

Nov 27th, 2016
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  1. 20161127:
  3. FluffBall ~fluffy@1BC33A1B.C5331458.F83C43D7.IP The
  4. police will certainly be interested in you kicking someone outing a
  5. peadophile. I expect monitoring will intensify as you are protecting
  6. one in that channel. I wonder if sane people such as Kazin agree
  7. with your stance. I will make particular mention of you in my report.
  8. FluffBall ~fluffy@1BC33A1B.C5331458.F83C43D7.IP I
  9. assume you are one yourself? Ever touched a pre-teen boy or girl, etc?
  10. FluffBall ~fluffy@1BC33A1B.C5331458.F83C43D7.IP I know
  11. how unstable you are. Fated's told me all about you.
  12. FluffBall ~fluffy@1BC33A1B.C5331458.F83C43D7.IP How
  13. he's basically been tied to you for years, babysitting you.
  14. FluffBall ~fluffy@1BC33A1B.C5331458.F83C43D7.IP Doesn't
  15. surprise me one bit.
  16. FluffBall ~fluffy@1BC33A1B.C5331458.F83C43D7.IP You
  17. hurt him a lot, cos you're a dick. A total dick.
  18. FluffBall ~fluffy@1BC33A1B.C5331458.F83C43D7.IP Justlyike you're being now.
  21. 20161229:
  23. 12:57PM � Lofty/#TechFurs pokes Chloe
  24. 12:58PM <Lofty> If you're going to ban someone please do a decent job at
  25. least. Ident only is one of the weakest methods. I recommend some
  26. research. Start with the original RFC maybe.
  27. 12:59PM <Lofty> Anyway, I've had no confirmation that kazin or Leonerd or
  28. Budrick agree with you. A good sign of a channel op is seeking
  29. consensus. I've been one, so just trying to help you out.
  31. 02:46PM [Lofty(~m9PwWQfsU@C6A6D8A3.C5331458.F83C43D7.IP)] you are such a dick.
  32. Only one who agrees with banning me.
  33. 02:47PM [Lofty(~m9PwWQfsU@C6A6D8A3.C5331458.F83C43D7.IP)] Be avading it
  34. shortly, it's okay.
  35. 02:48PM [Lofty(~m9PwWQfsU@C6A6D8A3.C5331458.F83C43D7.IP)] Have you ever seeked
  36. professional help? Just curious.
  37. 02:49PM [Lofty(~m9PwWQfsU@C6A6D8A3.C5331458.F83C43D7.IP)] There are a few NHS
  38. funded ppl around for personality disorders such as yours I
  39. understand.
  42. 02:59PM <Lofty> Chlose, for god sake read the RFCs.
  43. 02:59PM <Lofty> Chloe, sorry.
  44. 02:59PM <Lofty> You
  45. 03:00PM <Lofty> Sorry
  46. 03:00PM <Lofty> He's just...she's just so useless.
  48. 03:20PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] I don't care. Your
  49. behaviour and unfortunately those of all channel ops have already
  50. been reported to the police as protecting a peadohpile. It's too
  51. late so you can keep me banned, I already informed kazin of the
  52. situation days ago.
  54. 03:20PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] You've put yourself
  55. in a very precarious situation and I wash my hands of it now.
  56. 03:21PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] I wanted to protect
  57. Leonard as he's an old friend but never got a reply. Such is life.
  58. 03:22PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] Whether you unban me
  59. now or not is totally irrelevant.
  60. 03:22PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] Only two channels are
  61. 'protecting' him.
  63. 03:25PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] I try to give ample
  64. chance for people to make good, give reaons for their behaviour
  65. becuaese let's face it, life is *hard* but you never give any
  66. ground, so what was I to do, huh?
  67. 03:26PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] I try to be tolerant
  68. and persmissive and all I get is hate.
  69. 03:29PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] If youy want to so
  70. something good, unban me. My involvement with him is over.
  71. 03:30PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] Bu7t I
  72. 03:30PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] But I'm in #10 other
  73. chans, not a bit deal.
  74. 03:31PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] *big*. Erf. Drinking
  75. so much over xmas is a bad idea.
  76. 03:33PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] I'll summarise, you
  77. unban me from #techfurs, I will completely leave him alone. *shrugs*
  78. 03:34PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] But I won't shed
  79. tears if you don't.
  80. 03:38PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] although yes, his
  81. monitored usage was a concern for me originally.
  82. 03:39PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] He didn't admit it
  83. immeitately. I was a little upset.
  84. 03:40PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] i'm a bit proponent
  85. of internet anonymity and for reasons I think are very valid.
  86. 03:41PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] err, *big* proponent*
  87. 03:41PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] So Freenet and TOR,
  88. etc.
  89. 03:44PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] I 'outed' him'
  90. because he touched a nerve. I regret it and have since apologised.
  91. 03:44PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] But according to you
  92. everyone knew anyway. *shrugs*
  93. 03:45PM [Lofty(~LF7b6fcI3@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] That's all I have to
  94. say.
  96. 20161230:
  98. 08:55AM [Lofty(~054sKOW1b@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] I just wanted to say
  99. sorry if I was rude last time I spoke to you. I only vaguely
  100. remember the conversation but I've just been really quick to temper
  101. lately to the extent I'm really kind of worried about my state of
  102. mental health. I don't know if I mentioned the accident I had a
  103. couple of months ago and I don't want to sound like I'm making
  104. excuses but I was suicidal back then and ended up
  105. 08:55AM [Lofty(~054sKOW1b@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] with severe enough
  106. injuries that I'm still in some degree of pain even now as a result.
  108. 09:03AM [Lofty(~054sKOW1b@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] And shortly before
  109. that our house was vandalised three times in a month. I think I can
  110. safely say the last 6 months have been the worst of my life to be
  111. honest. Even putting it into words brings me close to tears. All the
  112. same I'm not looking for sympathy, just hope my behaviour is a
  113. little more understandable at least knowing this. :(
  114. 09:07AM [Lofty(~054sKOW1b@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] Until recently
  115. (before a few weeks ago) I'd be able to just check my logs to recap
  116. but someone eventually convinced me that without being able to
  117. guarantee the security of them, I was putting other people's privacy
  118. at risk so I turned it off (if you're wondering why I don't just
  119. look for myself).
  120. 09:13AM [Lofty(~054sKOW1b@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] I honestly wish I
  121. could stop myself even coming on furnet tbh. I seem to get myself
  122. into a lot of trouble these days on here. I honestly don't think I
  123. have the willpower though. I'm isolated enough as it is. I can't
  124. even intentionally get myself k-lined due to sharing the connection
  125. with someone who also comes on here, heh. :\
  126. 09:18AM [Lofty(~054sKOW1b@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] It's ironic. I always
  127. tried to be careful in the past to not piss anyone off. I wouldn't
  128. even talk to people very often. Preferred to have no-one with a
  129. grudge against me than a mix of...I guess you could say 'friends and
  130. enemies'. Managed it pretty well until the last few years. *sighs*
  131. 09:26AM [Lofty(~054sKOW1b@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] I do feel bad about
  132. what I did to Nutsy. It was pretty callous. I just completely lost
  133. my temper with him over something me was a little
  134. dishonest...but I still should have had more self-control. I did
  135. apologise to him pretty soon afterwards but what's done is done
  136. unfortunately. :\
  137. 09:34AM [Lofty(~054sKOW1b@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] Anyway, I hope your
  138. xmas is going okay and everything. Again, I'm sorry if I offended
  139. you. In terms of ban-evasion, I did actually tell Kazin about it and
  140. he didn't do anything so I sort of felt I was entitled to be in
  141. there but I'm really not bothered if the ban stands or not as it's
  142. not a channel I really enjoy hanging out in very often. I imagine
  143. the chance of it covering anyone else who
  144. 09:34AM [Lofty(~054sKOW1b@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] tries to go in there
  145. is pretty slim.
  148. 03:51PM [Lofty(~054sKOW1b@9257F1C5.5B5D7159.573A2C0.IP)] I have to go to bed
  149. (mesed up sleeping times I know). Just hope I can resolve this with
  150. no hard feelings. :\
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