DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
GM: - EXCHANGE 4/10 -
GM: As the Promethium Chef spies Cocoa heading out to the center zone, a wicked smirk appears on its face.
GM: "Huh huh... Time for fun... Fun! SMASH TIME, CYBERWURM!"
Reality Glitch: "WHAT!"
Dovelia: sighs. "That damnable carnival attraction."
GM: Suddenly, the ground of the Kitchen Arena rumbles, and out pops the dreaded cyberwurm!
Ratatoskr: RH: "Smashing time? We get to kick its ass!" LH: "Oh Lord."
GM: !roll 4df+4 (Biting + {Ambush Attack})
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+4 for 4 [4df = [-][+][+][-]] (Biting + {Ambush Attack})
Reality Glitch: "And this is legal how?!" Rachelle pipes up.
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Cocoa's Quick)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 2 [4df = [-][+][+][-]] (Cocoa's Quick)
GM: (Ambush Attack: If it did not attack during the previous exchange, Cyberwurm gains +2 to an attack.)
GM: "KYAAAAA!" Cocoa is grabbed in its maw, flung around a bit, and sent flying! She lands in a vertical roll and crashes upside-down behind Station 1's counter. "Ugh... Mothersqueaking... Fuck..." She's a bit BATTERED [!] now, but there doesn't seem to be any serious injuries.
GM: "Oh dear... Ladies, we probably shouldn't go out there alone from now on," says Greto, eyes transfixed as the Cyberwurm proceeds to attack a similarly unlucky Alexx. ("WTFWTFWTF-")
Dovelia: calls out to Rachelle: "Don't pay the wretched thing much mind. I'm reasonably certain it's not allowed to inflict permanent injuries."
Reality Glitch: Rachelle immediately crouches down to help Cocoa up. "Are you O.K.?"
GM: "I got the fruit! I'm fine!" Cocoa is up immediately, but stumbles a bit. "I'll... be fine."
Ratatoskr: RH: "Should we go beat that up, Or maybe give the chef some medicine?" there is a sly wink, he totally wants to kick the ass of either of them. LH: "Don't enable him, please." the other begs.
GM: "I said I'll be fine... Fuckin'... just don't get distracted. We need to just focus on cooking, dammit!"
GM: (It's Rachelle's turn, BTW.)
Reality Glitch: After getting Cocoa to her feet, Rachelle turns to Ratatoskr with a glare. "Kick the snot out of it."
GM: ("What did I JUST SAY.")
GM: ( <@Reality Glitch>? It's your turn. The house chef spent its turn controlling the Cyberwurm.)
Reality Glitch: ((Sorry, I'm trying to look through the doc again to remember where we are.))
Reality Glitch: ((Alright.))
GM: (Don't forget the notes doc. There's sections on completed dish aspects and current prep aspects.)
Reality Glitch: ((That's where I looked.))
GM: (Who doesn't have it open?)
GM: (There's only two anonymous animals detected looking at it right now.)
GM: (There we go.)
Reality Glitch: Rachelle starts carving off a patty of meat from the razorphant, being careful not to cut herself, and slaps it onto the grill. Looking through her phone's camera to to get the translations to work, she notices they're marked by cook time rather than temperature and sets it to the shortest time length to get a Razorphant Burger Savory:6.
GM: (Didn't you already make those?)
Reality Glitch: ((I'm not seeing any dish aspects for our team yet.))
Dovelia: (how can that be? your team is on the first page)
GM: (It's at the top of the doc, right underneath world aspects.)
Dovelia: (i'm looking right at it)
Ratatoskr: ((Refresh your page))
Reality Glitch: ((Oh.))
Reality Glitch: ((Why are the dish and prep aspects at opposite ends of the doc?))
Reality Glitch: ((Anyway, the burger is new, so everything's still fine as is.))
Reality Glitch: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [+][-][-][+]]
GM: (Uh, no it's not.)
Dovelia: (yeah, uh, again, you already made the burgers)
Dovelia: (look at the doc again)
Dovelia: (first page)
Dovelia: (your contribution is literally the second entry under your team)
Reality Glitch: ((Sorry, I thought the separate dish was a separate team's aspects. Don't know why my brain isn't working today.))
Reality Glitch: ((Alright; Retcon!))
Reality Glitch: While the burger is cooking she gets an Great (+4) idea for a side to go with it, before realizing she has now idea how to gather non-secret ingredients. She turns to Ratatoskr, "Before you go ape $#!+ on the huge liability lawsuit waiting to happen, how do I get any of the other ingredients I might need?"
Reality Glitch: ((<@!Ratatoskr>))
GM: "Wh- There's a pantry chute underneath the counter here!" Cocoa glances at you and points at a device built into the base of the counter. "The lardertron's just for the really special stuff, y'know? You act like you never cooked in a real kitchen before..."
Dovelia: calls out: "The kitchen has most of what you need, but if there's anything special you want to use, you'll need to use the Larder-atron in the middle of the arena. Stick and move, that's the way of it!"
GM: "Why are you helping the competition...?" Greto mutters under his breath.
Reality Glitch: "Not one set up like this!" Rachelle replies to Cocoa.
Ratatoskr: LH: "Considering she is....a bald ape, I assume she never heard of this place." RH: "BUUUT ANYWAYS, Thanks for the good luck! I can't wait to mess with the Chef!!"
GM: (Basically, you aren't restricted to using secret ingredients and lardertron sundries, flavor-wise. Those are just where the ingredients you can invoke come from.)
Reality Glitch: With the new information, she ducks under the counter and starts rummaging through for ingredients. "Well! Nice of them to stock the place with local produce." Rachelle pops back up holding a couple potatos that she immediately begins slicing into Salty French Fries (Savory:4).
Reality Glitch: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [ ][+][ ][-]]
GM: (Uh, you can't make a side that's the same Culinary approach as another aspect on the same dish.)
Reality Glitch: ((Brain .... failing me .... again!))
GM: (Like, having a main dish aspect that's Savory and a side that's also Savory is a no-go.)
GM: (Fries is more in the direction of Cool, anyways.)
Reality Glitch: ((I'm looking at the "Creating Dish Aspects" section and it's not giving me that.))
GM: (Time to go screen-cap hunting...)
GM: (Okay! Take 3!)
Reality Glitch: ((Cool of +0, assuming you'll allow me to keep that previous roll, means that I can invoke both the Utensils and the Grill for a tie. I'm not finding anything specifying what happens on a tie, so I'm assuming it's the standard boost; which leads me to need to invoke her high concept for a fate point.))
GM: (That's a lot to spend for just a single side dish aspect.)
Reality Glitch: ((Am I wrong about ties?))
Reality Glitch: ((So sorry for slowing the game down again.))
GM: (No. I'm just saying two free invokes and a FATE point just to complete a side dish aspect might be wasteful. And I was implying that we rewound to before you posted about making the french fries.)
Reality Glitch: ((I'll take the boost, then.))
GM: (I'm asking you to step back, take a deep breath, and try again... again.)
GM: (Boost?)
Reality Glitch: ((On a tie; I just asked if I was wrong about how that worked, and you said "No."))
GM: (You don't get anything for tying on a dish aspect attempt.)
Reality Glitch: ((So I am wrong; got it.))
GM: (Just... forget the fries attempt happened, and try again.)
Reality Glitch: ((Will do.))
GM: (I'm eager to just be able to delete this whole thing from the log...)
Reality Glitch: ((Do the condiments on the burger count as sides or plating; what about the buns?))
GM: (Yes and yes. Doing something special for any "aspect" of the dish can count as a "dish aspect.")
Reality Glitch: ((That doesn't answer my question: I'm asking, are they side or plating?))
Dovelia: (your main aspect is what you're making; side aspects are extras; plating aspect is the finishing touch)
GM: (If it can be construed as the last piece of a dish to be added, it can feasibly be a plating aspect.)
Dovelia: (like it might make sense to finish with 'topped with Mandalorian Mustard and Ketchup,' or 'Served on a Gallifreyan Wheat Bun')
Dovelia: (however you want to spin it)
Reality Glitch: ((Alright.))
Dovelia: (the point is the plating aspect is the LAST thing you do to the dish, the presentational aspect that completes the plate)
GM: (There's often overlap between what counts as a side and what counts as plating.)
Dovelia: (and it can be whatever you want as long as it makes sense)
Dovelia: (if you want to make the ketchup and mustard your finishing touch and leave the bun unstated but assumed, that's fine, and vice versa)
Reality Glitch: With the new information, she ducks under the counter and starts rummaging through for ingredients. "Well! Nice of them to stock the place with local produce." Rachelle pops back up holding a head of lettuce, a tomato and some cheese (which she assumes is bovine, but may or may not be) that she immediately begins slicing into Fresh Burger Toppings (Cool:2).
Reality Glitch: !f 0
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+0 for 0 [4dF = [-][ ][ ][+]]
Reality Glitch: ((Would one free invoke + one fate point be too much here?))
GM: (It's up to you!)
GM: (I was just giving my opinion earlier.)
Reality Glitch: ((Free invoke on Masterwork Utensils and a spending a fate point to invoke her high concept.))
GM: (Noted. Describe it!)
Reality Glitch: With the topping sliced, she pulls the patty off the grill (with insulated tongs, of course) and gently lays down a layer each of the fruit, the vegie, and the dairy.
GM: Greto gives a tsk. "Excuse me for a moment." (After applying [Out of Sight] with a FATE Point...)
GM: Greto ducks into the bushes outside the cooking stations in one fluid motion, and makes his way around to the statue of Wols, behind which sits the shuttle. "I'll have to thank Holly for oh-so helpfully telling us where the judges are waiting. Who are we dealing with...?"
GM: (Telling you guys now; it's Hapax Legomenon, Ziziphus 7, Prince Haccia Demargo, and Senator Gula. Greto is gonna roll Sneaky vs... hm...)
GM: (Let's have him target Hapax.)
GM: !roll 4dF+3 (Greto's Sneaky)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [-][+][-][+]] (Greto's Sneaky)
GM: !roll 4dF+1 (Hapax's Clever)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+1 for 1 [4dF = [-][ ][ ][+]] (Hapax's Clever)
GM: "Now that I'm in range..." Greto taps a button on his wristband, and the bug he left at his seat begins transmitting; "not gonna lie, I'm looking for intensity in those chefs! I'll still eat a pansy dish, but it won't be as good!" ("Hm, that's Hapax Legomenon. I did hear he was going to be a regular.") "You mean you're looking for some spice?" ("And that's Ziziphus 7, another one...") "Nah, that's too easy. Making something nice and bitter, while still being tasty? Now that's a real challenge!" ("Interesting, so the preferred flavor of Hapax is [Bitter][!]. I can use this. I better head back.")
Reality Glitch: ((Does everyone at station 1 hear that as well?))
GM: (Nope.)
Dovelia: (yeah, 'cause Dovelia could use that intel)
Reality Glitch: ((She's on Greto's team; she's going to hear it either way.))
GM: Meanwhile, Cocoa... (rolling Quick to have nabbed a second ingredient before she got nabbed...)
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Quick)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 0 [4df = [-][-][-][+]] (Quick)
GM: (Oof. What happens on a tie for the Lardertron?)
Dovelia: (success at a cost springs to mind?)
Reality Glitch: ((A boost, I'd think, given that it'd be a normal aspect on a success.))
GM: (Alright. Normal boost it is.)
GM: Cocoa grins as she pulls her other hand out from behind her back. "I also got this; a - Boulder Crab - Cool -! I was hoping to use the Crabadger, but the jerkwad team already got the good one, and we already had a Jellyshark." It's a heckin' R O U N D crab. "One has to wonder how they even move," says Holly at the announcer's booth. "Oh, it's really quite fascinating," responds Dr. Durian. "You see..." and he launches into an explanation for the viewers.
GM: (<@!Dovelia>'s turn!)
GM: (Have to keep reminding myself to reinforce that Durian is commentating the whole time. Should become easier when we start talking in real time.)
Dovelia: has spent the interim since the camera was last on her whipping up a bit of what looks like thick salad dressing of some sort. She dips a metal finger in the sauce, determines the consistency is acceptable, and begins building.
Reality Glitch: Rachelle takes a gander at the Boulder Crab; "Reminds me of crabs from Pirate of the Caribbean that carried Jack's ship out of the afterlife."
Dovelia: (Preparing [Rampant Chlororam Salad Statue - Bitter: 7]!)
Dovelia: !f 3 (Bitter)
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [-][+][-][+]]
Reality Glitch: "OH! Actually, I've got a marvelous idea for that; though, I doubt anyone where would get the joke."
GM: (Going for the triple invoke, huh?)
Dovelia: (going to cash in both invokes on Elaborate Salad Preparations and one free invoke on the Chlororam, yes)
GM: (Describe it!)
Reality Glitch: ((Does Cocoa respond to either of what Rachelle just said?))
GM: "I was thinking; crab cakes. You got something better in mind?"
Dovelia: All the little slices of Chlororam that Dovelia cut up begin to take shape. Using the salad dressing as an unorthodox form of glue or mortar, she delicately assembles a three-foot shell in the semblance of a Chlororam rearing back, no doubt ready to stomp on some unsuspecting chef.
Reality Glitch: "Krabby Patties!" she says with gleeful abandon, then turns pensive, "Though, that might be a tad repetitive, given the elephant burger."
GM: (<@!Ratatoskr>'s turn, when you get back.)
GM: "Yeah... I mean, I'm already thinking of making 'patties,' in a way. Hey <@!Ratatoskr>! You're good with seafood, right? Can you handle crab cakes?"
GM: (And now we wait.)
Ratatoskr: LH: "I wanted to condiment the soup." Then the RH continued: "And I wanted to punch the Promethieum Chef!" And then, you get another voice at unison. "But Sure, let us handle the Crab Cakes!"
GM: (Declare your intended dish!)
Ratatoskr: Ratatoskr grabs a few knives and begins treating the crab, a few cuts here and there, then rip its shell apart! "All the meat inside is what weare after!" Then, his hands started scooping small the unnecesary things from the meat, slowly molding the meat into[Crab Patty Cakes! Cool][Value 3] for the oven!
GM: (I meant dish, flavor, and value.)
Ratatoskr: (SHIT RIGHT, Is that gucci?)
GM: (Yep!)
GM: (Roll it!)
Ratatoskr: !f 2
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+2 for 0 [4dF = [-][-][ ][ ]]
GM: (OOF.)
Ratatoskr: (oh)
GM: (Crab and... High Concept? I guess you were pretty brutal in your butchering, befitting a space chimera.)
Ratatoskr: (Exactly!)
GM: (Alright, noting it now! Describe it!)
Ratatoskr: Well, It took a Second go to fix the incomplete patty and scoop some extra meat from the parts They "eagerly" preapred, but after that, it went slamming into the Oven!
GM: (Looks like team #Fuzzy_Fam is in the lead in terms of actually starting most of their dishes. 😉 )
GM: Prof. Norstar shifts her attention to a couple bitterleaf peppers she placed on the cutting board. "Ceviche alone a dish does not make; time for some genius-level side-dish contrast in the form of [Julienned Bitterleaf Peppers - Bitter] (Value:1)!"
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Bitter)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 3 [4df = [ ][+][-][+]] (Bitter)
GM: (Success!)
GM: "Heh heh... Ookay, time for cook. SOOS-BOTS!" Finally, the Sous-Bots come over to Station 6 proper. "You! Al-Gee Gatuh DIPPY!" The first one complies and attempts to make [Algaegator Heart Dip - Bitter] (Value:4).
GM: !roll 4dF+2 (Securing or Preparing Ingredients)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 2 [4dF = [ ][-][+][ ]] (Securing or Preparing Ingredients)
GM: (And that's both invokes of the Algaegator spent.)
GM: The sous-bot expertly excises the heart and blends it up over a stovetop in a tureen. "Hur hur... like Arty-Choky and Crabby Dippy in one!"
GM: "Uh... Other one! Algaegator... sad." The sous bot registers that as [Algaegator Scale Salad - Bitter] (Value:2).
GM: !roll 4dF+2 (Securing and Preparing Ingredients)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 2 [4dF = [-][+][-][+]] (Securing and Preparing Ingredients)
GM: (Alrighty, invoking the Algaegator.)
Dovelia: "Those Sous-Bots must be some truly advanced technology," Dovelia mutters. "To be able to make heads or tails of that caveman grunting of his..."
GM: And the "sad" is complete, tossed with a few other greens for variety.
GM: - EXCHANGE 5/10 -
GM: Holly pops up at the judging table and announces; “Now it’s time to meet today’s judges!” (Greto: "That's my cue to get out of here...") The first to walk out from behind the statue is a slightly shorter, more portly space troll. “First, we have Hapax Legomenon! After a long career of galactic conquest as one of the empire’s biggest vassals, Hapax retired to pursue his true passion as a gourmand!”
GM: “Ha! The pleasure’s all mine, missy,” says Hapax as he reaches his chair and rises up to the raised table. “I wouldn’t miss such a fine display of troll cooking for the universe!”
Reality Glitch: "Galactic conquest?" Rachelle perks up, but is still mostly focused on the cooking without looking at it. "Are we sure he isn't a wanted criminal?"
GM: “Ooh, I’m just feeling the species pride in the air! Our next judge is a renowned musician known for his simple, yet beautiful compositions. Everyone at home give a hand for one Ziziphus 7!” A white and gold android wearing a gaudy purple outfit walks out to the Arena as millions of fangirls squeal all around the galaxy.
GM: “Hello world!” Ziziphus 7 gives a shiny smile as he rises up next to Hapax. “I just got a shiny new taste receptor/fuel conversion unit, and I just can’t wait to break it in. Surf ‘n’ turf is actually a favorite of mine!”
GM: “It was the favorite of the late Wols as well,” all three of them take a mini moment of silence in memoriam, “... which is partly why it was chosen as the theme of this cook-off! Now, introducing the first of not one, but two special guest judges exclusive to this episode - the third son of the emperor himself, and duke of the galactic sector Vboth technically falls within - Prince Haccia Demargo!” A red, draconic figure seems to almost glide with a graceful step up to the Arena, despite his heavy-looking brass legs.
Reality Glitch: Rachelle, with an inquisitively unamused face, thinks out loud, "I'd think they'd want something less....prone to reprogramming to judge a cooking competition."
GM: “You flatter me,” he says with courtly politeness as he rises up. “When I was approached by my colleague about your offer for us to host the first episode, he and I agreed that this was intriguing enough to want to see up close ourselves. I do ask, however, that everyone refrain from inflicting damage upon the memorial statue and the surrounding architecture. It would reflect poorly on all parties if such a landmark were to be blemished in such a way during the course of things.” Despite his intimidating appearance, the impeccably dressed anthropomorphic dragon gives off an air of cool logic and unerring manner; not a word is spoken out of turn.
GM: “Eheh, don’t worry about my friend here.” A green alien with antennae, messy brown hair, and impeccable federation official dressing saunters up to the Arena. “He just loves worrying over every little thing.”
GM: “Ah- And let me introduce the second of our two guest judges; Ambassador Gula of the federation, who is acting as the diplomatic liaison to the empire, as well as the current governor of Vboth!”
GM: “Haha, I don’t do anything special, really.” (This earns an amused “hmph” from Prince Demargo.) “Plus, this is a great excuse to take a break and just enjoy some seafood. And of course it still counts as work. Heh…” Despite his easygoing (almost downright lazy) demeanor, some can feel his steady gaze fall on them, and those looking at him could see the corner of his mouth tilt up into a shrewd smile. “What are you still pointing that at me for? The audience came to see the chefs, right?” Gula makes a shooing gesture at the camera, and we cut back to see what the chefs were doing while all of this was happening.
Dovelia: silently grumbles. VIPs? It's a good thing she's given up on trying to eliminate Greto in this round; trying to do so unnoticed with so many important faces around the table would be an ordeal she'd rather not have to suffer.
Reality Glitch: ((Is the prince supposed to be a J'Ra'Kin?))
GM: (Nope, but I considered asking you about it. I decided the inability to eat vegetables and sweet things was too troublesome in the end.)
Reality Glitch: "Prince of what? Arcnia? Kids can't get enough of that cartoon."
Reality Glitch: With the fourth and final judge revealed, Rachelle quips, "Must be awful confidant in the planet's agreeableness to think diplomacy isn't 'anything special'."
GM: The Promethium Chef is too focused at first on his [Pulled Razorphant Sliders - Savory] (Value:4) to look up.
GM: !roll 4dF+4 (Savory)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+4 for 3 [4dF = [-][+][ ][-]] (Savory)
Ratatoskr: LH: "Huh? More Princes? Whatever, OUT OF THE OVEN FOR YOU!" Ratatosrk takes the patties off the oven as he overhears the presentation of the VIP Judges.
GM: (And invoking the other free invoke on the Razorphant.)
GM: But then once he plops the shredded meat on the bottom bun, he glances up at the judge's table, and visibly brightens. "UNKY HAPPY!" (Ziziphus 7: "Ooh, not living that* nickname down." Hapax: "Shut up...") He starts waving like an idiot on caffeine.
GM: (Rachelle's turn!)
Reality Glitch: Rachelle gathers herself from her laughing fit and grabs some bread from the pantry to make Sourdough Buns (Sour:2).
Reality Glitch: !f 1
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+1 for 1 [4dF = [+][-][ ][ ]]
GM: (Plating or side?)
Reality Glitch: ((Plating. Invoking Grill aspect.))
Reality Glitch: After a little prep, Rachelle realizes that the dough for the buns is still a little raw (silly aliens), and decides to grill them to cook them the rest of the way.
GM: Greto reemerges from the bushes... in Station 6. Looking around and realizing where he is, and how the house chef hasn't noticed him yet...
GM: !roll 4dF+5 (Sneaky + {Underminer})
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4dF+5 for 5 [4dF = [ ][+][-][ ]] (Sneaky + {Underminer})
Reality Glitch: ((Do I need to roll for Rachelle to notice?))
GM: (And that's enough for a success with style. He does have the [Out of Sight] aspect on him, so I dunno if you can defend for the Promethium Chef even if you wanted.)
Reality Glitch: ((Alright, then.))
GM: Not daring to say a word, Greto sneaks up behind the house chef with the distraction inadvertently being provided by Hapax. He waggles his fingers a bit and slowly unscrews an already loose screw. There's a deafening CLANG! as the Promethium Chef's leg falls over to the side, and it has to brace itself on the counter to avoid following it down.
"Oh, whoop. My bad..."
The chef's head makes a grinding sound as it turns to look at Greto with widened pupils. "YOU." (It's not going to be very effective at retaliating when it's [Hopping Around on One Leg][!!], though. XD)
GM: "Holy ffffffuzzballs!" Cocoa turns her attention back to the current ensemble of food on the counter. "Soup, Entrée, Main Course, Dessert... either of you got an idea for an Appetizer or Salad or whatever?"
GM: (Hapax: winces "Ooh, this ain't gonna be pretty...")
GM: (She's asking <@!Ratatoskr> and <@Reality Glitch>.)
Reality Glitch: "I'll take the salad." Rachelle responds.
Ratatoskr: LH: "Tsk, I still want to improvise on my soup..."
Reality Glitch: When she hears the cacophony from station 6 she turns and quips, "Well, I hope you can make it back from your trip before the rest of us are done."
GM: "Alright... That guy looks distracted, so I'm gonna make another ingredient run!"
GM: Cocoa heads up to the lardertron and starts searching...
GM: !roll 4df+3 (Careful)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+3 for 3 [4df = [-][+][ ][ ]] (Careful)
GM: "Alright! Got us some [Rockabilly Radishes - Bitter][!]! Think you can make a salad out of that, Rachelle?"
GM: (<@!Dovelia>'s turn, BTW.)
Reality Glitch: "Not a clue, mousy; not a clue."
Dovelia: "Now, to make a proper meal of this." She's been macerating the Korentz Tree Tomatoes with a special blend of herbs to make a [Tree Tomato Salsa - Sour: 4]!
Dovelia: !f 2 (sour)
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+2 for 1 [4dF = [-][-][+][ ]]
Dovelia: (oof. Gonna spend the free invoke, and spend a FATE Point on another invoke of the tree tomatoes, if that's okay?)
Dovelia: (also this is a side aspect for the Chlororam dish)
Dovelia: (if that wasn't clear)
GM: (Sounds good. You are officially tapped out on FATE.)
Dovelia: (am I? I thought i still had two FATE Points?)
Dovelia: (i mean, one after this)
GM: (Nope. You must have lost track.)
GM: (You boosted for your first face-off, and I'm pretty sure you spent another during the quick-fire.)
GM: (Twice, actually.)
GM: (I went over the logs double checking as I editted.)
Dovelia: (fair enough. down to 0, then!)
Reality Glitch: ((But that Sugar-snail quick-fire was a previous session, so there was a fate point refresh between then and now.))
GM: (Nope; no mild milestone until the end of the episode.)
GM: (Since the rules were written with an episode (or even two!) per session in mind.)
GM: (Describe it, <@!Dovelia>!)
Dovelia: Soon the Chlororam shell is filled to the very top with bright red tomato "guts." Her expression betrays no emotion, but she's genuinely rather excited to try this - this is her implementation of a recipe she read about when she was a child but never had a chance to try out. Until now.
GM: (Can't wait to see how she finishes it. <@!Ratatoskr>'s turn!)
Ratatoskr: LH: "Got the list of ingridients?" RH: "Got them all, Boss!"
Ratatosrk began searching the ingridient storage for three things: Something similar to Onions, caramelizing them on the fly as his other hand found dry meat and a spices labeled "Paprika" preapring them in a [Meat 'n Onions Condiment - Savory] [Value: 4] To use in his Soup!
Ratatoskr: !f 1
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+1 for 0 [4dF = [-][+][-][ ]]
Ratatoskr: (fUCK)
GM: (Even with both your FATE points...)
Ratatoskr: (Shiiiii, I don't think i can bost it!?!)
GM: (Nope.)
Ratatoskr: (Nuuuuuuuu :<)
GM: (Unless you got lucky with a reroll. You feel lucky, punk? XD)
Reality Glitch: ((Invoke to reroll!))
GM: (You'd need a +2 result, though.)
GM: (Not good odds.)
GM: (You don't have to if you don't want.)
Reality Glitch: (( I see what you did there <@!Ratatoskr>.))
Ratatoskr: ( I do want to try, though xP)
Ratatoskr: (Shall i roll?)
GM: (It's up to you. I've decided that from now on, I should be fine with whatever mechanical choices my players make. If they turn out to be mistakes, well, lesson learned! 😉 )
Ratatoskr: !f 1
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+1 for 4 [4dF = [+][+][ ][+]]
Ratatoskr: (YES)
Ratatoskr: (YES?)
Ratatoskr: (YES)
Reality Glitch: ((Well, then!))
Dovelia: (WOOOOOO)
Reality Glitch: ((It's a tie.))
GM: (Still need to boost, though. What two aspects, again?)
Ratatoskr: (Hmmm... S-H-I-T.)
GM: (Maybe incorporating a little Razorphant bone broth? Pork bone broth is a staple technique in chinese cooking... I think.)
Ratatoskr: (That's.....P-E-R-F-E-C-T. So invoking my High aspect and the Razorphant?!)
GM: (Alrighty. But this makes you tapped out as well.)
Ratatoskr: (So Be it, I got a 10 Value Dish!)
GM: (Describe it!)
GM: (Also, was this a side, or plating?)
Reality Glitch: ((How? You said the condiments have a value of 4.))
GM: (Need to remember to specify that before rolling.)
GM: (The Main Dish aspect has Value:6.)
Reality Glitch: ((O.K.))
Ratatoskr: RH: "Not enough, Not Enough!" LH: "Got It, How about some backbone?!" RH: "Oh, Sure!"
Ratatoskr Grabbed some of the bones of the Razorphant's copse, specifically aimign to get the bone broth, and mixing it to add to the recipe!
Ratatoskr: (i would be cocky and say its a Side dish, but then i might screw the plating aspect and screw myself XD)
Reality Glitch: ((You have the Left head speaking twice in a row. Is that intentional?))
Ratatoskr: (Good catch :P)
GM: Prof. Norstar brightens up and points at the judge table. "YOOOOOOOO-" she does a pivoting waddle up to the arena platform, and it becomes clear she's pointing at the prince, "-OOOOOOOOUUUUU!!!" She jabs a thumb at herself. "I've always wanted a royal patron for my research... would you be interested in hearing some of my theories?" She then starts listing off her theses for cold-based gastrointestinal wellness.
GM: (Trying to get his favorite flavor out of him.)
GM: !roll 4df+3 (Norstar's Clever)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+3 for 4 [4df = [+][-][+][ ]] (Norstar's Clever)
GM: !roll 4df+3 (Demargo's Careful)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+3 for 3 [4df = [-][+][+][-]] (Demargo's Careful)
GM: "Ah-hum..." The prince clears his throat. "I'm not sure these theories really apply to my interests, but I have seen your performance during the quick-fire. You show promise, but for now, just put something salty in front of me and I'll be satisfied. Can you do that for me? I feel rather bashful making a personal request like this..."
Norstar's hand shoots up in salute: "No problem, your highness!" No one else could quite make out what the prince was saying, but the professor now knows his favorite flavor is [Savory][!].
GM: Meanwhile the house chef snorts for a moment before belting out: "#1, finish the salad. #2, whip up a Worcestershire for my steak... I mean, DUR- uh, THINGIES." He gives Greto a menacing grimace before calmly articulating; "it's time for someone to get smashed. Make me break character, will you..."
GM: But before we get to that (Greto: "Oh dear."), the sous-bots try to do just that!
GM: The first one tries to plate the salad with a Battery Lemon Vinaigrette - Sour.
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Securing and Prepping Ingredients)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 4 [4df = [+][ ][ ][+]] (Securing and Prepping Ingredients)
GM: And it does so just fine with only one of the lemons.
GM: The other one tries to whip up a [House-Made Worcestershire Sauce - Sour] (Value:2) for the steak like the house chef said.
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Securing and Prepping Ingredients)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 2 [4df = [-][+][+][-]] (Securing and Prepping Ingredients)
GM: (And invoking the lemons.)
GM: It ended up using the unused battery lemons for the mixture, and it comes out well!
GM: - EXCHANGE 6/10 -
GM: After introductions are done at the judge’s table, the Chairwoman reappears to proclaim aloud to the chefs: “You have spent half of Battle Surf and Turf on solid turf.”
GM: “... Oh no.” Greto turns to his team’s station. “Everything on stilts, now!”
GM: “It’s only fitting that you’ll spend the rest of the battle… amongst the surf!”
GM: “Wait- no, nonononono!” Cocoa scrambles back to Station 1 to position everything she can as high off the ground as possible, hooking utensils and putting dishes on platforms.
GM: (Any reactions?)
Dovelia: "Hmph." Dovelia looks at her metal arm. She's reasonably certain the electronics are waterproof, but she's still concerned about this change in the terrain...
Ratatoskr: Both heads say together "...Nani?", before trying to imitate Cocoa.
Reality Glitch: Rachelle sighs. "At least swimming while you cook isn't lethal."
Reality Glitch: Then she turns to Ratatoskr. "Nihongo hinashimas ka?"
Ratatoskr: RH: "???"
Dovelia: raises an eyebrow. What the devil kind of moon language are they speaking over there?
GM: (How does Rachelle know Japanese? XD)
Dovelia: (She asked you "can you speak Japanese?")
Dovelia: (which should be "hanashimasu ka" but still)
GM: Both your teams finish preparations just in time; the dam wall retracts into the ground, causing a cascade of seawater to flood the arena; there’s [Water, Water Everywhere]!
GM: (Time to roll the extra effect.)
GM: !roll 1df
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 1df for 1 [1df = [+]]
GM: (Ooh.)
Reality Glitch: ((Sirloin Corp is a global company.))
Dovelia: (and yes, Dovelia can't understand Japanese XD)
Dovelia: (I can, IRL, obvs XD)
Reality Glitch: ((<@!Dovelia>; it sounded a lot like "hi" in the audio lessons.))
Dovelia: (it's "ha")
Dovelia: ("hanashimasu")
GM: The water level is pretty high, too; all the way up to your waists, turning the arena into a veritable [Wave Pool]! (Attempting to change zones requires a roll VS +2!)
Ratatoskr: (Ratatoskr probably remembers just a few words, instead opting for something that lets him speak to more than a few planets XD Either that, or using a translator XDDD)
Reality Glitch: "Just speaking the same language you did."
GM: The Promethium Chef doesn't even notice the water as he cracks his metal knuckles. "It's smash time now." And takes a swing at Greto!
GM: !roll 4df+4 (Aggressive)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+4 for 5 [4df = [ ][ ][ ][+]] (Aggressive)
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Quick)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 1 [4df = [-][-][+][ ]] (Quick)
GM: (OOF. Gonna invoke one on the sabotage aspect to lessen the damage.)
GM: And its punch sends Greto from "placating" to "underwater" in less than a second! Though a stumble due to its crippled status lessened the blow, Greto still takes a moment to reemerge BEATEN [!] and wondering how he's still alive!
Reality Glitch: "Oh, if I only had a skelepun for that one." Rachelle gives an evil grin at the meta-irony of her own statement.
Dovelia: "At this point I'm not sure we're speaking the same language in any context," Dovelia murmurs.
GM: (<@Reality Glitch>'s turn.)
Reality Glitch: Rachelle's decides to compromise and get non-lethally competitive. "Are you sure playing dumb is the right strategy? They should change you to being the Epimethium Chef, cause you're hindsight's going to be 20/20."
Reality Glitch: ((Rolling a Quick sabotage to get them Riled Up.))
Reality Glitch: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Reality Glitch> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [+][ ][-][+]]
Dovelia: "Definitely not speaking the same language anymore."
Dovelia: (to be clear I totally get that it was good and clever XD)
GM: !roll 4df+4 (Quick + Range:1)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+4 for 3 [4df = [-][ ][-][+]] (Quick +; and 1 for 1 []
Reality Glitch: "Unfortunately, puns don't always translate."
Reality Glitch: ((We got 'em.))
GM: ...
GM: (Ziziphus: "Fine... what?" Gula: "Phfufuhahaha!" Hapax: facepalms)
Reality Glitch: "Oh! A compliment; maybe you aren't playing dumb if you don't know how to trash talk."
GM: "Uh- SHUT UP! WENCH! I SAID WENCH, NOT LADY!" He's clearly a bit STRAINED [!] by the punny ordeal.
Reality Glitch: ((That was Create an Advantage, but O.K.))
Reality Glitch: Rachelle can't stop snickering at this point.
GM: (Oh, sorry.)
Dovelia: smiles and rolls her eyes. Rachelle's shaping up nicely. Now if she can prove she can back up her words with action...
Reality Glitch: ((What's the "Range:1", though?))
GM: (A +1 circumstance bonus to the defender for attacking someone 1 zone away from you. Pretty sure you can't create an advantage this way, hence the attack assumption.)
Reality Glitch: ((Sabotage aspects aren't Attacks, though.))
GM: (Exactly. I'm saying I'm pretty sure you can't create a sabotage aspect from one zone away without physically going there.)
Ratatoskr: Ratatoskr is quite confused that the pun-itive attack worked.
Reality Glitch: ((That book allows for normal Create an Advantage aspect placement, so verbal provocation should be viable.))
GM: (Whatever. It's past now.)
GM: Greto takes that moment to make a Sneaky break for Station 5 while the house chef's attention is divided! "Quietly now..." (Have to overcome +2 just to move.)
GM: !roll 4df+3 (Sneaky)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+3 for 4 [4df = [+][-][+][ ]] (Sneaky)
GM: And he's back! "What an ordeal... Now then, soup! Right..." He attempts to throw together a [Hot and Sour Soup - Sour] (Value:2) with ingredients on hand.
GM: !roll 4df+3 (Sour)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+3 for 1 [4df = [ ][-][ ][-]] (Sour)
GM: "Gh-!" He swears as he knocks over the pot he was using into the water. "... Nothing to worry about. I can try again..."
GM: Meanwhile, Cocoa bites her nails a bit. "Okay, so! Let's-" (Since she has returned in flavor only last turn, gonna roll Careful to avoid getting washed out to the Arena.)
GM: !roll 4df+3 (Careful)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+3 for 3 [4df = [+][-][ ][ ]] (Careful)
GM: "-whoa!" She braces herself against the counters as an undercurrent almost drags her away. "That was close! Now, about these crabcakes..." She glances at the jellyshark, and has a glint in her eye. "Oho~ Looks like somebody was ready to lay! Let's put that to use with a little [Poached Jellyshark Roe - Sour] (Value:2) on top!" (Side, not plating.)
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Sour)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 0 [4df = [+][-][-][-]] (Sour)
GM: (Ouef. Invoking the free invoke for the reroll.)
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Sour)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 2 [4df = [+][ ][-][ ]] (Sour)
GM: (And... a FATE point...)
GM: "Gah, one of them broke... others look fine, though!" She carefully deposits the large poached roe on top of the boulder crab cakes.
GM: (<@!Dovelia>'s turn!)
GM: (There are two dishes that haven't even been started on your team, BTW!)
Dovelia: (that's Greto and Norstar's fault, not mine! XD)
GM: (You only worked on one dish this whole time too. XD)
Ratatoskr: (oh god, are Me and Rachelle win with Cocoa XDD?)
Dovelia: casts a suspicious eye towards the center of the arena. Her finishing touch calls for a visit to the Larder-atron, but she'd rather not risk having to fight either the current or one of the arena hazards. Regretfully, she decides to swap out her intended choice of Tildane heavy cream with whatever she can get her hands on from the pantry chute. She mixes it with some additional herbs and ingredients to prepare a bright pink dressing.
Dovelia: !f 2 (topped with Royal Blood Dressing - Savory: 1)
DiscoDude: <@Dovelia> rolled 4dF+2 for 2 [4dF = [-][ ][ ][+]]
GM: (Nice. Describe it!)
Dovelia: By the time she's done, there's easily a half-gallon of the concoction. Chater bleed red like most carbon-based, iron-blooded species, but the brilliant "royal" pink of the dressing mixed with the fanciful public memory of the End of Kings - from whence this particular condiment is claimed, though not substantiated, to have originated - resulted in its common name. She dumps most of it directly on top of the contents of the salad shell, then uses a small amount of the remainder to "frost" the top of it - giving it the semblance of having overflowed without actually having overflowed - and crowns the salad with a skillful little whip, faintly resembling her own signature hairstyle.
GM: (<@!Ratatoskr>!)
Dovelia: ("This doesn't look a thing like a horse
. ...Ah. You mean a horse, not a horse
. Those are...four-legged, aren't they? I suppose I can see the resemblance...")
Reality Glitch: ((????))
Ratatoskr: LH: "And now...what to do with my plate finished, Have any of you got ideas?!" He asks to the rest of the team."
Reality Glitch: "The Epimethium Chef still stands." Rachelle answers.
GM: "Rachelle said she was gonna handle salad... Ooh, think you can make a spicy sauce to go with the crab cakes?"
Ratatoskr: The eyes of the right head shine at this suggestion. "Leave it to us!"
Ratatoskr: Picking up ingridients?! Easy, a few chixxi peppers, some water, oil, vinegar, salt! All mixed into a perfect [Hot Sauce Concotion- Spicy] [Value: 2] To go with the crabby cakes!
Ratatoskr: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Ratatoskr> rolled 4dF+3 for 1 [4dF = [-][ ][-][ ]]
Ratatoskr: (f-AGH)
GM: (We're getting into the end-of-episode slog...)
Ratatoskr: The Right head starts getting angrier. "...Gah, Its not right, not right not right NOT RIGHT! Where did we fuck up!?"
Reality Glitch: "Need something to help calm down?"
GM: Prof. Norstar gazes out over the water with an indifferent expression. "... Huh." She whips out an ice gun. "Welp! Nothing for it but..."
GM: !roll 4df+3 (Clever)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+3 for 2 [4df = [ ][-][+][-]] (Clever)
Ratatoskr: "A damn Sauce that doesn't tASTE LIKE SHI-
" The Left head gives the right one a death stare, after which both shut up.
GM: "... to skaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-guh!" Norstar started freezing the water and skating across on rocket powered skates, before tripping and tumbling in. Still, she's - Half-Way There Already -!
GM: She pops up on the surface. "I'll get there... if it... kills me!" She's moving again, this time Aggressively fighting the current.
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Aggressive)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 1 [4df = [ ][+][-][-]] (Aggressive)
GM: (And boosted with - Halfway There -.)
GM: "guh I hah* AM HERE!" She gets up on the counter and strikes a triumphant pose. (Greto: "Get down from there...")
GM: "A'ight, got that out of my system..." The Promethium Chef slaps his cheeks and puts on a goofy face. "POTATERS!"
GM: The sous-bot complies, attempting to make [Gold Nugget Potatoes - Cool] (Value:1) for the steak.
Dovelia: "You're not fooling anyone anymore, 'Chef,'" Dovelia mutters.
GM: !roll 4df+2 (Securing and Prepping Ingredients)
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 0 [4df = [-][-][+][-]] (Securing and Prepping Ingredients)
GM: "NOT MASH! NO!" The house chef grabs the potatoes the sous-bot was grinding up and throws it across the basin, beaning Gwystan in the head despite being at the opposite Station 3. ("Ow.") "Other one! POTATERS."
GM: And the other one attempts the same!
GM: !roll 4df+2
DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 4 [4df = [-][+][+][+]]
GM: And this time, the [Gold Nugget Potatoes - Cool] (Value:1) come out fine.
GM: (Wanna stop here?)
Dovelia: (are we done with this round?)
GM: (Yeah.)
Dovelia: (then i'm good XD)
Dovelia: (next one is what, 7/10? 8/10?)
GM: (7/10)
GM: (<@!Ratatoskr>? <@Reality Glitch>?)
Reality Glitch: ((7))
GM: (That... didn't answer my question.)
Ratatoskr: (Oh, yeah, i think so.)
GM: (<@Reality Glitch>?)
Dovelia: (i think he missed the "are you ready to wrap up" question)
Reality Glitch: ((Oh! Sorry.))
Reality Glitch: ((Sure; we can stop here and have the las three exchanges next week.))
GM: (Four, but yeah.)
GM: !end