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- #
- from Tkinter import *
- from urllib2 import urlopen
- import re
- import webbrowser
- import tempfile
- import subprocess # to execute the js file as only in the background
- tf = tempfile.mktemp(".js", "youtube_")
- yt = ''
- ya = ''
- ''''''
- root = Tk()
- label = LabelFrame(root, text=' youtube urls to playlist ', height=200, width=800, bg="aqua")
- label.pack(fill=X)
- label.pack_propagate(False)
- def inEntry(z):
- try:
- z = str(z.get())
- except: pass
- try:
- z = z[z.index('=')+1:]
- try: z = z[:z.index('&')]
- except: pass
- except: pass
- return z.strip()
- WL = 'Watch Later Playlist'
- def getA(z):
- if not z.strip() or z == WL:
- z = 'WL'
- stA.set(WL)
- return z
- def getB(z): # ZZZ
- if not z.strip():
- z = root.clipboard_get()
- stB.set(inEntry(z))
- return z
- def verify():
- oB = inEntry(stB)
- if oB:
- else: print "*** entry is invalid ***"
- #
- def addto():
- oA = getA(inEntry(stA))
- oB = getB(inEntry(stB))
- root.update()
- if oB:
- h = html.replace('***AAA***',oA).replace('***BBB***',oB)
- t = open(tf, 'w')
- t.write(h)
- t.close()
- p = subprocess.Popen(tf, shell=True)
- stdoutdata, stderrdata = p.communicate()
- def ypad(y=0):
- if y == -1:
- pass
- elif y in ['text']:
- root.ypad+=30
- elif y:
- root.ypad=y+2
- else:
- root.ypad+=21
- return root.ypad
- btn = Button(label, text='Add To Playlist', command=addto)
- btn.pack()
- btn = Button(label, text='Check Target Playlist', command=verify)
- btn.pack()
- t = Label(label, text='Copy FROM youtube playlist (note: "Watch Later Playlist" is default if blank) -- ', bg="aqua")
- t.pack()
- stA = StringVar()
- ent = Entry(label,textvariable=stA)
- ent.pack()
- t = Label(label, text='Copy TO youtube playlist -- ', bg="aqua")
- t.pack()
- stB = StringVar()
- ent = Entry(label,textvariable=stB)
- ent.pack()
- oA = oB = ''
- html = '''
- var OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID = '';
- var OAUTH2_SCOPES = [
- ''
- ];
- var init = false;
- googleApiClientReady = function() {
- gapi.auth.init(function() {
- window.setTimeout(checkAuth, 1);
- });
- }
- function checkAuth() {
- gapi.auth.authorize({
- client_id: OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID,
- scope: OAUTH2_SCOPES,
- immediate: true
- }, handleAuthResult);
- }
- // Handle the result of a gapi.auth.authorize() call.
- function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
- if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
- // Authorization was successful. Hide authorization prompts and show
- // content that should be visible after authorization succeeds.
- $('.pre-auth').hide();
- $('.post-auth').show();
- loadAPIClientInterfaces();
- }
- }
- function loadAPIClientInterfaces() {
- gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', function() {
- if (init) {
- init = false;
- addVideoToPlaylist();
- }
- });
- }
- // Add a video ID specified in the form to the playlist.
- function addVideoToPlaylist() {
- addToPlaylist($('#video-id').val());
- }
- // Add a video to a playlist.
- function addToPlaylist(id) {
- var details = {
- videoId: id,
- kind: 'youtube#video'
- }
- var request ={
- part: 'snippet',
- resource: {
- snippet: {
- playlistId: "***AAA***",
- resourceId: details
- }
- }
- });
- request.execute(function(response) {
- console.log(response);
- if (!response.code) {
- $('#status').html('<pre>Succesfully added the video : ' + JSON.stringify(response.result) + '</pre>');
- } else if (response.code == 409) {
- $('#status').html('<p>Conflict : this video is already on your Watch Later playlist</p>');
- } else if (response.code == 404) {
- $('#status').html('<p>Not Found : this video hasnt been found</p>');
- } else {
- $('#status').html('<p>Error : code ' + response.code + '</p>');
- }
- });
- }
- '''[1:-1]
- root.mainloop()
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