
HolograpicShop - Problem

Feb 16th, 2016
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text 1.68 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Plugin_NotEnabled:
  2. - ''
  3. Plugin_SetEnableToTrue:
  4. - ''
  5. Plugin_WillBeDisabled:
  6. - ''
  7. Shop_ShopIsNotOpen:
  8. - ''
  9. Shop_NotEnoughMoney:
  10. - ''
  11. Shop_NotEnoughItemsToSell:
  12. - ''
  13. Shop_YouDontHaveThisMuchItem:
  14. - ''
  15. Shop_ItemSellSuccess:
  16. - ''
  17. Shop_YouCanBreakOnlyYourOwnShop:
  18. - ''
  19. Shop_NotEnoughItemInChest:
  20. - ''
  21. Shop_NumOfItemsLeftInChest:
  22. - ''
  23. Shop_Error_OwnerNotFount:
  24. - ''
  25. Shop_Error_MoneyTransferUserToOwner:
  26. - ''
  27. Shop_ItemBuySuccess:
  28. - ''
  29. Shop_YouReceiveThisMuchMoney:
  30. - ''
  31. Holo_NoFurthurInformation:
  32. - ''
  33. Holo_Empty:
  34. - ''
  35. Holo_Closed:
  36. - ''
  37. Holo_Open:
  38. - ''
  39. Holo_Click:
  40. - ''
  41. Holo_Quantity:
  42. - ''
  43. Holo_Total:
  44. - ''
  45. Holo_Unit:
  46. - ''
  47. Command_Main_HelpDescription:
  48. - ''
  49. Command_Help_AddItemDescription:
  50. - ''
  51. Command_Help_RemoveDescription:
  52. - ''
  53. Command_Help_ListDescription:
  54. - ''
  55. Command_Help_ToggleDescription:
  56. - ''
  57. Command_Help_ChangePriceDescription:
  58. - ''
  59. Command_NoSuchShopWithThatName:
  60. - ''
  61. Command_YouAreNotTheOwnerOfThatShop:
  62. - ''
  63. Command_ArgumentIsNotANumber:
  64. - ''
  65. Command_HoldAnItemOnHandFirst:
  66. - ''
  67. Command_AddItemSuccess:
  68. - ''
  69. Command_ArgumentIsOutOfRange:
  70. - ''
  71. Command_RemoveItemSuccess:
  72. - ''
  73. Command_ShopToggled:
  74. - ''
  75. Command_NothingInTheShop:
  76. - ''
  77. Command_ChangeItemPriceSuccess:
  78. - ''
  79. Command_ShopState_Open:
  80. - ''
  81. Command_ShopState_Closed:
  82. - ''
  83. Manager_SecondLineIsNull:
  84. - ''
  85. Manager_FillSecondLineAndTryAgain:
  86. - ''
  87. Manager_ShopNameTooLong:
  88. - ''
  89. Manager_NameLengthMustBeSmallerThanEight:
  90. - ''
  91. Manager_ShopNameAlreadyExist:
  92. - ''
  93. Manager_ShopCreateSuccess:
  94. - ''
  95. Manager_ThirdLineMustBeShopType:
  96. - ''
  97. Manager_PutShopTypeAndTryAgain:
  98. - ''
  99. Manager_BUY_Description:
  100. - ''
  101. Manager_SELL_Description:
  102. - ''
  103. Manager_ShopNotOwnedByYou:
  104. - ''
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