

Feb 5th, 2021
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  1. Client_ID,Doctor,Phone,Address
  2. 1,Allistair Robles,1-955-981-9041,117-1795 Auctor Rd.
  3. 1,Dolan Blankenship,1-162-884-1950,Ap #472-6279 Dignissim. Road
  4. 1,Rajah Noel,1-128-902-2544,"P.O. Box 251, 2079 Porta Av."
  5. 1,Rashad Cox,1-420-501-6103,422-9269 Magna Rd.
  6. 1,Laith Case,1-636-301-9153,Ap #898-7189 Eu Street
  7. 1,Kevin Nguyen,1-163-369-1260,"P.O. Box 646, 5074 Sed Rd."
  8. 1,Harrison Burks,1-357-704-6693,"P.O. Box 553, 8575 Ullamcorper Street"
  9. 1,Clayton Suarez,1-559-557-6209,Ap #786-3387 Sodales. St.
  10. 1,Gareth Dennis,1-884-880-5141,532-4380 Iaculis Rd.
  11. 1,Harding Sutton,1-518-435-0561,"P.O. Box 747, 6613 Fusce Street"
  12. 2,Ciaran Davenport,1-491-454-3775,"P.O. Box 822, 7527 Eget Avenue"
  13. 2,Hammett Hall,1-516-978-7795,337-7918 Sed Road
  14. 2,Gage Henderson,1-343-987-7421,"P.O. Box 390, 3096 Fusce Street"
  15. 2,Peter Moreno,1-929-255-8763,"P.O. Box 229, 2491 Hendrerit Street"
  16. 2,Griffin Santos,1-156-538-4800,5895 A St.
  17. 2,Declan Farley,1-828-844-2731,Ap #516-3400 Ligula Street
  18. 2,Kane Santana,1-958-520-5547,3202 Donec Avenue
  19. 2,Louis Barrett,1-519-813-7082,793-8460 Non Street
  20. 2,Steven Perkins,1-185-480-1622,Ap #236-456 Auctor Avenue
  21. 2,Geoffrey Mcclure,1-684-360-2422,"P.O. Box 444, 2042 Est. Ave"
  22. 3,Aidan Avery,1-952-398-1389,"P.O. Box 463, 3727 Pellentesque Av."
  23. 3,Rafael Johns,1-474-142-3268,951-3683 Ac Road
  24. 3,Clark Johnson,1-674-917-4824,496-3037 Velit Rd.
  25. 3,Beau Lopez,1-873-499-5179,1399 Est. Rd.
  26. 3,Eagan Houston,1-182-527-4663,"7603 Vulputate, Road"
  27. 3,Dale Woods,1-159-702-4645,Ap #786-8915 Mus. Street
  28. 3,Chester Phillips,1-541-403-5902,600-387 Vel St.
  29. 3,Drake Fitzpatrick,1-924-142-8175,965-6540 Vestibulum Ave
  30. 3,Jonas Callahan,1-794-516-0350,"P.O. Box 685, 6083 Blandit St."
  31. 3,Hamish Sherman,1-951-752-0491,Ap #387-6196 Ullamcorper. St.
  32. 4,Hammett Glover,1-298-541-5314,4311 At Rd.
  33. 4,Callum Cline,1-793-695-3408,"Ap #125-9309 Eu, Ave"
  34. 4,Zachary Elliott,1-413-422-0777,Ap #140-5643 Ipsum Avenue
  35. 4,Ezekiel Osborne,1-336-422-6398,"9778 Amet, St."
  36. 4,Ulysses Thomas,1-409-931-4739,"P.O. Box 388, 1249 Ac Rd."
  37. 4,Tate Donovan,1-905-669-9219,Ap #173-3858 Elit. Rd.
  38. 4,Kelly Frye,1-540-392-8084,Ap #909-7337 Sem Av.
  39. 4,Harrison Prince,1-187-971-6554,Ap #419-4067 Lacus. Ave
  40. 4,Griffin Deleon,1-249-217-3561,"Ap #820-1752 Eget, Street"
  41. 4,Lev Evans,1-750-681-3350,"P.O. Box 716, 3938 Hendrerit Road"
  42. 5,Marshall Wilkinson,1-656-386-6411,303-6682 Molestie Av.
  43. 5,Ryder Anderson,1-765-256-2069,Ap #635-3480 Nisi Avenue
  44. 5,Cade Mullen,1-741-991-2834,Ap #891-7777 Tristique Rd.
  45. 5,Amir Carlson,1-852-590-5572,857-327 Varius Ave
  46. 5,Sawyer Knight,1-712-611-4076,Ap #158-1382 Cras St.
  47. 5,Ferris Henry,1-568-380-6959,"P.O. Box 334, 6145 Sem, Rd."
  48. 5,Channing Garrett,1-795-835-9958,7459 Tempus Rd.
  49. 5,Hayes Floyd,1-423-508-4517,2277 Cubilia Road
  50. 5,Zeph Bartlett,1-676-174-1236,"P.O. Box 905, 4841 Elit. St."
  51. 5,Ahmed Rodriquez,1-467-501-8066,"P.O. Box 857, 7226 Pellentesque Road"
  52. 6,Wade Humphrey,1-571-831-3232,"P.O. Box 584, 3744 Elit St."
  53. 6,Hammett Mcpherson,1-842-194-0065,Ap #469-9171 Feugiat Ave
  54. 6,Zeus Morales,1-243-498-0477,Ap #387-7227 Nunc Rd.
  55. 6,Fitzgerald Hebert,1-620-970-2741,591-3427 Gravida. Rd.
  56. 6,Abbot Blackwell,1-199-570-7457,"P.O. Box 341, 7468 Risus. Rd."
  57. 6,Lee Allison,1-335-812-7980,3609 Nunc Av.
  58. 6,Ulysses Ruiz,1-578-473-0385,"P.O. Box 127, 2632 Sagittis. Avenue"
  59. 6,Zahir Hooper,1-406-260-1771,"P.O. Box 431, 3407 Fermentum St."
  60. 6,Hayes Farrell,1-991-638-4355,2111 Neque Ave
  61. 6,Theodore Nelson,1-544-802-8453,Ap #767-3421 Molestie. St.
  62. 7,Joshua Gould,1-310-244-8493,Ap #747-6622 Cras St.
  63. 7,Odysseus Leblanc,1-674-477-0157,140-2144 Tincidunt Av.
  64. 7,Philip Allison,1-785-727-5776,Ap #858-7503 Commodo Ave
  65. 7,Brett Fernandez,1-730-737-1779,300-6276 Et Rd.
  66. 7,Wesley Conner,1-497-595-5913,"P.O. Box 616, 7404 Curae; St."
  67. 7,Lane Albert,1-733-948-8396,"5127 Est, St."
  68. 7,Wade Wilson,1-526-988-9950,"8932 Dui, Rd."
  69. 7,Lewis Cunningham,1-911-256-5941,"P.O. Box 684, 307 Mattis. Road"
  70. 7,Hayden Mckee,1-974-192-5386,791 Duis Road
  71. 7,Damon Knight,1-494-265-3881,Ap #495-3363 Orci. Avenue
  72. 8,Chaney Keith,1-834-398-0837,553 Tempus Av.
  73. 8,Nathaniel Holder,1-461-492-4190,498-8553 Ante Av.
  74. 8,Raja Torres,1-219-677-1209,973-2635 Mi St.
  75. 8,Avram Abbott,1-366-964-0262,8994 Quisque Avenue
  76. 8,Barry Stevenson,1-440-254-2603,4826 Lorem Road
  77. 8,Valentine Villarreal,1-269-439-9097,"P.O. Box 872, 6889 Molestie Av."
  78. 8,Austin Pace,1-300-332-9331,"P.O. Box 755, 3974 Eu Ave"
  79. 8,Carlos Bartlett,1-986-116-4858,"P.O. Box 599, 7593 Sapien. Rd."
  80. 8,Lionel Whitehead,1-434-563-5166,"P.O. Box 132, 9354 Quisque Av."
  81. 8,Quamar Baldwin,1-319-646-0692,4524 Nec St.
  82. 9,Emmanuel Tyson,1-511-108-6960,"P.O. Box 417, 8689 Ante. Street"
  83. 9,Stuart Ayers,1-679-403-3194,"P.O. Box 809, 6362 Ac St."
  84. 9,Fletcher Beasley,1-803-400-0038,3506 Fermentum Av.
  85. 9,Evan Palmer,1-814-125-9025,5983 Dapibus Street
  86. 9,Dylan Ratliff,1-123-493-7868,850-1402 Magnis Rd.
  87. 9,Nolan Emerson,1-657-102-1894,"297-7217 Ut, Rd."
  88. 9,Harding Carney,1-384-643-1361,"P.O. Box 539, 3690 Ante Rd."
  89. 9,Josiah Clemons,1-732-356-6489,"P.O. Box 414, 9138 Cras Rd."
  90. 9,Axel Mcclure,1-545-104-8465,1328 Donec St.
  91. 9,Devin Dunn,1-511-968-4661,"P.O. Box 358, 4301 Neque Avenue"
  92. 10,Hu Langley,1-531-833-9916,"P.O. Box 279, 2623 Quis Rd."
  93. 10,Arsenio Chaney,1-121-157-9986,454-5247 In Rd.
  94. 10,Dane Estrada,1-344-456-5385,Ap #604-9677 Donec Rd.
  95. 10,Driscoll Oconnor,1-608-499-9312,Ap #905-874 Dui. Road
  96. 10,Joel Sparks,1-218-101-6646,9102 Cras Road
  97. 10,Asher Cooper,1-200-931-0690,"P.O. Box 783, 2398 Vel St."
  98. 10,Colby Klein,1-707-291-6181,"P.O. Box 136, 5265 Non St."
  99. 10,Leo Dixon,1-112-768-5791,Ap #750-2568 Ac St.
  100. 10,Linus Harrington,1-958-721-7305,3059 Dignissim. St.
  101. 10,Octavius French,1-285-461-4882,5375 Consectetuer St.
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