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- # ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════╦════════════════════╗
- # ║ Title: Ventwig Enemy HP Selection ║ Version: 1.07 ║
- # ║ Author: Roninator2 ║ ║
- # ╠═══════════════════════════════════════════════╬════════════════════╣
- # ║ Function: ║ Date Created ║
- # ║ ╠════════════════════╣
- # ║ Show hp only for enemy selected ║ 03 Jan 2022 ║
- # ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════╩════════════════════╝
- # ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- # ║ Requires: Ventwig Enemy HP Bars Script ║
- # ║ ║
- # ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- # ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- # ║ Brief Description: ║
- # ║ Script adjusts Ventwigs script to make the Bars shown to ║
- # ║ only be visible on the enemy when that enemy is selected ║
- # ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- # ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- # ║ Instructions: ║
- # ║ Configure setting below ║
- # ║ ║
- # ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- # ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- # ║ Updates: ║
- # ║ 1.00 - 03 Jan 2021 - Script Finished ║
- # ║ 1.01 - 03 Jan 2021 - Fixed glitch in battle processing ║
- # ║ 1.02 - 03 Jan 2021 - show hp when enemy is attacked ║
- # ║ 1.03 - 03 Jan 2021 - Fixed HP showing when enemy attacked ║
- # ║ 1.04 - 05 Jan 2021 - Corrected for hidden enemies & bug ║
- # ║ 1.05 - 06 Jan 2021 - Added show hp for all enemies skills ║
- # ║ 1.06 - 08 Jan 2022 - New - Show hp when skill allows ║
- # ║ 1.07 - 08 Jan 2022 - Combine last with 1.05 ║
- # ║ ║
- # ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- # ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- # ║ Credits and Thanks: ║
- # ║ Roninator2 ║
- # ║ Ventwig ║
- # ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- # ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- # ║ Terms of use: ║
- # ║ Follow the original Authors terms of use where applicable ║
- # ║ - When not made by me (Roninator2) ║
- # ║ Free for all uses in RPG Maker except nudity ║
- # ║ Anyone using this script in their project before these terms ║
- # ║ were changed are allowed to use this script even if it conflicts ║
- # ║ with these new terms. New terms effective 03 Apr 2024 ║
- # ║ No part of this code can be used with AI programs or tools ║
- # ║ Credit must be given ║
- # ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- module R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time
- Hold_Time = 120 # time bar will show when enemy is hit
- Skill = [80,105] # skills that will show the HP bar
- Switch = 88 # switch that will enable showing for skills
- end
- # ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- # ║ End of editable region ║
- # ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- class Window_Enemy_Hud < Window_Base
- attr_accessor :damage_time
- alias r2_init_enemy_hp initialize
- def initialize
- r2_init_enemy_hp
- show_hp(false)
- show_hp_all(false)
- end
- def show_hp(value = false)
- @show_hp = value
- end
- def show_hp_all(value = false)
- @show_hp_all = value
- end
- def enemy_id(value = -1)
- @enemy_id = value
- end
- def hold_hp
- @show_hp = false if @damage_time == 0
- for i in 0..@etroop.alive_members.size-1
- e = @enemy[i]
- next if e.nil? # for hidden enemies
- if $game_switches[EHUD::HIDE_MINIONS] != true && @show_hp == true && @damage_time != 0 && e.index == @enemy_id
- draw_actor_hp(e,e.screen_x-50,e.screen_y+EHUD::Y_MOVE-50+e.personal_y,width=96) unless @damage_time == 0
- end
- end
- end
- def damage_time(value = 0)
- @damage_time = value
- end
- def update
- if @damage_time != nil
- @damage_time -= 1 if @damage_time != 0
- end
- hold_hp
- refresh_okay = false
- $game_troop.alive_members.each do |enemy|
- if enemy.hp != enemy.old_hp || != enemy.old_mp
- refresh_okay = true
- enemy.old_hp = enemy.hp
- enemy.old_mp =
- end
- end
- if $game_troop.alive_members.size != @old_size
- refresh_okay = true
- end
- if refresh_okay
- refresh
- end
- end
- def enemy_hud
- troop_fix
- for i in 0..@etroop.alive_members.size-1
- e = @enemy[i]
- if i <= 1 and e.boss_bar == true and e == @boss_enemy[i]
- draw_actor_name(e,EHUD::BOSS_GAUGEX,5+50*i)
- draw_actor_hp(e,EHUD::BOSS_GAUGEX,20+50*i,width=EHUD::BOSS_GAUGEW) unless e.hide_hp == true
- draw_actor_mp(e,EHUD::BOSS_GAUGEX,30+50*i,width=EHUD::BOSS_GAUGEW) unless e.show_mp == false
- draw_actor_icons(e,EHUD::BOSS_GAUGEX+200,5+50*i, width = 96)
- elsif ($game_switches[EHUD::HIDE_MINIONS] != true && @show_hp_all == true)
- draw_actor_hp(e,e.screen_x-50,e.screen_y+EHUD::Y_MOVE-50+e.personal_y,width=96) unless e.hide_hp == true
- draw_actor_mp(e,e.screen_x-50,e.screen_y+EHUD::Y_MOVE-40+e.personal_y,width=96) unless e.show_mp == false
- draw_actor_icons(e,e.screen_x-50,e.screen_y+EHUD::Y_MOVE-70+e.personal_y,width=96)
- elsif ($game_switches[EHUD::HIDE_MINIONS] != true && @show_hp == true) && e.index == @enemy_id
- draw_actor_hp(e,e.screen_x-50,e.screen_y+EHUD::Y_MOVE-50+e.personal_y,width=96) unless e.hide_hp == true
- draw_actor_mp(e,e.screen_x-50,e.screen_y+EHUD::Y_MOVE-40+e.personal_y,width=96) unless e.show_mp == false
- draw_actor_icons(e,e.screen_x-50,e.screen_y+EHUD::Y_MOVE-70+e.personal_y,width=96)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
- alias r2_update_basic_hp update_basic
- def update_basic
- @skill_check = -1 unless
- @skill_check = if
- if && $game_switches[R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Switch] == true
- enemy_hp_shown(true) if R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Skill.include?(@skill_check)
- elsif && $game_switches[R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Switch] == false
- enemy_hp_shown(true)
- else
- enemy_hp_shown(false) if (!@subject && @enemy_hud_window.damage_time = 0) && !
- enemy_hp_shown_all(false)
- end
- r2_update_basic_hp
- end
- alias r2_execute_hp_show execute_action
- def execute_action
- skill_check = false
- @skill = @skill_window.item
- targets = @subject.current_action.make_targets.compact
- targets.each { |e|
- e.is_a?(Game_Actor) ? next : @skill.nil? ? enemy_hp_shown(true) : skill_check = true
- @enemy_hud_window.enemy_id(e.index)
- @enemy_hud_window.damage_time(R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Hold_Time)
- if skill_check == true
- case @skill.scope
- when 1
- @enemy_hud_window.enemy_id(e.index)
- if $game_switches[R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Switch] == true
- enemy_hp_shown(true) if R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Skill.include?(@skill_check)
- else
- enemy_hp_shown(true)
- end
- when 2..6
- if $game_switches[R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Switch] == true
- enemy_hp_shown_all(true) if R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Skill.include?(@skill_check)
- @enemy_hud_window.damage_time(R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Hold_Time * 2)
- else
- enemy_hp_shown_all(true)
- @enemy_hud_window.damage_time(R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Hold_Time * 2)
- end
- else
- enemy_hp_shown(false)
- enemy_hp_shown_all(false)
- end
- skill_check = false
- end
- }
- r2_execute_hp_show
- enemy_hp_shown_all(false)
- end
- alias r2_skill_enemy_select select_enemy_selection
- def select_enemy_selection
- @skill = @skill_window.item
- if !@skill.nil?
- case @skill.scope
- when 1
- @enemy_hud_window.enemy_id(@enemy_window.index)
- if $game_switches[R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Switch] == true
- enemy_hp_shown(true) if R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Skill.include?(@skill_check)
- enemy_hp_shown_all(false)
- else
- enemy_hp_shown(true)
- end
- when 2..6
- if $game_switches[R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Switch] == true
- enemy_hp_shown_all(true) if R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Skill.include?(@skill_check)
- enemy_hp_shown(false)
- else
- enemy_hp_shown_all(true)
- end
- @enemy_hud_window.damage_time(R2_Enemy_Hud_Hold_Time::Hold_Time * 2)
- else
- enemy_hp_shown(false)
- enemy_hp_shown_all(false)
- end
- end
- r2_skill_enemy_select
- end
- def enemy_hp_shown(value = false)
- @enemy_hud_window.show_hp(value)
- if @enemy_window.enemy != nil
- @enemy_hud_window.enemy_id(@enemy_window.enemy.index)
- end
- @enemy_window.refresh
- @enemy_hud_window.refresh
- end
- def enemy_hp_shown_all(value = false)
- @enemy_hud_window.show_hp_all(value)
- @enemy_window.refresh
- @enemy_hud_window.refresh
- end
- end
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