

Feb 19th, 2025
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  1. name: Dawn
  2. game: Starcraft 2
  3. requires:
  4. version: 0.5.1
  6. Starcraft 2:
  7. progression_balancing: 16
  8. accessibility: full
  9. start_inventory: {}
  10. disable_forced_camera: true
  11. skip_cutscenes: true
  12. vanilla_items_only: false
  13. mission_order_scouting: none
  14. # None, Completed, Available, Layout, Campaign, All
  15. game_difficulty: brutal
  16. game_speed: faster
  17. starter_unit: off
  18. required_tactics: standard
  19. nerf_unit_baselines: true
  20. mission_bias: hard
  21. # Determines whether easy missions can appear late in the campaign. easy/hard.
  22. mission_order: Grid
  23. # Vanilla, Vanilla Shuffled, Mini Campaign, Blitz, Gauntlet, Grid, Golden Path, Hopscotch, Custom
  24. maximum_campaign_size: 25
  25. enable_wol_missions: true
  26. enable_prophecy_missions: true
  27. enable_hots_missions: true
  28. enable_lotv_prologue_missions: true
  29. enable_lotv_missions: true
  30. enable_epilogue_missions: false
  31. enable_nco_missions: false
  32. enable_race_swap: pick_one_non_vanilla
  33. # disabled, pick_one, pick_one_non_vanilla, shuffle_all, shuffle_all_non_vanilla
  34. shuffle_no_build: false
  35. # Optional Campaign Settings
  36. all_in_map:
  37. ground: 50
  38. air: 50
  39. grid_two_start_positions: false
  40. key_mode: disabled
  41. # disabled, questlines, missions, progressive_questlines, progressive_missions, progressive_per_questline
  42. selected_races: all
  43. mission_race_balancing: semi_balanced
  44. # disabled, semi_balanced, fully_balanced
  45. shuffle_campaigns: false
  46. exclude_very_hard_missions: default
  47. # default, true, false
  48. ensure_generic_items: 25
  49. min_number_of_upgrades: 2
  50. max_number_of_upgrades: 3
  51. max_upgrade_level: 3
  52. generic_upgrade_missions: 0
  53. generic_upgrade_research: vanilla
  54. generic_upgrade_research_speedup: false
  55. generic_upgrade_items: individual_items
  56. # individual_items, bundle_weapon_and_armor, bundle_unit_class, bundle_all
  57. kerrigan_presence: vanilla
  58. kerrigan_levels_per_mission_completed: 0
  59. kerrigan_levels_per_mission_completed_cap: -1
  60. kerrigan_level_item_sum: 70
  61. kerrigan_level_item_distribution: smooth
  62. kerrigan_total_level_cap: -1
  63. start_primary_abilities: 0
  64. kerrigan_primal_status: vanilla
  65. grant_story_levels: minimum
  66. spear_of_adun_presence: lotv_protoss
  67. spear_of_adun_present_in_no_build: false
  68. spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_ability_presence: lotv_protoss
  69. spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_present_in_no_build: false
  70. enable_morphling: false
  71. victory_cache: 2
  72. vanilla_locations: enabled
  73. extra_locations: disabled
  74. challenge_locations: enabled
  75. mastery_locations: enabled
  76. basebust_locations: enabled
  77. speedrun_locations: enabled
  78. preventative_locations: enabled
  79. filler_percentage: 0
  80. minerals_per_item: 25
  81. vespene_per_item: 25
  82. starting_supply_per_item: 2
  83. maximum_supply_per_item: 1
  84. maximum_supply_reduction_per_item: 1
  85. lowest_maximum_supply: 180
  86. filler_ratio:
  87. 1 Kerrigan Level: 1
  88. Additional Maximum Supply: 1
  89. Additional Starting Minerals: 1
  90. Additional Starting Supply: 1
  91. Additional Starting Vespene: 1
  92. Decreased Maximum Supply: 0
  93. Increased Building Construction Speed: 1
  94. Increased Shield Regeneration: 1
  95. locked_items: {}
  96. excluded_items: {}
  97. unexcluded_items: {}
  98. excluded_missions: []
  99. difficulty_damage_modifier: true
  100. enable_void_trade: false
  101. void_trade_age_limit: 30_minutes
  102. # disabled, 1_week, 1_day, 4_hours, 2_hours, 1_hour, 30_minutes, 5_minutes
  103. grant_story_tech: false
  104. take_over_ai_allies: true
  105. player_color_terran_raynor: hot_pink
  106. player_color_protoss: hot_pink
  107. player_color_zerg: hot_pink
  108. player_color_zerg_primal: hot_pink
  109. player_color_nova: hot_pink
  110. local_items: []
  111. non_local_items: []
  112. start_hints: []
  113. start_location_hints: []
  114. exclude_locations: []
  115. priority_locations: []
  116. item_links: []
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