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- create table "Usrs"
- ( "usr_id" int primary key , "nume" varchar2(32) not null , "type" int not null);
- -- 0 for "normal user" 1 for "superuser"
- create table "BugState"
- ( "state_id" int primary key , "state_name" varchar2(32));
- create table "Bugs"
- ( "bug_id" int primary key , "title" varchar2(32) not null , "description" varchar2(32) not null , "state_id" int , "usr_id" int,
- constraint fk_state_id foreign key ( "state_id" )
- references "BugState" ("state_id"),
- CONSTRAINT fk_usr_bug_id FOREIGN KEY ("usr_id")
- REFERENCES "Usrs" ("usr_id"));
- create table "Annotations"
- ("annotation_id" int primary key , "bug_id" int , "content" varchar2(32) , "usr_id" int,
- constraint fk_bugs_id foreign key ( "bug_id" )
- references "Bugs" ("bug_id"),
- CONSTRAINT fk_usr_anno_id FOREIGN KEY ("usr_id")
- REFERENCES "Usrs" ("usr_id"));
- INSERT INTO "Usrs" VALUES (1,'Ionut' ,0);
- insert into "Usrs" values (2,'Dorel' ,1);
- insert into "BugState" values (1,'Open');
- insert into "BugState" values (2,'Closed');
- insert into "Bugs" values (1,'Bug1','TestBug' , 1,1);
- insert into "Bugs" values (2,'Bug2','TestBug' , 2,1);
- INSERT INTO "Bugs" VALUES (3,'Bug3','TestBug' , 1,2);
- insert into "Annotations" values (1,1,'Anno1',1);
- INSERT INTO "Annotations" VALUES (2,1,'Anno2',2);
- insert into "Annotations" values (3,2,'Anno3',2);
- insert into "Annotations" values (4,1,'Anno4',1);
- (
- annoID OUT int
- ) AS
- SELECT COUNT(*) INTO annoID FROM "Annotations";
- end "NextAnnoId";
- /
- CREATE or replace PROCEDURE "Annotate"
- (
- description in varchar2,
- local_bug_id in varchar2,
- local_usr_id in int,
- annoid in out int,
- bug_title in out varchar2
- ) AS
- begin
- "NextAnnoId"(annoID);
- annoid := annoid+1;
- select "title" into bug_title from "Bugs" where "state_id"=1 and "usr_id" = local_usr_id and "bug_id" = local_bug_id;
- INSERT INTO "Annotations" VALUES ( annoID , local_bug_id , description , local_usr_id);
- exception when no_data_found then
- dbms_output.put_line('Can not insert annotation');
- end "Annotate";
- /
- create or replace procedure "ListBugs" (
- "nousrs" in out int,
- "local_usr_id" in out int
- )AS
- begin
- for arow in (select "bug_id","title" from "Bugs"
- WHERE "state_id" = 2 AND "usr_id" = "local_usr_id" )
- dbms_output.put_line(arow."title");
- for brow in (select "content" from "Annotations"
- WHERE "bug_id" = aRow."bug_id")
- dbms_output.put_line(brow."content");
- end loop;
- select count(distinct "usr_id") into "nousrs" from "Annotations"
- where "bug_id"= aRow."bug_id";
- dbms_output.put_line("nousrs");
- dbms_output.put_line('');
- end "ListBugs";
- /
- SET serveroutput ON size 20000
- declare
- description varchar2(32) :='TestAnnoAnBlock';
- local_bug_id int :=1;
- local_usr_id int :=1;
- annoid int :=0;
- bug_title varchar2(32) :=null;
- nousrs int :=0;
- begin
- "Annotate"(description,local_bug_id,local_usr_id,annoid,bug_title);
- "ListBugs"(nousrs,local_usr_id);
- end;
- /
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