
Swords & Sorcery Game (Knight Fight)

Aug 21st, 2014
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  1. Player creates a character by selecting between one of 3 classes (Archer, Knight or Mage).
  2. The Character gains experience by killing enemies and levels up.
  3. A character's appearance changes at certain milestones
  5. Level 1 Level 5 Level 12 Level 25 Level 40 Level 50
  6. Archer: Noob Scout Archer Ranger Master
  7. Mage: Noob Apprentice Adept Mage Wizard Sorcerer
  8. Knight: Noob Apprentice Adventurer Knight Champion Master
  10. Each class also unlocks new spells/abilities slots which are tied to the 3 other attack buttons.
  11. Level 5 - 1st Ability Slot unlocked
  12. Level 20 - 2nd Ability Slot unlocked
  13. Level 35 - Final Ability Slot unlocked.
  15. Within these slots, the player can select/use any ability they have bought/unlocked.
  17. Archer Abilities:
  19. Name Effect Mana Cost How Unlocked
  21. Sprint Gain a speed boost for a short duration Low Reach Level 5
  22. Vanish Turn invisible for a short duration, losing agro High
  24. Pierce Shot Fires an arrow which pierces through enemies Low Reach Level 5
  25. Double Shot Fires a cone of 2 arrows at enemies Low Kill 25 Enemies with Pierce Shot
  26. Triple Shot Fires a cone of 3 arrows at enemies. Medium Kill 50 Enemies with Double Shot
  27. Arrow Storm Fires a cone of 5 arrows at enemies Med/High Kill 100 Enemies with Triple Shot
  30. Shocker Arrows Fires an enchanted arrow which deals shock damage and can stun Medium Reach Level 5
  31. Flaming Arrow Fires a burning arrow which deals fire damage and can burn Medium Reach 50 Greenskin Enemies
  32. Frost Arrow Fires an enchanted arrow which deals ice damage and slows Medium Reach Level 5
  33. Deadbane Arrow Fires a holy arrow which deals extra damage to undead Medium Kill 50 Undead Enemies
  34. Toxic Arrow Fires an arrow which poisons the target it hits High Kill 50 Human Enemies
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