
Slips out of grapple with Wretch

Feb 14th, 2024
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  1. I flew in a course that put me over the 'side' of the growing webwork of glowing teal beams and bars that seemed to stab off into the stratosphere. I had to get to that door before they slipped away. More beams appeared high above, beside, and below me. The cross-bars that connected them slammed out, connecting them all into the solid mass.
  3. Wasn't doable. There had to be twelve of those assholes down there, firing in batteries.
  5. I didn't have any routes to travel that weren't to the sources of the beams- something I wasn't sure would work, traveling in the opposite direction, far enough away that maybe the beams terminated or got far enough apart that there weren't cross-beams, or fly for a gap.
  7. The first and second options meant I wasn't flying down, to get to the woman with the purple fire or the group that was building the door, and they had their own flaws- the fact I was flying into dense webwork and the sheer lack of guarantee, respectively.
  9. I flew for one of the gaps I could have rolled an eighteen wheeler through. Wretch out.
  11. Teal webwork flared around me as I approached. It shrank around me, breaking from the larger structure. A lasso, securing itself around the Wretch with enough force that the Wretch broke.
  13. I slipped the noose in the same way that someone could escape a pursuer by shedding the jacket the pursuer had grabbed. Being smaller, freer, not caring about that which had broke.
  15. - Gleaming 9.5
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