
paypal scam phishing 2 URL blog‧rottediportolano‧com

Dec 16th, 2019
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  15.     for; Sun, 15 Dec 2019 17:16:51 +0000
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  18. From: "support inc" <>
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  20. Subject: Some activities have threatened your account security.
  21. Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 01:16:51 +0800
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  39. Content-Type: text/plain;
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  43.   =09
  44. This message is fr=CE=BFm a trusted sender.=20
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  47. =09
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  51. =09
  52.       =09
  53. =CE=A1ay=CE=A1al
  54.     =20
  55.      N=CE=BFtificati=CE=BFn =CE=BFf Limited =CE=91cc=CE=BFunt =
  56. =CE=91ccess=E2=80=8F.
  58. Dear [E-mail Address],
  59. We believe that s=CE=BFme =CE=BFf y=CE=BFur acc=CE=BFunt =
  60. inf=CE=BFrmation appears to be missing =CE=BFr inc=CE=BFrrect.
  61. F=CE=BFr y=CE=BFur pr=CE=BFtection, access t=CE=BF specific acc=CE=BFunt =
  62. features has been temp=CE=BFrarily restricted.
  65. What sh=CE=BFuld i d=CE=BF :=20
  68. *   =CE=A1lease review y=CE=BFur details immediately s=CE=BF you can =
  69. c=CE=BFntinue to enjoy all the benefits of y=CE=BFur =CE=A1ay=CE=A1al =
  70. acc=CE=BFunt.
  72. =09
  74. *   We take every step needed t=CE=BF aut=CE=BFmatically validate =CE=BFur =
  75. cust=CE=BFmers. Unf=CE=BFrtunately in this case
  76. we were unable t=CE=BF verify y=CE=BFur details.
  78. =09
  80. *   You must verify all =CE=BFf y=CE=BFur acc=CE=BFunt inf=CE=BFrmation =
  81. =CE=BFn =CE=BFur secure server by clicking the link bel=CE=BFw
  82. and c=CE=BFmpleting all required steps.
  84.                                                                          =
  85.     <> =
  86. Verify Now=20
  88. Yours sincerely,
  89. Your PayPal team=20
  90.     =20
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  96.  <> Help  |  <> Security =20
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  99. Please do not reply to this email. To get in touch with us, click Help  =
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  105. Copyright =C2=A9 1999-2019 PayPal. All rights reserved.
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  118. <meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; =
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