
fact recursive

Oct 17th, 2024
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  1. .text
  2. li s0, 6 # Load 6 (input)
  3. mv a0, s0 # Move input to a0
  4. jal x1, fact # Call factorial function
  5. beq x0, x0, exit # End program
  6. fact:
  7. addi sp, sp, -8 # Stack space for s0, x1
  8. sw, s0, 0(sp) # Save s0
  9. sw, x1, 4(sp) # Save return address
  10. li t0, 3 # Load base case value
  11. blt a0, t0, skip_call # If a0 < 3, skip recursion
  12. mv s0, a0 # Store current a0
  13. addi a0, a0, -1 # a0 = a0 - 1
  14. jal x1, fact # Recursively call fact
  15. mul a0, a0, s0 # Multiply result with s0
  16. skip_call:
  17. lw s0, 0(sp) # Restore s0
  18. lw, x1, 4(sp) # Restore return address
  19. addi sp, sp, 8 # Clean up stack
  20. jalr x0, x1, 0 # Return
  21. exit:
  22. nop # Program end
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