
ollydbg cmdbar cmdlist

Jun 3rd, 2023
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  1. t_command cmdlist[] = {
  2. // "Assignment" command, must be first in the list.
  3. { "SET", "LV", 0, Setcmnd, "Writes value of expression to reg|mem" }, // Assign to lvalue
  4. // Disassembler commands.
  5. { "AT", "A", 0, Dasmcmd, "Disassemble at address" }, // Disassemble at address
  6. { "FOLLOW","A", 0, Dasmcmd, "Disassemble at address" }, // Ditto
  7. { "ORIG", "", 0, Dorigin, "Disassemble at EIP" }, // Disassemble at EIP
  8. { "*", "", 0, Dorigin, "Disassemble at EIP" }, // Ditto
  9. // Dump and stack commands.
  10. { "D", "A", 0, Dumpcmd, "Dump at address" }, // Dump at address
  11. { "DUMP", "A", 0, Dumpcmd, "Dump at address" }, // Dump at address
  12. { "DA", "a", DU_DISASM|0x0011, Dumpcmd, "Dump as disassembly" }, // Dump as disassembly
  13. { "DB", "a", DU_HEXTEXT|0x0101, Dumpcmd, "Dump in hex byte format" }, // Dump in hex byte format
  14. { "DC", "a", DU_TEXT|0x0401, Dumpcmd, "Dump in ASCII format" }, // Dump in ASCII format
  15. { "DD", "a", DU_ADDR|0x0014, Dumpcmd, "Dump in stack format" }, // Dump in stack format
  16. { "DU", "a", DU_UNICODE|0x0402, Dumpcmd, "Dump in UNICODE format" }, // Dump in UNICODE format
  17. { "DW", "a", DU_IHEX|0x0082, Dumpcmd, "Dump in hex word format" }, // Dump in hex word format
  18. { "STK", "A", 0, Stakcmd, "Go to address in stack" }, // Go to address in stack
  19. // Assembling commands.
  20. { "A", "AS", 0, Assembl, "Assemble at address" }, // Assemble at address
  21. // Comments and labels.
  22. { "L", "AS", NM_LABEL, Commlab, "Label at address" }, // Label at address
  23. { ":", "AS", NM_LABEL, Commlab, "Label at address" }, // Ditto
  24. { "C", "AS", NM_COMMENT, Commlab, "Comment at address" }, // Comment at address
  25. // Breakpoint commands.
  26. { "BP", "AS", 0, Breakpt, "Break with condition" }, // Break with condition
  27. { "BPX", "S", 0, Brkname, "Break on all calls" }, // Break on all calls
  28. { "BPD", "S", 1, Brkname, "Delete break on all calls" }, // Delete break on all calls
  29. { "BC", "A", 0, Delbkpt, "Delete breakpoint" }, // Delete breakpoint
  30. { "MR", "Av", MEMBP_READ, Membkpt, "Memory breakpt on access" }, // Memory breakpt on access
  31. { "MW", "Av", MEMBP_WRITE, Membkpt, "Memory breakpt on write" }, // Memory breakpt on write
  32. { "MD", "", 0, Membkpt, "Remove memory breakpoint" }, // Remove memory breakpoint
  33. { "HR", "A", HB_ACCESS, Hwbreak, "HW break on access" }, // HW break on access
  34. { "HW", "A", HB_WRITE, Hwbreak, "HW break on write" }, // HW break on write
  35. { "HE", "A", HB_CODE, Hwbreak, "HW break on execution" }, // HW break on execution
  36. { "HD", "a", HB_FREE, Hwbreak, "Remove HW breakpoint" }, // Remove HW breakpoint
  37. // Stepping and tracing commands.
  38. { "STOP", "", VK_F12, Keystrk, "Pause execution" }, // Pause execution
  39. { "PAUSE", "", VK_F12, Keystrk, "Pause execution" }, // Ditto
  40. { "RUN", "", 0, Runprog, "Run program" }, // Run program
  41. { "G", "a", 0, Runprog, "Run till address" }, // Run till address
  42. { "GE", "a", 1, Runprog, "Run and pass exception" }, // Run and pass exception
  43. { "S", "", 0, Stepper, "Step into" }, // Step into
  44. { "SI", "", 0, Stepper, "Step into" }, // Ditto
  45. { "SO", "", 1, Stepper, "Step over" }, // Step over
  46. { "T", "a", 0, Tracing, "Trace in till address" }, // Trace in till address
  47. { "TI", "a", 0, Tracing, "Trace in till address" }, // Ditto
  48. { "TO", "a", 1, Tracing, "Trace over till address" }, // Trace over till address
  49. { "TC", "S", 0, Tracing, "Trace in till condition" }, // Trace in till condition
  50. { "TOC", "S", 1, Tracing, "Trace over till condition" }, // Trace over till condition
  51. { "TR", "", VK_F9, Ctrlkey, "Till return" }, // Till return
  52. { "TU", "", VK_F9, Altkeyd, "Till user code" }, // Till user code
  53. // Table window commands.
  54. { "LOG", "", 'L', Altkeyd, "View Log window" }, // View Log window
  55. { "MOD", "", 'E', Altkeyd, "View Modules window" }, // View Modules window
  56. { "MEM", "", 'M', Altkeyd, "View Memory window" }, // View Memory window
  57. { "CPU", "", 'C', Altkeyd, "View CPU window" }, // View CPU window
  58. { "CS", "", 'K', Altkeyd, "View Call Stack" }, // View Call Stack
  59. { "BRK", "", 'B', Altkeyd, "View Breakpoints window" }, // View Breakpoints window
  60. { "OPT", "", 'O', Altkeyd, "Open Options" }, // Open Options
  61. // Application commands.
  62. { "EXIT", "", 'X', Altkeyd, "Quit OllyDbg" }, // Quit OllyDbg
  63. { "QUIT", "", 'X', Altkeyd, "Quit OllyDbg" }, // Ditto
  64. // Miscellaneous commands.
  65. { "OPEN", "S", 0, Openexe, "Open executable file" }, // Open executable file
  66. { "CLOSE", "", VK_F2, Altkeyd, "Close executable" }, // Close executable
  67. { "RST", "", VK_F2, Ctrlkey, "Restart current program" }, // Restart current program
  68. { "HELP", "S", 0, Heeeelp, "Help on API function" }, // Help on API function
  69. { "H", "S", 0, Heeeelp, "Help on API function" }, // Ditto
  70. // My commands.
  71. { "ASM", "S", 0, LineAsm, "Assemble (if command needs it's own addres, \"ASM COMMAND;ADDRESS\")"}, // Assemble
  72. { "DASM", "S", 0, LineDsm, "Disassemble immediate opcode" }, // Dump at address
  73. { "FR", "", 'R', CtlDasm, "Find reference to selected command/address"}, // Find Reference to selected command/address
  74. { "AC", "", 'A', CtlDasm, "Analyse code" }, // Analyse Code
  75. { "SN", "", 'N', CtlDasm, "Search for Name(label) in current module" }, // Search for Name(label) in current module
  76. { "SOB", "", 'O', CtlDasm, "Scan object files" }, // Scan OBJect files
  77. // Macro command
  78. { "MAC", "S", 0, LoadMac, "Execute Macro Command" }, // Execute Macro Command
  79. { "OSC", "S", 0, GoScrpt, "Execute OllyScript script" }, // Execute Macro Command
  80. // Calculator and watch commands.
  81. { "CALC", "V", 0, Express, "Estimate expression" }, // Estimate expression
  82. { "?", "V", 0, Express, "Estimate expression" }, // Ditto
  83. { "WATCH", "S", 0, Addwtch, "Add watch expression" }, // Add watch expression
  84. { "W", "S", 0, Addwtch, "Add watch expression" }, // Ditto
  85. { "", "V", 0, Express, "Estimate expression" } // Ditto
  86. };
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