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- # kk23_AspectAegis ============================================================
- Begin kk23_AspectAegis
- if ( GetDisabled )
- return
- endif
- if ( GetChameleon < 50 )
- ModChameleon 50
- endif
- if ( OnDeath )
- Player->AddItem "kk23_Soul_Husk" 1
- Player->AddSpell "kk23 AegisSpell"
- PlaceAtMe sprigganup 1 1 1 ; Visual effect
- Disable
- endif
- if ( GetJournalIndex "kk23_Zete" > 10 )
- disable
- endif
- end
- # kk23_AspectAtrophy ==========================================================
- Begin kk23_AspectAtrophy
- if ( GetDisabled )
- return
- endif
- if ( GetChameleon < 50 )
- ModChameleon 50
- endif
- if ( OnDeath )
- Player->AddItem "kk23_Soul_Husk" 1
- Player->AddSpell "kk23 AtrophySpell"
- PlaceAtMe sprigganup 1 1 1 ; Visual effect
- Disable
- endif
- if ( GetJournalIndex "kk23_Zete" > 10 )
- disable
- endif
- end
- # kk23_AspectDecay ============================================================
- Begin kk23_AspectDecay
- if ( GetDisabled )
- return
- endif
- if ( GetChameleon < 50 )
- ModChameleon 50
- endif
- if ( OnDeath )
- Player->AddItem "kk23_Soul_Husk" 1
- Player->AddSpell "kk23 DecaySpell"
- PlaceAtMe sprigganup 1 1 1 ; Visual effect
- Disable
- endif
- if ( GetJournalIndex "kk23_Zete" > 10 )
- disable
- endif
- end
- # kk23_AspectEvanesce =========================================================
- Begin kk23_AspectEvanesce
- if ( GetDisabled )
- return
- endif
- if ( GetChameleon < 50 )
- ModChameleon 50
- endif
- if ( OnDeath )
- Player->AddItem "kk23_Soul_Husk" 1
- Player->AddSpell "kk23 EvanesceSpell"
- PlaceAtMe sprigganup 1 1 1 ; Visual effect
- Disable
- endif
- if ( GetJournalIndex "kk23_Zete" > 10 )
- disable
- endif
- end
- # kk23_AspectWilt =============================================================
- Begin kk23_AspectWilt
- if ( GetDisabled )
- return
- endif
- if ( GetChameleon < 50 )
- ModChameleon 50
- endif
- if ( OnDeath )
- Player->AddItem "kk23_Soul_Husk" 1
- Player->AddSpell "kk23 WiltSpell"
- PlaceAtMe sprigganup 1 1 1 ; Visual effect
- Disable
- endif
- if ( GetJournalIndex "kk23_Zete" > 10 )
- disable
- endif
- end
- # kk23_CurseDoorScr ===========================================================
- Begin kk23_CurseDoorScr
- if ( GetDisabled )
- return
- endif
- if ( GetJournalIndex "kk23_Zete" >= 50 )
- Disable
- endif
- end
- # kk23_DoorScr ================================================================
- Begin kk23_DoorScr
- if ( MenuMode )
- return
- endif
- if ( GetDisabled )
- if ( GetJournalIndex "kk23_Zete" >= 50 )
- enable
- endif
- return
- endif
- if ( GetJournalIndex "kk23_Zete" < 50 )
- Disable
- endif
- end
- # kk23_SGS_Scr ================================================================
- begin kk23_SGS_Scr
- short charged
- if ( OnActivate )
- else
- return
- endif
- if ( Charged )
- if ( player->getItemCount "Misc_SoulGem_Grand" )
- MessageBox "Day gives way to night, death becomes new life."
- PlaySound "Conjuration Cast"
- player->additem "AB_Misc_SoulGemBlack" 1
- player->removeitem "Misc_SoulGem_Grand" 1
- return
- endif
- Messagebox "You need a grand soul gem to create a black soul gem."
- return
- endif
- if ( player->getItemCount "kk23_Soul_Husk" >= 3 )
- player->removeitem "kk23_Soul_Husk" 3
- PlaySound "Conjuration Cast"
- set charged to 1
- return
- endif
- MessageBox "Gather three fragments of the asunder spirit and cast its husk into the fire."
- end
- # kk23_SGSDummyScr ============================================================
- Begin kk23_SGSDummyScr
- If ( OnActivate )
- messagebox "Purge the asunder spirit and lift the shroud of darkness that suffocates my flame."
- endif
- end
- # kk23_SpiderTrap =============================================================
- begin kk23_SpiderTrap
- short done
- if ( OnActivate )
- if ( done )
- else
- Set done to 1
- PlaceAtPC "AB_Fau_SpiderBlack" 1 200 1
- endif
- Activate
- endif
- end
- # kk23_TeleportRing_Script ====================================================
- Begin kk23_TeleportRing_Script
- short button
- short messageOn
- short OnPcEquip
- if ( OnPCEquip )
- set OnPCEquip to 0
- set messageOn to 1
- MessageBox "Would you like to return to Tel Amur?" "Yes" "No"
- return
- endif
- if ( messageOn )
- set button to GetButtonPressed
- if ( button < 0 )
- return
- endif
- set messageOn to 0
- if ( button )
- return
- endif
- Player->PositionCell 3941 6160 13420 180 "Tel Amur, Grand Hall"
- endif
- End
- # Kk23_TelRootRetracting_s ====================================================
- Begin Kk23_TelRootRetracting_s
- short state
- Short animStart
- Short stayOpen
- Float timer
- ; Root retracts when the player approaches and opens back up when the player is further away.
- ; Idle Closed
- ; Idle2 Opening
- ; Idle3 Open
- ; Idle4 Closing
- if ( state == 0 )
- if ( player->HasItemEquipped kk23_glaive_of_guises )
- set state to 1
- endif
- endif
- if ( state != 1 )
- Return
- endif
- if ( CellChanged )
- ; Close the roots
- set stayOpen to 0
- PlayGroup Idle
- endif
- if ( stayOpen == 1 )
- PlayGroup Idle3
- elseif ( stayOpen == -1 )
- set stayOpen to 0
- LoopGroup Idle4 0 1
- endif
- if ( GetDistance "player" <= 900 )
- if ( stayOpen == 0 )
- ; slightly randomize the start time if multiple roots are used
- set animStart to Random 20
- set timer to ( animStart / 10 )
- set timer to ( timer - GetSecondsPassed )
- if ( timer < 0 )
- LoopGroup Idle2 0 1
- set stayOpen to 1
- Return
- endif
- endif
- return
- endif
- if ( stayOpen == 1 )
- set stayOpen to -1
- endif
- End
- # kk23_ZeteCurseRingScr =======================================================
- Begin kk23_ZeteCurseRingScr
- short OnPCEquip
- if ( MenuMode )
- return
- endif
- if ( OnPCEquip )
- if ( GetJournalIndex kk23_Zete == 10 )
- EnableTeleporting
- EnableLevitation
- Player->PositionCell 6592 1472 13421 180 "Tel Amur"
- journal kk23_Zete 20
- endif
- return
- endif
- if ( GetJournalIndex kk23_Zete >= 20 )
- if ( GetJournalIndex kk23_Zete < 50 )
- Player->Equip "kk23_Zete_Ring_Curse"
- messagebox "The ring tightens its grip."
- player->ModCurrentHealth -5
- endif
- endif
- End
- # kk23_ZeteFyrScr =============================================================
- Begin kk23_ZeteFyrScr
- Short DoOnce
- short Aegis
- short Atro
- short Decay
- short Evan
- short Wilt
- short FullPower
- if ( GetPCCell "Maw of Tel Amur" )
- if ( GetHealth < 100 )
- ModCurrentHealth 100
- endif
- endif
- if ( Aegis == 0 )
- if ( player->GetSpell "kk23 AegisSpell" )
- AddSpell "kk23 AegisSpell"
- AddSpell "kk23 Aegis2"
- Player->RemoveSpell "kk23 AegisSpell"
- ModCurrentMagicka 300
- set Aegis to 1
- endif
- endif
- if ( Atro == 0 )
- if ( player->GetSpell "kk23 AtrophySpell" )
- AddSpell "kk23 AtrophySpell"
- AddSpell "kk23 Atrophy2"
- Player->RemoveSpell "kk23 AtrophySpell"
- ModCurrentMagicka 300
- set Atro to 1
- endif
- endif
- if ( Decay == 0 )
- if ( player->GetSpell, "kk23 DecaySpell" )
- AddSpell "kk23 DecaySpell"
- AddSpell "kk23 Decay2"
- Player->RemoveSpell "kk23 DecaySpell"
- ModCurrentMagicka 300
- set Decay to 1
- endif
- endif
- if ( Evan == 0 )
- if ( player->GetSpell, "kk23 EvanesceSpell" )
- AddSpell "kk23 EvanesceSpell"
- AddSpell "kk23 Evanesce2"
- Player->RemoveSpell "kk23 EvanesceSpell"
- ModCurrentMagicka 300
- set Evan to 1
- endif
- endif
- if ( Wilt == 0 )
- if ( player->GetSpell, "kk23 WiltSpell" )
- AddSpell "kk23 WiltSpell"
- AddSpell "kk23 Wilt2"
- Player->RemoveSpell "kk23 WiltSpell"
- ModCurrentMagicka 300
- set Wilt to 1
- endif
- endif
- if ( Aegis == 1 )
- if ( Atro == 1 )
- if ( Decay == 1 )
- if ( Evan == 1 )
- if ( Wilt == 1 )
- if ( FullPower == 0 )
- set FullPower to 1
- endif
- endif
- endif
- endif
- endif
- endif
- if ( FullPower == 1 )
- if ( GetMagicka < 100 )
- ModCurrentMagicka 100
- endif
- endif
- if ( DoOnce == 0 )
- if ( GetDistance Player <= 500 )
- set DoOnce to 1
- FadeOut 1
- StartScript kk23_ZeteTeleportScr ; global script is automatically targeted on local script reference /abot
- PlaySound blackoutin
- endif
- endif
- if ( GetPCCell "Zete Fyr's Pocket Realm" )
- if ( DoOnce == 1 )
- FadeIn 1
- set DoOnce to 2
- endif
- DisableTeleporting
- DisableLevitation
- endif
- if ( OnDeath )
- if ( DoOnce == 2 )
- Journal "kk23_Zete", 10
- AddItem "kk23_Zete_Ring_Curse" 1
- set DoOnce to 3
- endif
- endif
- end
- # kk23_ZeteTeleportScr ========================================================
- Begin kk23_ZeteTeleportScr
- Player->PositionCell 0 700 -3 180 "Zete Fyr's Pocket Realm"
- PositionCell 0 0 -3 180 "Zete Fyr's Pocket Realm"
- StopScript kk23_ZeteTeleportScr ; remember to stop global scripts when done! /abot
- ForceGreeting
- end
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