
manipulates Susan

Sep 22nd, 2022
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  1. I rummaged in my duster's pockets, came up with enough change to make a phone call, then made my painful way to the phone.
  2. "Midwestern Arcane, this is Ms. Rodriguez," Susan said, when she picked up the phone. Her voice sounded tired, stressed.
  3. "Hi, Susan," I said. My shoulder twinged, and I gritted my teeth, pulling my duster around me a little more tightly. The evening was bringing a cold wind and grey clouds, and the sweats and cotton T-shirt Tera West had given me weren't enough to keep out the chill.
  4. "Harry?" she said disbelievingly. "My God. Where are you? The police are looking for you. They keep calling here. Something about a murder."
  5. "Misunderstanding," I said and leaned against the wall. The pain was getting worse as chills soaked in and I started to shiver.
  6. "You sound terrible," Susan said. "Are you all right?"
  7. "Can you help me?"
  8. There was a pause on the other end of the line. "I don't know, Harry. I don't know what's going on. I don't want to get into any trouble."
  9. "I could explain it," I offered, struggling to keep my words clear through the pain. "But it's sort of a long story." I dropped a subtle emphasis on that last word. Sometimes it scares me how easy it is to get people to do what you want them to do, if you know something about them.
  10. "Story, eh?" Susan said. I could hear the sudden twinge of interest in her voice.
  11. "Sure. Murder, violence, blood, monsters. Give you the whole scoop if you can give me a ride."
  12. "You bastard," she breathed, but I thought she was smiling. "I would have come to get you anyway."
  13. "Sure you would have," I said, but I felt a smile on my own lips. I told her the address of the gas station and hoped that the feds hadn't taken the time to get a wiretap for Susan's phone.
  14. "Give me half an hour," Susan said. "Maybe more, depending on traffic."
  15. I squinted up at the sky, which was rapidly darkening, both with oncoming dusk and heavy, brooding clouds. "Time's important. Hurry if you can."
  16. "Just take care of yourself, Harry," she said, worry in her voice. Then she hung up the phone.
  19. Fool Moon Chapter 16, Page 175-176
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