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- --
- --GPS Deploy by neonerZ v1.1
- --
- --
- --This script is originally from BigSHinyToys from
- --Original link can be found here:
- --
- --Edited by neonerZ
- --
- -- Modifications included:
- --
- -- happydude11209: Line 209 - added logic to check if the server is set to no fuel mode
- --
- --
- -- kittykiller: Line 110 - Bug in the locate code if you were using an existing GPS system to deploy a new one
- --
- --
- -- Mad_Professor: Line 296 - Bug calling computers, monitors. Making people think they needed to load 4 monitors
- --
- --
- -- noahc3: Startup template - Added rednet calling to have option to confirm GPS' systems are active and working
- --
- --
- --
- -- In order to use this script you need to setup
- -- either a mining turtle, or a standard turtle
- -- Mining Turtle: Slot 1 - Fuel
- -- Slot 2 - At least 4 computers
- -- Slot 3 - At least 4 modems
- -- Slot 4 - At lease 1 disk drive
- -- Slot 5 - 1 Disk
- -- Standard Turtle: Slot 1 - Fuel
- -- Slot 2 - At least 4 computers
- -- Slot 3 - At least 4 modems
- -- Slot 4 - At lease 4 disk drives
- -- Slot 5 - 1 Disk
- --
- -- (mining turtles will be able to reuse the same
- -- disk drive, where-as a standard turtle will leave
- -- them and deploy a separate disk drive for each
- -- GPS host)
- --
- -- Default Usage: Place the turtle where you want it
- -- deployed facing the SOUTH or 0 direction.
- -- Fill the turtle with the required materials
- -- above. Then use the command
- --
- -- gps-deploy x y z
- --
- -- Where x, y, z is the *absolute* positions of the deploment
- -- turtle. By default the turtle will deploy the
- -- the GPS array at around y = 254. Add a fourth
- -- value to specify the height offset.
- -- IMPORTANT: It's crucial you use your absolute coordinates,
- -- (the ones inside the parentheses next to your realitive coordinates)
- -- For Example: If F3 shows X = -6.43534 (-7) or Z = -15.542 (-16)
- -- you'd use -7 and -16 respectively. If you use -6 and -15 all coordinates
- -- that go past 0 in the opposite direction will be off by 1.)
- --
- -- Example: gps-deploy 1 1 1 20
- --
- -- Would assume the turtle's start position is
- -- x=1, y=1, z=1 and will deploy the satelite
- -- array at y= 21
- --
- --neonerZ added features
- -- Smart Refilling: Fuel should go in slot 1.
- -- If not enough fuel is available script
- -- will prompt user for more fuel and wait 30.
- -- Script will estimate how much fuel is needed
- -- and try to take only that much (in coal)
- -- Item Detection: Script will check slots 2-5
- -- for the correct quantity of items. It does
- -- *not* check if items are valid
- -- GPS Host Coordinates: The script now requires
- -- you to enter in the coordinates of the
- -- turtle before launching. This will set
- -- the GPS host computers to the correct
- -- coordinates.
- -- Satelite Array Location: The script allows
- -- the user to set an offset for the placement
- -- of the four satelites
- -- How heigh up should the satellite be deployed?
- -- This is the default value if you don't pass a
- -- value to the script. There is a check down below
- -- to make sure the user entered values isn't > 254
- height = 255
- -- need to enable rednet first incase using locate
- "right" )
- local function printUsage()
- print("")
- print( "Usages:" )
- print( "gps-deploy <x> <y> <z> [height]" )
- print( "Example: gps-deploy 1 1 1 20")
- print( "would deploy the satelite to y=21")
- print( "gps-deploy locate [height]")
- print( "if you have working GPS use this")
- print( "to find out the coords over GPS")
- end
- -- confirm default height isn't set above 254
- -- Check to see if a minimum of 3 values were
- -- passed to the script
- local tArgs = { ... }
- if tArgs[1] == "locate" then
- print ("")
- print ("Locating GPS signal...")
- xcord, ycord, zcord = gps.locate(5, false)
- if xcord==nil then
- print("")
- print ("No GPS signal detected, please rerun manually")
- return
- end
- if tArgs[2] == nil then
- height = tonumber(height)
- else
- height = tonumber(tArgs[2])
- end
- print ("gps-deploy ",xcord," ",ycord," ",zcord," height: ",height)
- xcord = tonumber(xcord)
- ycord = tonumber(ycord)
- zcord = tonumber(zcord)
- else
- if #tArgs <= 2 then
- printUsage()
- return
- else
- xcord = tonumber(tArgs[1])
- ycord = tonumber(tArgs[2])
- zcord = tonumber(tArgs[3])
- if tArgs[4] == nil then
- height = tonumber(height)
- else
- if tonumber(tArgs[4]) > 254 then
- height = tonumber(height)
- else
- height = tonumber(tArgs[4])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if height > ycord and height < 256 then
- height = height-ycord
- end
- if height > 255 then
- height = 255
- end
- -- check if the script is running on a turtle
- -- (original code)
- if not turtle then
- print("")
- print("Error: not a turtle")
- return
- end
- -- move functions
- -- (original code)
- local mov = {}
- mov.forward = function ()
- while not turtle.forward() do
- sleep(1)
- end
- return true
- end
- mov.back = function ()
- while not turtle.back() do
- sleep(1)
- end
- return true
- end
- mov.up = function ()
- while not turtle.up() do
- sleep(1)
- end
- return true
- end
- mov.down = function ()
- while not turtle.down() do
- sleep(1)
- end
- return true
- end
- = function ()
- while not do
- sleep(1)
- end
- end
- local base = nil
- -- Check if we have enough fuel
- -- we estimate the fuel usage ((height*2)+70) needed to
- -- complete the deoployment and then see if we have enough
- -- fuel loaded. If we don't, it checks the first slot for
- -- available fuel and tries to fill up on it. If it doesn't
- -- have enough fuel in there, it prompts the user for more
- -- fuel. It allows 30 seconds for the user to add fuel
- -- (trying to refuel and verify fuel level every second)
- -- and if it doesn't get it's fill within 30 seconds
- -- it exits with a message to the user
- -- neonerZ
- if type(turtle.getFuelLevel()) == "string" then
- print("No-fuel mode")
- else
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() < (tonumber(height)*2)+70 then
- while turtle.getFuelLevel() < (tonumber(height)*2)+70 do
- realcoal=(((tonumber(height)*2)+70)-turtle.getFuelLevel())/80
- if realcoal>=64 then
- coal=64
- else
- coal=math.ceil(realcoal)
- end
- if turtle.refuel(tonumber(coal)) == false then
- fuel=((tonumber(height)*2)+70)-turtle.getFuelLevel()
- print("")
- print("You ran out of fuel in slot 1")
- print("Please insert "..fuel.." fuel or "..realcoal.." coal to continue")
- print("Waiting 30 seconds for fuel or exiting")
- i=0
- while i<=30 do
- sleep(1)
- realcoal=(((tonumber(height)*2)+70)-turtle.getFuelLevel())/80
- if realcoal>=64 then
- coal=64
- else
- coal=math.ceil(realcoal)
- end
- turtle.refuel(tonumber(coal))
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() >= (tonumber(height)*2)+70 then
- print("")
- print("Turtle Fueled")
- i=31
- end
- if i==30 then
- fuel=((tonumber(height)*2)+70)-turtle.getFuelLevel()
- print("")
- print("Not enough fuel provided")
- print("Please provide "..fuel.." fuel or "..realcoal.." coal and try again")
- return
- end
- i=i+1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- if fs.exists("custom") then
- -- print("custom program detected")
- -- print("please Enter base Station number")
- -- local failFlag = false
- -- repeat
- -- if failFlag then
- -- print("Error Not number")
- -- print("try again")
- -- end
- -- write(" > ")
- -- base = tonumber(read())
- -- failFlag = true
- -- until type(base) == "number"
- -- end
- -- print("Please Place 4 computers in slot two")
- -- print("4 modems in slot three")
- -- print("if mineing turtle then")
- -- print("1 disk drive in slot four")
- -- print("if not mineing then")
- -- print("4 disk drive in slot four")
- -- print("blank floopy disk in slot five")
- -- print("press Enter key to continue")
- -- while true do
- -- local event , key = os.pullEvent("key")
- -- if key == 28 then break end
- -- end
- -- print("Launching")
- --end
- -- check if the required quantity of items
- -- are in the appropriate spots. I'm sure
- -- there's a more elegant way of doing this.
- -- I don't believe there's a way to check if
- -- the items are correct without using compare
- monitor=0
- modem=0
- diskdrive=0
- disk=0
- print("")
- if turtle.getItemCount(2) < 4 then
- print("Please place at least 4 computers into slot two")
- monitor=1
- end
- if turtle.getItemCount(2) < 4 then
- print("Please place at least 4 modems into slot three")
- modem=1
- end
- if turtle.getItemCount(2) < 1 then
- print("Please place 1 disk drive into slot four if a -mining turtle-")
- print("Please place 4 disk drives into slot four if a -standard turtle-")
- diskdrive=1
- end
- if turtle.getItemCount(2) < 1 then
- print("Please place 1 disk into slot five")
- disk=1
- end
- if monitor == 1 or modem == 1 or diskdrive == 1 or disk == 1 then
- print("Please fix above issues to continue")
- return
- end
- -- calculate the coordinates of the 4 satelite arrays
- newycord=tonumber(ycord)+tonumber(height)
- if newycord > 255 then newycord = 255 end
- toycordns=newycord
- toycordwe=newycord-3
- if toycordns >= 255 or toycordwe >= 255 then
- toycordns=255
- toycordwe=252
- end
- local set = {}
- set[1] = {x = tonumber(xcord),z = tonumber(zcord)+3,y = tonumber(toycordns)}
- set[2] = {x = tonumber(xcord)-3,z = tonumber(zcord),y = tonumber(toycordwe)}
- set[3] = {x = tonumber(xcord),z = tonumber(zcord)-3,y = tonumber(toycordns)}
- set[4] = {x = tonumber(xcord)+3,z = tonumber(zcord),y = tonumber(toycordwe)}
- -- start the climb up to the correct ycord
- while not turtle.up() do
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- term.write("Please get off me")
- end
- if ycord+tonumber(height) >= 255 then
- while turtle.up() do -- sends it up till it hits max hight
- end
- else
- for i = 3,tonumber(height) do
- turtle.up()
- end
- end
- -- once at the correct height, deploy GPS array
- -- this is a mixture of my own code and the
- -- original code
- for a = 1,4 do
- --forward two
- for i = 1,2 do
- mov.forward()
- end
- mov.back()
- mov.down()
- mov.forward()
- turtle.drop()
- -- make a custom disk that starts up the gps host application
- -- with the correct coordinates and copy it over. also makes
- -- makes it a startup script so the computers will
- -- start back up properly after chunk unloading
- fs.delete("disk/startup")
- file ="disk/startup","w")
- file.write([[
- fs.copy("disk/install","startup")
- fs.delete("disk/startup")
- if fs.exists("disk/custom") then
- fs.copy("disk/custom","custom")
- fs.delete("disk/custom")
- end
- print("sleep in 10")
- sleep(10)
- os.reboot()
- ]])
- file.close()
- if fs.exists("custom") then
- fs.copy("custom","disk/custom")
- end
- file ="disk/install","w") -- the following is custom code for NCGPS systems only until rednet.close()
- file.write([[
- myID = "id-err"
- rolloutWave = 1
- myID = os.getComputerID()
- rednet.broadcast("Computer ID " .. myID .. " registered as an NCGPS System from wave " .. rolloutWave, "ncgpswav01prnt")
- rednet.broadcast("wave-01-ncgps", "ncgpswav01conf")
- rednet.broadcast(myID, "ncgpswav01id")
- rednet.close("bottom")
- if fs.exists("custom") then
-"custom","host",]]..set[a]["x"]..","..set[a]["y"]..","..set[a]["z"]..","..(base or "nil")..[[)
- else
- end
- ]])
- file.close()
- turtle.turnLeft()
- mov.forward()
- mov.up()
- turtle.turnRight()
- mov.forward()
- turtle.turnRight()
- mov.down()
- turtle.suck()
- turtle.dig()
- mov.up()
- -- reboot would be here
- turtle.turnRight()
- --back 3
- for i = 1,3 do
- mov.forward()
- end
- turtle.turnLeft()
- mov.forward()
- if a == 1 or a == 3 then
- for i = 1,3 do
- mov.down()
- end
- elseif a == 2 or a == 4 then
- for i = 1,3 do
- mov.up()
- end
- end
- end
- -- goes back down. this is the original code
- -- might be worth editing to come down the same
- -- amount of spaces it went up, but this should
- -- do the job
- while turtle.down() do
- end
- turtle = tMove
- print("")
- print("Finished")
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