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.467 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {1F84ED304611DB6} Telion Anti-Fighter Turret 2
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.479 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {15A854B17BA5BC1} Discoball Laser AMS 2
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.479 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {1707E6C9ADCF4D7} Discoball Laser AMS 3
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.479 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {17C63E966EC9BA9} Discoball Laser AMS 4
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.480 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {165E663B3AAB1F0} Discoball Laser AMS 5
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.480 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {16A251E5B9F5551} Discoball Laser AMS 6
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.480 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {14860626AA3441F} Discoball Laser AMS 7
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.480 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeGatlingTurret {1F0AB34661AE861} Gatling Turret 2
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.481 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeGatlingTurret {12A34D7F953F37F} Gatling Turret 3
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.481 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeGatlingTurret {14B638952105053} Gatling Turret
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.481 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeGatlingTurret {10C815A42842018} Gatling Turret 4
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.481 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {143C74891B26C01} Rocket Turret
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.481 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {17DCA55895D67EF} Rocket Turret 2
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.482 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeInteriorTurret {18E3C5A17E5CDDA} Interior Turret
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.482 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeInteriorTurret {182D10566522654} Interior Turret 2
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.482 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeInteriorTurret {197BA68FA1407A2} Interior Turret 3
- 2025-03-16 15:16:10.482 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeInteriorTurret {1B8EA7C176135DB} Interior Turret 4
- 2025-03-16 15:16:11.031 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Could Not Add Trigger Profile To Behavior: [Wrecks-Difficulty-1-Broadcast-TriggerA]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:11.031 - Thread: 8 -> MES Spawner / Error: Could Not Add Trigger Profile To Behavior: [Wrecks-Difficulty-1-Broadcast-TriggerB]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:11.689 - Thread: 1 -> Sending event to ElasticSearch: Heartbeat
- 2025-03-16 15:16:12.854 - Thread: 65 -> Initialized large grid Snels - OSS 'Naticidus' 13960 PCU
- 2025-03-16 15:16:13.339 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {10DFC097D0BF762} [OSS Naticidus] Kinetic turret TBR102L "Gungnir" 4
- 2025-03-16 15:16:13.339 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {130B1BA1967028E} [OSS Naticidus] Kinetic turret TBR102L "Gungnir" 3
- 2025-03-16 15:16:13.340 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeGatlingTurret {1528E6C2841A92A} [OSS Naticidus] Gatling Turret 4
- 2025-03-16 15:16:13.342 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {19BBF362180366D} [OSS Naticidus] Kinetic turret TBC404C "Hofund" colorable 2
- 2025-03-16 15:16:13.342 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {1D4C82FC1ACE6A5} [OSS Naticidus] Kinetic turret TBR202C "Skofnung" colorable
- 2025-03-16 15:16:13.342 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeGatlingTurret {1AEB6EB3C218DE5} [OSS Naticidus] Gatling Turret 3
- 2025-03-16 15:16:13.346 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {15EFB0CE0356B07} [OSS Naticidus] Plasma turret TER302 "Moralltach" colorable
- 2025-03-16 15:16:13.346 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {186488BCFDB0748} [OSS Naticidus] Kinetic turret TBR102CL "Gungnir" colorable
- 2025-03-16 15:16:13.346 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {15D02DDDD51F190} [OSS Naticidus] Kinetic turret TBR102CL "Gungnir" colorable 2
- 2025-03-16 15:16:13.346 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {12522BDBC1797CD} [OSS Naticidus] Kinetic turret TBR102L "Gungnir" 2
- 2025-03-16 15:16:14.338 - Thread: 1 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'F:\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\MediumStoneIronCoreStoneCoverage.vx2'
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.238 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1EA9F9AA759A3B8}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.256 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {120BB24AE1458E7}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.298 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {16869374935FBB2}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.299 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1F2EE81F74E7941}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.299 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {14A3150CFC72C8D}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.303 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {128296CAA6C5FF0}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.303 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {133C286B48215B1}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.334 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {1553D17BECEDFCC} OSS-SL ?Assault Cannon Turret [Locked]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.334 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {130E6BF0805820D} OSS-SL ?30mm AutoCannon Turret [Locked]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.335 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {17BE6490C9CA1C2} OSS-SL ?30mm AutoCannon Turret [Locked]
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.336 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {145EDC4DD3C051E} OSS-SL ?Railgun turret TBC101 "Thunderbolt" 5
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.347 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {1F636BF12900A6D} OSS-SL Plasma turret TER302 "Moralltach"
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.347 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {17B0FD972A69A88} OSS-SL ?Railgun turret TBC101 "Thunderbolt" 4
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.348 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {187B5CB6EDB792B} OSS-SL Plasma turret TER102 "Beagalltach" 4
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.348 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyLargeMissileTurret {180B239CFCF696B} OSS-SL Plasma turret TER102 "Beagalltach" 3
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.489 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {15B08438C46B6CD}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.489 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {11956522A652C66}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.586 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1788F2BD1BB68B0}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.586 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {111AD2B905E7E8D}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.698 - Thread: 65 -> Model Models\Characters\Astronaut\Female\SE_astronaut.mwm - Found too many collision shapes, only the first 10 will be used
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.915 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {14C66F130FA3394}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.924 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {151D1EF40B117D2}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.925 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1463F14F7AB083D}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.925 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {11200C33A3710A7}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.926 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1EEE27638DC7F99}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.926 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1E0B5A521DE105C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.926 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1AB112EE089B4ED}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.929 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {18E6534A98C2BF5}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.930 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {17788053FF21A47}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.933 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {154C62E9ADBD097}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.951 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {14559A5FE7462E9}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.968 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {110572153ACF7F1}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.968 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {174EF0D6C6698A0}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.968 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {106A745BCCF5DCA}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.969 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {10B712D885D581B}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.970 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1920A71B76F2D7F}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:15.970 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {18E83F5C557BEF0}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.006 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {100A568BAC5ABA1}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.007 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1CC0676CA73CDFC}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.007 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {115EEE617D4A4CE}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.007 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {19DF6C0EA220A93}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.007 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {176D85087E7C353}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.007 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1205732E1A1DB47}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.008 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {163BF8E49FC0793}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.008 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1B215825E267895}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.008 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {165441FB3778530}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.008 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {11A344D0BD0A52E}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.009 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {15B6D83B2E29EF9}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.009 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1A47639F31808B9}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.010 - Thread: 1 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: Default_Astronaut_Female
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.010 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {17388A4C77992CF}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.010 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1FCBA18FD87D48D}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.010 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1DCB27550EF04C2}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.010 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1A219E0B569F58F}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.011 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1727B14C01B4B3E}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.011 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1655DE6AF25B12B}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.011 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {19353873430040C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.011 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {14FBD1FAE3889B5}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.011 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1FF3B9ECCBED731}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.012 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {18FCF2F09A2EA05}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.012 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {18A7315B41E0680}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.012 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {10275309F14D3B0}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.013 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {192FBB0DA61B72C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.013 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1BB1ECBFED6D709}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.013 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1589CA43D0A8270}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.015 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {14F0173560662B4}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.015 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {19DADFBE50473B2}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.016 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1B71B13CF361622}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.016 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {128FA138FC81D9C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.016 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1253FED1DA4E07D}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.017 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {19818ABEAD8D5AE}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.017 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {10AAAC652E53084}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.018 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {11847F5B1637137}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.018 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {18C531363AD5269}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.025 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1ECA63605FB2E6C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.026 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1BDE9D3F6AFA637}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.026 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {110A6FC73E8D40F}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.030 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1E3C49ECEB924E7}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.031 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {168F4AAB24004E0}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.031 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1D54C13C4C6DDC5}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.032 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1D667DD47418ECB}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.032 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {13771D9C2EC69CF}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.032 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {19D31839AED05AB}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.033 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1D874C1A9E61A2C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.033 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1D631A3C5A59F11}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.033 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1EAA60740E2B92D}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.034 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1083B5E0E19C3A6}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.034 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1C62C80C31A44F1}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.035 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1FFC829EE929350}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.035 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {163019EBFA2DB21}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.035 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {191C4ACC5D56B7B}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.036 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {107CCEABC99CE09}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.036 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1D70A81830D3EBF}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.036 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {196C90D190EE989}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.036 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1E88568626EC43C}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.037 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {1DB432E5AE41202}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.037 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object which is not recognized by replication: MyThrust {199E0F35FFF4AD3}
- 2025-03-16 15:16:16.037 - Thread: 65 -> Raising event on object w
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