
Cyborg Ninja Avenger and why he wants to kill me

Mar 10th, 2020
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  1. Xettaiks: /wind1 /roseson /ws1
  2. Xettaiks: /at1 /2 /3
  3. Xettaiks: /at2 /2 3
  4. Xettaiks: pwr
  5. Xettaiks: bx
  6. Xettaiks: /boom /r1t /a /dbb
  7. Xettaiks: bzon
  8. Xettaiks: aur
  9. Xettaiks: a
  10. Xettaiks: mkf
  11. Xettaiks: /boom /r1t /a /dbb
  12. Xettaiks: lava
  13. Xettaiks: lava
  14. Xettaiks: lavaf
  15. Xettaiks: laf
  16. Xettaiks: pi4
  17. Xettaiks: auroff
  18. Xettaiks: off
  19. CyborgNinjaAvenger: I'd welcome you but it seems like you'd made yourself known already
  20. Xettaiks: bzoff
  21. Xettaiks: lol
  22. Xettaiks: pwroff
  23. CyborgNinjaAvenger: I'm CyborgNinjaAvenger but a lot of people just call me Venge for short. I once used to work for the IMVU law enforcement as FBI, then became CIA, and finally to tell you the truth I too as well also was Secret Service myself.....I then later formed my own alliance known as Kingsman.....we were lady and gentlemen spies of IMVU also masters of disguise so we can be anyone we wanted to be as we blend in with our surroundings. This present day I was in a tragic accident to the point where I had to be repaired and rebuilt into a cyborg but prior to all I've told you it was all done 5 years ago when I'd first joined IMVU and I was known as LipScar11, later became ScarWorlBoss, then RaidenWorlBoss, and now I'll always and forever be CyborgNinjaAvenger also known as Venge.....I possess over 261 outfits and for each one I wear I go by a different name. I'm willing to serve and protect my country and IMVU under any circumstances by all means necessary with the wielding of my blade I'll hunt down any terrorists that get in my way for I'm half man half machine that's 100% attitude without any type of feelings or emotions therefore I show no mercy.....If there are any questions that you need to ask of me then please feel free to do as such.....I work in the dark to serve the light. I'm an assassin. Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
  24. Xettaiks: but not the real FBI or CIA
  25. Xettaiks: mkf
  26. Xettaiks: laf
  27. Xettaiks: lava
  28. Xettaiks: I'm not easily impressed by fantasy, organizations
  29. Xettaiks: at3
  30. Xettaiks: 3
  31. Xettaiks: 2
  32. Xettaiks: at3
  33. Xettaiks: at2
  34. Xettaiks: 3
  35. Xettaiks: 1
  36. Xettaiks: pi1
  37. Xettaiks: at3
  38. Xettaiks: at2
  39. Xettaiks: 3
  40. Xettaiks: 2
  41. Xettaiks: 1
  42. Xettaiks: 3
  43. Xettaiks: at3
  44. Xettaiks: hehe
  45. Xettaiks: off
  46. Xettaiks: why would you want to emulate the FBI?
  47. Xettaiks: or CIA?
  48. Xettaiks: How can anyone claim to want to protect any country, and be involved in those orgs?
  49. Xettaiks: hahahaha
  50. CyborgNinjaAvenger: that's because it's my past life as a human
  51. CyborgNinjaAvenger: my profile tells you even more as to why I'm really here
  52. Xettaiks: no, ty
  53. Xettaiks: it's all made up
  54. CyborgNinjaAvenger: not my profile it's not o_O
  55. CyborgNinjaAvenger: smh
  56. Xettaiks: lol
  57. Xettaiks: wind6
  58. Xettaiks: wind5
  59. Xettaiks: ws6
  60. Xettaiks: ws5
  61. Xettaiks: ws44
  62. Xettaiks: ws4
  63. Xettaiks: laf
  64. Xettaiks: boom
  65. Xettaiks: r1t
  66. Xettaiks: bx
  67. Xettaiks: dbb
  68. Xettaiks: 88
  69. CyborgNinjaAvenger: I don't see anything funny actually so what's the problem because I was introducing myself to you that's all
  70. Xettaiks: boom2
  71. CyborgNinjaAvenger: I'm not impressed by your powers ither
  72. Xettaiks: oh well
  73. Xettaiks: at least I have some
  74. Xettaiks: you have a RP, based on fantasy
  75. Xettaiks: I do too
  76. Xettaiks: but I don't lie
  77. Xettaiks: my shit is obviously made up
  78. Xettaiks: you want me to belive you worked for the FBI and CIA
  79. CyborgNinjaAvenger: you know nothing of the sort and I don't have a reason to lie to anyone about /who? and /what? I am on IMVU
  80. Xettaiks: but you're prolly just a 15 yr old kid
  81. Xettaiks: lmfao
  82. CyborgNinjaAvenger: 37 actually
  83. CyborgNinjaAvenger: even my profile says that
  84. Xettaiks: that's sad
  85. CyborgNinjaAvenger: August 25, 1982 to be exact
  86. Xettaiks: you don't know the truth about the FBI or CIA yet?
  87. CyborgNinjaAvenger: what's sad about my age? o_O
  88. Xettaiks: ^^
  89. CyborgNinjaAvenger: you don't know /what? I know /huh because you simply don't know me
  90. Xettaiks: by age 37, you should at least know better
  91. Xettaiks: I know the FBI and CIA or SCUMBAG PHAGGOTS
  92. CyborgNinjaAvenger: those were roles I'd played on IMVU genius
  93. Xettaiks: The FBI is the SHARIA ARM of the ISLAMIC countries
  94. Xettaiks: I know that
  95. Xettaiks: and it's based on bullshit
  96. Xettaiks: like I said
  97. Xettaiks: you tried to lie and say it's true
  98. Xettaiks: now you tell the truth
  99. Xettaiks: it is fake
  100. Xettaiks: like you
  101. CyborgNinjaAvenger: not the way I'd did it because I was an undercover agent
  102. Xettaiks: in a RP
  103. Xettaiks: lmfao
  104. Xettaiks: bzon1
  105. CyborgNinjaAvenger: you're beginning to be a bore.....have fun with your worthless powers because they're no match for me anyway
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