Apr 26th, 2023
This is comment for paste password gen.
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  1. Here's a brief summary of the functions used in the program:
  3. get_password_length() prompts the user to enter a password length and validates the input.
  4. generate_salt() generates a random salt of a specified length.
  5. derive_key() uses the PBKDF2 function from OpenSSL to derive a key from a master password and a salt.
  6. generate_password() generates a password of a specified length using a pseudo-random sequence of characters from a defined alphabet and a key derived from a master password and a salt.
  7. count_lowercase(), count_uppercase(), count_digits(), and count_symbols() count the number of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, and symbols in a given string.
  8. print_strength_meter() prints a description of the password strength based on the number of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, and symbols in a given password.
  9. The program requires the OpenSSL and BSD libraries to compile and run.
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