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- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;; MTS loader 1.71 by Snake ;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Dialogs
- dialog mts {
- title "MTS loader 1.71"
- size -1 -1 449 245
- option pixels
- list 1, 4 0 148 189, size
- text "Scheme:", 3, 8 193 48 16
- combo 4, 58 191 94 200, size drop
- text "Preview: None", 12, 162 10 148 16
- icon 14, 158 40 290 147
- button "Preview", 16, 325 8 60 20
- button "Larger", 17, 385 8 60 20
- button "Load", 20, 343 222 50 20
- button "Unload", 21, 395 222 50 20
- text "No preview generated at the moment", 22, 166 98 276 16, center
- button "", 41, 0 0 0 0, hide ok
- check "Accurate preview (slower)", 42, 162 192 280 20
- edit "", 5, 160 2 285 2
- edit "", 13, 160 32 285 2
- edit "", 15, 4 216 441 2
- menu "File", 6
- item "Add", 7, 6
- item "Edit", 8, 6
- item "Remove", 9, 6
- item break, 18, 6
- item "Add folder", 26, 6
- item "Clear list", 27, 6
- item break, 10, 6
- item "Info", 19, 6
- item break, 28, 6
- item "Close", 11, 6
- menu "Options", 2
- menu "Set path to", 35, 2
- item "MDX", 39, 35
- item "Popups", 40, 35
- item break, 36, 2
- item "Destroy previews", 37, 2
- item "Preview on click", 23, 2
- item "Clear windows on load/unload", 29, 2
- item "Minimize windows on load", 38, 2
- item break, 24, 2
- item "Advanced", 25, 2
- menu "Help", 30
- item "Readme", 32, 30
- item "Contents", 31, 30
- item break, 33, 30
- item "About", 34, 30
- }
- dialog mtsinfo {
- title "MTS loader 1.71 - Info"
- size -1 -1 151 113
- option dbu
- edit "", 1, 2 3 145 1
- text "Info on theme: N/A", 2, 4 5 145 8
- edit "", 3, 2 14 145 1
- text "Name: N/A", 4, 4 19 141 8
- text "Author: N/A", 5, 4 29 141 8
- text "URL:", 7, 4 50 15 8
- link "N/A", 8, 22 49 123 8
- text "MTS Version: N/A", 9, 4 59 141 8
- text "Description:", 10, 4 69 42 8
- edit "N/A", 11, 2 79 147 32, read multi autovs
- text "E-Mail:", 12, 4 39 20 8
- link "N/A", 6, 25 39 120 8
- button "", 13, 0 0 0 0, hide ok
- }
- dialog mtsopt {
- title "MTS loader 1.71 - Advanced options"
- size -1 -1 125 131
- option dbu
- edit "", 1, 2 3 120 1
- text "When loading themes, apply:", 2, 4 6 90 8
- edit "", 3, 2 16 120 1
- check "Pictures", 4, 4 19 63 10
- check "Colors", 5, 4 27 50 10
- check "Fonts", 6, 4 35 50 10
- check "Nick colors", 7, 74 27 50 10
- check "Timestamp", 8, 74 19 50 10
- edit "", 9, 2 48 120 1
- text "When a theme is loaded, hide:", 10, 4 51 90 8
- edit "", 11, 2 61 120 1
- check "Welcome messages", 13, 4 64 62 10
- check "Stats (/lusers)", 14, 4 72 60 10
- check "Nicks (/names)", 15, 74 64 64 10
- check "Channel info", 16, 74 73 48 10
- edit "", 17, 2 85 120 1
- button "Ok", 18, 65 120 28 9, ok
- button "Cancel", 19, 94 120 28 9, cancel
- edit "", 21, 2 98 120 1
- combo 22, 59 102 50 100, size drop
- button "", 23, 111 102 10 10
- check "Use custom nicklist colors", 20, 4 88 95 8
- text "Status:", 25, 4 103 19 8
- edit "", 26, 2 116 120 1
- }
- dialog preaux {
- title "MTS loader 1.71"
- size -1 -1 175 61
- text "", 1, 25 9 120 16, center
- text "", 2, 9 33 152 16
- button "", 3, 0 0 0 0, hide Ok
- }
- dialog lpre {
- title "MTS loader 1.71"
- size -1 -1 518 342
- option pixels
- edit "", 1, 4 8 510 2
- text "Preview:", 2, 8 14 216 16, disable
- edit "", 3, 4 34 510 2
- icon 4, 9 41 499 295
- button "", 5, 0 0 0 0, hide ok
- }
- dialog colors {
- title "Colors"
- size -1 -1 96 34
- option dbu
- button "", 1, 4 7 10 10
- button "", 2, 15 7 10 10
- button "", 3, 26 7 10 10
- button "", 4, 37 7 10 10
- button "", 5, 48 7 10 10
- button "", 6, 59 7 10 10
- button "", 7, 70 7 10 10
- button "", 8, 81 7 10 10
- button "", 9, 4 18 10 10
- button "", 10, 15 18 10 10
- button "", 11, 26 18 10 10
- button "", 12, 37 18 10 10
- button "", 13, 48 18 10 10
- button "", 14, 59 18 10 10
- button "", 15, 70 18 10 10
- button "", 16, 81 18 10 10
- box "", 17, 2 0 92 4
- box "", 18, 2 28 92 4
- button "", 19, 0 0 0 0, hide result
- button "", 20, 0 0 0 0, hide ok
- }
- ;; Events
- on *:dialog:mts:*:*: {
- if ($devent == init) {
- .setmtsmdx
- .mtsmdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 listview rowselect report single showsel > $mtsviews
- .mtsmdx SetBorderStyle $dname 16,17 clientedge
- .mtsmdx SetBorderStyle $dname 5,13,15 staticedge
- .mtsmdx SetFont $dname 12 ANSI 13 700 Tahoma
- .did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 127
- .did -i $dname 1 1 headertext Themes:
- .did -b mts 12
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($read($mtspath(,n,%i)) {
- if ($isfile($read($mtspath(,n,%i))) {
- .did -a mts 1 $nopath($read($mtspath(,n,%i))
- .inc %i
- }
- else .write -dl %i $mtspath(
- }
- if ($did(mts,1,2)) {
- .did -c mts 1 2
- .dm 1
- }
- if ($isfile($mtsret(main,preview))) {
- .var %t = $mtsret(main,preview)
- .showpre " $+ %t $+ "
- if ($didwm($dname,1,* 0 0 0 $deltok($nopath(%t),-1,45),1)) {
- .did -c $dname 1 $v1
- .dm $calc($v1 - 1)
- .var %t = $remlast($gettok($nopath(%t),-1,45),4)
- .did -c $dname 4 $iif(%t == mts,1,$calc($remove(%t,scheme) + 1))
- }
- }
- .else did -b mts 37
- .mtsinil click 23
- .mtsinil clear 29
- .mtsinil minimize 38
- .mtsinil accurate 42
- if (!$mtsh(current)) .did -b mts 21
- }
- elseif ($devent == sclick) {
- if ($did == 1) && ($did(mts,1).sel) {
- .var %t = $gettok($did(mts,1,1).text,1,32)
- if (%t == item) {
- .dm $calc($did(mts,1).sel - 1)
- if ($did(mts,23).state) .mtspre $mpre(small)
- }
- elseif (%t == rclick) .mtspop
- }
- elseif ($did == 4) && ($did(mts,1).sel) && ($did(mts,23).state) mtspre $mpre(small)
- elseif ($did == 16) {
- if ($did(mts,1).sel) .mtspre $mpre(small)
- }
- elseif ($did == 17) && ($did(mts,1).sel) .mtspre $mpre(large)
- elseif ($did == 20) && ($did(mts,1).sel) .mtsload $sch $read($mtspath(,n,$calc($did(mts,1).sel - 1))
- elseif ($did == 21) .mtsunload
- elseif ($did == 42) .writeini $mtspath(mts.ini) .main accurate $did(mts,42).state
- }
- elseif ($devent == menu) {
- if ($did == 7) .mtsadd
- elseif ($did == 8) .mtsedit
- elseif ($did == 9) .mtsdel
- elseif ($did == 19) {
- if ($did(mts,1).sel) .mtsinfo $+(",$read($mtspath(,n,$calc($did(mts,1).sel - 1)),")
- }
- elseif ($did == 11) .dialog -x mts
- elseif ($did == 25) .mtsopt
- elseif ($did == 26) {
- .var %dir = $$sdir(mts,Chosse a folder containing MTS themes,Ok)
- .var %i = 1
- .var %f2 = $mtspath(
- .while ($findfile(%dir,*.mts,%i)) {
- .var %f = $v1
- if (!$read(%f2,wn,%f)) {
- .write %f2 %f
- .did -a mts 1 $nopath(%f)
- }
- .inc %i
- }
- if ($did(mts,1,2)) {
- .did -c mts 1 %i
- .dm $calc($did(mts,1).sel - 1)
- }
- }
- elseif ($did == 27) {
- .write -c $mtspath(
- .did -r mts 1,4
- .clearinfo
- }
- elseif ($did == 39) .setmdxpath
- elseif ($did == 40) .setpoppath
- elseif ($did == 23) .mtsini click 23
- elseif ($did == 29) .mtsini clear 29
- elseif ($did == 38) .mtsini minimize 38
- elseif ($did == 37) {
- .did -ra mts 12 Preview: None
- .did -b mts 37
- .while ($findfile($scriptdir $+ large,*,1)) .remove " $+ $v1 $+ "
- .while ($findfile($scriptdir $+ small,*,1)) .remove " $+ $v1 $+ "
- .did -h mts 14
- .did -v mts 22
- }
- elseif ($did == 32) .run notepad.exe $mtspath(readme.txt)
- elseif ($did == 31) .mtshelp
- elseif ($did == 34) .var %n = $input(MTS loader 1.71 written by SolidSnake,oi,MTS loader)
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:mtsinfo:*:*: {
- if ($devent == init) {
- .setmtsmdx
- .mtsmdx SetFont $dname 2 ANSI 13 700 Tahoma
- .mtsmdx SetBorderStyle $dname 1,3,11 staticedge
- .did -b mtsinfo 2
- }
- elseif ($devent == sclick) {
- if ($did == 6) .run mailto: $+ $did(mtsinfo,6).text
- elseif ($did == 8) {
- .var %t = $did(mtsinfo,8).text
- .run $iif(http:// isin %t,%t, http:// $+ %t)
- }
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:mtsopt:*:*: {
- if ($devent == init) {
- .setmtsmdx
- .mtsmdx SetControlMDX $dname 23 Text > $mtsctl_gen
- .mtsmdx SetBorderStyle $dname 23 clientedge
- .mtsmdx SetBorderStyle $dname 1,3,9,11,17,21,26 staticedge
- .mtsmdx SetFont $dname 2,10 ANSI 13 700 Tahoma
- .did -b mtsopt 2,10
- .optaux2 yourself
- .optaux2 owner
- .optaux2 admin
- .optaux2 op
- .optaux2 hop
- .optaux2 voice
- .optaux2 regular
- .optaux2 notify
- .optaux2 protect
- .optaux2 autoop
- .optaux2 autovoice
- .optaux2 ignore
- .did -c mtsopt 22 1
- .optaux3 yourself
- .optaux pictures 4
- .optaux colors 5
- .optaux fonts 6
- .optaux nicks 7
- .optaux timestamp 8
- .optaux welcome 13
- .optaux lusers 14
- .optaux names 15
- .optaux chaninfo 16
- .optaux nickcolors 20
- }
- elseif ($devent == sclick) {
- if ($did == 22) optaux3 $did($did).seltext
- elseif ($did == 23) {
- .var %c = $stdc
- .var %t = $did(mtsopt,22).seltext
- .hadd mtsopt %t %c
- .optaux3 %t
- }
- elseif ($did == 18) {
- .optaux4 pictures 4
- .optaux4 colors 5
- .optaux4 fonts 6
- .optaux4 nicks 7
- .optaux4 timestamp 8
- .optaux4 welcome 13
- .optaux4 lusers 14
- .optaux4 names 15
- .optaux4 chaninfo 16
- .optaux4 nickcolors 20
- .optaux5 yourself
- .optaux5 owner
- .optaux5 admin
- .optaux5 op
- .optaux5 hop
- .optaux5 voice
- .optaux5 regular
- .optaux5 notify
- .optaux5 protect
- .optaux5 autoop
- .optaux5 autovoice
- .optaux5 ignore
- }
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:preaux:*:*:{
- if ($devent == init) {
- .setmtsmdx
- .mtsmdx SetControlMDX $dname 2 progressbar smooth > $mtsctl_gen
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:lpre:init:*:{
- .setmtsmdx
- .mtsmdx SetBorderStyle $dname 1,3 staticedge
- .mtsmdx SetFont $dname 2 ANSI 13 700 Tahoma
- }
- on *:dialog:colors:*:*: {
- if ($devent == init) {
- .setmtsmdx
- .mtsmdx SetBorderStyle $dname 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 clientedge
- .mtsmdx SetControlMDX $dname 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 Text > $mtsctl_gen
- .mtsmdx SetDialog $dname style 0 title
- .var %i = 1
- .while (%i <= 16) {
- .mtsmdx SetColor $dname %i background $color($calc(%i - 1))
- .inc %i
- }
- }
- elseif ($devent == sclick) {
- if ($did >= 1) && ($did <= 16) {
- .did -a $dname 19 $calc($did - 1)
- .dialog -k colors
- }
- }
- }
- on *:START:{
- if (!$isdir($scriptdir $+ small)) .mkdir " $+ $scriptdir $+ small $+ "
- if (!$isdir($scriptdir $+ large)) .mkdir " $+ $scriptdir $+ large $+ "
- .hmake mts 20
- .hload mts $mtspath(mts.ah)
- if ($isfile($mtsh(script))) && (!$script($mtsh(script))) .load -rs $shortfn($mtsh(script))
- if ($mtsh(timestampformat)) .timestamp -f $v1
- }
- on *:LOAD:{
- .echo -s This is MTS loader v1.71 written by SolidSnake (
- .echo -s type /mts to display the main MTS loader dialog box
- .echo -s To know more about this theme loader and it's commands available, type /mtshelp
- if ($version != 6.16) .echo -s This addon is meant to mIRC 6.16. It may not work as it should on this version ( $+ $version $+ )
- .writeini $mtspath(mts.ini) main mdx $remove($scriptdir,$mircdir) $+ MDX\
- .writeini $mtspath(mts.ini) main popups $remove($scriptdir,$mircdir) $+ popups.dll
- }
- on *:UNLOAD:mtsunload
- on *:EXIT:{
- if ($mtsh(timestampformat)) {
- .hadd mts timestampformat $timestampfmt
- .hsave -o mts $mtspath(mts.ah)
- }
- }
- on ^&*:CHAT:*:{
- if ($mts.event(textquery)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(normal) -mlt = $+ $nick
- .set -nu %::nick $nick
- .set -nu %::address $iif($address,$v1,N/A)
- .set -nu %::text $1-
- .set -u %::cnick $ncolor($nick)
- .set -nu %::nick $+(,%::cnick,$nick,)
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- on ^&*:TEXT:*:*:mts.tan $1-
- on ^&*:ACTION:*:*:mts.tan $1-
- on ^&*:NOTICE:*:*:mts.tan $1-
- on &*:INPUT:?:mts.inp $1-
- on &*:INPUT:=:mts.inp $1-
- on &*:INPUT:#:{
- if ($gettok($readini(mirc.ini,options,n1),23,44)) && ($2) && ($left($1,1) == !) && ($remfirst($1,1) ison $chan) {
- msg $v1 $1-
- .halt
- }
- mts.inp $1-
- }
- on ^*
- on ^*
- on ^&*:JOIN:#:.tjp $event $+ $iif($nick == $me,self)
- on ^&*:PART:#:if ($nick != $me) .tjp $event $1-
- on ^&*:NICK:{
- if ($mts.event($iif($nick == $me,nickself,nick))) {
- .set -nu %::nick $nick
- .set -nu %::newnick $newnick
- .set -nu %::address $iif($address,$v1,N/A)
- .loopt $newnick
- }
- }
- on ^&*:QUIT:{
- if ($mts.event(quit)) {
- .set -nu %::nick $nick
- .set -nu %::address $iif($address != $null,$v1,N/A)
- .set -nu %::text $1-
- .loopt $nick
- }
- }
- ctcp &*:*:*:{
- if ($mts.event($iif($chan,ctcpchan,ctcp))) {
- if ($1 == VERSION) || ($1 == DCC) || ($1 == SOUND) return
- .mtsvars echo $color(ctcp) - $+ $iif($mts.onactive(ctcps),$,s) $+ t
- .set -nu %::nick $nick
- .set -nu %::address $iif($address,$v1,N/A)
- .set -nu %::chan $chan
- .set -nu %::ctcp $1
- .set -nu %::text $2-
- if ($1 == PING) .set -un %reply $2-
- elseif ($1- == TIME) .set -un %reply $fulldate
- elseif ($1- == FINGER) .set -un %reply $fullname ( $+ $emailaddr $+ ) Idle $idle second(s) $readini(mirc.ini,text,finger)
- if (%reply) .ctcpreply $nick $1 %reply
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- on &*:CTCPREPLY:*:{
- if ($mts.event(ctcpreply)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(ctcp) - $+ $iif($mts.onactive(ctcps),$,s) $+ t
- .set -nu %::nick $nick
- .set -nu %::chan $chan
- .set -nu %::ctcp $1
- if ($1 == ping) .set -nu %::text $calc($ctime - $2) sec(s)
- else .set -nu %::text $2-
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- on &*:DNS:{
- .var %t = $iif($dns(0) > 0,dnsresolve,dnserror)
- if ($mts.event(%t)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(other) - $+ $
- if (%t == dnsresolve) {
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($dns(%i)) {
- .set -nu %::nick $dns(%i).nick
- .set -nu %::address $dns(%i)
- .set -nu %::iaddress $dns(%i).ip
- .set -nu %::naddress $dns(%i).addr
- .set -nu %::raddress $remtok(%::iaddress %::naddress,%::address,1,32)
- .theme.text
- .inc %i
- }
- }
- else {
- .set -nu %::address $address
- .set -nu %::iaddress $iaddress
- .set -nu %::raddress $raddress
- .set -nu %::naddress $naddress
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- }
- on ^&*:USERMODE:{
- if ($mts.event(modeuser)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(mode) -s
- .set -nu %::nick $nick
- .set -nu %::modes $1-
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- on ^&*:ERROR:*:{
- if ($mts.event(servererror)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(info) -st
- .set -nu %::text $1-
- .theme.text
- .halt
- }
- }
- on ^&*:INVITE:#:{
- if ($mts.event($event)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(invite) - $+ $iif($mts.onactive(invites),$,s) $+ t
- .set -nu %::nick $nick
- .set -nu %::address $iif($address != $null,$v1,N/A)
- .set -nu %::chan $chan
- .set -nu %::text $1-
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- on ^&*:SNOTICE:*:{
- if ($mts.event(noticeserver)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(notice) -at
- .set -nu %::nick $nick
- .set -nu %::address $iif($address != $null,$v1,N/A)
- .set -nu %::text $1-
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- on ^&*:WALLOPS:*:{
- if ($mts.event($event)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(wallops) -st
- .set -nu %::nick $nick
- .set -nu %::address $iif($address != $null,$v1,N/A)
- .set -nu %::text $1-
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- on ^&*:RAWMODE:#:{
- if ($mts.event(mode)) {
- .var %t = $mtsplace(mode)
- if (%t == 2) .halt
- elseif (%t == 1) var %t = echo $color(mode) -ts
- else var %t = echo $color(mode) -t $chan
- .mtsvars %t
- .set -u %::nick $nick
- .set -u %::address $iif($address,$v1,N/A)
- .set -u %::chan $chan
- .set -u %::modes $1-
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- on ^&*:TOPIC:#:{
- if ($mts.event($event)) {
- .var %t = $mtsplace($event)
- if (%t == 2) .halt
- elseif (%t == 1) .var %t = echo $color(topic) -as
- else .var %t = echo $color(topic) -t $chan
- .mtsvars %t
- .set -u %::nick $nick
- .set -u %::address $iif($address,$v1,N/A)
- .set -u %::chan $chan
- .set -u %::text $1-
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- on ^&*:KICK:#:{
- .var %t = $iif($knick == $me,kickself,$event)
- if ($mts.event(%t)) {
- .var %m = $mtsplace($event)
- if (%m == 2) .halt
- elseif (%m == 1) .var %m = echo $color(kick) -ts
- else .var %m = echo $color(kick) $iif(%t == kickself,$iif($window($chan),-t $chan,-st),-t $chan)
- .mtsvars %m
- .set -u %::nick $nick
- .set -u %::address $iif($address,$v1,N/A)
- .set -u %::chan $chan
- .set -u %::knick $knick
- .set -u %::kaddress $iif($address($knick,5),$v1,N/A)
- .set -u %::text $1-
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- raw 001:*:{
- if ($gettok($readini(mirc.ini,options,n1),11,44) == 1) .hadd -m motd $cid 1
- if ($mtsret(options,lusers)) .hadd -m lusers $cid 1
- .raw.aux -s $2-
- }
- raw 372:*:.raw.aux6 $1-
- raw 377:*:.raw.aux6 $1-
- raw 378:*:.raw.aux6 $1-
- raw 375:*:.raw.aux6 $1-
- raw 376:*:{
- if ($hget(motd,$cid)) {
- .hdel motd $cid
- .halt
- }
- raw.aux -s $2-
- }
- raw 474:*:.raw.aux -s $2-
- raw 421:*:.raw.aux -s $2-
- raw 315:*:.raw.aux -s $2-
- raw 367:*:.raw.aux -s $2-
- raw 368:*:.raw.aux -s $2-
- raw 366:*:{
- if ($hget(join,names. $+ $2 $+ $cid) == 1) && ($mtsh(current)) {
- .hdel join names. $+ $2 $+ $cid
- .halt
- }
- if ($hget(join,chaninfo. $+ $2 $+ $cid) == 1) && ($mtsh(current)) {
- .hdel join chaninfo. $+ $2 $+ $cid
- .halt
- }
- .raw.aux -s $2-
- }
- raw 332:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- if ($hget(join,$+(topic.,$2,$cid))) .halt
- if ($mts.event(raw.332)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(join) -t $2 $+ $chr(9) $+ $3-
- .set -u %::chan $2
- .set -u %::nick $2
- .set -u %::nick $2
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 352:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- if ($mts.event(raw.352)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(other) -s $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::nick $6
- .set -u %::address $3 $+ @ $+ $4
- .set -u %::wserver $5
- .set -u %::away $iif(h isin $7,h,g)
- .set -u %::cmode $iif(. isin $7,.,$iif(@ isin $7,@,$iif(% isin $7,%,$iif(+ isin $7,+))))
- .set -u %::isoper is $iif(* !isin $7,not)
- .set -u %::value $8
- .set -u %::realname $9-
- .set -u %::text $3-
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 333:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- if ($hget(join,$+(topic.,$2,$cid))) {
- .hdel join $+(topic.,$2,$cid)
- .halt
- }
- if ($mts.event(raw.333)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(join) -t $2 $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::nick $3
- .set -u %::value $4
- .set -u %::text $asctime($4)
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 353:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- if ($hget(join,names. $+ $3 $+ $cid)) .halt
- if ($mts.event(raw.353)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(other) -s $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::chan $3
- .set -u %::text $4-
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 329:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- if ($mtsret(options,chaninfo)) .halt
- if ($mts.event(raw.329)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(join) -t $2 $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::value $3
- .set -u %::text $asctime($3)
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 324:*:{
- if (%raw_324 == $2) { unset %raw_324 | return }
- if ($halted) return
- if ($mtsret(options,chaninfo)) .halt
- if ($mts.event(raw.324)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(join) -t $2 $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::modes $3-
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- set -e %raw_324 $2
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 341:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- if ($mts.event(raw.341)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(other) -s $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::nick $2
- .set -u %::chan $3
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 251:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- if ($hget(lusers,$cid)) .halt
- if ($mts.event(raw.251)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(other) -s $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::users $4
- .set -u %::text $6
- .set -u %::value $11
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 255:*:.raw.aux2 3 6 $2-
- raw 265:*:.raw.aux2 4 6 $2-
- raw 266:*:.raw.aux2 4 6 $2-
- raw 302:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- if ($mts.event(raw.302)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(other) -s $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::nick $remove($gettok($2,1,61),-,*)
- .set -u %::address $remove($gettok($2,2,61),-,*)
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 311:*:.raw.aux5 $1-
- raw 314:*:.raw.aux5 $1-
- raw 301:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- .var %t = $iif($hget($+(whois.,$2,$cid),311),whois,whowas)
- if ($mts.event(raw.301)) || ($mts.event(%t)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .hadd -m $+(whois.,$2,$cid) $numeric $3-
- if ($mtsget($mtsh(current),raw.301)) {
- .var %t = $hget($+(whois.,$2,$cid),311)
- .mtsvars echo $color(whois) - $+ $iif(!%t && $query($active) && $mts.onactive(away),a,$iif($mts.onactive(whois) && %t,$,s)) $+ $chr(9) $+ $3-
- .set -u %::nick $2
- .set -u %::away $3-
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- }
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 307:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- .var %t = $iif($hget($+(whois.,$2,$cid),311),whois,whowas)
- if ($mts.event(raw.307)) || ($mts.event(%t)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .hadd -m $+(whois.,$2,$cid) $numeric is
- if ($mtsget($mtsh(current),raw.307)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(whois) - $+ $iif($mts.onactive(whois),$,s) $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::nick $2
- .set -u %::isregd is
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- }
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 317:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- .var %t = $iif($hget($+(whois.,$2,$cid),311),whois,whowas)
- if ($mts.event(raw.317)) || ($mts.event(%t)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .hadd -m $+(whois.,$2,$cid) $numeric $3-
- if ($mtsget($mtsh(current),raw.317)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(whois) - $+ $iif($mts.onactive(whois),$,s) $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::nick $2
- .set -u %::idletime $3
- .set -u %::signontime $asctime($4)
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- }
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 319:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- .var %t = $iif($hget($+(whois.,$2,$cid),311),whois,whowas)
- if ($mts.event(raw.319)) || ($mts.event(%t)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .hadd -m $+(whois.,$2,$cid) $hget($+(whois.,$2,$cid),$numeric) $numeric $3-
- if ($mtsget($mtsh(current),raw.319)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(whois) - $+ $iif($mts.onactive(whois),$,s) $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::nick $2
- .set -u %::chan $3-
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- }
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 312:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- .var %t = $iif($hget($+(whois.,$2,$cid),311),whois,whowas)
- if ($mts.event(raw.312)) || ($mts.event(%t)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .hadd -m $+(whois.,$2,$cid) $numeric $3-
- if ($mtsget($mtsh(current),raw.312)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(whois) - $+ $iif($mts.onactive(whois),$,s) $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::nick $2
- .set -u %::wserver $3
- .set -u %::serverinfo $4-
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- }
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 313:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- .var %t = $iif($hget($+(whois.,$2,$cid),311),whois,whowas)
- if ($mts.event(raw.313)) || ($mts.event(%t)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .hadd -m $+(whois.,$2,$cid) $numeric $3-
- if ($mtsget($mtsh(current),raw.313)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(whois) - $+ $iif($mts.onactive(whois),$,s) $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::nick $2
- .set -u %::isoper is
- .set -u %::operline $3-
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- }
- .halt
- }
- }
- raw 316:*:.raw.aux3 $1-
- raw 330:*:.raw.aux3 $1-
- raw 309:*:.raw.aux3 $1-
- raw 308:*:.raw.aux3 $1-
- raw 379:*:.raw.aux3 $1-
- raw 310:*:.raw.aux3 $1-
- raw 441:*:.raw.aux4 $1-
- raw 443:*:.raw.aux4 $1-
- raw 318:*:.aux.318.369 $1-
- raw 369:*:.aux.318.369 $1-
- raw *:*:{
- if ($halted) return
- if ($hget(lusers,$cid)) && ($numeric >= 252) && ($numeric <= 254) && ($mtsh(current)) .halt
- if (!$istok(600.601.602.603.604.605.606.321.322.323.364.365,$numeric,46)) .raw.aux -s $2-
- }
- ;; Commands & identifiers
- alias mts if (!$dialog(mts)) .dialog -m mts mts
- alias -l stdc return $dialog(colors,colors)
- alias -l mtsmdx dll " $+ $mtsret(main,mdx) $+ mdx.dll $+ " $1-
- alias -l mtsviews return $mtsret(main,mdx) $+ views.mdx
- alias -l mtsctl_gen return $mtsret(main,mdx) $+ ctl_gen.mdx
- alias setmtsmdx {
- .mtsmdx SetMircVersion $version
- .mtsmdx MarkDialog $dname $dialog($dname).hwnd
- }
- alias mtspopups {
- .var %t = $mtsret(main,popups)
- if ($isid) return $dll(%t,$1,$2)
- else .dll " $+ %t $+ " $1-
- }
- alias -l remfirst return $right($1,$calc($len($1) - $2))
- alias -l remlast return $left($1,$calc($len($1) - $2))
- alias mtsinfo {
- if (!$dialog(mtsinfo)) .dialog -hm mtsinfo mtsinfo
- .did -ra mtsinfo 2 Info on theme: $nopath($1-)
- .did -ra mtsinfo 4 Name: $mtsinfo.aux($1-,name) $mtsget($1-,version)
- .did -ra mtsinfo 5 Author: $mtsinfo.aux($1-,author)
- .did -ra mtsinfo 6 $mtsinfo.aux($1-,email)
- .did -ra mtsinfo 8 $mtsinfo.aux($1-,website)
- .did -ra mtsinfo 9 MTS Version: $mtsinfo.aux($1-,mtsversion)
- .did -ra mtsinfo 11 $mtsinfo.aux($1-,description)
- }
- alias mtsopt if (!$dialog(mtsopt)) .dialog -hm mtsopt mtsopt
- alias -l mtsadd {
- .var %dir = $$sfile(mts\ $+ *.mts,Choose an MTS theme,Ok)
- if (!$read($mtspath(,wn,%dir)) {
- .write $mtspath( %dir
- .did -ac mts 1 $nopath(%dir)
- .dm $calc($did(mts,1).sel - 1)
- }
- }
- alias -l mtsedit if ($did(mts,1).sel) .run notepad.exe $read($mtspath(,n,$calc($v1 - 1))
- alias -l mtsdel {
- if ($did(mts,1).sel) {
- .var %t = $v1
- .did -d mts 1 %t
- .write -dl $calc(%t - 1) $mtspath(
- if ($did(mts,1,2)) {
- if ($did(mts,1).lines >= %t) did -c mts 1 %t
- else .did -c mts 1 $calc(%t - 1)
- .dm $calc($did(mts,1).sel - 1)
- }
- else .clearinfo
- }
- }
- alias country {
- if ($1) {
- if ($readini($mtspath(country.ini),country,$gettok($1,-1,46))) return $v1
- elseif ($gettok($1,1,46) == 127) return Fake Host
- elseif ($remove($1,.) isnum) return Numeric IP
- else return N/A
- }
- }
- alias mts.version return 1.3
- alias -l mtsget {
- if ($2) {
- .var %t = $iif($3,ns,s)
- if ($1 isnum) return $read($read($mtspath(,$1),%t,$2)
- else return $read($1,%t,$2)
- }
- }
- alias mtshelp .run $mtspath(contents.htm)
- alias mtspre {
- if ($isfile($3-)) {
- .var %fpreview = $mtspath($1 $+ \ $+ $nopath($3-) $+ - $+ $2 $+ .bmp)
- if ($isfile(%fpreview)) {
- $iif($1 == small,showpre,showprel) %fpreview
- return
- }
- .dialog -hm preaux preaux
- .did -a preaux 1 Loading MTS preview
- .mtssch $2-
- if ($isfile($mtspath(preview.mts))) .remove $mtspath(preview.mts)
- .savebuf @mtsp1 $mtspath(preview.mts)
- .window -c @mtsp1
- if ($window(@mtsp2)) .window -c @mtsp2
- .var %f = $shortfn($mtspath(preview.mts))
- .set -u %p.colors $mtsget(%f,colors)
- if (!%p.colors) set -u %p.colors $cdef
- .set -u %p.basecolors $mtsget(%f,basecolors)
- .set -u %p.rgbcolors $mtsget(%f,rgbcolors)
- if (!%p.rgbcolors) set -u %p.rgbcolors $rgbdef
- .set -u %p.fontchan $mtsget(%f,fontchan)
- .set -u %p.clinecharop $mtsget(%f,clinecharop)
- .set -u %p.clinecharvoice $mtsget(%f,clinecharvoice)
- .set -u %p.parentext $mtsget(%f,parentext)
- .set -u %p.clineme $mtsget(%f,clineme)
- .set -u %p.clineop $mtsget(%f,clineop)
- .set -u %p.clinevoice $mtsget(%f,clinevoice)
- if ($mtsget(%f,basecolors)) {
- .set -u %::c1 $+ $gettok(%p.basecolors,1,44)
- .set -u %::c2 $+ $gettok(%p.basecolors,2,44)
- .set -u %::c3 $+ $gettok(%p.basecolors,3,44)
- .set -u %::c4 $+ $gettok(%p.basecolors,4,44)
- }
- .set -u %p.script $shortfn($nofile($3-) $+ $mtsget(%f,script))
- .set -u %::pre $mtspre.aux($mtsget(%f,prefix))
- .set -u %::parentext $mtspre.aux($mtsget(%f,parentext))
- .set -u %::timestamp $mtspre.aux($mtsget(%f,timestamp))
- .set -u %::timestampformat $time($mtspre.aux($mtsget(%f,timestampformat)))
- if ($isfile(%p.script)) && (!$script(%p.script)) {
- .load -rs %p.script
- .var %unload = 1
- }
- if (%::timestamp != off) && (%::timestamp != on) && (%::timestamp) .set -u %::timestampformat $time(%::timestamp)
- if (!%::timestampformat) .set -u %::timestampformat $time((HH:nn))
- .set -u %pre.ts $iif(%::timestamp,$v1,off)
- .set -u %::timestamp %::timestampformat
- if ($window(@pretext)) .window -c @pretext
- .window -h @pretext
- .set -u %::me $+(,%p.clineme,$me,)
- .set -u %::chan #anaconda
- .set -u %::nick FreÎ
- .set -u %::address
- .set -u %::text See you later!
- .set -u %::modes +v $me
- .set -u %::ctcp PING
- .mtspre.aux2 8 joinself %f * Now talking in #anaconda
- .mtspre.aux2 8 join %f * FreÎ has joined #anaconda
- .mtspre.aux2 17 part %f * FreÎ has left #anaconda
- .set -u %::nick Snake
- .mtspre.aux2 10 mode %f * Snake sets mode: +v $me
- .set -u %::nick $+(,%p.clineop,SolidSnake)
- .set -u %::cmode $iif(%p.clinecharop,$+(,$v1,),@)
- .set -u %::text Grettings my friend
- .mtspre.aux2 12 textchan %f <Snake> %::text
- .set -u %::nick $+(,%p.clineop,LordNykon)
- .set -u %::text getting boring from this channel
- .mtspre.aux2 2 actionchan %f * LordNykon %::text
- .set -u %::nick [47]
- .set -u %::text $ctime
- .mtspre.aux2 3 ctcp %f [[47] PING]
- .set -u %::cmode $iif(%p.clinecharvoice,$+(,$v1,),+)
- .set -u %::text What channel is this?
- .mtspre.aux2 16 textchanself %f < $+ $me $+ > %::text
- .set -u %::text Quit: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong
- .mtspre.aux2 18 quit %f * [47] has quit IRC ( $+ %::text $+ )
- .set -u %::nick [MissManson]
- .set -u %::chan #hot
- .mtspre.aux2 7 invite %f * [MissManson] invites you to join #hot
- .set -u %::nick Lazarus
- .set -u %::text Hello, why don't you join #burro?
- .mtspre.aux2 13 notice %f - $+ Lazarus $+ - %::text
- if ($1 != small) {
- .set -u %::nick Snake
- .set -u %::newnick SolidSnake
- .set -u %::chan #anaconda
- .set -u %::text I don't like your nick!
- .mtspre.aux2 9 kickself %f * You were kicked from #anaconda by Snake ( $+ %::text $+ )
- .mtspre.aux2 8 joinself %f * Rejoined channel #anaconda
- .mtspre.aux2 11 nick %f * Snake is now known as SolidSnake
- .set -u %::text MTS loader 1.71 for mIRC 6.16
- .set -u %::nick SolidSnake
- .mtspre.aux2 19 topic %f * SolidSnake changes topic to ' $+ %::text $+ '
- .set -u %::value SolidSnake
- .set -u %::fromserver $nick
- .set -u %::isoper is not
- .set -u %::isregd is not
- .set -u %::realname Classified
- .set -u %::country $country(pt)
- .set -u %::isregd is
- .set -u %::idletime 47
- .set -u %::signontime $asctime($ctime)
- .set -u %::wserver
- .set -u %::serverinfo Portuguese IRC server
- .set -u %::isoper is not
- if ($mtsget(%f,whois)) {
- .set -u %::numeric 318
- .var %p.whois = $theme.parse($v1)
- .set -u %:echo aline @pretext 21
- if ($gettok(%p.whois,1,32) == !script) {
- if ($gettok(%p.whois,2-,32)) $v1
- }
- else .aline @pretext 21 %p.whois
- }
- else {
- .set -u %::numeric 311
- .mtspre.aux2 21 raw.311 %f SolidSnake is %::address * $name
- .set -u %::numeric 307
- .mtspre.aux2 21 raw.307 %f SolidSnake is a registered and identified nick
- .set -u %::numeric 319
- .mtspre.aux2 21 raw.319 %f SolidSnake on #anaconda
- .set -u %::numeric 312
- .mtspre.aux2 21 raw.312 %f SolidSnake using Portuguese IRC server
- .set -u %::numeric 317
- .mtspre.aux2 21 raw.317 %f SolidSnake has been idle 47secs, signed on %::signontime
- .set -u %::numeric 318
- .mtspre.aux2 21 raw.318 %f SolidSnake End of /WHOIS list.
- }
- }
- if ($window(@preview)) window -c @preview
- if ($mtsret(main,accurate)) && (%p.rgbcolors) {
- .var %i = 0
- .while (%i <= 15) {
- .var %rgbcurrent = %rgbcurrent $rgb($color(%i))
- .inc %i
- }
- .loadc1 %p.rgbcolors
- .color -ls mIRC Classic
- }
- .window -Bph +d @preview -1 -1 $iif($1 == small,280 146,499 290)
- .var %i = 1
- .while (%i <= 16) {
- .var %c = %c $rgb( [ $mts.namergb($gettok(%p.rgbcolors,%i,32)) ] )
- .inc %i
- }
- .var %preback = $gettok(%c,$calc($gettok(%p.colors,1,44) + 1),32)
- .drawfill -r @preview %preback %preback 1 1
- .var %prefont = " $+ $gettok(%p.fontchan,1,44) $+ "
- .var %presize = $gettok(%p.fontchan,2,44)
- .var %i = 1
- .var %l = $line(@pretext,0)
- .while ($line(@pretext,%i)) {
- .var %precolor = $gettok(%c,$calc($gettok(%p.colors,$gettok($v1,1,32),44) + 1),32)
- .var %preline = $gettok($v1,2-,32)
- .var %t = $iif(%pre.ts != off,%::timestamp) %preline
- .drawtext -rpb @preview %precolor %preback %prefont %presize 3 $iif(%i != 1,$calc(1 + ((%i - 1) * $height(%preline,%prefont,%presize))),1) $iif(%rgbcurrent,%t,$strip(%t,c))
- .did -a preaux 2 %i 0 %l
- .inc %i
- }
- if (%rgbcurrent) {
- .loadc1 $v1
- .color -ls mIRC Classic
- }
- .dialog -x preaux
- .drawsave @preview %fpreview
- if ($dialog(mts)) && ($1 == small) {
- .showpre %fpreview
- .did -v mts 14
- .did -e mts 37
- }
- else .showprel %fpreview
- .remove $mtspath(preview.mts)
- .window -c @preview
- .window -c @pretext
- if (%unload) .unload -rs %p.script
- }
- }
- alias mtsload {
- if ($isfile($2-)) {
- if ($mtsget($2-,mtsversion) > $mts.version) {
- .var %v = $input(This theme is meant for MTS format $v1 $+ . This theme loader is meant for $mts.version $+ . Procced?,yvq,Clone Scan)
- if (%v == $no) return
- }
- if ($mtsret(main,minimize)) .wins -n
- if ($mtsret(main,clear)) .clearall
- .dialog -hm preaux preaux
- .dialog -t preaux MTS load
- .did -a preaux 1 Generating source
- .current.unload
- .mtssch $1-
- if ($isfile($mtspath(current.mts))) .remove $mtspath(current.mts)
- .savebuf @mtsp1 $mtspath(current.mts)
- .window -c @mtsp1
- if ($window(@mtsp2)) .window -c @mtsp2
- .did -a preaux 2 1 0 9
- .var %f = $mtspath(current.mts)
- if (!$hget(mts)) .hmake mts 20
- if ($load.aux5(colors)) {
- .did -ra preaux 1 .Loading colors
- .hadd mts basecolors $mtsget(%f,basecolors)
- if ($mtsget(%f,rgbcolors)) {
- .hadd mts rgbcolors $v1
- .loadc1 $mtsh(rgbcolors)
- }
- else .rgbrst
- if ($mtsget(%f,colors)) {
- .hadd mts colors $v1
- .loadc2 $mtsh(colors)
- }
- else .colorrst
- }
- else {
- .colorrst
- .rgbrst
- }
- .did -a preaux 2 2 0 9
- .clinerst
- .did -ra preaux 1 Loading nickcolors
- if ($mtsret(options,nickcolors)) {
- .load.aux7 m0 yourself
- .load.aux7 om0 autoop
- .load.aux7 vm0 autovoice
- .load.aux7 pm0 protect
- .load.aux7 ym0 notify
- .load.aux7 im0 ignore
- .load.aux7 m0 owner .
- .load.aux7 m0 owner ~
- .load.aux7 m0 admin &
- .load.aux7 m0 op @
- .load.aux7 m0 hop %
- .load.aux7 m0 voice +
- .load.aux7 m0 regular
- }
- elseif ($load.aux5(nicks)) {
- if ($mtsget(%f,clineme) != $null) .cnick -m0 $!me $v1
- if ($mtsget(%f,clinefriend) != $null) {
- .cnick -om0 * $v1
- .cnick -vm0 * $v1
- .cnick -pm0 * $v1
- .cnick -ym0 * $v1
- }
- if ($mtsget(%f,clineenemy) != $null) .cnick -im0 * $v1
- .load.aux6 clineowner . %f
- .load.aux6 clineowner ~ %f
- .load.aux6 clineop & %f
- .load.aux6 clineop @ %f
- .load.aux6 clinehop % %f
- .load.aux6 clinevoice + %f
- if ($mtsget(%f,clineregular) != $null) .cnick -m0 * $v1
- }
- .hadd mts clinecharowner $mtsget(%f,clinecharowner)
- .hadd mts clineCharop $mtsget(%f,clinecharop)
- .hadd mts clineCharhop $mtsget(%f,clinecharhop)
- .hadd mts clineCharvoice $mtsget(%f,clinecharvoice)
- .hadd mts clineCharregular $mtsget(%f,clinecharregular)
- .did -a preaux 2 3 0 9
- .hadd mts pre $load.aux2($mtsget(%f,prefix))
- .hadd mts parentext $load.aux2($mtsget(%f,parentext))
- .tsrst
- if ($load.aux5(timestamp)) {
- .did -ra preaux 1 Loading timestamp
- .hadd mts timestamp $mtsget(%f,timestamp)
- .hadd mts timestampformat $load.aux2($mtsget(%f,timestampformat))
- .timestamp on
- if ($mtsh(timestamp)) && ($mtsh(timestamp) != on) && ($mtsh(timestamp) != off) {
- .hadd mts timestampformat $load.aux2($v1)
- .timestamp -f $mtsh(timestampformat)
- }
- elseif ($mtsh(timestamp) == on) .timestamp -f $iif($mtsh(timestampformat),$v1,[HH:nn])
- else .timestamp off
- }
- .did -a preaux 2 4 0 9
- if ($load.aux5(fonts)) {
- .did -ra preaux 1 Loading fonts
- .var %j = 1
- .while ($scon(%j)) {
- scon %j
- if ($mtsget(%f,fontdefault)) {
- .hadd mts fontdefault $mtsget(%f,fontdefault)
- .font -s $load.aux3($mtsh(fontdefault))
- }
- else {
- .font -s "fixedsys" 9
- .hdel mts fontdefault
- }
- .var %t = fixedsys,9
- if ($mtsget(%f,fontchan)) {
- .hadd mts fontchan $mtsget(%f,fontchan)
- .var %font = $load.aux3($mtsh(fontchan))
- }
- else {
- .var %font = $load.aux3(%t)
- .hdel mts fontchan
- }
- .var %fchannel = $iif($mtsh(fontchan),$v1,%t)
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($chan(%i)) {
- .font $chan(%i) %font
- .inc %i
- }
- if ($mtsget(%f,fontquery)) {
- .hadd mts fontquery $mtsget(%f,fontquery)
- .var %font = $load.aux3($mtsh(fontquery))
- }
- else {
- .var %font = $load.aux3(%t)
- .hdel mts fontquery
- }
- .var %fquery = $iif($mtsh(fontquery),$v1,%t)
- .var %fchat = %fquery
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($query(%i)) {
- .font $query(%i) %font
- .inc %i
- }
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($chat(%i)) {
- .font = $+ $chat(%i) %font
- .inc %i
- }
- .inc %j
- }
- .remini mirc.ini fonts
- .writeini mirc.ini fonts fchannel %fchannel
- .writeini mirc.ini fonts fquery %fquery
- .writeini mirc.ini fonts fchat %fchat
- .font -s $load.aux3($mtsh(fontdefault))
- }
- else .fontrst
- .did -a preaux 2 5 0 9
- .bgrst
- .hadd mts file $remove($2-,$mircdir)
- if ($load.aux5(pictures)) {
- .did -ra preaux 1 Loading pictures
- .remini mirc.ini background
- .var %j = 1
- .while ($scon(%j)) {
- scon %j
- .hadd mts imagestatus $mtsget(%f,imagestatus)
- if ($mtsh(imagestatus)) .background -s $+ $load.aux4($v1)
- .hadd mts imagechan $mtsget(%f,imagechan)
- if ($img.aux4($mtsh(imagechan))) {
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($chan(%i)) {
- .background - $+ $img.aux($mtsh(imagechan)) $chan(%i) $img.aux2($mtsh(imagechan))
- .inc %i
- }
- .writeini mirc.ini background wchannel $img.aux3($mtsh(imagechan))
- }
- .hadd mts imagequery $mtsget(%f,imagequery)
- if ($img.aux4($mtsh(imagequery))) {
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($query(%i)) {
- .background - $+ $img.aux($mtsh(imagequery)) $query(%i) $img.aux2($mtsh(imagequery))
- .inc %i
- }
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($chat(%i)) {
- .background - $+ $img.aux($mtsh(imagequery)) $+(=,$chat(%i)) $img.aux2($mtsh(imagequery))
- .inc %i
- }
- .writeini mirc.ini background wquery $img.aux3($mtsh(imagequery))
- .writeini mirc.ini background wchat $img.aux3($mtsh(imagequery))
- }
- .hadd mts imagemirc $mtsget(%f,imagemirc)
- if ($img.aux4($mtsh(imagemirc))) .background -m $+ $load.aux4($mtsh(imagemirc))
- if (!$dialog(toolbar)) {
- .hadd mts imagebuttons $mtsget(%f,imagebuttons)
- if ($isfile($nofile($mtsh(file)) $+ $mtsh(imagebuttons))) .background -u $img.aux2($mtsh(imagebuttons))
- .hadd mts imagetoolbar $mtsget(%f,imagetoolbar)
- if ($img.aux4($mtsh(imagetoolbar))) .background -l $+ $load.aux4($mtsh(imagetoolbar))
- }
- .hadd mts imageswitchbar $mtsget(%f,imageswitchbar)
- if ($img.aux4($mtsh(imageswitchbar))) .background -h $+ $load.aux4($mtsh(imageswitchbar))
- .inc %j
- }
- }
- .did -a preaux 2 6 0 7
- .srst
- if ($mtsget(%f,script)) {
- .did -ra preaux 1 Loading scriped events
- .hadd mts script $remove($nofile($mtsh(file)) $+ $mtsget(%f,script),$mircdir)
- if ($isfile($mtsh(script))) .load -rs " $+ $mtsh(script) $+ "
- }
- .hadd -m mts current $remove(%f,$mircdir)
- .did -a preaux 2 7 0 7
- if ($mts.event(load)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(other) -s
- .theme.text
- }
- if ($dialog(mts)) .did -e mts 21
- .dialog -x preaux
- if ($mtsret(main,minimize)) .wins -r
- .hsave -o mts $mtspath(mts.ah)
- }
- }
- alias mtsunload {
- if (!$hget(mts)) return
- if ($mtsret(main,minimize)) .wins -n
- if ($mtsret(main,clear)) .clearall
- .current.unload
- .dialog -hm preaux preaux
- .did -a preaux 1 Unloading MTS Theme
- .clinerst
- .did -a preaux 2 1 0 8
- .rgbrst
- .did -a preaux 2 2 0 8
- .colorrst
- .did -a preaux 2 3 0 8
- .bgrst
- .did -a preaux 2 4 0 8
- .fontrst
- .did -a preaux 2 5 0 8
- .tsrst
- .did -a preaux 2 6 0 8
- .srst
- .did -a preaux 2 7 0 8
- .hdel -w mts *
- if ($isfile($mtspath(current.mts))) .remove $mtspath(current.mts)
- .did -a preaux 2 8 0 8
- if ($dialog(mts)) .did -b mts 21
- .dialog -x preaux
- if ($mtsret(main,minimize)) .wins -r
- .hsave -o mts $mtspath(mts.ah)
- .hfree mts
- }
- alias mtsvars {
- .set -nu %:echo $gettok($1-,1,9)
- .set -nu %::me $me
- .set -nu %::server $server
- .set -nu %::port $port
- .set -nu %::pre $pre
- .set -nu %::target $target
- .set -u %::c1 $bc(1)
- .set -u %::c2 $bc(2)
- .set -u %::c3 $bc(3)
- .set -u %::c4 $bc(4)
- .set -nu %::timestamp $time($mtsh(timestampformat))
- if ($numeric) {
- .set -nu %::numeric $numeric
- .var %t = $gettok($gettok($1-,2,9),1,32)
- .set -nu %::value %t
- .set -nu %::nick %t
- .set -nu %::chan %t
- .set -nu %::fromserver $nick
- .set -nu %::isoper is not
- .set -nu %::isregd is not
- .set -nu %::text $gettok($1-,2,9)
- }
- }
- alias -l mtsplace {
- .var %t = $readini(mirc.ini,events,default)
- if ($1 == join) %t = $gettok(%t,1,44)
- elseif ($1 == part) %t = $gettok(%t,2,44)
- elseif ($1 == quit) %t = $gettok(%t,3,44)
- elseif ($1 == mode) %t = $gettok(%t,4,44)
- elseif ($1 == topic) %t = $gettok(%t,5,44)
- elseif ($1 == ctcp) %t = $gettok(%t,6,44)
- elseif ($1 == nick) %t = $gettok(%t,7,44)
- elseif ($1 == kick) %t = $gettok(%t,8,44)
- return %t
- }
- alias -l theme.parse {
- .var %t = $replace($1,<pre>,%::pre,<timestamp>,%::timestamp,<c1>,%::c1,<c2>,%::c2,<c3>,%::c3,<c4>,%::c4)
- .var %t = $replace(%t,<me>,%::me,<server>,%::server,<port>,%::port,<nick>,%::nick,<chan>,%::chan,<address>,%::address)
- .var %t = $replace(%t,<cmode>,%::cmode,<cnick>,%::cnick,<target>,%::target,<knick>,%::knick,<kaddress>,%::kaddress,<newnick>,%::newnick)
- .var %t = $replace(%t,<modes>,%::modes,<ctcp>,%::ctcp,<numeric>,%::numeric,<value>,%::value,<fromserver>,%::fromserver,<users>,%::users)
- .var %t = $replace(%t,<away>,%::away,<realname>,%::realname,<isoper>,%::isoper,<operline>,%::operline,<isregd>,%::isregd)
- .var %t = $replace(%t,<wserver>,%::wserver,<serverinfo>,%::serverinfo,<idletime>,%::idletime,<signontime>,%::signontime,<iaddress>,%::iaddress,<naddress>,%::naddress,<raddress>,%::raddress)
- .var %t = $replace(%t,<ts>,,<lt>,<,<gt>,>,<parentext>,%::parentext,<text>,%::text)
- return %t
- }
- alias -l theme.text {
- if (%::text) .set -nu %::parentext $replace($mtsh(parentext),<text>,%::text)
- if ($1) .var %t = $mtsget($mtsh(current),$1,1)
- else .var %t = %mts.event
- if (!%t) && (raw. isin $1) .var %t = $mtsget($mtsh(current),raw.other)
- if (!%t) return
- if ($gettok(%t,1,32) != !script) %:echo $theme.parse($eval(%t,2)) %:comments
- else {
- if (!$gettok(%t,2,32)) {
- if (raw. isin $1) .halt
- }
- else {
- .var %t = $gettok(%t,2-,32)
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($gettok(%t,%i,124)) {
- $eval($theme.parse($v1),2)
- .inc %i
- }
- }
- }
- .haltdef
- }
- alias cmode {
- .var %t = $left($remove($nick($2,$1).pnick,$1),1)
- if (%t == .) && ($mtsh(clinecharowner)) .var %t = $mtsh(clinecharowner)
- elseif (%t == @) && ($mtsh(clineCharop)) .var %t = $mtsh(clineCharop)
- elseif (%t == %) && ($mtsh(clineCharhop)) .var %t = $mtsh(clineCharhop)
- elseif (%t == +) && ($mtsh(clineCharvoice)) .var %t = $mtsh(clineCharvoice)
- elseif ($mtsh(clineCharregular)) .var %t = $mtsh(clineCharregular)
- elseif (%t == +) return $+(12,%t,)
- elseif (%t == @) return $+(4,%t,)
- elseif (%t == %) return $+(11,%t,)
- }
- alias -l mts.event {
- if (!$mtsh(current)) || (!$1) return
- .set -nu %mts.event $mtsget($mtsh(current),$1,1)
- if (%mts.event) return 1
- }
- alias pre if ($mtsh(pre)) return $v1
- alias bc if ($1 isnum) && ($mtsh(basecolors)) return $+ $gettok($mtsh(basecolors),$1,44)
- alias cmdchar return $readini(mirc.ini,text,commandchar)
- alias -l img.aux return $lower($replace($left($gettok($1,1,32),1),s,r))
- alias -l img.aux2 return " $+ $nofile($mtsh(file)) $+ $iif($gettok($1,2,32),$v1,$1) $+ "
- alias -l img.aux3 {
- .var %t = $gettok($1,1,32)
- if (%t == center) .var %t = 0
- elseif (%t == fill) .var %t = 1
- elseif (%t == normal) .var %t = 2
- elseif (%t == stretch) .var %t = 3
- elseif (%t == tile) .var %t = 4
- elseif (%t == photo) .var %t = 5
- return $nofile($mtsh(file)) $+ $gettok($1,2,32) $+ , $+ %t
- }
- alias -l img.aux4 return $isfile($nofile($mtsh(file)) $+ $gettok($1,2,32))
- alias describe {
- if ($2 != $null) {
- if ($show) {
- if (!$window($1)) .var %t = textmsgself
- elseif ($1 ischan) .var %t = actionchanself
- else .var %t = actionqueryself
- if ($mts.event(%t)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(action) $iif(%t == textmsgself,-ta,-tm $1)
- .set -nu %::chan $1
- .set -nu %::target $1
- .set -nu %::text $2-
- if (%t == textmsgself) {
- .set -nu %::address $address($1,5)
- .set -nu %::nick $1
- .set -nu %::me $me
- }
- else {
- if (%t == actionchanself) .set -u %::cmode $cmode($me,$1)
- .set -nu %::nick $me
- .set -nu %::me $me
- .set -nu %::address $address($me,5)
- }
- .var %m = .describe
- .theme.text
- }
- else .var %m = describe
- }
- else .var %m = .describe
- %m $1-
- }
- }
- alias action if ($is.input($1)) describe $active $+ $color(action) $+ $1-
- alias me if ($is.input($1)) describe $active $+ $color(action) $+ $1-
- alias msg {
- if ($2 != $null) {
- if ($show) {
- if (!$window($1)) .var %t = textmsgself
- elseif ($1 ischan) .var %t = textchanself
- else .var %t = textqueryself
- if ($mts.event(%t)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(own) $iif(%t == textmsgself,-ta,-tm $1)
- .set -nu %::chan $1
- .set -nu %::target $1
- .set -nu %::text $2-
- if (%t == textmsgself) {
- .set -nu %::address $address($1,5)
- .set -u %::cnick $ncolor($1)
- .set -nu %::nick $+(,%::cnick,$1,)
- .set -nu %::me $me
- }
- else {
- if (%t == textchanself) {
- .set -u %::cnick $ncolor($me,$1)
- .set -u %::cmode $cmode($me,$1)
- }
- else .set -u %::cnick $ncolor($me)
- .set -nu %::nick $+(,%::cnick,$me,)
- .set -nu %::me $+(,%::cnick,$me,)
- .set -nu %::address $address($me,5)
- }
- .var %m = .msg
- .theme.text
- }
- else .var %m = msg
- }
- else .var %m = .msg
- %m $1-
- }
- }
- alias amsg {
- if ($1 != $null) {
- am.aux amsg textchanself $1-
- %m $1-
- }
- }
- alias ame {
- if ($1 != $null) {
- am.aux ame actionchanself $1-
- %m $1-
- }
- }
- alias qmsg {
- if ($1 != $null) {
- qm.aux qmsg textqueryself $1-
- %m $1-
- }
- }
- alias qme {
- if ($1 != $null) {
- qm.aux qme actionqueryself $1-
- %m $1-
- }
- }
- alias say if ($is.input($1)) msg $active $1-
- alias notice {
- if ($2 != $null) {
- if ($show) {
- if ($mts.event($iif($left($1,1) == $chr(35),noticechanself,noticeself))) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(own) -ta
- .set -nu %::me $me
- .set -nu %::target $1
- .set -nu %::address $address($me,5)
- if ($1 ischan) .set -u %::cmode $cmode($me,$1)
- .set -u %::cnick $ncolor($1)
- .set -nu %::chan $+(,%::cnick,$1,)
- .set -nu %::nick $+(,%::cnick,$1,)
- .set -nu %::text $2-
- .var %m = .notice
- .theme.text
- }
- else .var %m = notice
- }
- else .var %m = .notice
- %m $1-
- }
- }
- alias dns {
- if ($mts.event(dns)) {
- if ($left($1,1) == -) var %t = $2
- else .var %t = $1
- .mtsvars echo $color(other) -a
- .set -u %::nick %t
- .set -u %::address %t
- .dns $1-
- if ($show) .theme.text
- }
- else $iif($show,dns,.dns) $1-
- }
- alias ctcp {
- if ($2 != $null) {
- ctcp.aux ctcp $1-
- %m $iif($2 == PING,$1 $2 $ctime,$1-)
- }
- }
- alias ctcpreply {
- if ($2 != $null) {
- ctcp.aux ctcpreply $1-
- %m $1-
- }
- }
- alias mts.namergb {
- .var %t = $iif($read($mtspath(,ns,$1),$v1,$1)
- .var %d = 255,255,255
- return $iif($gettok(%t,0,44) == 3,%t,%d)
- }
- alias -l return $iif($cid == $activecid,a,s)
- alias -l mts.onnotify {
- if ($1 == window) {
- .var %n = 2
- .var %t = 16
- }
- elseif ($1 == active) {
- .var %n = 3
- .var %t = 24
- }
- return $gettok($readini(mirc.ini,options,n $+ %n),%t,44)
- }
- alias -l mts.onactive {
- if ($1 == invites) {
- .var %n = 3
- .var %t = 26
- }
- elseif ($1 == queries) {
- .var %n = 4
- .var %t = 5
- }
- elseif ($1 == notices) {
- .var %n = 5
- .var %t = 13
- }
- elseif ($1 == whois) {
- .var %n = 2
- .var %t = 26
- }
- elseif ($1 == ctcps) {
- .var %n = 4
- .var %t = 19
- }
- elseif ($1 == away) {
- .var %n = 4
- .var %t = 32
- }
- return $gettok($readini(mirc.ini,options,n $+ %n),%t,44)
- }
- alias -l mtspop {
- .mtspopups New mtspop 9 9
- .mtspop.aux Add $cr mtsadd
- .mtspop.aux Edit $cr mtsedit
- .mtspop.aux Remove $cr mtsdel
- .mtspop.aux
- .mtspop.aux Preview $cr mtspre $mpre(small)
- .mtspop.aux Load $cr mtsload $sch $read($mtspath(,n,$calc($did(mts,1).sel - 1))
- .mtspop.aux
- .mtspop.aux Show info $cr mtsinfo $+(",$read($mtspath(,n,$calc($did(mts,1).sel - 1)),")
- .var %t = $mtspopups(Popup,mtspop + $mouse.dx $mouse.dy)
- if ($gettok(%t,1,32) == OK) $gettok(%t,4-,32)
- }
- alias -l mtspop.aux mtspopups AddItem mtspop end + 0 0 $1-
- alias -l setmdxpath {
- .var %t = $$sdir($scriptdir,Set MDX path,Ok)
- if ($isfile(%t $+ mdx.dll)) && ($isfile(%t $+ ctl_gen.mdx)) && ($isfile(%t $+ views.mdx)) .writeini $mtspath(mts.ini) main mdx %t
- else .var %null = $input(MDX files are missing. You need at least mdx.dll $+ $chr(44) ctl_gen.mdx and views.mdx,o,Theme loader)
- }
- alias setpoppath {
- .var %t = $$sfile($scriptdir $+ *.dll,Set Popups.dll path,Ok)
- if ($isfile(%t)) writeini $mtspath(mts.ini) .main popups %t
- }
- alias -l mtspath return $+(",$scriptdir,$1,")
- alias -l mtsh return $hget(mts,$1)
- alias -l mtsret return $readini($mtspath(mts.ini),$1,$2)
- alias -l mtsinil if ($mtsret(main,$1)) .did -c mts $2
- alias -l mpre return $1 $sch $+(",$read($mtspath(,n,$calc($did(mts,1).sel - 1)),")
- alias -l mtsini {
- if ($did(mts,$2).state) did -u mts $2
- else .did -c mts $2
- .writeini $mtspath(mts.ini) main $1 $did(mts,$2).state
- }
- alias -l dm {
- if ($1) {
- if ($dialog(mtsinfo)) mtsinfo $+(",$read($mtspath(,n,$1),")
- .did -ra mts 4 Default
- .var %i = 1
- .var %t = scheme $+ 1
- .while ($mtsget($1,%t)) {
- .did -a mts 4 $mtsget($1,%t)
- .inc %i
- .var %t = scheme $+ %i
- }
- .did -c mts 4 1
- if (%i > 1) .did -e mts 4
- else .did -b mts 4
- }
- }
- alias -l sch return $iif($did(mts,4).sel == 1,mts,$+(scheme,$calc($did(mts,4).sel - 1)))
- alias -l clearinfo {
- if ($dialog(mtsinfo)) {
- .did -ra mtsinfo 2 Info on theme: N/A
- .did -ra mtsinfo 4 Name: N/A
- .did -ra mtsinfo 5 Author: N/A
- .did -ra mtsinfo 6 N/A
- .did -ra mtsinfo 8 N/A
- .did -ra mtsinfo 9 MTS Version: N/A
- .did -ra mtsinfo 11 N/A
- }
- }
- alias -l mtsinfo.aux return $iif($mtsget($1,$2),$v1,N/A)
- alias -l showpre {
- .writeini $mtspath(mts.ini) .main preview $1-
- .did -ra mts 12 Preview: $deltok($nopath($1-),-1,45)
- .did -h mts 22
- .did -g mts 14 $1-
- }
- alias -l showprel {
- if ($dialog(lpre)) .dialog -x lpre lpre
- .dialog -hm lpre lpre
- .did -g lpre 4 $1-
- .did -ra lpre 2 Preview: $deltok($nopath($1-),-1,45)
- }
- alias -l mtssch {
- .window -h @mtsp1
- .loadbuf -tmts @mtsp1 $shortfn($2-)
- if ($1 != mts) && ($read($2-,wn,$+($chr(91),$1,$chr(93)))) {
- .window -h @mtsp2
- .loadbuf -t $+ $1 @mtsp2 $shortfn($2-)
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($line(@mtsp2,%i)) {
- .var %w = $gettok($line(@mtsp2,%i),1,32) *
- if (%w != *) {
- if ($fline(@mtsp1,%w)) rline @mtsp1 $fline(@mtsp1,%w) $line(@mtsp2,%i)
- else .aline @mtsp1 $line(@mtsp2,%i)
- }
- .inc %i
- }
- }
- }
- alias -l mtspre.aux return $replace($1,<c1>,%::c1,<c2>,%::c2,<c3>,%::c3,<c4>,%::c4)
- alias -l mtspre.aux2 {
- .var %t = $theme.parse($iif($mtsget($3,$2),$v1,$4-))
- .set -u %:echo aline @pretext $1
- if ($gettok(%t,1,32) == !script) {
- if ($gettok(%t,2-,32)) $v1
- }
- else .aline @pretext $1 %t
- }
- alias -l optaux if ($mtsret(options,$1)) .did -c mtsopt $2
- alias -l optaux2 {
- .did -a mtsopt 22 $1
- .hadd -m mtsopt $1 $mtsret(options,$1)
- }
- alias -l optaux3 .mtsmdx SetColor $dname 23 background $color($hget(mtsopt,$1))
- alias -l optaux4 .writeini $mtspath(mts.ini) options $1 $did(mtsopt,$2).state
- alias -l optaux5 .writeini $mtspath(mts.ini) options $1 $hget(mtsopt,$1)
- alias -l current.unload {
- if ($mts.event(unload)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(other) -s
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- alias -l load.aux {
- if ($gettok($mtsh(colors),$1,44) != $null) .color $2- $v1
- elseif ($1 == 28) .color inactive $color(editbox)
- }
- alias -l load.aux2 return $replace($1,<c1>,$bc(1),<c2>,$bc(2),<c3>,$bc(3),<c4>,$bc(4),<pre>,$pre,<ts>,,<lt>,<,<gt>,>)
- alias -l load.aux3 return " $+ $gettok($gettok($1,1,44),1,59) $+ " $gettok($1,2,44)
- alias -l load.aux4 return $img.aux($1) $img.aux2($1)
- alias -l load.aux5 return $mtsret(options,$1)
- alias -l load.aux6 if ($mtsget($3-,$1) != $null) .cnick -m0 * $v1 $2
- alias -l load.aux7 .cnick - $+ $1 $iif($2 == yourself,$!me,*) $mtsret(options,$2) $3
- alias -l loadc1 {
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($gettok($1-,%i,32)) {
- .var %t = %t $+ , $+ $rgb( [ $mts.namergb($v1) ] )
- .inc %i
- }
- .writeini mirc.ini palettes n0 $remfirst(%t,1)
- }
- alias -l loadc2 {
- .var %t = $1-
- if ($numtok(%t,44) == 26) var %t = %t $+ , $+ $gettok(%t,-1,44)
- if ($numtok(%t,44) == 27) var %t = %t $+ , $+ $gettok(%t,22,44)
- .writeini mirc.ini colors n0 mIRC Classic, $+ %t
- .color -ls mIRC Classic
- }
- alias -l rgbrst {
- if ($mtsh(rgbcolors)) {
- .loadc1 $rgbdef
- .hdel mts rgbcolors
- }
- }
- alias -l colorrst {
- if ($mtsh(colors)) {
- .loadc2 $cdef
- .hdel mts colors
- }
- }
- alias -l clinerst .while ($cnick(0)) .cnick -r 1
- alias -l tsrst {
- .timestamp on
- .timestamp -f [HH:nn]
- .hdel -w mts timestamp*
- }
- alias -l bgrst {
- .var %j = 1
- .while ($scon(%j)) {
- scon %j
- .background -xs
- .background -xm
- .background -xl
- .background -xu
- .background -xh
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($chan(%i)) {
- .background -x $chan(%i)
- .inc %i
- }
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($query(%i)) {
- .background -x $query(%i)
- .inc %i
- }
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($chat(%i)) {
- .background -x $+(=,$chat(%i))
- .inc %i
- }
- .inc %j
- }
- .remini mirc.ini background
- .writeini mirc.ini background wquery none
- .writeini mirc.ini background wchat none
- .writeini mirc.ini background wchannel none
- .hdel -w mts image*
- }
- alias -l srst {
- if ($mtsh(script)) && ($isfile($v1)) .unload -rsn " $+ $mtsh(script) $+ "
- .hdel mts script
- }
- alias -l fontrst {
- .font -z
- .hdel -w mts font*
- }
- alias -l cdef return 0,6,4,5,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,5,7,6,1,3,2,3,5,1,0,1,0,1,15,6,0
- alias -l rgbdef return 255,255,255 0,0,0 0,0,128 0,144,0 255,0,0 128,0,0 160,0,160 255,128,0 255,255,0 0,255,0 0,144,144 0,255,255 0,0,255 255,0,255 128,128,128 208,208,208
- alias -l ncolor {
- .var %t = $cnick($iif($2,$nick($2,$1).pnick,$1))
- if (%t) && ($cnick(%t).method != 2) return $cnick(%t).color
- }
- alias -l wins {
- .var %j = 1
- .while ($scon(%j)) {
- scon %j
- if ($left($1,1) == $chr(45)) {
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($window(*,%i)) {
- .var %t = $window(*,%i)
- .window $1 $iif($left(%t,1) == $chr(61),%t,$+(",%t,"))
- .inc %i
- }
- }
- .inc %j
- }
- }
- alias -l loopt {
- .var %t = $mtsplace($event)
- if ($event == quit) {
- if (%t == 1) || (%t == 2) .var %s = 1
- if (%t == 0) || (%t == 2) .var %c = 1
- }
- else {
- if (%t == 0) .var %c = 1
- }
- if (!%c) && (!%s) .halt
- if (%c) {
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($comchan($1,%i)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color($event) -t $comchan($1,%i)
- .theme.text
- .inc %i
- }
- }
- if (%s) {
- .mtsvars echo $color($event) -ts
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- alias -l tjp {
- if ($mts.event($1)) {
- if ($event == join) && ($nick == $me) {
- if ($mtsret(options,names)) .hadd -m join $+(names.,$chan,$cid) 1
- if ($mtsret(options,chaninfo)) .hadd -m join $+(topic.,$chan,$cid) 1
- }
- .var %t = $mtsplace($event)
- if (%t == 2) .halt
- elseif (%t == 1) .var %t = echo $color($event) -ts
- else .var %t = echo $color($event) -t $chan
- .mtsvars %t
- .set -nu %::nick $nick
- .set -nu %::address $iif($address,$v1,N/A)
- .set -nu %::chan $chan
- .set -nu %::text $2-
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- alias -l mts.inp {
- if ($mtsh(current)) && ($left($1,1) != $cmdchar) {
- say $1-
- .halt
- }
- }
- alias -l mts.tan {
- if ($mtsh(current)) {
- .var %t = - $+ $iif($highlight($1-),l)
- if ($chan) {
- %t = %t $+ tm $chan
- if ($event == text) .var %e = textchan
- elseif ($event == action) .var %e = actionchan
- else .var %e = noticechan
- .set -nu %::chan $chan
- .set -u %::cmode $cmode($nick,$chan)
- if ($event == text) .set -u %::cnick $ncolor($nick,$chan)
- }
- else {
- %t = %t $+ $iif($event != notice,$iif($query($nick),tm $nick,$iif($gettok($readini(mirc.ini,options,n0),22,44),tdm,$iif($mts.onactive(queries) && $active ischan,$ $+ tm,stm))),$iif($mts.onactive(notices),$ $+ tm,stm))
- if ($event == text) .var %e = $iif($query($nick),textquery,textmsg)
- elseif ($event == action) .var %e = actionquery
- else .var %e = notice
- if ($event == text) .set -u %::cnick $ncolor($nick)
- }
- if ($mts.event(%e)) {
- if ($chan) && ($gettok($readini(mirc.ini,options,n0),3,44)) && (($chan != $active) || (!$appactive)) beep 1
- elseif ($gettok($readini(mirc.ini,options,n4),2,44)) && (($nick != $active) || (!$appactive)) beep 1
- if ($gettok($readini(mirc.ini,options,n7),$iif($chan,5,6),44)) flash [message waiting]
- if ($highlight($nick).nicks) && ($highlight) {
- if ($highlight($nick).sound != none) {
- .var %s = $v1
- $iif(%s == beep,%s,$iif($isfile(%s),.splay -wmp $+(",%s,")))
- }
- if ($highlight($nick).color) var %c = $v1 - 1
- if ($highlight($nick).flash) flash $+(-r,$v1) $highlight($nick).message
- }
- .set -nu %::nick $+(,%::cnick,$nick,)
- .set -nu %::address $iif($address,$v1,N/A)
- .set -nu %::text $1-
- .mtsvars echo $iif(%c != $null,%c,$color($iif($event == text,normal,$event))) %t
- .theme.text
- }
- }
- }
- alias -l uno {
- if ($mts.event($event)) && (!$mts.onnotify(window)) {
- .set -nu %::nick $nick
- .set -nu %::address $notify($nick).addr
- .set -nu %::text $notify($nick).note
- .mtsvars echo $color(notify) -st
- .theme.text
- .var %t = Status Window
- if ($mts.onnotify(active)) && ($cid == $activecid) && ($active != %t) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(notify) -at
- .theme.text
- }
- if ($notify($nick).whois) && ($event == notify) .whois $nick
- }
- }
- alias -l am.aux {
- if ($show) {
- if ($mts.event($2)) {
- .set -nu %::address $address($me,5)
- .set -nu %::text $3-
- .set -u %m . $+ $1
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($chan(%i)) {
- .var %t = $v1
- .mtsvars echo $color(own) -t %t
- .set -u %::cmode $cmode($me,%t)
- if ($1 == amsg) .set -u %::cnick $ncolor($me,%t)
- .set -nu %::chan %t
- .set -nu %::target %::chan
- .set -nu %::me $+(,%::cnick,$me,)
- .set -nu %::nick %::me
- .theme.text $2
- .inc %i
- }
- }
- else .set -u %m $1
- }
- else .set -u %m . $+ $1
- }
- alias -l qm.aux {
- if ($show) {
- if ($mts.event($2)) {
- .set -nu %::address $address($me,5)
- if ($1 == qmsg) .set -u %::cnick $ncolor($me)
- .set -nu %::text $3-
- .set -u %m . $+ $1
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($query(%i)) {
- .var %t = $v1
- .mtsvars echo $color(own) -t %t
- .set -nu %::target %t
- .set -nu %::me $+(,%::cnick,$me,)
- .set -nu %::nick %::me
- .theme.text $2
- .inc %i
- }
- }
- else .set -u %m $1
- }
- else .set -u %m . $+ $1
- }
- alias is.input {
- if ($1 != $null) && (($active ischan) || ($query($active)) || ($left($active,1) == $chr(61))) return 1
- }
- alias -l ctcp.aux {
- if ($show) {
- if ($mts.event($+($1,$iif($left($1,1) == $chr(35),chanself,self)))) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(own) -at
- .set -nu %::nick $2
- .set -nu %::chan $2
- .set -nu %::target $2
- .set -nu %::ctcp $upper($3)
- .set -nu %::text $4-
- .set -nu %m . $+ $1
- .theme.text
- }
- else .set -nu %m $1
- }
- else .set -nu %m . $+ $1
- }
- alias -l raw.aux {
- if ($halted) return
- if ($mtsret(options,welcome)) && ($numeric >= 001) && ($numeric <= 005) .halt
- if ($mts.event(raw. $+ $numeric)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(other) $1 $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- .halt
- }
- }
- alias -l raw.aux2 {
- if ($halted) return
- if ($hget(lusers,$cid)) {
- if ($numeric == 266) .hdel lusers $cid
- .halt
- }
- if ($mts.event(raw. $+ $numeric)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(other) -s $+ $chr(9) $+ $3-
- .set -u %::users $gettok($3-,$1,32)
- .set -u %::value $gettok($3-,$2,32)
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- .halt
- }
- }
- alias -l raw.aux3 {
- if ($halted) return
- .var %t = $iif($hget($+(whois.,$2,$cid),311),whois,whowas)
- if ($mts.event(raw. $+ $numeric)) || ($mts.event(%t)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .hadd -m $+(whois.,$2,$cid) $numeric $3-
- if ($mtsget($mtsh(current),$+(raw.,$numeric))) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(whois) - $+ $iif($mts.onactive(whois),$,s) $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::nick $2
- .set -u %::text $3-
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- }
- .halt
- }
- }
- alias -l raw.aux4 {
- if ($halted) return
- if ($mts.event(raw. $+ $numeric)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(other) -s $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::nick $2
- .set -u %::chan $3
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- .halt
- }
- }
- alias -l raw.aux5 {
- if ($halted) return
- .var %t = $iif($numeric == 311,whois,whowas)
- if ($mts.event(raw. $+ $numeric)) || ($mts.event(%t)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .hadd -m $+(whois.,$2,$cid) $numeric $3-
- if ($mtsget($mtsh(current),raw. $+ $numeric)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(whois) - $+ $iif($mts.onactive(whois),$,s) $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- .set -u %::nick $2
- .set -u %::address $3 $+ @ $+ $4
- .set -u %::realname $6-
- .set -u %::country $country($4)
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- }
- .halt
- }
- }
- alias -l raw.aux6 {
- if ($hget(motd,$cid)) .halt
- .raw.aux -s $2-
- }
- alias -l aux.318.369 {
- if ($halted) return
- .var %t = $iif($numeric == 318,whois,whowas)
- if ($mts.event(raw. $+ $numeric)) || ($mts.event(%t)) || ($mts.event(raw.other)) {
- .mtsvars echo $color(whois) - $+ $iif($mts.onactive(whois),$,s) $+ $chr(9) $+ $2-
- if ($mtsget($mtsh(current),whois)) {
- .var %i = 1
- .while ($gettok($2,%i,44)) {
- .set -u %::nick $gettok($2,%i,44)
- .var %t = $hget($+(whois.,%::nick,$cid),$iif($numeric == 318,311,314))
- if (%t) {
- .set -u %::address $gettok(%t,1,32) $+ @ $+ $gettok(%t,2,32)
- .set -u %::realname $gettok(%t,4-,32)
- .set -u %::country $country($gettok(%t,2,32))
- .set -u %::away $hget($+(whois.,%::nick,$cid),301)
- .set -u %::text $hget($+(whois.,%::nick,$cid),301)
- .set -u %::isregd is $iif(!$hget($+(whois.,%::nick,$cid),307),not)
- .var %t = $hget($+(whois.,%::nick,$cid),317)
- .set -u %::idletime $gettok(%t,1,32)
- .set -u %::signontime $asctime($gettok(%t,2,32))
- .set -u %::chan $hget($+(whois.,%::nick,$cid),319)
- .var %t = $hget($+(whois.,%::nick,$cid),312)
- .set -u %::wserver $gettok(%t,1,32)
- .set -u %::serverinfo $gettok(%t,2-,32)
- .var %t = $hget($+(whois.,%::nick,$cid),313)
- .set -u %::isoper is $iif(!%t,not)
- .set -u %::operline %t
- .theme.text $iif($numeric == 318,whois,whowas)
- }
- .inc %i
- }
- }
- if $hget($+(whois.,$gettok($2,1,44),$cid),$iif($numeric == 318,311,314)) && ($mtsget($mtsh(current),$+(raw.,$numeric))) {
- .set -u %::nick $2
- .theme.text $+(raw.,$numeric)
- }
- .hfree -w $+(whois.*,$cid)
- .halt
- }
- }
- ; --------------------------------------------------------- eof ---------------------------------------------------------
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