
commit log

Apr 23rd, 2014
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  2. * 9027709 - (HEAD, dev) Implement Delayed in DelayedSkill (5 minutes ago)<riking>
  3. * f2406b6 - (origin/dev) Lets change the Sword bind to try and bring it back to normal tool use. (5 hours ago)<Kainzo>
  4. * 5af2168 - Lets change the Sword bind to try and bring it back to normal tool use. (5 hours ago)<Kainzo>
  5. | * 3af90b3 - (origin/attrib-rework, attrib-rework) Rewrite CharAttrib (persistent Monster data store) (2 days ago)<riking>
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  7. * 63cd63d - Merge branch 'dev-entities' into 'dev' (2 days ago)<Kainzo>
  8. |\
  9. | * 798da0f - (origin/dev-entities) whoops (2 days ago)<riking>
  10. | * 5194d1d - Move health setting back to a LOWEST event handler (2 days ago)<riking>
  11. | * 0536601 - Adjust task delays - they probably don't need to run as often (2 days ago)<riking>
  12. | * 84bea63 - Apply health changes on spawn (2 days ago)<riking>
  13. | * ddb4ade - Merge branch 'dev-entities' of into dev-entities (2 days ago)<riking>
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  15. | | * bc4a1eb - Update license (2 days ago)<Kainzo>
  16. | * | 8cae970 - Empty commit to cause build (2 days ago)<riking>
  17. | |/
  18. | * 9f2a30a - (riking/dev-entities) Delete unused public methods for Monster getting (2 days ago)<riking>
  19. | * 3a6fcdb - Have a utility method for this (2 days ago)<riking>
  20. | * 3721139 - Schedule a "quick reaper" task for immediately-despawning Monsters (2 days ago)<riking>
  21. | * 50ed4e7 - Delay Monster creation until it's actually needed (2 days ago)<riking>
  22. |/
  23. * 4405f46 - Remove attribute being checked 2 times for null in the same if. (4 days ago)<greatman>
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